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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 756

by John MacArthur

  of My people He was s Is 53:8

  You have s them Jer 5:3

  He has s, but He will Hos 6:1


  let there be no s Gen 13:8

  You have made us a s Ps 80:6

  at the waters of s Ps 106:32

  Hatred stirs up s Prov 10:12

  comes nothing but s Prov 13:10

  man stirs up s Prov 15:18

  transgression loves s Prov 17:19

  borne me, a man of s Jer 15:10

  and lust, not in s Rom 13:13

  even from envy and s Phil 1:15

  which come envy, s 1 Tim 6:4


  said, “S this people 2 Kin 6:18

  The sun shall not s Ps 121:6

  Let the righteous s Ps 141:5

  S a scoffer Prov 19:25

  s your hands Ezek 21:14

  s the waves of the sea Zech 10:11

  “S the Shepherd Zech 13:7

  s the earth with a Mal 4:6

  ‘I will s the Shepherd Matt 26:31

  if well, why do you s John 18:23

  the sun shall not s Rev 7:16

  s the earth with all Rev 11:6


  of your s instruments Is 14:11

  of your s instruments Amos 5:23


  S yourselves Is 32:11

  s her naked and expose Hos 2:3


  their iniquity with s Ps 89:32

  s we are healed Is 53:5

  be beaten with many s Luke 12:47

  I received forty s 2 Cor 11:24

  s you were healed 1 Pet 2:24


  “My Spirit shall not s Gen 6:3

  He will not always s Ps 103:9

  Do not s with a man Prov 3:30

  Let the potsherd s Is 45:9

  “S to enter through Luke 13:24

  the Lord not to s 2 Tim 2:14


  for a man to stop s Prov 20:3


  with a mighty s Jer 14:17


  Be s and conduct 1 Sam 4:9

  indeed He is s Job 9:19

  The LORD s and mighty Ps 24:8

  bring me to the s Ps 60:9

  s is Your hand Ps 89:13

  A wise man is s Prov 24:5

  s shall be as tinder Is 1:31

  “We have a s city Is 26:1

  the weak say, ‘I am s Joel 3:10

  When a s man Luke 11:21

  We then who are s Rom 15:1

  I am weak, then I am s 2 Cor 12:10

  are weak and you are s 2 Cor 13:9

  my brethren, be s Eph 6:10

  weakness were made s Heb 11:34

  s is the Lord God Rev 18:8


  of my salvation, my s Ps 18:2

  down the trusted s Prov 21:22


  pulling down s 2 Cor 10:4


  s the rock twice Num 20:11

  the hand of God has s Job 19:21

  s all my enemies Ps 3:7

  Behold, He s the rock Ps 78:20

  I was angry and s Is 57:17

  in My wrath I s Is 60:10

  s the head from the Hab 3:13

  I s you with blight Hag 2:17

  took the reed and s Matt 27:30

  Him, they s Him on the Luke 22:64


  shall bring forth s Is 33:11

  his sword, as driven s Is 41:2

  they shall be as s Is 47:14

  s that passes Jer 13:24

  do wickedly will be s Mal 4:1


  If a man has a s Deut 21:18

  and s children Ezek 2:4


  “Listen to Me, you s Is 46:12


  do not look on the s Deut 9:27


  having never s John 7:15


  causes them to s Ps 119:165

  to make my steps s Ps 140:4

  your foot will not s Prov 3:23

  know what makes them s Prov 4:19

  one will be weary or s Is 5:27

  among them shall s Is 8:15

  we s at noonday as at Is 59:10

  that they might not s Is 63:13

  before your feet s Jer 13:16

  they will s and fall Jer 46:6

  have caused many to s Mal 2:8

  you will be made to s Matt 26:31

  if all are made to s Matt 26:33

  immediately they s Mark 4:17

  who believe in Me to s Mark 9:42

  the day, he does not s John 11:9

