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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 746

by John MacArthur

in order many p Eccl 12:9


  “My son, God will p Gen 22:8

  Can He p meat for His Ps 78:20

  prosperity that I p Jer 33:9

  P neither gold nor Matt 10:9

  if anyone does not p 1 Tim 5:8


  these hands have p Acts 20:34

  p something better Heb 11:40


  p food for the raven Job 38:41

  p her supplies in the Prov 6:8


  abundantly bless her p Ps 132:15

  no p for the flesh Rom 13:14


  do not p Him Ex 23:21

  p God are secure Job 12:6

  Do they p Me to Jer 7:19

  p them to jealousy Rom 11:11

  you, fathers, do not p Eph 6:4


  How often they p Ps 78:40

  p the Most High Ps 78:56

  Thus they p Him to Ps 106:29

  his spirit was p Acts 17:16

  seek its own, is not p 1 Cor 13:5


  To give p to the Prov 1:4

  wisdom, dwell with p Prov 8:12

  us in all wisdom and p Eph 1:8


  p man covers shame Prov 12:16

  A p man conceals Prov 12:23

  The wisdom of the p Prov 14:8

  p considers well Prov 14:15

  heart will be called p Prov 16:21

  p acquires knowledge Prov 18:15

  p wife is from the Prov 19:14

  p man foresees evil Prov 22:3

  perished from the p Jer 49:7

  Therefore the p Amos 5:13

  from the wise and p Matt 11:25


  Servant shall deal p Is 52:13


  that bears fruit He p John 15:2


  and the sound of a p Ps 98:5

  in the second P Acts 13:33

  each of you has a p 1 Cor 14:26


  And the sweet p 2 Sam 23:1


  Sing to Him, sing p 1 Chr 16:9

  to one another in p Eph 5:19

  Let him sing p James 5:13


  harp, lyre, and p Dan 3:10


  to be proclaimed and p Jon 3:7


  Now some are p up 1 Cor 4:18

  itself, is not p 1 Cor 13:4

  a novice, lest being p 1 Tim 3:6


  Knowledge p up 1 Cor 8:1


  King of Assyria; same as Tiglath-Pileser, 2 Kin 15:19

  ———Country and people in Africa, Is 66:19


  P me out of the net Ps 31:4

  I will p down my barns Luke 12:18


  take that man and p Deut 22:18

  p the righteous is Prov 17:26

  “I will p the world Is 13:11

  Shall I not p them for Jer 5:9

  p all who oppress them Jer 30:20

  p your iniquity Lam 4:22

  So I will p them for Hos 4:9


  You our God have p Ezra 9:13

  because He has not p Job 35:15

  p them often in every Acts 26:11

  These shall be p 2 Thess 1:9


  will you say when He p Jer 13:21


  p is greater than I Gen 4:13

  you do in the day of p Is 10:3

  p they shall be cast Jer 8:12

  p they shall perish Jer 10:15

  a man for the p Lam 3:39

  The p of the iniquity Lam 4:6

  days of p have come Hos 9:7

  not turn away its p Amos 1:3

  into everlasting p Matt 25:46

  p which was inflicted 2 Cor 2:6

  Of how much worse p Heb 10:29

  sent by him for the p 1 Pet 2:14

  the unjust under p 2 Pet 2:9


  of God could be p Acts 8:20

  of the p possession Eph 1:14


  a mercy seat of p gold Ex 25:17

  Can a man be more p Job 4:17

  if you were p and Job 8:6

  ‘My doctrine is p Job 11:4

  that he could be p Job 15:14

  the heavens are not p Job 15:15

  the stars are not p Job 25:5

  of the LORD are p Ps 12:6

  will show Yourself p Ps 18:26

  To such as are p Ps 73:1

  of the p are pleasant Prov 15:26

  ways of a man are p Prov 16:2

  my heart clean, I am p Prov 20:9

  but as for the p Prov 21:8

  a generation that is p Prov 30:12

  Shall I count p Mic 6:11

  things indeed are p Rom 14:20

  whatever things are p Phil 4:8

  keep yourself p 1 Tim 5:22

  p all things are p Titus 1:15

  above is first p James 3:17

  babes, desire the p 1 Pet 2:2

  just as He is p 1 John 3:3


  p eyes than to behold Hab 1:13


  P me with hyssop Ps 51:7

  p them as gold and Mal 3:3


  away, and your sin p Is 6:7

  He had by Himself p Heb 1:3


  for the water of p Num 19:9

  with the water of p Num 31:23


  earth, p seven times Ps 12:6

  all things are p Heb 9:22

  Since you have p 1 Pet 1:22


  hope in Him p himself 1 John 3:3


