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A Tiger's Destiny (Tiger Protectors Book 3)

Page 16

by Terry Bolryder

  “I’ll take my own damn time,” Draven said, running his hands over her hips. “She’s so small. So fragile,” he said.

  Ran nipped her neck and then kissed his way up to her ear. “That can be fixed.”

  “Only if she’s a dragon-heart,” he said. “If not…”

  “Mood killer,” Ran said, sucking her earlobe and biting down on it gently.

  “You’ll kill more than a mood if you don’t think this through, Ran.”

  “For fuck’s sake, Dray, if you don’t want to take her, then leave her to me.” She could feel heat emanating from Ran as Draven let out a low growl.

  “You know that’s not a good idea, Ran.”

  Ran flicked his tongue over her lobe, making her shudder. “Then do your job and let me watch.”

  Her eyes flew open. So that was what they planned to do? There were so many ways a ménage could work, and she didn’t really care how it moved forward as long as someone went inside her soon. But did Ran get off on watching? The thought turned her on even more.

  “Watching is as close as I get, for now. So open those legs so I can see your eyes roll back as Dray fills you,” Ran growled in her ear, his voice more feral than he’d sounded before, as if he were keeping himself in tight control.

  “Ran’s dragon is close to the surface,” Draven said. “He can’t… well. There are some things to explain. Don’t worry about protection. We can’t have human diseases, and we can’t impregnate you before a mating ceremony is performed. We have some odd ways of doing things. I guess you’ll just have to see if you like them, human.”

  She wiped sweat from her brow, aching to scoot forward just a little and then slide herself over Draven. “I’m loving it already. I don’t know anything about dragons, but from what I know so far, I’m eager to learn.”

  Draven laughed, a welcome sound that lit up his whole face. “You’re hard to stay distant from, you know that?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I don’t see any point in holding things back. You just have to put it all out there and see what happens.”

  “Then I’ll put it all out there with you and see what happens.” He leaned forward to kiss her neck on the opposite side of Ran and then lifted her at the waist and thrust into her in one smooth, intense stroke that had her biting her lip to keep from screaming out at the shock of it.

  She wiggled and squirmed, not sure if she was trying to get off of him or push him deeper inside. He was too large, impossibly hard.

  “Relax,” Ran said, stroking his hands over her shoulders in a way that had her shuddering and relaxing. As she yielded her body to the hard strength sheathed inside her, she felt a warm pleasure unlike anything she’d ever felt start to weave through her.

  She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and then looked up to see Draven watching her with eyes that definitely flashed Red.

  His dragon’s eyes. She blinked, and when she looked again, they were back to blue, a calming, deep blue like the sky at night. Sparkling like stars. Ran’s presence went from soothing to hot as she felt his rippling muscles press against her as he reached around and down between her legs. She gasped at the dual stimulation as Draven put a hand up around her waist and thrust into her as she sat on his lap. He pulled back and then surged forward, and she squeaked in shock and had to relax again. But then Ran’s hand would stroke softly over and around her clit and her body would clench up in anticipation.

  It almost felt like too much sensation for any one person. Ran played gently with one nipple while his other hand stroked in a leisurely rhythm over her clit. His breath was hot on her shoulder, sending shockwaves down to her pussy, which was clenching hard around Draven’s dick, buried deep inside her.

  It was pleasure, pleasure all over, enlivening her from the top of her head to the tips of her toes, and she felt the instant this ended, she would simply be waiting for the time when she could feel it again.

  It wasn’t just the sensuality of it. There was something else happening. Something that felt slightly magical, exhilarating, like the moment before a roller coaster car crests over the first drop.

  This wasn’t only the hottest experience of her life, but felt like the first step on a journey that would be truly incredible. She promised herself she would always remember it. Draven increasing his speed, making her body burn and tense with every delicious thrust that filled her to her core. Ran stroked harder and harder with his finger and his tongue slid deftly along her neck, flicking out to tease her ear. Draven’s large hand held her steady, his strength meaning everything as she was swept up in emotion.

  With her dragons on either side of her, she felt safer than ever before. Safe to be swept up in this hurricane of emotion, of pleasure.

  It built higher and higher, and she felt swept up and up, until she felt she was almost touching the sky, carried on dragon’s wings, wings of pleasure stronger than anything she’d known existed. She bit her lip as a scream rose in her throat and her orgasm came rushing toward her like a burst of wind. When it hit, her whole body convulsed as she was taken up in a wave of pleasure so strong it felt every muscle in her body was swept into one synchronous movement.

  She couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, couldn’t even look as the feeling undulated over her, clear and bright as a morning rainstorm. She hadn’t known sex could be like this, and she had a feeling it wasn’t simply because there were two men loving her.

  The whole thing felt too cleansing to be simply chance. It felt like something meant to be, felt like something destined. Her body was caught up in wave after wave as the two dragons surrounded her, still stroking and stimulating. And guarding.

  She arched, letting her head hit Ran’s shoulder as her hands reached for Draven, grasping him around his shoulders and digging her nails into his back as he growled his satisfaction.