  Who is made to s 2 Cor 11:29

  whole law, and yet s James 2:10

  For we all s in many James 3:2


  and those who s 1 Sam 2:4

  God, for you have s Hos 14:1

  s that they should Rom 11:11


  word, immediately he s Matt 13:21


  the deaf, nor put a s Lev 19:14

  but a stone of s Is 8:14

  Behold, I will lay s Jer 6:21

  watched for my s Jer 20:10

  it became their s Ezek 7:19

  stumbled at that s Rom 9:32

  I lay in Zion a s Rom 9:33

  this, not to put a s Rom 14:13

  to the Jews a s 1 Cor 1:23

  of yours become a s 1 Cor 8:9

  and “A stone of s 1 Pet 2:8

  is no cause for s 1 John 2:10

  to keep you from s Jude 24


  and regarded as s Job 18:3

  who hates correction is s Prov 12:1

  Surely I am more s Prov 30:2


  s the peoples under us Ps 47:3

  shall s three kings Dan 7:24

  s our iniquities Mic 7:19

  s all things to Phil 3:21


  for it is not s Rom 8:7

  Let every soul be s Rom 13:1

  all things are made s 1 Cor 15:28

  Himself will also be s 1 Cor 15:28

  Remind them to be s Titus 3:1

  all their lifetime s Heb 2:15

  having been made s 1 Pet 3:22


  because of Him who s Rom 8:20


  put all things in s Heb 2:8

  more readily be in s Heb 12:9


  in silence with all s 1 Tim 2:11

  his children in s 1 Tim 3:4


  Wives, likewise, be s 1 Pet 3:1

  Yes, all of you be s 1 Pet 5:5


  Your enemies shall s Ps 66:3

  Wives, s to your own Eph 5:22

  Therefore s to God James 4:7

  s yourselves to every 1 Pet 2:13

  you younger people, s 1 Pet 5:5


  s to one another Eph 5:21


  and the waters s Gen 8:1

  the king’s wrath s Esth 7:10


  Bless his s Deut 33:11

  the LORD, and their s Mic 4:13


  For this will not s Num 14:41

  you shall not s Jer 32:5


  please give me s Gen 24:12

  You spoil my s Job 30:22

  but wisdom brings s Eccl 10:10


  Joseph, and he was a s Gen 39:2


  Place east of the Jordan, Judg 8:4, 5

  Jacob’s residence here, Gen 33:17

  ———Israel’s first camp, Ex 12:37


  whom you seek, will s Mal 3:1

  s there was with the Luke 2:13


  s you and take away Matt 5:40


  for a stranger will s Prov 11:15

  for the Christ to s Luke 24:46

  Christ, if indeed we s Rom 8:17

  all the members s 1 Cor 12:26

  that they may not s Gal 6:12

  in Him, but also to s Phil 1:29

  s trouble as an 2 Tim 2:9

  when you do good and s 1 Pet 2:20

  the will of God, to s 1 Pet 3:17

  s as a murderer 1 Pet 4:15

  you are about to s Rev 2:10


  s these things and to Luke 24:26

  Have you s so many Gal 3:4

  for whom I have s Phil 3:8

  with His own blood, s Heb 13:12

  because Christ also s 1 Pet 2:21

  For Christ also s 1 Pet 3:18

  since Christ s 1 Pet 4:1

  after you have s 1 Pet 5:10


  My eyes bring s Lam 3:51

  Is anyone among you s James 5:13

  forth as an example, s Jude 7


  I consider that the s Rom 8:18

  share with me in the s 2 Tim 1:8

  perfect through s Heb 2:10

  great struggle with s Heb 10:32

  beforehand the s 1 Pet 1:11


  Love s long and is 1 Cor 13:4


  but our s is from God 2 Cor 3:5

  always having all s 2 Cor 9:8


  S for the day is its Matt 6:34

  by the majority is s 2 Cor 2:6

  Not that we are s 2 Cor 3:5


  by the hand of a s Lev 16:21


  How great is the s Ps 139:17

  s I obtained this Acts 22:28


  commandment, are all s Rom 13:9