  p the sons of Levi Mal 3:3

  and p your hearts James 4:8


  thus p all foods Mark 7:19

  p their hearts by Acts 15:9

  sanctifies for the p Heb 9:13


  called these days P Esth 9:26


  be delivered by the p Job 22:30

  He who loves p of Prov 22:11

  by p, by knowledge 2 Cor 6:6

  spirit, in faith, in p 1 Tim 4:12


  who was clothed in p Luke 16:19

  they put on Him a p John 19:2

  She was a seller of p Acts 16:14


  and fulfill all your p Ps 20:4

  A time for every p Eccl 3:1

  p that is purposed Is 14:26

  But for this p I came John 12:27

  by the determined p Acts 2:23

  them all that with p Acts 11:23

  to the eternal p Eph 3:11

  Now the p of the 1 Tim 1:5

  to fulfill His p Rev 17:17


  For the LORD had p 2 Sam 17:14

  LORD of hosts has p Is 23:9

  But Daniel p in his Dan 1:8

  pleasure which He p Eph 1:9


  each one give as he p 2 Cor 9:7


  let us all have one p Prov 1:14


  p his lips and brings Prov 16:30


  And will You p dry Job 13:25

  p my honor as the wind Job 30:15

  The sword shall p Jer 48:2

  but their hearts p Ezek 33:31

  Let us know, let us p Hos 6:3

  p righteousness Rom 9:30

  P love, and desire 1 Cor 14:1

  p righteousness 1 Tim 6:11

  him seek peace and p 1 Pet 3:11


  Evil p sinners Prov 13:21

  flee when no one p Prov 28:1


  but Israel, p the law Rom 9:31


  Also He has p eternity Eccl 3:11

  pride He is able to p down Dan 4:37

  what you will p on Matt 6:25

sp; p my hand into His John 20:25

  But p on the Lord Rom 13:14


  and it brought q Num 11:31

  and He brought q Ps 105:40


  the whole mountain q Ex 19:18

  and the earth q Matt 27:51


  The earth q before Joel 2:10


  the Father who has q Col 1:12


  see how he seeks a q 2 Kin 5:7

  any fool can start a q Prov 20:3

  He will not q nor cry Matt 12:19

  of the Lord must not q 2 Tim 2:24


  but gentle, not q 1 Tim 3:3


  be made of coral or q Job 28:18


  Q Vashti also made a Esth 1:9

  stands the q in gold Ps 45:9

  burn incense to the q Jer 44:17

  The q of the South Matt 12:42

  under Candace the q Acts 8:27

  heart, ‘I sit as q Rev 18:7


  There are sixty q Song 6:8

  q your nursing mothers Is 49:23


  Many waters cannot q Song 8:7

  so that no one can q Jer 4:4

  flax He will not q Matt 12:20

  q all the fiery Eph 6:16

  Do not q the Spirit 1 Thess 5:19


  LORD, the fire was q Num 11:2

  they were q like a Ps 118:12

  their fire is not q Is 66:24

  that shall never be q Mark 9:43

  and the fire is not q Mark 9:44

  q the violence of fire Heb 11:34


  test him with hard q 1 Kin 10:1

  and asking them q Luke 2:46

  market, asking no q 1 Cor 10:25


  have turned aside q Ex 32:8

  with your adversary q Matt 5:25

  “What you do, do q John 13:27

  Behold, I am coming q Rev 3:11

  “Surely I am coming q Rev 22:20


  q man acts foolishly Prov 14:17

  not self-willed, not q Titus 1:7


  lain still and been q Job 3:13

  ‘Take heed, and be q Is 7:4

  earth is at rest and q Is 14:7

  gladness, He will q Zeph 3:17

  warned him to be q Mark 10:48

  aspire to lead a q 1 Thess 4:11

  we may lead a q and 1 Tim 2:2

  a gentle and q spirit 1 Pet 3:4


  calmed and q my soul Ps 131:2

  the city clerk had q Acts 19:35


  will give peace and q 1 Chr 22:9

  When He gives q Job 34:29

  a handful with q Eccl 4:6

  in q and confidence Is 30:15

  of righteousness, q Is 32:17

  that they work in q 2 Thess 3:12


  q the earth by the Job 37:17


  q rattles against him Job 39:23

  the man who has his q Ps 127:5

  q He has hidden Me Is 49:2

  Their q is like an Jer 5:16


  Treasure city built by Hebrew slaves, Ex 1:11


  Capital of Ammon, Amos 1:14

  Besieged by Joab; defeated and enslaved by David, 2 Sam 12:26–31

  Destruction of, foretold, Jer 49:2, 3


  be called by men, ‘R Matt 23:7

  do not be called ‘R Matt 23:8


  Mary addresses Christ as, John 20:16


  Title applied to:

  Assyrian officials sent by Sennacherib, 2 Kin 18:17

  Babylonian prince, Jer 39:3, 13


  Sent by king of Assyria to threaten Hezekiah, 2 Kin 18:17–37; Is 36:2–22

  The Lord sends rumor to take him away, 2 Kin 19:6–8; Is 37:6–8


  to his brother, ‘R Matt 5:22


  man to run its r Ps 19:5

  r is not to the swift Eccl 9:11

  who run in a r all run 1 Cor 9:24

  I have finished the r 2 Tim 4:7

  with endurance the r Heb 12:1


  Laban’s younger daughter; Jacob’s favorite wife, Gen 29:28–30

  Supports her husband’s position, Gen 31:14–16

  Mother of Joseph and Benjamin, Gen 30:22–25

  Prophecy concerning; quoted, Jer 31:15; Matt 2:18


  to Him and were r Ps 34:5


  Disperse the r of your Job 40:11

  Why do the nations r Ps 2:1

  ‘Why did the nations r Acts 4:25


  he r against all wise Prov 18:1


  clothe a man with r Prov 23:21


  Prostitute in Jericho; helps Joshua’s spies, Josh 2:1–21

  Spared in battle, Josh 6:17–25

  Mentioned in the NT, Matt 1:5; Heb 11:31; James 2:25

  ———Used figuratively of Egypt, Ps 87:4


  had not caused it to r Gen 2:5

  And the r was on the Gen 7:12

  He gives r on the Job 5:10

  to the gentle r Job 37:6

  sent a plentiful r Ps 68:9

  clouds, who prepares r Ps 147:8

  snow in summer and r Prov 26:1

  r which leaves no food Prov 28:3

  not return after the r Eccl 12:2

  the r is over and gone Song 2:11

  our God, who gives r Jer 5:24

  I will r down on him Ezek 38:22

  given you the former r Joel 2:23

  there will be no r Zech 14:17

  the good, and sends r Matt 5:45

  and the r descended Matt 7:25

  He did good, gave us r Acts 14:17

  r that often comes Heb 6:7

  that it would not r James 5:17

  and the heaven gave r James 5:18


  I set My r in the Gen 9:13

  and there was a r Rev 4:3


  had r down manna on Ps 78:24

  r fire and brimstone Luke 17:29


  r righteousness Hos 10:12


  third day He will r Hos 6:2

  that God is able to r Matt 3:9

  in three days I will r John 2:19

  and I will r him up at John 6:40

  Lord and will also r 1 Cor 6:14

  and the Lord will r James 5:15


  this purpose I have r Ex 9:16

  be killed, and be r Matt 16:21

  whom God r up Acts 2:24

  just as Christ was r Rom 6:4

  Spirit of Him who r Rom 8:11

  And God both r up the 1 Cor 6:14

  “How are the dead r 1 Cor 15:35

  and the dead will be r 1 Cor 15:52

  and r us up together Eph 2:6

  then you were r Col 3:1


  r the poor out of the Ps 113:7

  r those who are bowed Ps 146:8

  For as the Father r John 5:21

  but in God who r 2 Cor 1:9


  r which had two horns Dan 8:3


