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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 745

by John MacArthur

  shall shake at My p Ezek 38:20

  Be silent in the p Zeph 1:7

  and drank in Your p Luke 13:26

  full of joy in Your p Acts 2:28

  but his bodily p 2 Cor 10:10

  obeyed, not as in my p Phil 2:12


  we are all p before Acts 10:33

  evil is p with me Rom 7:21

  p your bodies a living Rom 12:1

  or death, or things p 1 Cor 3:22

  absent in body but p 1 Cor 5:3

  not only when I am p Gal 4:18

  that He might p Eph 5:27

  to p yourself 2 Tim 2:15

  p you faultless Jude 24


  treasures, they p Matt 2:11

  For just as you p Rom 6:19


  kings will bring p Ps 68:29


  before you to p life Gen 45:5

  You shall p me from Ps 32:7

  O LORD, You p man and Ps 36:6

  He shall p your soul Ps 121:7

  The LORD shall p Ps 121:8

  children, I will p Jer 49:11

  pardon those whom I p Jer 50:20

  loses his life will p Luke 17:33

  every evil work and p 2 Tim 4:18


  and my life is p Gen 32:30

  soul, and body be p 1 Thess 5:23


  For the LORD p the Ps 31:23

  p the souls of His Ps 97:10

  The LORD p the simple Ps 116:6

  who guards his mouth p Prov 13:3

  he who keeps his way p Prov 16:17


  I p toward the goal Phil 3:14


  p her virgin bosom Ezek 23:8

  We are hard p on every 2 Cor 4:8

  For I am hard p Phil 1:23


  servant also from p Ps 19:13


  before them, p madness 1 Sam 21:13


  whole heart, but in p Jer 3:10

  p make long prayers Matt 23:14


  no man shall p 1 Sam 2:9

  our tongue we will p Ps 12:4

  but they shall not p Jer 1:19

  of Hades shall not p Matt 16:18


  hand, that Israel p Ex 17:11

  with the Angel and p Hos 12:4

  grew mightily and p Acts 19:20


  the mountains of p Ps 76:4

  has not given us as p Ps 124:6

  Shall the p be taken Is 49:24

  evil makes himself a p Is 59:15

  shall no longer be a p Ezek 34:22

  when he has no p Amos 3:4


  be weighed for its p Job 28:15

  a fool the purchase p Prov 17:16

  one pearl of great p Matt 13:46

  back part of the p Acts 5:3

  you were bought at a p 1 Cor 6:20


  p come against me Ps 36:11

  p serves as Ps 73:6

  p and arrogance and Prov 8:13

  By p comes nothing Prov 13:10

  P goes before Prov 16:18

  p will bring him low Prov 29:23

  and her daughter had p Ezek 16:49

  p He is able to put down Dan 4:37

  was hardened in p Dan 5:20

  has sworn by the p Amos 8:7

  For the p of the Zech 11:3

  evil eye, blasphemy, p Mark 7:22

  p he fall into the 1 Tim 3:6

  eyes, and the p of life 1 John 2:16


  he was the p of God Gen 14:18

  Myself a faithful p 1 Sam 2:35

  p forever according Ps 110:4

  the p and the prophet Is 28:7

  So He shall be a p Zech 6:13

  of a p should keep Mal 2:17

  and faithful High P Heb 2:17

  we have a great High P Heb 4:14

  p forever according Heb 5:6

  Christ came as High P Heb 9:11


  be an everlasting p Ex 40:15

  have defiled the p Neh 13:29

  p being changed Heb 7:12

  has an unchangeable p Heb 7:24

  house, a holy p 1 Pet 2:5

  generation, a royal p 1 Pet 2:9


  to Me a kingdom of p Ex 19:6

  her p teach for pay Mic 3:11

  made us kings and p Rev 1:6

  but they shall be p Rev 20:6


  “Who made you a p Ex 2:14

  is the house of the p Job 21:28

  is the downfall of a p Prov 14:28

  Everlasting Father, P Is 9:6

  until Messiah the P Dan 9:25

  except Michael your p Dan 10:21

  days without king or p Hos 3:4

  p asks for gifts Mic 7:3

  and killed the P Acts 3:15

  His right hand to be P Acts 5:31

  the p of the power Eph 2:2


  He is not partial to p Job 34:19

  to bind his p at his Ps 105:22

  He may seat him with p Ps 113:8

  to put confidence in p Ps 118:9

  P also sit and speak Ps 119:23

  p and all judges of Ps 148:11

  good, nor to strike p Prov 17:26

  is a child, and your p Eccl 10:16

  of nobles, and your p Eccl 10:17

  children to be their p Is 3:4

  p will rule with Is 32:1

  He brings the p Is 40:23


  Wisdom is the p Prov 4:7


  nor p nor powers Rom 8:38

  p and powers in the heavenly places Eph 3:10

  against p, against powers Eph 6:12

  Having disarmed p and powers Col 2:15


  far above all p Eph 1:21

  is the head of all p Col 2:10


  from the basic p Col 2:20

  again the first p Heb 5:12

  PRISCILLA (or Prisca)

