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Pride and Groom

Page 12

by Gibson, Tannya

  Lexi let Zoe convince her and shyly turned her back before taking off her clothes. Leaving them in a pile away from the water's edge she put her hand in Zoe's and let her lead the way into the cool water. As it crept up her thighs she rose up on her toes with a gasp. "It's cold!"

  Zoe grinned. "If you can make yourself get in all at once you'll warm up faster."

  Lexi inched forward with a grimace. "I can't. It's just too cold."

  "Take your time," Zoe said as she let go of her hand and eased into the water. She turned and looked Lexi up and down. "You don't mind if I watch, do you?"

  Lexi felt more naked and exposed than ever before in her life, but she didn't want Zoe to know it. "This could take a while," she warned.


  Lexi's insecurities blossomed. Fighting the urge to cover herself with her hands she forced herself to take a step deeper into the water. The water was almost warm on her legs, but the surface seemed like ice on her skin.

  "Your breasts are lovely," Zoe said in a husky voice.

  Lexi froze uncertainly.

  "I like the shape and size of them," Zoe continued easily. "They're not too big or too small. They seem to be the perfect size for your body."

  Lexi's limbs loosened at the intimacy of the words and she wondered at the warmth that flooded her.

  "I especially like your nipples. They're a beautiful shade of pink and they don't seem to mind being noticed." Zoe's tongue darted out to wet her lips. "I love the freckles, too. Quite adorable."

  Lexi felt as though Zoe had just run her hands all over her. She was hyper aware of her skin and could feel the tightness of her nipples. She tried to take a calming breath, but she couldn't get enough air and when she tried to say Zoe's name no sound emerged.

  "I've never seen red pubic hair before." Zoe's voice was hard and strained now. "It sure doesn't hide much."

  Oblivious of the water, Lexi reached for Zoe with her whole body and Zoe met her halfway to sweep her up in strong arms. Their flesh met hungrily and Lexi wrapped her legs around Zoe's waist as their mouths met. Straining to be closer, Lexi arched into her as her hands clawed at Zoe's back. She felt almost desperate in her desire and each moment her passion expanded exponentially.

  Hooking an arm around Zoe's neck she brought her other hand between them and cupped a breast in her hand. She could feel the hard nipple jutting into her palm and her own pressing into the back of her hand. Her kisses turned into sharp little bites along Zoe's jaw and throat. She had to struggle to keep them light.

  Zoe dropped to her knees and Lexi braced herself for the shock of cold water only to feel the blanket under her back. She wondered briefly at how they had gotten this far, but Zoe's body pressing her into the sand and her hips driving into her pushed such technicalities far away. A simple twist of her shoulders placed her mouth at Zoe's breast and she eagerly took the nipple into her mouth. Her heart smiled as Zoe groaned. Using both hands she reached down to grasp Zoe's ass and force her to move harder and faster. She could feel Zoe's heartbeat on her tongue and the sound of her name was like music reverberating from the mountains as Zoe shuddered and collapsed to the side. Lexi followed and raked her hands over Zoe's ribs as she used her mouth to lick and nip at Zoe's mouth. For a long moment Zoe was unresponsive and Lexi's need was on the edge of pain. She took one of Zoe's hands and pushed it down between her legs. "Please," she begged.

  Zoe's eyes opened and Lexi was glad to see that Zoe understood how much she needed release. "I'm sorry, Lexi," Zoe said as she rolled her onto her back. "Tell me what to do."

  "Make me..." Lexi gasped. As Zoe's fingers began to work a new kind of magic, Lexi pulled the hot mouth to her breasts and held on.


  The sun block was hot from lying in the sun and Lexi purred as Zoe squeezed a line of it down her spine. Strong hands gently worked the lotion into her back and Lexi gave herself into their care. "I can't remember ever feeling this relaxed."

  "Surely there was at least once," Zoe teased.

  "I've felt good before," Lexi conceded, "but I'm pretty sure I never felt quite like this." Zoe's hands slid over her ass and Lexi giggled. She rolled over and saw Zoe grinning back at her. Lifting one leg she invited Zoe to continue her ministrations. Lexi watched her boldly as a hand slid up the inside of her thigh. "You're good at this," she said quietly.

