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Pride and Groom

Page 15

by Gibson, Tannya

  An uncomfortable silence filled the room and Lexi struggled to put this new information into perspective.

  "I still love you," Brenda said. "If you think there's a chance for us I'll do anything you want. I could pay for a counselor. I could even move into my own apartment and we could start over. I know you don't have any reason to trust me, but we had six years together and I'm hoping that will count for something."

  Lexi blinked away new tears. "I need time to think about all of this. A lot happened while you were gone and I don't know what I'm doing."


  An uneasy truce took hold in the house. Lexi looked forward to work so that she could be alone to think. Brenda was once again mindful of her tenuous position and tried not to put any pressure on her, but Lexi felt that pressure nonetheless. She felt pressure where Zoe was concerned as well, but the difference was that Zoe wasn't hovering over her shoulder. She felt completely free to go to Zoe or stay away and knew that Zoe would accept her decision gracefully. At times she felt this showed that Zoe didn't care enough, but at other times she felt that Zoe was showing her the ultimate in respect and trust.

  On Thursday, with Cricket begging in her lap while she ate her lunch, the telephone rang. "Doggy Styles," she answered.

  "Hi, Lexi. It's Miriam."

  Lexi almost choked. "Hello, Miriam. How are you?"

  "I'm good. I was hoping I could stop by and talk to you for a minute if you're not too busy."

  Oh, God, I don't think I can take any more! "Sure. When is good for you?"

  "I'm parked at the curb, actually."

  Lexi set Cricket on the floor and set down her sandwich. "Well, come on in then."

  Miriam came in less than a minute later and gave Lexi a genuine smile. "It's good to see you again."

  "You, too," Lexi said.

  "Is now a good time to talk?"

  "I was just having lunch. Now is the best time." Lexi braced herself internally.

  "I came by for two reasons. First, to thank you for breaking it off between us. You were right."

  Lexi couldn't believe what she was hearing. "That's not what I expected to hear."

  Miriam laughed. "Did you think I came here to cry and beg?"

  "Without meaning to sound arrogant, it would have fit better with recent events."

  "I'd be happy to beg for your friendship if you'll have it. I've had time to process how we were together and we never would have worked as lovers. I was new in town and I wanted to fit right in. I wanted it to be easy and you're such a sweet person that I found myself ignoring the signs. It's never easy to tell someone it's over and I just wanted to tell you that I appreciated your courage and honesty. If you like me at all, I would very much like to be friends."

  Lexi couldn't believe her luck and she moved in to give Miriam a hug. "This is the best news. I would love to have you for a friend."

  "Deal," Miriam said.

  Lexi moved away. "Would you like some coffee?"

  "No, thanks. I came for two reasons."

  Miriam's expression had become serious and Lexi felt her skin break out in a cold sweat. "What is it?"

  Miriam rubbed her hands together nervously. "I know you don't like rumors, but I heard this first hand. I couldn't just let it go without telling you about it." Miriam cleared her throat. "I stopped by Safeway on my way home last night to buy groceries and I overheard your name. I got curious so I followed them."

  Lexi watched incredulously as Miriam's voice and mannerisms changed. "That furniture is mine. I paid for it and I'll be damned if I let her keep it all. She has her precious house and I have nothing. I know where all the receipts are and my name is all over them, so I can just back the truck in and start loading. Even if she calls the cops, the receipts show that I have the right so there's nothing she can do to stop me. I just have to act like I still care till Saturday morning and then she won't be able to run my life anymore."

  Lexi buried her face in her hands and Miriam's arm came across her shoulders. "That's not a direct quote," Miriam said gently. "But that was the gist of it. I'm assuming that was your ex." Lexi nodded and Miriam squeezed her reassuringly. "I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you all of this, but I would have felt terrible if I had kept quiet."

  Lexi straightened and used a tissue to wipe her eyes clear. "I'm glad you did."

  "I couldn't hear the woman she was with," Miriam apologized, "or I'd give you a sketch of her, too."