  Wife of Aquila, Acts 18:1–3

  With Aquila, instructs Apollos, Acts 18:26

  Mentioned by Paul, Rom 16:3; 1 Cor 16:19; 2 Tim 4:19


  and put him into the p Gen 39:20

  Bring my soul out of p Ps 142:7

  in darkness from the p Is 42:7

  the opening of the p Is 61:1

  should put him in p Jer 29:26

  John had heard in p Matt 11:2

  I was in p and you Matt 25:36

  to the spirits in p 1 Pet 3:19


  the groaning of the p Ps 79:11

  reason I, Paul, the p Eph 3:1

  Lord, nor of me His p 2 Tim 1:8


  p rest together Job 3:18

  does not despise His p Ps 69:33

  gives freedom to the p Ps 146:7

  the stronghold, you p Zech 9:12

  Remember the p as if Heb 13:3


  the synagogues and p Luke 21:12

  p more frequently 2 Cor 11:23


  life shall be as a p Jer 21:9

  but one receives the p 1 Cor 9:24

  the goal for the p Phil 3:14


  For they p from evil Jer 9:3

  of the same mouth p James 3:10


  for I p forth John 8:42


  by every word that p Deut 8:3

  by every word that p Matt 4:4

  Spirit of truth who p John 15:26

  back part of the p Acts 5:2


  They have seen Your p Ps 68:24


  One of the first seven deacons, Acts 6:5


  you, and I will p Ex 33:19

  p the name of the LORD Deut 32:3

p; p it not in the 2 Sam 1:20

  and they shall p Is 60:6

  began to p it freely Mark 1:45

  knowing, Him I p Acts 17:23

  drink this cup, you p 1 Cor 11:26


  p the good news Ps 40:9

  company of those who p Ps 68:11

  he went his way and p Luke 8:39

  inner rooms will be p Luke 12:3


  “He seems to be a p Acts 17:18


  good news, who p Is 52:7


  seeking to turn the p Acts 13:8

  When Gallio was p Acts 18:12


  with p living Luke 15:13


  land shall yield its p Lev 26:4

  all kinds of p Ps 144:13


  and offered p fire Lev 10:1

  and priest are p Jer 23:11

  “But you p it Mal 1:12

  tried to p the temple Acts 24:6

  But reject p and old 1 Tim 4:7

  p person like Esau Heb 12:16


  p his crown by casting Ps 89:39

  and p My Sabbaths Ezek 22:8

  p the LORD’s holy Mal 2:11


  of Jerusalem p has Jer 23:15


  p the covenant of the Mal 2:10


  They p to know God Titus 1:16


  P to be wise Rom 1:22

  is proper for women p 1 Tim 2:10


  p is there in my blood Ps 30:9

  p has a man from all Eccl 1:3

  There was no p under Eccl 2:11

  for they will not p Is 57:12

  words that cannot p Jer 7:8

  p which you have made Ezek 22:13

  p is it that we have Mal 3:14

  For what p is it to Matt 16:26

  For what will it p Mark 8:36

  For what p is it to Luke 9:25

  her masters much p Acts 16:16

  hope of p was gone Acts 16:19

  brought no small p Acts 19:24

  what is the p of Rom 3:1

  not seeking my own p 1 Cor 10:33

  Christ will p you Gal 5:2

  about words to no p 2 Tim 2:14

  them, but He for our p Heb 12:10

  What does it p James 2:14

  and sell, and make a p James 4:13


  “Can a man be p Job 22:2

  It is doubtless not p 2 Cor 12:1

  of God, and is p 2 Tim 3:16

  things are good and p Titus 3:8

  to you, but now is p Philem 11