  She swore she could feel them silently communicating, working together to please her. They knew every movement, stroking together, touching together, always taking a new place on her when it was available. She felt so damn treasured and didn’t ever want it to end, but didn’t know how she could take much more.

  “Dray, it’s time,” Ran said.

  “I told you to get out of her head,” Dray gasped out, but he sounded too aroused to be angry. She loved the sound of their voices, talking and communicating as they pleased her, as they let her simply be swept up in the passion while they took care of all the work. She could get used to this.

  She was starting to feel sore from the intense stimulation of Draven’s immense size, but her body kept wanted him to continue stroking inside her. Still, Draven seemed aware she couldn’t take much more, and so with Ran’s help, he stroked her toward one more orgasm, and when he felt her tensed on the edge of release, she felt him lean forward and lightly bite her neck. Her body shuddered and she cried out with her orgasm, so intense it was almost painful, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Then Draven went even harder inside her, and then she could feel him jerking with release, pulsing rhythmically in a way that only pulled more pleasure out of her. She cried out again and again as the orgasm took her, feeling him with her, feeling Ran shaking behind her, as if trying to hold back.

  When she finally came back to earth, she opened her eyes to see Draven’s eyes gazing at her tenderly.

  The she felt Ran pull away from her back with a muttered curse.

  When she turned, she saw him pacing in front of the bed, shoving his hands through his hair.

  “Ran, you’ve got this,” Draven said. He turned to her. “Ran’s dragon always gets a bit wild at times like this.”

  Draven grabbed his clothing and pulled it on as he walked toward his partner. When he reached Ran, she saw Ran’s eyes tighten in suspicion and flick to her and back again.

  “Ran, it’s fine. You’d never hurt her. Come back to yourself.” He reached out and grabbed onto him with both hands, and Ran struggled slightly. His eyes were wild, his muscles bunching in agitation. He still looked every bit as beautiful
as usual, but there was something like agony raging in his expression.

  Then Ran’s eyes faded to their normal green and she felt the air around them starting to calm.

  “Thank heavens,” Draven said.

  Melissa let out the breath she didn’t know she was holding, and Ran gave her an apologetic look.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “Not what I expected for a first time. But the bond was… strong.”

  Draven nodded, and then a buzzing sound broke the silence and he reached for his pants, pulling out his phone.

  “Dammit,” he said.

  Ran looked at him with weary eyes. “Don’t tell me…”

  Draven gave her an apologetic glance. “I’m sorry.”

  “What?” she asked, looking from one to the other as she pulled the sheet up around her. The sex had been amazing, but this part was definitely not working out how she’d planned.

  “We have a mission,” Draven said, and Ran groaned.

  “Wait,” she said. “You’re going to just leave me here?”

  “You know what happened the other night? Where someone was in trouble?” Draven said. “Well, something like that is happening right now.” He ran his hand through his hair. “Dammit. Normally we’d get a break because we’re trying to claim a mate, but there are some things only our pair can do,” he said.

  She nodded. She didn’t want anyone to be in trouble.

  “I promise we’ll be back soon,” Draven said, as he and Ran pulled on their clothes in a hurry. She looked at the clock. So late. Her body was still pulsing from the pleasure, still aching from their touch.

  She sat back against the bed with a quiet sigh. “When will you be back?”

  “Probably not until morning,” Draven said, focused on getting ready. “What’s wrong?”

  She brushed her hair back. “Nothing. It’s just complicated.” She hated being left, but she knew they had no choice.

  Draven’s stared at her for a moment. “I’m sorry, but this is just how it has to be sometimes. If you can’t deal with that, you might want to rethink your decision to stay with two dragons.”

  She glared back at him, too aware of how hard her heart was still beating from having him inside her while Ran stroked her to ecstasy. She turned up her chin in a stubborn motion.

  “I’m not going to run. Get used to it, Dray,” she said.

  Ran let out a laugh. “Good. Then we’ll see you tomorrow.” He blew her a kiss and led the way out the door. Draven simply glanced her way, and then they were gone.

  What the hell had just happened?

  Her body felt shocked by the whole occasion. Still, Draven was wrong if he thought such a thing was going to make her give up. Life wasn’t meant to be easy, but it could be worth it if you found the right people. And feeling the care she did from Ran and Draven as they’d made love to her, she knew she’d found them for sure.

  It would be a long night without them though, alone in a new place.

  At least that’s what she thought. But the instant she fell asleep, she dreamed of being carried through the air on dragon wings. Soaring higher and higher until all worries were far below. She slept more peacefully than she had in years.

  The dragons had created upset in her life. Yet in a way, it seemed they were already healing her.

  * * *

  The next morning, the dragons still weren’t back, but Melissa was able to find everything she needed to make a good breakfast.

  As she finished the dishes, she checked the clock, wondering when they’d be back.

  Bored, she poured herself a glass of orange juice and sat at the counter, flipping through a magazine.

  The apartment had everything she needed, food, books, toiletries. But it was empty without them, and it didn’t yet feel like home.

  A knock sounded on the door and she jumped. She looked over at the door nervously. It wasn’t her place, so should she answer it? Draven had told her not to.