  "It doesn't matter who it was," Lexi decided. "This is between Brenda and I."

  "Um," Miriam started. "Can I ask you something else? I promised myself I wouldn't because it's none of my business, but I'm worried for you. The woman you had an awareness of is Zoe, isn't it? I saw you both coming out of an apartment early in the morning a while back."

  Embarrassed at being found out like that, Lexi nodded.

  "Is she a good person? Does she treat you right?"

  "Yes," Lexi smiled. "She is a good person and she's very good to me."

  "And the rumors?"

  "Distortions of the truth," Lexi said confidently.

  Miriam leaned forward intently to lock eyes with her. "Do you love her?"

  "I don't know."

  Miriam squinted at her. "Is it that you really don't know or that you're afraid to know?"

  That Miriam could cut to the heart of it so quickly made Lexi blush. Miriam broke into a smile. "Well, congratulations seem to be in order. I've got to get back to work, but if I can be of any help, just call me. And when things are settled I expect an invitation to dinner so I can meet Zoe properly."

  Lexi hugged her again before she left, then left a message with Jay's assistant that she had a non-life-threatening emergency. She let Cricket have the lunchmeat from her sandwich and tossed the rest just as clients began coming in the door again.

  To keep her mind off of Brenda's machinations while she waited for Jay to call her back, she pulled up a mental picture of Zoe and was astonished at the feelings of peace and exhilaration that came over her. She felt better so fast it brought tears to her eyes. "I guess it's true," she told the Jack Russell she was giving a summer cut. "I do love her. What do you think of that?" She laughed as he set to wiggling in excitement at her improved mood.


  Lexi was much calmer when Jay showed up without calling. "My assistant said you were crying when you called. What's wrong?" Lexi filled him in on Miriam's visit and she could see his legal mode kick in. "Does she have the receipts?"

  Lexi shook her head. "I don't know. Let's assume she does."

  "Okay. If she has receipts then she has a right to the property. We can file for an injunction tomorrow to prevent her clearing it all out until it's heard in front of a judge. The fact is that she abandoned her property without an agreement when she left six months ago. At best, you'll get to keep everything. At worst, she'll get everything back and have to pay the going rate for storage for the last six months. Whatever, you do not have to let her back in the house. Not tonight; not ever."

  Lexi mulled it over. "If it goes to court it'll be ugly."

  "True," he said simply. "But it will be ugly on your terms, not hers. It's obviously her plan to surprise you with movers on Saturday morning. Thanks to Miriam you've been spared that humiliation, but it's still going to be unpleasant. What you need to decide is what you want at the end of this. How important is the furniture to you?"

  Lexi shrugged. "When I first heard, I thought the furniture was very important. If Miriam hadn't come here today and Brenda had been able to carry out her plan, I would have been hysterical on Saturday morning because the furniture would have distracted me from the real issue. I've had time to think about it though. What I want is Brenda out of my life for good. And I don't want the back stabbing and bickering to continue for months. She can have the damn furniture if she'll just go away."

  Jay smiled and hugged her. "Good for you! Now, you'll need a release that says she can't come back later and say that you owe her for anythin
g. It can also include a clause to discourage harassment. Does that sound okay?"

  "Can you make it sound scary?"

  "Is that what you want?"

  Lexi waggled her eyebrows at him. "Impress me."

  "Oh, you really ought not to have said that." Jay smoothed his hair back with both hands. "Do you have a plan for tonight? Are you going to confront her?"

  "I hadn't thought about it," Lexi confessed. "I don't think I can pretend that nothing is going on for the next two days, but I don't want the inevitable fighting either."

  Jay looked at his watch. "She can always find somewhere else to sleep, so I recommend-as your lawyer-that we tell her tonight. I'd like time to see the receipts, check them out and see how bad this is going to be for you. Freddie will kill me if he doesn't get to come and watch the fireworks, so how about we come back for dinner at 6:30."


