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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

Page 757

by John MacArthur


  you are t by the words Prov 6:2

  He was t from prison Is 53:8

  one will be t and the Matt 24:40

  what he has will be t Mark 4:25

  He was t up Acts 1:9

  until He is t out of 2 Thess 2:7

  By faith Enoch was t away Heb 11:5


  not go about as a t Lev 19:16

  t reveals secrets Prov 11:13


  went and hid your t Matt 25:25


  shall t of them when Deut 6:7

  t be vindicated Job 11:2

  with unprofitable t Job 15:3

  My tongue also shall t Ps 71:24

  entangle Him in His t Matt 22:15

  I will no longer t John 14:30

  turned aside to idle t 1 Tim 1:6


  within us while He t Luke 24:32


  both idle t and Titus 1:10


  to a nation t and Is 18:2


  Wife of Er and mother of Perez and Zerah, Gen 38:6–30

  ———Absalom’s sister, 2 Sam 13:1–32


  They sing to the t Job 21:12

  The mirth of the t Is 24:8


  the t also appeared Matt 13:26


  You set me as Your t Job 7:20

  and set me up as a t Lam 3:12


  who turns aside to t Jer 14:8

  come and will not t Heb 10:37


  City at a great distance from Palestine, Jon 1:3

  Ships of, noted in commerce, Ps 48:7


  Paul’s birthplace, Acts 21:39

  Saul sent to, Acts 9:30

  Visited by Barnabas, Acts 11:25


  Sent to fight against Jerusalem, 2 Kin 18:17


  this burdensome t Eccl 1:13


  and its t was like the Num 11:8

  Oh, t and see that the Ps 34:8

  are Your words to my t Ps 119:103

  was sweet to my t Song 2:3

  Do not touch, do not t Col 2:21

  might t death for Heb 2:9


  But when He had t Matt 27:34

  t the heavenly gift Heb 6:4

  t the good word Heb 6:5

  t that the Lord is 1 Pet 2:3


  O God, You have t Ps 71:17

  as His counselor has t Is 40:13

  presence, and You t Luke 13:26

  they shall all be t John 6:45

  but as My Father t John 8:28

  from man, nor was I t Gal 1:12


  and a byword, a t Jer 24:9


  t collectors do the Matt 5:46

  received the temple t Matt 17:24

  I say to you that t Matt 21:31

  Show Me the t Matt 22:19


  take customs or t Matt 17:25

  Is it lawful to pay t Matt 22:17

  forbidding to pay t Luke 23:2

  t to whom t Rom 13:7


  t them diligently Deut 6:7

  t Jacob Your judgments Deut 33:10

  t you the good and the 1 Sam 12:23

  “Can anyone t Job 21:22

  “I will t you about Job 27:11

  t me what I do not see Job 34:32

  t me Your paths Ps 25:4

  T me Your way Ps 27:11

  t you the fear of the Ps 34:11

  t You awesome things Ps 45:4

  t transgressors Your Ps 51:13

  So t us to number our Ps 90:12

  He will t us His ways Is 2:3

  “Whom will he t Is 28:9

  a bribe, her priests t Mic 3:11

  t the way of God in Matt 22:16

  in My name, He will t John 14:26

  even nature itself t 1 Cor 11:14

  permit a woman to t 1 Tim 2:12

  things command and t 1 Tim 4:11

  T and exhort these 1 Tim 6:2

  t you again the first Heb 5:12


  for One is your T Matt 23:8

  asked Him, “Good T Mark 10:17

  know that You are a t John 3:2

  You call Me T John 13:13

  named Gamaliel, a t Acts 5:34

  a t of babes, having Rom 2:20

  a t of the Gentiles in 1 Tim 2:7


  than all my t Ps 119:99

  t will not be moved Is 30:20

  prophets, third t 1 Cor 12:28

  and some pastors and t Eph 4:11

  desiring to be t 1 Tim 1:7