  "I've been dreaming about this for a long time," Zoe said simply.

  "How long?" Lexi teased.

  "Most of my life."

  An uncomfortable feeling wormed its way through her consciousness. "Are you serious?"

  Zoe looked up warily. "Is that weird?"

  "No," Lexi said carefully. "But it does make me feel a little cautious."

  Zoe started her other leg. "I'll not put any strings on you, Lexi. You are not responsible for my feelings."

  She couldn't resist asking, "What are your feelings?"

  Zoe's hands stilled for a moment. "I've loved you from afar since I was 14 years old. I've never been able to explain or justify it because I never really knew you." Hands continued their task. "I've had lovers and I've cared about some of them, but I've never loved anyone else. I've always wondered if I loved you or my image of you."

  Lexi waited for Zoe to continue, but she only filled her hands with more of the hot lotion. "What do you think now?"

  Zoe straddled her thighs and began rubbing her belly with a little smile. "It's hard to know how you feel when passion takes over, but I've enjoyed getting to know you better. There are all kinds of little things that I didn't know about you and every time something new comes up I have to laugh at myself. I'm finding that the image I had of you is only a small part of who you are and I like what I'm learning." Zoe picked up the lotion and squeezed it liberally over her breasts. "I guess I'm discovering that I was in love with my image of you, but I'm beginning to love you."

  Lexi's eyes closed as Zoe's hands took her breasts and began to squeeze and roll them energetically. "Why are you telling me all of this now?"

  "You asked."

  Lexi sighed with growing pleasure as her nipples were repeatedly massaged between Zoe's vigorous fingers.

  "Besides," Zoe said as if in afterthought, "I don't have anything to lose."

  "Why not?" she managed.

  "It wasn't that long ago that you didn't even know I was alive. These last weeks, but most especially today, are more than I ever expected to have and no matter what you decide about the future, I'll have this memory. No one can ever take it away from me or cheapen it. After seventeen years of wanting I made love to you and you were as fiery and passionate as I ever could have hoped. I've made you laugh and had the opportunity to tell you how I feel about you. I am the luckiest woman alive."

  Feeling a bliss as deep and intense as grief, Lexi couldn't stop tears from slipping from her eyes. Zoe's hands quickly worked the sun block into her shoulders and up her throat to cover her face. Lexi raised her arms to hold her as she lay upon her and began kissing her. She pulled Zoe down to feel the full weight of this new lover overpowering her.

  "I want to put my mouth on you," Zoe whispered into her mouth. "Will you let me do that?"

  "Is this another thing you've dreamed of?"

  Zoe simply nodded.

  Lexi stroked her fingers lightly over Zoe's features. "Promise me one thing?" She waited for Zoe to nod before naming her condition. "Take your time."

  Zoe was excruciatingly thorough and Lexi alternately laughed, cried and pleaded for quite some time before Zoe finally allowed her ecstasy.


  Lexi woke up thirsty. She opened her eyes to find that Zoe had moved her into the shade. It took her a moment to locate Zoe, midstream, swimming against the current. She appeared to be making headway and Lexi couldn't help but marvel at the strength and stamina it would take to accomplish such a thing. Opening the cooler, she fished out a bottle of water and drained it with a sigh of satisfaction.

  Curious, she began pulling food from the
chest. She found a wide variety of cut up vegetables and ranch dip, several kinds of fruit cut into bite size pieces, mom's fried chicken, hard boiled eggs, cheese cubes and chocolate pudding cups. Realizing that she already felt high, she ignored the beer. Hoping that Zoe was as hungry as she was, she laid everything out.

  She looked up to find Zoe and saw her crouched at the water's edge watching her. Love and contentment poured out of Zoe's eyes and, even though it still made her feel a little uncomfortable, she couldn't help but smile. "Are you hungry?"

  Zoe stood in a smooth, powerful motion and walked towards her.

  "You look like a goddess rising from the sea," Lexi blurted out.

  "And you are a fire sprite come to keep me warm," Zoe said with a wide smile. "You didn't sleep very long. How do you feel?"


  Zoe dropped down to lay propped on her elbow. "I'm worried that I scared you earlier. You know, what I said about loving you?"