  and heat, winter and s Gen 8:22

  into the drought of s Ps 32:4

  You have made s Ps 74:17

  you know that s Matt 24:32


  fine linen and fared s Luke 16:19


  So the s stood still Josh 10:13

  grows green in the s Job 8:16

  a tabernacle for the s Ps 19:4

  the LORD God is a s Ps 84:11

  s shall not strike you Ps 121:6

  the s to rule by day Ps 136:8

  to behold the s Eccl 11:7

  while the s and the Eccl 12:2

  moon, clear as the s Song 6:10

  s will be sevenfold Is 30:26

  s returned ten degrees Is 38:8

  s shall no longer be Is 60:19

  LORD, who gives the s Jer 31:35

  the s and moon grow Joel 2:10

  s shall be turned Joel 2:31

  s shall go down on the Mic 3:6

  The s and moon stood Hab 3:11

  S of Righteousness shall arise Mal 4:2

  for He makes His s Matt 5:45

  the s was darkened Luke 23:45

  is one glory of the s 1 Cor 15:41

  do not let the s Eph 4:26

  s became black as Rev 6:12

  s shall not strike Rev 7:16

  had no need of the s Rev 21:23


  man gave a great s Luke 14:16

  to eat the Lord’s S 1 Cor 11:20

  took the cup after s 1 Cor 11:25

  together for the s Rev 19:17


  s that you have made 1 Kin 9:3

  and make your s Job 8:5

  LORD has heard my s Ps 6:9

  to the LORD I made s Ps 30:8

  Yourself from my s Ps 55:1

  Let my s come before Ps 119:170

  They will make s Is 45:14

  with all prayer and s Eph 6:18

  by prayer and s Phil 4:6


  Now may He who s 2 Cor 9:10

  Therefore He who s Gal 3:5

  by what every joint s Eph 4:16


  s what was lacking Phil 2:30

  And my God shall s Phil 4:19


  but the LORD was my s 2 Sam 22:19

  this, that you must s Acts 20:35


  to the king as s 1 Pet 2:13


  s your sin will find Num 32:23

  but no man is s Job 24:22

  call and election s 2 Pet 1:10


  Be s for Your servant Ps 119:122

  one who hates being s Prov 11:15

  Jesus has become a s Heb 7:22


  But you shall s 2 Kin 11:8

  LORD, mercy shall s Ps 32:10


  the waves of death s 2 Sam 22:5

  The pangs of death s Ps 18:4

  The pains of death s Ps 116:3

  All nations s me Ps 118:10

  their own deeds have s Hos 7:2

  and the floods s Jon 2:3

  also, since we are s Heb 12:1


  was no refugee or s Lam 2:22


  Believing woman ministering to Christ, Luke 8:2, 3


  reviling, evil s 1 Tim 6:4


  You will s him on his Ps 41:3

  of a man will s Prov 18:14

  S me with cakes of Song 2:5


  thick darkness its s Job 38:9

  Him in s cloths Luke 2:7


  like a flying s Prov 26:2

  Like a crane or a s Is 38:14

  s observe the time Jer 8:7

  great fish to s Jonah Jon 1:17

  a gnat and s a camel Matt 23:24


  shall I make you s 1 Kin 22:16

  in the earth shall s Is 65:16

  s oaths by the LORD Zeph 1:5

  ‘You shall not s Matt 5:33

  began to curse and s Matt 26:74

  because He could s Heb 6:13

  my brethren, do not s James 5:12


  By s and lying Hos 4:2


  he who s to his own Ps 15:4

  everyone who s by Him Ps 63:11

  but whoever s by the Matt 23:18


  In the s of your face Gen 3:19

  Then His s became like Luke 22:44


  Though evil is s Job 20:12

  s are Your words Ps 119:103

  His mouth is most s Song 5:16

  but it will be as s Rev 10:9


  ‘Should I cease my s Judg 9:11

  called prudent, and s Prov 16:21

  mouth like honey in s Ezek 3:3