  time you ought to be t Heb 5:12

  of you become t James 3:1

  there will be false t 2 Pet 2:1


  therefore He t sinners Ps 25:8

  the Holy Spirit t 1 Cor 2:13

  If anyone t otherwise 1 Tim 6:3

  the same anointing t 1 John 2:27


  t them to observe all Matt 28:20

  they did not cease t Acts 5:42

  he who teaches, in t Rom 12:7

  t every man in all Col 1:28

  t things which they Titus 1:11

  t us that Titus 2:12


  lest they t me like a Ps 7:2

  I, even I, will t Hos 5:14

  feet, and turn and t Matt 7:6

  will wipe away every t Rev 21:4


  I have seen your t 2 Kin 20:5

  my couch with my t Ps 6:6

  t have been my food Ps 42:3

  with the bread of t Ps 80:5

  drench you with my t Is 16:9

  GOD will wipe away t Is 25:8

  eyes may run with t Jer 9:18

  My eyes fail with t Lam 2:11

  His feet with her t Luke 7:38

  night and day with t Acts 20:31

  mindful of your t 2 Tim 1:4

  vehement cries and t Heb 5:7

  it diligently with t Heb 12:17


  t whiter than milk Gen 49:12

  by the skin of my t Job 19:20

  You have broken the t Ps 3:7

  As vinegar to the t Prov 10:26

  you cleanness of t Amos 4:6


  Home of a wise woman, 2 Sam 14:2, 4, 9

  Home of Amos, Amos 1:1


  that you may t it to Ps 48:13

  the message that I t Jon 3:2

  Who can t if God Jon 3:9

  t him his fault Matt 18:15

  whatever they t Matt 23:3

  He comes, He will t John 4:25


  Tribe in northeast Edom, Gen 36:34

  Judgment pronounced against, Amos 1:12

  God appears from, Hab 3:3


  for the prize is t in all 1 Cor 9:25

  husband of one wife, t 1 Tim 3:2


  the windy storm and t Ps 55:8

  one, tossed with t Is 54:11

  And suddenly a great t Matt 8:24


  So Solomon built the t 1 Kin 6:14

  LORD is in His holy t Ps 11:4

  to inquire in His t Ps 27:4

  suddenly come to His t Mal 3:1

  One greater than the t Matt 12:6

  murdered between the t Matt 23:35

  found Him in the t Luke 2:46

  “Destroy this t John 2:19

  was speaking of the t John 2:21

  one accord in the t Acts 2:46

  that you are the t 1 Cor 3:16

  your body is the t 1 Cor 6:19

  grows into a holy t Eph 2:21

  sits as God in the t 2 Thess 2:4

  Then the t of God was Rev 11:19

  But I saw no t in it Rev 21:22

  and the Lamb are its t Rev 21:22


nbsp; t made with hands Acts 7:48


  which are seen are t 2 Cor 4:18


  Why do you t the LORD Ex 17:2

  they even t God Mal 3:15

  t the LORD your God Matt 4:7

  that Satan does not t 1 Cor 7:5

  nor let us t Christ 1 Cor 10:9

  nor does He Himself t James 1:13


  do not lead us into t Matt 6:13

  lest you enter into t Matt 26:41

  in time of t fall away Luke 8:13

  t has overtaken you 1 Cor 10:13

  to be rich fall into t 1 Tim 6:9

  the man who endures t James 1:12


  forty days, t by Satan Mark 1:13

  not allow you to be t 1 Cor 10:13

  lest you also be t Gal 6:1

  has suffered, being t Heb 2:18

  in all points t Heb 4:15

  But each one is t James 1:14


  Now when the t came Matt 4:3


  your heart was t 2 Kin 22:19

  t shoots will not Job 14:7

  no more be called t Is 47:1

  through the t mercy of Luke 1:78

  put on t mercies Col 3:12


  to one another, t Eph 4:32

  love as brothers, be t 1 Pet 3:8


  t a flock and does not 1 Cor 9:7


  shall know that your t Job 5:24

  like a shepherd’s t Is 38:12

  the place of your t Is 54:2