  Brenda came home a short time later and Lexi informed her that Jay and Freddie were coming to dinner. She then spent the interval doing a much needed deep cleaning on her shop. Brenda looked in a few times to see if she wanted help, but Lexi graciously told her no. The guys arrived promptly on time and Lexi waited for Freddie to turn into a drama queen, but he was scrupulously well mannered. He sat down and engaged Brenda in conversation about her job.

  Lexi went to the kitchen with Jay and in no time they were setting a stroganoff on the table. She felt strangely numb and was virtually unable to join in the conversation. Fortunately, Freddie and Jay were masters at trivial chitchat and she contented herself with picking at her food.

  "You're awfully quiet," Brenda finally said to her.

  "I've had a strange day," she answered slowly. Her gut started churning and she looked to Jay for help. "I think I'm going to be sick." Freddie reached over and rubbed her back and she calmed somewhat.

  Jay tossed his napkin on the table and pushed his plate to the side. "I kind of wanted to wait till dessert just for the effect, but now is fine, too. As Lexi's attorney," he said solemnly to Brenda, "I'd like a chance to go over the receipts you claim to have for the furniture and verify their authenticity. Lexi would prefer to do this in a friendly fashion and avoid the courts if at all possible."

  Brenda's face took on a look of panic and disbelief. "What are you talking about?"

  Jay sighed and looked at her like a parent listening to a child's lie. "We know that you plan to bring a truck on Saturday morning and take the furniture. There's no use denying it. Lexi is willing to let you take what you think is yours, but nothing leaves this house without a receipt. If it's all the same to you, I'd just as soon work it out now."

  "She has personal items here as well," Lexi added weakly. "Books, CD's, some clothes and other stuff."

  "That's right!" Brenda quickly spoke.

  "I'm sure Lexi will be more than fair about packing up your things for you." Jay said calmly.

  "It's mostly done already," Lexi said. "There are boxes in the spare bedroom."

  "So all we need now are the receipts," Jay said firmly.

  "Who told you?" Vengeance was writ large on Brenda's features.

  "I'm psychic," Freddie said ethereally. "It came to me in a dream."

  Lexi couldn't help smiling at him. She hated conflict and Freddie's levity was just what she needed.

  "The receipts?" Jay reminded again.

  Brenda stared at them all, saving her worst glare for Lexi, then threw her chair back and stormed out of the house.

  "Oh my," Freddie said in mock concern, "I think we've upset her."

  Jay chuckled and took her hand. "Is there anything in particular that you would like to keep?"

  Lexi worked to remember what Brenda had bought in the six years they had been together. "I'm not sure."

  "Cough if something comes up."

  Lexi nodded and they waited for Brenda's return. She carried a small manila envelope with her and emptied its contents onto the table. Lexi sat quietly with Freddie's arm around her as Jay checked each one and made notes. As it turned out, Brenda had a receipt for almost everything, including the bed, refrigerator and television. The table and chairs they sat at were her grandmother's and it looked like it would be the only place to sit left in the house. Fortunately, Brenda did not have receipts for anything in the shop so her livelihood was secure. She coughed once for the refrigerator because they could be expensive and she would need one. Nothing else seemed as important.

  When Jay was finished he turned to her. "Do you dispute any of this?"


  "Some of these receipts don't have any names on them. Just because she has them doesn't mean the items are hers."

  "I remember her buying them," she said as Brenda opened her mouth to protest. "It all sounds accurate to me."

  Jay turned back to a surprised Brenda. "Okay. I don't see any problems here. Lexi isn't going to object to any of the items represented here being removed. Just out of curiosity though, would you be interested in selling the refrigerator?"

  Lexi held Freddie's hand as Jay negotiated, aware that his foot was tapping furiously. It occurred to her that he was remarkably calm in a situation that would normally see him angrily cursing in Spanish. Lexi stood and began clearing the table and when Freddie joined her, she softly asked, "What did he promise you for behaving? I've never seen you this calm."

  "A diamond earring. I think he was going to get it for me anyway, I've been begging for months, but this way he feels like he's the boss and I do so love it when he's bossy."

