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The Lying, the Witch, and the Werewolf (Down & Dirty Supernatural Cleaning Services Book 4)

Page 19

by Kate Karyus Quinn

  But I don’t. Figuring one good slug deserves another, I ball up my fist and put all my muscle into a swing that ends right on Brent’s nose. There’s a cracking noise, which I think is partially his cartilage, but maybe also some of the bones in my hand. I don’t care, though; it’s totally worth it to hear him cry out and then see the blood spurt out like a water fountain.

  “If I were you, I’d hide,” I tell him. “You have twenty women out for your balls.”

  He steps forward, blood gushing from his nose. “But you saved me, Paige. You must still love me.”

  I let him get close to me and when he leans down I whisper in his ear. “Get this through your selfish, scheming head. I do not love you. Even if I could forgive you trying to kill me, and all the lying, and even you being a bigot…” I take a step back. “I can’t forgive you for killing my best friend’s brother.” I use all the strength I have and kick Brent right in his dick.

  Shauna whoops. “That’s for Kit, you turd-burger!”

  Brent slides to the ground and I am beyond caring if he’s found by his many lovers. I did what I could. I warned him.

  Done with this asshole—hopefully for good—I turn to Shauna.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Well, I turned on the TV and—” Shauna stops and bounces around happily. “By the way, Darron bought a new TV and he built this plexiglass surround to keep it safe, although it does make the picture a little blurry. You get used to it, though—”

  “Shauna,” I interrupt. “What did you see on TV?”

  “Oh lots. Darron and I had a real housewives marathon this weekend. Wow, there are so many real housewives, I had no idea. Then we got sick of those dramatic bitches and switched to—”

  Cutting in once more, I try for greater specificity this time. “What did you see on TV that brought you here?”

  Shauna puts her hands on her tiny hips. “If you would stop interrupting me, then maybe I would tell you.” She huffs for a moment and then with a shake of her pink pigtails, leans into me with a twinkle in her eyes. “People are having sex in the street. And the TV news people were saying it had something to do with Together We Come. So I turned to Darron and said, ‘I bet you a kabillion dollars Paige is down there too.’ And he said, ‘Honey, only an idiot would take that bet’.” Shauna gives me a bright smile. “Also he said to give you his love and tell you he missed you, but he had to go to work and he’ll catch up with you later.”

  “I missed you guys too,” I say and realize that I mean it. Somewhere along the way, Shauna and Darron have become my family. “Please tell me Vanna is nearby,” I add. “I’m ready to go home.”

  “Yep,” Shauna confirms. “I double parked her, but told her to skadoodle if it looked like someone was gonna ticket her.”

  “Okay, let’s hurry then,” I say.

  We head out the back doors, trying to avoid the crowds out front. When I get home, I’ll text Nico and make sure he got out okay, but I’m pretty sure he can take care of himself.

  As we walk along the little alley behind the convention center Shauna suddenly darts ahead and picks something off the ground. It’s one of the chocolate bars. Someone must’ve thought better of eating theirs.

  “Shauna, put that down,” I say in the same voice I use with Shit. Unfortunately, much like Shit, she ignores me. Bringing the bar to her nose, she inhales deeply.

  “It’s okay,” she says. “I don’t eat sugar anymore, but sometimes I still like to smell it.” Even as she’s telling me this, her fingers tug at the wrapping, pulling the chocolate free.

  “Shauna, no!” I yell while running toward her, reaching for the bar.

  She zips away, shoving the candy into her little mouth as fast as she can. “Oohmuhgawds, soooguuud,” she moans around the thick wad of chocolate.

  I say nothing. It’s too late to stop her; now all I can do is wait to find out what she desires.

  It doesn’t take long.

  “MORE!” Shauna says, even as she’s swallowing the last of the bar. “I need more chocolate. More sugar. More candy! I’m fae! I need sugar. I desire sugar!” Before I can offer to make her all the sugary foods she wants at home, Shauna shrinks into her pixie size and with her wings going full speed, disappears from sight in the time it takes me to blink.

  And there it is. Actually, I’m relieved that it’s only sugar she wants and not beauty. She worked so hard to get clean...hopefully she’s at the point where indulging in a little sugar won’t set her back. Although her manic dash to find sugar doesn’t exactly bode well.