  Lexi picked up a bite of watermelon. "I'm not sure what to do about it," she admitted before popping it in her mouth.

  "You don't have to do, or feel, anything about it." Zoe reached out and rubbed her leg. "Today exists on its own. It's not connected to anything in the future unless you want it to be. I won't attach any expectations or demands on anything that happens here today. This time...this complete in and of itself."

  "Don't you want more?"

  "Of course, but it's not enough for me to want more. You have to want it, too, or it means nothing to me. I'm not trying to trivialize what's happening with us today; I just want you to know that I'm not going to rent a U-Haul based on one perfect day. We're still getting to know each other."

  Lexi studied Zoe's eyes and could find no guile or coercion in them, only concern. Feeling free to do whatever she felt, Lexi leaned over and gave her a kiss of thanks. "Do you want something to drink?"

  Zoe took a beer and they both fell to eating: feeding each other more often than not. Lexi could not remember ever feeling so safe or free in the presence of another person. Their laughter echoed gently in the cocoon that surrounded them. When they were full, they began putting food back into the cooler. Lexi kept a pudding cup out but couldn't find a spoon.

  "Do you have something to eat this with?"

  Zoe searched through her things. "I thought I had remembered everything, but it looks like I forgot spoons."

  Lexi pushed Zoe back and leaned on her elbow next to her. "I don't need a spoon," she said as she peeled the top off. Dipping a finger into the chocolate she spread it over one of Zoe's nipples and leaned over to slowly lick it off. Zoe laughed at first and then became quiet. With unhurried casualness, Lexi attended to the other breast as well. Zoe reached for the pudding and Lexi stopped her. "I want to make love to you, Zoe. You had your turn, now it's mine."

  "You don't have to," Zoe said.

  "I know," Lexi said firmly.

  Zoe briefly stroked her cheek, then laced her fingers behind her head and stretched languorously. Lexi decorated the places that she wanted to kiss with the smooth chocolate and set the last bit of pudding to the side. Rising to her hands and knees she began to slowly and randomly clean Zoe's body. In no time Zoe was panting and writhing under her tongue. Lexi thrilled to see the responsiveness of the powerful woman beneath her. It occurred to her that by Zoe's own admission no one had done this for her in years. That Zoe was so willing to be pliant and vulnerable for her was the most effective aphrodisiac of all.

  When all traces of chocolate were gone, Lexi spread Zoe's legs and lay between them. Zoe whimpered as she rubbed her lips over the impossibly thick hair. Lexi could smell her essence and was almost overcome by the sweetness of it. Time held no meaning as she closed her eyes and softly learned Zoe's most secret place with her mouth. A taste like no other she had ever experienced flooded her senses and Lexi concentrated on making Zoe's body produce more and more of it. All too soon she was struggling to stay connected as Zoe bucked. Lexi tightened her arms on Zoe's convulsing thighs and held her mouth perfectly still. She ignored Zoe's hands in her hair and waited. Minutes passed and Lexi relaxed her grip only to delicately begin again. Zoe weakly protested at first then began to respond.

  Using what she had learned of Zoe's needs the first time around, Lexi held Zoe on the tip of her tongue until she was frantically begging for release. The smallest change in pressure had Zoe crying out her rapture. Lexi wiped her face on Zoe's inner thigh and crawled up to take her into her arms.

  To her dismay, Zoe buried her face between her breasts and burst into tears. Unsure what else to do, Lexi wrapped herself tightly around the sobbing woman and rocked her until she quieted.

  "I'm sorry," Zoe mumbled into her chest.

  "What happened? Did I hurt you?"

  "No!" Zoe lay back and wiped at her tears stained cheeks. "I don't think I can explain it. I just…" she chuckled at herself. "I don't know what I expected. The feelings were so intense. Coming wasn't enough to let all of the emotion out. Does that make any sense?"

  "Sort of." Lexi smiled down at Zoe and wiped the remaining tear tracks away. Kissing her eyes softly, Lexi whispered, "You're not as butch as you appear."

  Zoe barked a laugh. "Don't tell anyone, okay? I have a reputation to protect."

  "Your secret is safe with me," Lexi laughed back. "But I have to say that I won't ever see you as only butch again."

  "How will you see me?"