  My t is plundered Jer 10:20

  earthly house, this t 2 Cor 5:1

  long as I am in this t 2 Pet 1:13

  I must put off my t 2 Pet 1:14


  occupation they were t Acts 18:3


  those who dwell in t Gen 4:20

  “How lovely are your t Num 24:5

  The t of robbers Job 12:6

  than dwell in the t Ps 84:10

  I dwell among the t Ps 120:5

  LORD will save the t Zech 12:7


  Father of Abram, Gen 11:26

  Idolater, Josh 24:2

  Dies in Haran, Gen 11:25–32


  bodies and t bodies 1 Cor 15:40


  t wilderness Deut 1:19

  haughtiness of the t Is 13:11

  is great and very t Joel 2:11


  to you, ‘Do not be t Deut 1:29

  But they were t Luke 24:37

  and not in any way t Phil 1:28


  and the Almighty t Job 23:16


  me with dreams and t Job 7:14

  not let dread of Him t Job 9:34

  are coming to t them Zech 1:21


  t was the sight Heb 12:21


  there shall be t Deut 32:25

  are nothing, you see t Job 6:21

  not be afraid of the t Ps 91:5

  I will make you a t Jer 20:4

  but a great t fell Dan 10:7


  the t of God are Job 6:4

  T frighten him on Job 18:11

  before the king of t Job 18:14

  T overtake him like a Job 27:20

  consumed with t Ps 73:19


  Orator who accuses Paul, Acts 24:1–8


  God has come to t you Ex 20:20

  t him with hard 1 Kin 10:1

  behold, His eyelids t Ps 11:4

  t them as gold is Zech 13:9

  said, “Why do you t Matt 22:18

  t the Spirit of the Acts 5:9

  why do you t God by Acts 15:10

  and the fire will t 1 Cor 3:13

  T yourselves 2 Cor 13:5

  T all things 1 Thess 5:21

  but t the spirits 1 John 4:1


  where there is a t Heb 9:16

  For a t is in force Heb 9:17


  be the death of the t Heb 9:16


  that God t Abraham Gen 22:1

  You have t my heart Ps 17:3

  And they t God in Ps 78:18

  t you at the waters of Ps 81:7

  When your fathers t Ps 95:9

  t them ten days Dan 1:14

  also first be t 1 Tim 3:10

  Where your fathers t Heb 3:9

  though it is t by fire 1 Pet 1:7

  t those who say they Rev 2:2


  Yet the LORD t against 2 Kin 17:13

  he who has seen has t John 19:35

  for as you have t Acts 23:11

  t beforehand the 1 Pet 1:11

  of God which He has t 1 John 5:9


  and heard, that He t John 3:32

  that the Holy Spirit t Acts 20:23


  yes, your own lips t Job 15:6

  You, and our sins t Is 59:12

  T against Me Mic 6:3

  t what We have John 3:11

  these are they which t John 5:39

  t that the Father 1 John 4:14

  sent My angel to t Rev 22:16


  was righteous, God t Heb 11:4

  t that this is 1 Pet 5:12


  those who keep His t Ps 119:2

  for I have kept Your t Ps 119:22

  t are my meditation Ps 119:99

  I love Your t Ps 119:119

  t are wonderful Ps 119:129


  two tablets of the T Ex 31:18

  For He established a t Ps 78:5

  that I may keep the t Ps 119:88

  Bind up the t Is 8:16

  under your feet as a t Mark 6:11

  Now this is the t John 1:19

  no one receives His t John 3:32

  who has received His t John 3:33

  in your law that the t John 8:17

  and we know that his t John 21:24

  declaring to you the t 1 Cor 2:1

  obtained a good t Heb 11:2

  he had this t Heb 11:5

  not believed the t 1 John 5:10

  And this is the t 1 John 5:11

  For the t of Jesus is Rev 19:10


  came to Him, t Him Matt 19:3

  knowing that the t James 1:3


  the righteous God t Ps 7:9

  gold, but the LORD t Prov 17:3

  men, but God who t 1 Thess 2:4