  p a man nothing that Job 34:9

  have not love, it p 1 Cor 13:3

  exercise p a little 1 Tim 4:8


  with things too p Ps 131:1


  you will not p your Deut 4:26

  p Your anger to all Ps 85:5

  nor will he p his days Eccl 8:13


  and his days are p Eccl 8:12


  The fear of the LORD p Prov 10:27


  of all His good p 1 Kin 8:56

  Behold, I send the P Luke 24:49

  but to wait for the P Acts 1:4

  For the p is to you Acts 2:39

  p drew near which God Acts 7:17

  for the hope of the p Acts 26:6

  is made void and the p Rom 4:14

  p might be sure Rom 4:16

  it is no longer of p Gal 3:18

  Therefore, since a p Heb 4:1

  to the heirs of p Heb 6:17

  did not receive the p Heb 11:39

  they p them liberty 2 Pet 2:19

  p that He has promised 1 John 2:25


  bless you as He has p Deut 1:11

  He who p is faithful Heb 10:23

  Him faithful who had p Heb 11:11


  For all the p of God 2 Cor 1:20

  his Seed were the p Gal 3:16

  patience inherit the p Heb 6:12

  having received the p Heb 11:13

  great and precious p 2 Pet 1:4


  him disciplines him p Prov 13:24


  which is to them a p Phil 1:28


  by many infallible p Acts 1:3


  you, but for what is p 1 Cor 7:35

  Is it p for a woman to 1 Cor 11:13

  but, which is p 1 Tim 2:10


  Let us walk p Rom 13:13


  miracles, to another p 1 Cor 12:10

  for p never came by 2 Pet 1:21

  is the spirit of p Rev 19:10

  of the book of this p Rev 22:19


  upon them, that they p Num 11:25

  to them, yet they p Jer 23:21

  Lord, have we not p Matt 7:22

  prophets and the law p Matt 11:13

  virgin daughters who p Acts 21:9

  even more that you p 1 Cor 14:5


  for the prophet who p Jer 28:9

  woman who prays or p 1 Cor 11:5

  p edifies the church 1 Cor 14:4


  prophets, “Do not p Is 30:10

  The prophets p falsely Jer 5:31

  your daughters shall p Joel 2:28

  Who can but p Amos 3:8

  saying, “P to us Matt 26:68

  your daughters shall p Acts 2:17

  if prophecy, let us p Rom 12:6

  know in part and we p 1 Cor 13:9

  that you may p 1 Cor 14:1

  desire earnestly to p 1 Cor 14:39


  shall be your p Ex 7:1

  raise up for you a P Deut 18:15

  arisen in Israel a p Deut 34:10

  “I alone am left a p 1 Kin 18:22

  is no longer any p Ps 74:9

  I ordained you a p Jer 1:5

  p is induced to speak Ezek 14:9

  The p is a fool Hos 9:7

  nor was I a son of a p Amos 7:14

  send you Elijah the p Mal 4:5

  p shall receive a Matt 10:41

  p is not without honor Matt 13:57

  by Daniel the p Mark 13:14

  is not a greater p Luke 7:28

  it cannot be that a p Luke 13:33

  Nazareth, who was a P Luke 24:19

  “Are you the P John 1:21

  “This is truly the P John 6:14

  with him the false p Rev 19:20


  Miriam the p Ex 15:20

  Deborah, a p Judg 4:4

  Huldah the p 2 Kin 22:14

  Anna, a p Luke 2:36


  p word confirmed 2 Pet 1:19


  LORD’s people were p Num 11:29

  Saul also among the p 1 Sam 10:12

  the mouth of all his p 1 Kin 22:22

  believe His p 2 Chr 20:20

  Where now are your p Jer 37:19