  Shaking my head, I pick up my pace. I need to find Vanna, then see if Nico can help me track down Shauna. I know he’ll be worried about her too.

  I shake my head, ruefully. Sometimes it feels like my work is never done.

  But then I remind myself that I did find Vicky and will be able to give her brother a full report on Together We Come. He can do whatever he wants with that information...after he pays me. With that money, maybe I could even take a real vacation. The spa weekend I lied to McGinnis about sounds real good right about—

  The sound of glass shattering causes me to spin on my heel.

  “Hello?” I call out. “Shauna?” No answer. I swallow. Hard. Realizing I’m all alone out here without another soul in sight. “Nico?”

  My heart hammers so loud it’s almost all I can hear...and then I see a streak of black leap from the top of a dumpster. A cat. I laugh, the sound shaky. I just had a total freakout over a dumpster-diving cat.

  I really need that spa vacation, I guess. I turn back the way I was going and come face to face with a man in a ski mask.

  I open my mouth to scream, but all that comes out is a garbled moan as he presses a taser to my chest, sending electricity shooting through my body. He stands over my body as blackness takes me.

  * * *

  I don’t know how long I’ve been out, but when I open my eyes, everything is dark. I can’t move my arms or legs; I’m tied up. I try to scream but there’s a gag in my mouth. I flail desperately and manage to adjust myself so at least I’m not lying on my face.

  I realize I’m in the back of a van. I’m on a lot of people’s shit list, but who hates me enough to kidnap me? The van hits a bump and something brushes my face. I jerk away but it’s just a piece of clothing—a glove.

  I blink hard. It’s the matching glove to the one I found outside my front door. It’s VSK’s. The Vampire Serial Killer has finally stepped out of the shadows to nab me.

  I scream through my gag.

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  Click now to continue the series with the next book The Remains of the Fae - Book #5!

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  Also by the Authors

  Want to know more about how Paige ended up living in a post-apocalyptic world full of supes?

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  It all starts with a girl named Edie who thinks she’s just a normal teenager…

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  At Mount Olympus Academy, a little learning is a dangerous thing...

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  Revenge. That's why I decided to join the assassination class at Mount Olympus Academy. A monster killed my father and grandmother - and I'm going to make them pay.

  * * *

  But first I have to learn how.

  * * *

  I'm Edie. Once I was just a normal girl with asthma and a bad back. Now, though, I'm at a school taught by Greek gods. My classmates are vampires, witches, and shifters. We're all training to fight in the war between the gods and monsters.

  * * *

  There's also...Val. He's a vampire, but he's different from the others. Plus, he's got secrets too.

  * * *

  I get secrets. The wings that sprout f
rom my back were hidden from me my entire life. I also sometimes breathe fire. But no one - including me - can figure out what I fully shift into. Honestly...a part of me doesn't want to know.

  * * *

  But if I'm going to avenge my family, I need to figure it out before I flunk out.

  CLICK NOW to read the first in this 7 book series! Only .99!

  About the Authors

  Demitria Lunetta is the author of the YA books THE FADE, BAD BLOOD, and the sci-fi duology, IN THE AFTER and IN THE END. She is also an editor and contributing author for the YA anthology, AMONG THE SHADOWS: 13 STORIES OF DARKNESS & LIGHT. Find her at for news on upcoming projects and releases.

  Kate Karyus Quinn is an avid reader and menthol chapstick addict with a BFA in theater and an MFA in film and television production. She lives in Buffalo, New York with her husband, three children, and one enormous dog. She has three young adult novels published with HarperTeen: ANOTHER LITTLE PIECE, (DON'T YOU) FORGET ABOUT ME, AND DOWN WITH THE SHINE. She also recently released her first adult novel, THE SHOW MUST GO ON, a romantic comedy. Find out more at

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  Marley Lynn is a lost child of the gods, who waits on the shores of Lake Erie for her parents to bring her home. In the meantime, she contents herself with reading, writing, and gardening. Find out more at


  Thank you to Marin McGinnis for taking care of our copy edits!

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  And an extra huge thank you to Marley’s amazing MIL for being our extra eyes and ears for the Down & Dirty series!




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