  "Like this," Lexi said as laughter fled. "Soft and vulnerable after screaming my name. Crying because coming wasn't enough. Standing on a cliff face like the queen of creation."

  Zoe blushed and hid her face with a grimace. Lexi grinned at her discomfort and patted her stomach. "You're sticky. You should rinse off."

  "You're coming with me," Zoe warned.

  Lexi quickly rolled away, but Zoe caught her easily and ignored her squeals. She found that she did, indeed, warm up quickly and the water introduced them both to additional sensations.


  Lexi sighed as she pulled the Blazer's door closed. "I don't want this to end."

  "Me neither," Zoe said solemnly. "But it didn't happen here," she waved out the window then leaned over to touch Lexi's heart. "It happened here and we'll carry it with us forever."

  Lexi brought the work-roughened hand to her lips. "Thank you, Zoe. It was wonderful; all of it."

  Zoe smiled and set about taking them home. Lexi found herself repeatedly reaching out to place a hand on Zoe's arm as she shifted gears. She had forgotten how powerful a thing new passion was. Even though she felt sated, the desire to be close was consuming.

  When they reached the main road, Zoe took her hand and held it in silence. Lexi lay her head back on the seat and watched Zoe drive.

  "What are you thinking?" Zoe finally asked.

  "Just feeling," Lexi replied.

  Zoe glanced over at her. "Feeling what?"

  "Conflicting things mostly. Like being completely satisfied and wanting more. The contentment of having experienced a day like today and the melancholy of knowing it's almost over."

  "It doesn't have to be over," Zoe said. "I'm kind of hoping its not, to tell the truth."

  Lexi felt a tightness in her chest dissipate. "What did you have in mind?"

  "Come home with me?" Zoe asked hopefully.

  Chapter Nine

  Lexi's first impression of Zoe's apartment was cluttered order. The walls were almost completely covered with pictures in every imaginable kind of frame, but the room itself was perfectly clean and neat. Lexi was drawn immediately to the pictures and Zoe was more than happy to explain who people were and what was happening. Of special interest to Lexi was a wall by the kitchen that held photos of Zoe during her Army days.

  "You were so young," she said in wonder.

  "I was," Zoe conceded. "Fresh out of high school and dumb as dirt."

  Lexi chuckled at Zoe's tone. "Did you like the Army?"

  "Some of it. I have some really great memories and I le
arned a lot."

  Lexi tried to decipher the look on Zoe's face. "And the parts you didn't like?"

  "Come on, I want to show you something." Zoe led her to a door in the hallway and stopped with her hand on the knob. "Remember we talked about my court case with Jay? And I was too embarrassed to tell you what it was all about? Well, this is my hobby."

  The door swung open and Lexi sucked in a breath at the dollhouse in progress on a low table. "Wow," she exhaled. "You made this?"

  "This one is for my niece, Brittany. I make one for each kid as they turn 6. They tell me what they want it to look like and I give it to them on their birthday. This one is the fourth."

  Lexi couldn't believe the detail that had gone into the miniature Victorian before her. Turrets and staircases and molding were intricately done. "This is amazing!"

  Zoe reached out and grabbed one wall, shaking the whole thing roughly. "You can touch it. I have to make it rather sturdy so it will stand up to the kids. I still get called on for minor repairs, but they're pretty tough."

  "I've never seen anything like this. It's beautiful and the detail is just incredible."

  "Thanks. This one is almost done. Mostly just interior work is left. Her birthday is in about five weeks. I'm already starting the next one."

  "What's it going to be like?"

  "Actually it's going to be for my nephew and he wants something a little different."

  Lexi heard papers rustling and reluctantly tore her eyes away to join Zoe at a table. The blueprints didn't resemble anything else in the room. "What am I looking at?"

  "Brendan wants a police station complete with jail cells. I've never made one before so I'm struggling with the design phase. I've got 14 months till his birthday, but in a way it's going to be harder than the dollhouses. My experience with police stations is primarily from television."

  "I would imagine that his is, too. Why were you embarrassed to tell me about this? You're an artist!" Lexi turned back to the Victorian. "Look at this! I've never paid much attention to dollhouses: the days when I would have loved to have something like this were long ago and far away, but even I can tell that this is a work of art."


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