  “Melissa? Ran said I should come over,” the voice said. It was smooth, melodic, and she felt calm wash over her as it drifted into the room.

  She smoothed her shirt and sweats and walked to the door. Her intuition said it would be fine, and it hadn’t let her down so far in this situation.

  When she swung the door open, she gasped as she looked up at the third most beautiful man she’d seen in days. He was around Ran’s height at a few inches over six feet but otherwise completely different.

  His hair was a striking shade of deep blue, about shoulder length, his eyes a matching shade. His pale skin was smooth and unblemished, his eyes rimmed in thick black lashes. He had a beautiful mouth, a long, straight nose, and a stubborn chin.

  Dragons were really something to behold.

  “Don’t dragons move in twos? Where’s your partner?” she asked as he slid past her into the room, looking around before letting out a sigh and turning back to her. He reached over to shake her hand.

  “I’m Quill. It’s nice to meet you,” he said.

  “I’m Melissa,” she said, taken off guard. When he touched her, an inexplicable calming feeling came over her, like the soft chill of cooling water when you step into a pool.

  “I’m sorry to be abrupt. Ran called me to come over and watch out for you. He didn’t trust any of the other dragons—which is right, with a treasure such as yourself.” He perched on a stool and continued to study her with eyes such a deep blue they almost seemed violet.

  A sapphire shone in one ear, and when he flashed her a smile, his teeth were smooth, white, and even.

  She remained standing, trying to wrap her head around another beautiful dragon being in her home.

  He laughed. “You’re exactly what I expected Ran to pick up, you know that?”

  “How do I know you can be trusted?” she asked, staying back.

  He grinned, just a slight tilt at one corner of his mouth. “I guess I don’t know. But listen to your heart.”

  “I do. And it feels calm. Who are you?”

  “The blue dragon, at your service,” he said, sweeping a hand over his midsection as he gave a slight bow while staying on the stool. “And I’m here to watch out for you until your mates get back.”

  “About that…” she said. “I don’t think we’re mates yet.”

  He raised a dark eyebrow. “I don’t think you should probably mention that to any other dragons you might meet, then.”

  She sighed and flopped on the couch in the living room. “So many rules. I don’t even know what’s going on.”

  He tilted his head and then stood and joined her in the living room. He sat in a chair across from her and looked out the window of the high-rise apartment.

  “Beautiful,” he said. “Ran and Draven always had excellent taste.”

  “Don’t dragons always work together?” she asked again. “Where’s your partner?”

  He bit his lip, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I may have given him the slip. But once he finds out a mate was at stake, he’ll understand.”

  “What?” she asked. “Why?”

  He studied her, brushing his hair over his shoulder with one hand. “I would have thought they would have told you a bit more about things.”

  She shook her head. “No. I sort of walked into something and they had no choice but to bring me here.”

  “And you didn’t even put up a fight about it?” he asked, studying her critically with those incredibly beautiful eyes. Then he grinned. “I see.”

  “What?” she asked, sitting up a little straighter.

  “Well, it works out for the dragons.”

  “What does?”

  “That your life wasn’t something you’d miss,” he said. “It’s a problem with mates.”

  “So what do you mean?” she asked. “I mean, men who look like you all do…”

  “Immortality can be lonely. Sometimes even two gorgeous men aren’t enough for a woman. Not to mention, dragon breeding is complicated. A female might only have one offspring in her life.”<
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  She bit her lip. She’d wanted kids, but she hadn’t met anyone she wanted them with, so that wasn’t really something she’d lose by not going back to her world. “Tell me more,” she said. “Tell me everything I need to know.”

  He sighed. “That’s really for your mates to do.” He crossed one leg gingerly over the other. His legs were long and lean, as graceful as the rest of him.

  “Is that your real hair?” she couldn’t help asking.

  He laughed. “No, I just enjoy it. Got to keep things interesting when you live as long as I do.”

  She gulped and nodded. “So where are they? Did they tell you?”

  He leaned forward, tenting his fingers together. “How much have they told you about their dragons?”

  “Nothing,” she said. “Well, I saw Draven make a little puff of flame on a match. But it was tiny.”

  Quill arched an eyebrow. “He showed you his dragon flame? Interesting.”

  Quill joined her on the couch, slinging an arm around her shoulder. She gave him a surprised look and started to move away, but he squeezed her to him.

  “Um, I shouldn’t…”

  “Please,” he said. “As you said, you aren’t mated yet. Just let me get to know you a bit.”

  She frowned but stayed there, feeling that incredible calming energy flow through her.

  “Feel that?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said, closing her eyes and leaning back her head. “Feels soothing.”

  He nodded and rested his head lightly against hers. “All dragons have different powers. We blue ones can heal. Our presence is healing and our dragon fire more so. So that’s me.”

  She nodded.

  “So you’re with a gold and black dragon, and they have their own powers. Though they should be the one to explain them when they ask you to mate them.”

  “They already did,” she said.

  “No,” he said. “They didn’t. They might have said they intend to, but before the actual ceremony, they will tell you everything and then ask you to choose.”

  Quill’s power still flowed through her, making her feel content and relaxed. Dragons were amazing.


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