  Fortress built, 1 Kin 15:17–22

  Samuel’s headquarters, 1 Sam 7:15, 17

  David flees to, 1 Sam 19:18–23


  City of refuge east of Jordan, Deut 4:43; Josh 20:8; 1 Chr 6:80

  Site of Ahab’s fatal conflict with Syrians, 1 Kin 22:1–39


  the sweet aroma of r Ps 66:15

  r of Nebaioth shall Is 60:7


  they both r together John 20:4

  You r well G
al 5:7


  r would not help you Job 36:18

  nor give to God a r Ps 49:7

  The r of a man’s life Prov 13:8

  “I will r them from Hos 13:14

  to give His life a r Mark 10:45

  who gave Himself a r 1 Tim 2:6


  and the r of the LORD Is 35:10

  redeemed Jacob, and r Jer 31:11


  of the LORD was r 1 Sam 3:1

  make a mortal more r Is 13:12


  Do not be r with your Eccl 5:2


  so that he spoke r Ps 106:33

  and do nothing r Acts 19:36


  food for the r Job 38:41

  and black as a r Song 5:11


  inwardly they are r Matt 7:15


  and to the young r Ps 147:9

  Consider the r Luke 12:24


  You have r my heart Song 4:9

  r the women in Zion Lam 5:11


  like a sharp r Ps 52:2


  earth, and its top r Gen 28:12

  For her sins have r Rev 18:5


  r forward to those Phil 3:13


  “Have you never r Matt 21:42

  day, and stood up to r Luke 4:16

  hearts, known and r 2 Cor 3:2

  when Moses is r 2 Cor 3:15

  when this epistle is r Col 4:16


  let the r understand Mark 13:14


  the word with all r Acts 17:11

  that as there was a r 2 Cor 8:11


  r the prophet Isaiah Acts 8:30

  give attention to r 1 Tim 4:13


  that he may run who r Hab 2:2

  Blessed is he who r Rev 1:3


  “The LORD was r Is 38:20

  and those who were r Matt 25:10

  “Lord, I am r Luke 22:33

  and being r to punish 2 Cor 10:6

  Be r in season and out 2 Tim 4:2

  and always be r 1 Pet 3:15


  r your love to him 2 Cor 2:8


  in tears shall r Ps 126:5

  r the whirlwind Hos 8:7

  they neither sow nor r Matt 6:26

  you knew that I r Matt 25:26

  that he will also r Gal 6:7

  due season we shall r Gal 6:9


  wheat but r thorns Jer 12:13

  you have r iniquity Hos 10:13


  r does not fill his Ps 129:7


  I will say to the r Matt 13:30

  r are the angels Matt 13:39


  r what I did not Luke 19:22


  One sows and another r John 4:37


  out wisdom and the r Eccl 7:25

  Come now, and let us r Is 1:18

  faith, why do you r Matt 16:8

  words of truth and r Acts 26:25

  who asks you a r 1 Pet 3:15


  for three Sabbaths r Acts 17:2

  r about righteousness Acts 24:25


  Great-niece of Abraham, Gen 22:20–23

  Becomes Isaac’s wife, Gen 24:15–67


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