  Lexi giggled quietly at Freddie's suggestiveness.

  "I'm glad you're letting her take that hideous sofa," he whispered. "I've always hated it. Will you let me help you redecorate?"


  Freddie's eyes sparkled with pleasure. "You need paint, girl. Get some color in your life. All this white is so…Republican. It's time for you to stretch out a little and experiment. By the way, what kind of décor does Zoe like?"

  "Hush," she warned. "Let's just leave Zoe out of this until the last one is gone, okay? Besides, I haven't even seen her for almost two weeks. Maybe she's decided that I'm not worth the trouble."

  "You love her," Freddie teased.

  "I barely know her." Lexi enjoyed the teasing as much as she wanted it to stop.

  "You love her," Freddie teased again. "I can see it in your eyes." Lexi opened her mouth to dismiss him and he put a finger over her lips. "You love her." She nodded helplessly as he enfolded her in his arms. "I'm so happy for you, pelliroja. But, you have to tell her as soon as you can or it will only become more difficult."

  "I know."

  "Does she have furniture we can work with?"

  Lexi backed away and slapped at his arm in exasperation. "I'm not going to ask her to live with me just because she has furniture."

  "Lexi?" Jay called from the table. "How does $275 sound for the refrigerator?"

  The refrigerator was only 3 years old and it sounded like a good deal. "When do you want it?" she asked Brenda.

  "Now would be good," Brenda shrugged.

  "Will you take a check?"

  Brenda snorted. "And give you time to cancel it? Forget it. I'll take cash."

  Lexi went out to the shop and between the cash drawer and her purse she got the money together. When she put it on the table, Jay covered it with his hand and directed Brenda in signing over the appliance on the back of the sales receipt. When it was handled, he informed her that she would have to spend the night somewhere else and not return to the house until Saturday after 10 am.

  "Where am I supposed to go?" Brenda demanded.

  "Where were you going to go on Saturday?" Lexi asked nonchalantly. "Go to a motel. Sleep in your car. I don't really care."

  "I can't believe you're going to go back on your word. You said I could stay here for a month."

  Anger flashed to boiling point faster than Lexi would have believed possible. "You were the one who sat there a few days ago begging me to go to counseling with you and the whole time yo
u were planning on a surprise attack! You didn't mean a word you said! You had me believing that everything was my fault just so you could pull off some little play in front of your friends! Let's not overlook the fact that you left me!"

  Lexi could see that she was out of control. She watched herself with a strange sort of double sight as rage and pain poured out of her. The most infuriating aspect of it was that every word seemed to make Brenda harder and more convinced of her position as the underdog. She finally reached a point where she had run out of things to say and she struggled to control her inflamed emotions.

  "Just get out," she ordered.

  Brenda pocketed her money, picked up her receipts and stood to go. "At least I never cheated on you."

  "What?" Lexi was incredulous. "When did I ever cheat on you?"

  "Where were you the night I came back, huh?" Brenda smirked. "I saw your face when you came home. It was pretty obvious you had just crawled out of bed with some floozy."

  Serenity settled around Lexi like a cloak and she wanted to laugh with the pleasure it brought along. "First of all, you left me for another woman. You were very clear about that at the time. Second, you'd been gone for six months and I thought you were never coming back. Third, you're probably the only person to ever call her a floozy. I didn't think anyone even used that word anymore." Jay was chuckling behind her back and she could hear Freddie whispering. "I've been an idiot to have stayed away from her this long. I knew I didn't want you back from the start. I let myself give you another chance and you were using that chance to deliberately hurt me one more time. If you wanted your things, all you had to do was ask. I gave you a chance because I thought you were sincere. As it turns out you are devious, deceitful and unscrupulous. I have not deserved any of this, so I have to assume you're doing it to impress someone. Well, go ahead and tell your little friends whatever makes you look good. They'll find out soon enough that you're untrustworthy and word will spread. It won't be long before women are warning each other about you and you'll have to start over someplace else. No matter what you say about me now, in the end everyone will know it wasn't true."


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