  prophesy against the p Ezek 13:2

  His servants the p Amos 3:7

  Her p are insolent Zeph 3:4

  the Law or the P Matt 5:17

  is the Law and the P Matt 7:12

  or one of the p Matt 16:14

  the tombs of the p Matt 23:29

  indeed, I send you p Matt 23:34

  one who kills the p Matt 23:37

  Then many false p Matt 24:11

  have Moses and the p Luke 16:29

  You are sons of the p Acts 3:25

  p did your fathers not Acts 7:52

  To Him all the p Acts 10:43

  do you believe the p Acts 26:27

  before through His p Rom 1:2

  by the Law and the P Rom 3:21

  have killed Your p Rom 11:3

  p are subject to th
e 1 Cor 14:32

  to be apostles, some p Eph 4:11

  brethren, take the p James 5:10

  this salvation the p 1 Pet 1:10

  were also false p 2 Pet 2:1

  because many false p 1 John 4:1

  blood of saints and p Rev 16:6

  found the blood of p Rev 18:24

  of your brethren the p Rev 22:9


  set forth as a p Rom 3:25

  to God, to make p Heb 2:17

  He Himself is the p 1 John 2:2

  His Son to be the p 1 John 4:10


  let us prophesy in p Rom 12:6


  modest apparel, with p 1 Tim 2:9


  answer me, that my P Job 31:35


  and sea to win one p Matt 23:15


  Rome, both Jews and p Acts 2:10


  made all he did to p Gen 39:3

  you shall not p Deut 28:29

  and you shall p 2 Chr 20:20

  LORD, God made him p 2 Chr 26:5

  they p who love you Ps 122:6

  his sins will not p Prov 28:13

  of the LORD shall p Is 53:10

  against you shall p Is 54:17

  please, and it shall p Is 55:11

  of the wicked p Jer 12:1

  King shall reign and p Jer 23:5

  storing up as he may p 1 Cor 16:2

  I pray that you may p 3 John 2


  since the LORD has p Gen 24:56


  His ways are always p Ps 10:5


  p all your days Deut 23:6

  p exceed the fame 1 Kin 10:7

  p the destroyer Job 15:21

  spend their days in p Job 36:11

  Now in my p I said Ps 30:6

  has pleasure in the p Ps 35:27

  When I saw the p Ps 73:3

  I pray, send now p Ps 118:25

  the day of p be joyful Eccl 7:14

  that we have our p Acts 19:25


  had made his journey p Gen 24:21

  will make your way p Josh 1:8


  he turns, he p Prov 17:8

  just as your soul p 3 John 2


  of the proud lie p Job 9:13


  p waves must stop Job 38:11

  tongue that speaks p Ps 12:3

  and fully repays the p Ps 31:23

  does not respect the p Ps 40:4

  a haughty look and a p Ps 101:5

  p He knows from afar Ps 138:6

  the house of the p Prov 15:25

  Everyone p Prov 16:5

  p heart stirs up Prov 28:25

  is better than the p Eccl 7:8

  by wine, he is a p Hab 2:5

  He has scattered the p Luke 1:51

  “God resists the p 1 Pet 5:5


  p yourself a man 1 Kin 2:2

  does your arguing p Job 6:25

  mind, that you may p Rom 12:2


  an astonishment, a p Deut 28:37

  incline my ear to a p Ps 49:4

  that hang limp is a p Prov 26:7

  of a drunkard is a p Prov 26:9

  one shall take up a p Mic 2:4

  to the true p 2 Pet 2:22


  spoke three thousand p 1 Kin 4:32


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