  One of the Twelve, Mark 3:18


  “I t You and praise Dan 2:23

  “I t You, Father Matt 11:25

  t that servant because Luke 17:9

  t You that I am not Luke 18:11

  First, I t my God Rom 1:8

  t Christ Jesus our 1 Tim 1:12


  Be t to Him Ps 100:4

  Him as God, nor were t Rom 1:21


  Felix, with all t Acts 24:3


  the cup, and gave t Matt 26:27

  t He distributed them John 6:11

  for he gives God t Rom 14:6

  T be to God for His 2 Cor 9:15

  giving t always for Eph 5:20

  t can we render 1 Thess 3:9


  with the voice of t Ps 26:7

  Offer to God t Ps 50:14

  His presence with t Ps 95:2

  into His gates with t Ps 100:4

  the sacrifices of t Ps 107:22

  supplication, with t Phil 4:6

  vigilant in it with t Col 4:2

  to be received with t 1 Tim 4:3


  and rushed into the t Acts 19:29


  Luke addresses his writings to, Luke 1:3; Acts 1:1


  Paul preaches in, Acts 17:1–13

  Paul writes letters to churches of, 1 Thess 1:1


  When you saw a t Ps 50:18

  do not despise a t Prov 6:30

  t hates his own life Prov 29:24

  t is ashamed when he Jer 2:26

  the windows like a t Joel 2:9

  t shall be expelled Zech 5:3

  known what hour the t Matt 24:43

  t approaches nor moth Luke 12:33

  way, the same is a t John 10:1

  because he was a t John 12:6

  Lord will come as a t 2 Pet 3:10

  upon you as a t Rev 3:3


  And companions of t Is 1:23

  destroy and where t Matt 6:19

  before Me and t John 10:8


  them hip and t with a Judg 15:8

  good piece, the t Ezek 24:4


  in heaven give good t Matt 7:11

  evil, speak good t Matt 12:34

  kept all these t Luke 2:51

  Lazarus evil t Luke 16:25

  the Scriptures the t Luke 24:27

  share in all good t Gal 6:6


  nor does his heart t Is 10:7

  t that they will be Matt 6:7

  t you have eternal John 5:39

  not to t of himself Rom 12:3

  of ourselves to t 2 Cor 3:5

  all that we ask or t Eph 3:20


  yet the LORD t upon me Ps 40:17

  for as he t in his Prov 23:7

  t that he knows 1 Cor 8:2

  t he stands take heed 1 Cor 10:12

  For if anyone t Gal 6:3

  t he is religious James 1:26


  tongues fail for t Is 41:17

  those who hunger and t Matt 5:6

  in Me shall never t John 6:35

  said, “I t!”John 19:28

  we both hunger and t 1 Cor 4:11

  anymore nor t anymore Rev 7:16


  My soul t for God Ps 42:2

  saying, “If anyone t John 7:37

  if he t Rom 12:20

  freely to him who t Rev 21:6

  And let him who t Rev 22:17


  and if he is t Prov 25:21

  as when a t man dreams Is 29:8

  the drink of the t Is 32:6

  t land springs of Is 35:7

  on him who is t Is 44:3

  but you shall be t Is 65:13

  I was t and you gave Matt 25:35

  we see You hungry or t Matt 25:44


  t grow instead of Job 31:40

  or figs from t Matt 7:16


  Apostle of Christ, Matt 10:3

  Ready to die with Christ, John 11:16

  Doubts Christ’s resurrection, John 20:24–29


  t that goes into the Prov 26:9

  t shall come up the Is 55:13

  a t in the flesh was 2 Cor 12:7


  gather grapes from t Matt 7:16


  Both t and thistles it Gen 3:18

  T and snares are Prov 22:5

  all overgrown with t Prov 24:31

  the crackling of t Eccl 7:6

  Like a lily among t Song 2:2

  and do not sow among t Jer 4:3

  wheat but reaped t Jer 12:13

  And some fell among t Matt 13:7


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