  they speak great s 2 Pet 2:18


  s as the eagle flies Deut 28:49

  pass by like s ships Job 9:26

  handles the bow, the s Amos 2:15

  let every man be s James 1:19


  His word runs very s Ps 147:15


  night I make my bed s Ps 6:6


  as they s like the Lam 2:12


  s which turned every Gen 3:24

  but not with your s Josh 24:12

  the wicked with Your s Ps 17:13

  land by their own s Ps 44:3

  my bow, nor shall my s Ps 44:6

  their tongue a sharp s Ps 57:4

  shall not lift up s Is 2:4

  s shall be bathed Is 34:5

  The s of the LORD is Is 34:6

  And I will send a s Jer 9:16

  will die by the s Ezek 7:15

  ‘A s, a s is sharpened Ezek 21:9

  ‘A s, a s is drawn Ezek 21:28

  Bow and s of battle I Hos 2:18

  “Awake, O s Zech 13:7

  to bring peace but a s Matt 10:34

  for all who take the s Matt 26:52

  s will pierce through Luke 2:35

  he does not bear the s Rom 13:4

  the s of the Spirit Eph 6

  than any two-edged s Heb 4:12

  a sharp two-edged s Rev 1:16

  mouth goes a sharp s Rev 19:15


  yet they were drawn s Ps 55:21

  shall beat their s Is 2:4

  look, here are two s Luke 22:38


  So I s in My wrath Ps 95:11

  So I s in My wrath Heb 3:11

  and s by Him who lives Rev 10:6


  “By Myself I have s Gen 22:16

  The LORD has s in Ps 132:11

  I have s by Myself Is 45:23

  “The LORD has s Heb 7:21


  which things are s Gal 4:24

  It was s for the Heb 9:9


  I have given s through Hos 12:10


  Priest who cannot s Heb 4:15


  My s is stirred Hos 11:8


  He went into the s Luke 4:16

  but are a s of Satan Rev 2:9


  Abraham’s kindred, Gen 22:20–23; 25:20

  Hostile to Israel, 2 Sam 8:11–13; 10:6–19; 1 Kin 20:1–34; 22:1–38; 2 Kin 6:8–7:7

  Defeated by Assyria, 2 Kin 16:9

  Destruction of, foretold, Is 17:1–3

  Gospel preached to, Acts 15:23, 41


  Daughter of, freed of demon, Mark 7:25–31


  Israelite camp; fire destroys many there, Num 11:1–3


  you shall make the t Ex 26:1

  t He shall hide me Ps 27:5

  I will abide in Your t Ps 61:4

  In Salem also is His t Ps 7 6.2

  How lovely is Your t Ps 84:1

  quiet home, a t Is 33:20

  You also took up the t Acts 7:43

  and will rebuild the t Acts 15:16

  and more perfect t Heb 9:11

  Behold, the t Rev 21:3


  us make here three t Matt 17:4

  Feast of T was at hand John 7:2




  shall also make a t Ex 25:23

  prepare a t before me Ps 23:5

  t become a snare Ps 69:22

  dogs under the t Mark 7:28

  t become a snare Rom 11:9

  of the Lord’s t 1 Cor 10:21


  t are full of vomit Is 28:8

  and overturned the t Matt 21:12

  of God and serve t Acts 6:2


  write them on the t Prov 3:3

  is engraved on the t Jer 17:1


  Scene of rally against Sisera, Judg 4:6, 12, 14

  TAHPANHES (or Tehaphnehes)

  City of Egypt; refuge of fleeing Jews, Jer 2:16; 44:1; Ezek 30:18


  the head and not the t Deut 28:13

  t drew a third of the Rev 12:4


  T your sandal off your Josh 5:15

  t Your Holy Spirit Ps 51:11

  t not the word of Ps 119:43

  in You I t shelter Ps 143:9

  t words with you Hos 14:2

  T My yoke upon Matt 11:29

  T what is yours and Matt 20:14

  and t up his cross Mark 8:34

  T this cup away Mark 14:36

  My life that I may t John 10:17

  I urge you to t heart Acts 27:22


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