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A Tiger's Destiny (Tiger Protectors Book 3)

Page 17

by Terry Bolryder

  “Is Draven the black dragon?” she asked. “I heard mention of it the night I met them.”

  Quill pressed his lips together and started to stand. “Oh look, orange juice. Do you want some more?”

  She pressed on. “They were saying he’s the most dangerous, the black dragon I mean. And I thought Draven, with his dark hair and, you know, his personality…”

  Quill let out a laugh. “His personality? Oh, Draven would just love to hear that.”

  She frowned. “Well, I don’t know. Is he?”

  Quill turned to look down at her, still standing in front of the couch. “You aren’t going to let this go, are you?” he asked, propping a knee next to her and catching a curl in his hair. “Your hair is fascinating. Quite beautiful, like the rest of you.” His eyes scanned her body. “Just what dragons prefer.”

  She blinked and inched back against the cushions. “Hey, Quill…”

  He leaned forward, planting a hand on either side of her head as his intense gaze met hers. He bit his lip and looked down at her mouth, and she let out a little shiver as she felt his breath on hers.

  “I was just going to distract you from asking more questions, but now that I’m here…”

  She pulled back. No matter how gorgeous he was, she already felt like she belonged to Ran and Draven. Her heart knew it.

  He laughed softly, brushing hair behind her ear. “Such loyalty,” he said. “I have to admit I’m jealous.”

  “They told you to watch out for me,” she said hesitantly, not wanting to get in a fight with one of their friends, but not about to let him take advantage.

  “Right, an odd thing to ask of another dragon, considering how we all feel about females.”

  She winced and pulled back her lips, crushing into the couch as he got closer, closer. She pushed on his chest but couldn’t budge him. His lean muscles felt like iron.

  Stupidly strong dragons. Where were her mates?

  Chapter 5

  “Don’t worry,” Quill said. “I’m just taking a little taste. I’m sure they won’t mind.”

  Then the door banged open with a slam, and Draven was there. Ran was next to him, his arm slung over Draven’s shoulder, looking exhausted.

  “You’d be fucking wrong about that, Quill,” Draven said, angry blue eyes blazing. “You’ve got about two seconds to get the fuck away from our mate.”

  Relief rushed through her at the sight of her mates. Her protectors. She was pretty sure Quill was only teasing her, but she was glad she didn’t need to find out.

  Draven let out a low, frightening growl and took a step forward to set Ran into a chair by the door. Then he stormed toward Quill, who deftly leapt off her, putting his hands up in surrender.

  “Please, Draven. You know I’m not stupid enough to mess with the black dragon’s mate.”

  “That’s not what it looked like to me,” Ran said weakly, his eyes glaring at Quill.

  Quill regarded him in concern and then hopped around Draven to kneel in front of Ran. He took Ran’s hand and pressed it to his cheek in an almost tender movement that made Melissa’s breath catch in her throat.

  As the two dragons spoke in low voices, she looked up to see Draven staring down at her with his arms folded.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Draven’s dark hair was straight, short, and masculine, looking as unruffled as he did. “I’m sorry we had to leave you for so long. Important job.”

  “I’m fine. Is Ran okay?”

  Draven nodded. “He will be. He just needs a break. To recover.”

  “Aren’t you supposed to get a week’s break while you’re trying things out with a mate?” Quill called out. He was now perched on the arm of Ran’s chair, cradling Ran’s head against him.

  Ran looked tired, his golden hair falling over his face, his eyes closed with dark circles below them. But he was still beautiful, and the sight of the two men embracing set her heart racing slightly.

  It made her look forward to the time when she could hold Ran again. As if hearing her thoughts, Ran gave her a smirk that made her flush.

  “We’re supposed to be,” Draven said, putting a hand up and dragging it through his hair in frustration as he paced in front of her. “But there are some things only Ran can take care of. We should be good the rest of the week though.”

  “Maybe I should be glad you didn’t choose me,” Quill said quietly, looking down at Ran.

  Draven let out a loud sigh and ran his hand through his hair again. “Thanks, Quill. You should probably leave soon though, or else—”

  A loud thump sounded on the locked door, and an enraged voice yelled out from behind it.

  “Draven, you bastard! I know you’ve got Quill in there.”

  Quill gave them a guilty look. “Damn, found me.”

  “You shouldn’t be leaving your partner,” Ran said weakly, pushing himself up and away from Quill.

  Melissa couldn’t help feeling sick to her stomach, seeing Ran like this and not his usual cheerful self.

  “You open this door or I’ll break it down, dammit!” the angry voice shouted.

  Melissa turned fearful eyes in Draven’s direction, and he put up a calming hand, as if to tell her he’d take care of it.

  “Give back my partner!”

  Draven sighed and walked toward the door, opening so a large man in a sports jacket could come storming inside. He was blond, tall, and built like Draven, wide through the shoulders. His square jaw and classically handsome features made him the quintessential all-American male. He wore dark jeans that fit like a second skin, mostly due to his sheer size, and his blazer flapped as he whipped around to see Quill holding Ran.

  He grabbed Quill by the arm and jerked him toward him. Quill hissed and pushed him off, clearly equally strong despite being much leaner. “Stop it, Drake. You’re being ridiculous.”

  Drake choked on his own rage, looking at his partner agape. “Excuse me? You disappear on me and show up here, helping another dragon team without any authorization, and I’m the one being ridiculous? Quill, there are rules for a reason.”

  Quill flipped his hair angrily. “I’m sorry, but Ran still needs me.”

  “Then at least bring me, dammit,” he said, using both hands to ruffle his blond hair adorably. Then he looked up and noticed Melissa for the first time, and his light, blue-green eyes widened in shock. “You have a mate?”

  Draven moved to stand between them. “What of it?”

  Drake’s gaze flicked from Ran to Draven. “Is she dragon-hearted?” he asked.

  “Like we’d tell you,” Ran said from behind him.

  Drake gave Ran a glare. “As if I’d be interested in your mate.”

  She could sense there was history there and Drake had an unusual amount of bitterness for Ran, but she didn’t know why. She’d almost say he was jealous.

  Draven had his hand up over his face, pinching the brow of his nose like he just wanted to disappear from the whole situation. When he finally exhaled and dropped his hands, she could see how weary he really looked. “Look, we appreciate you letting Quill stay. I know you don’t have to.”

  “Damn straight, I could take him home right now if I wanted—”

  “But like I say. We appreciate your help. We all need the black dragon right now, and we don’t have time to wait for another.”

  Drake gave a dark nod and slumped in a chair, staring at his partner as he waited.

  “Why does Quill need to heal Ran? What happened?”

  Drake’s eyes flew open as he stared at her agape. The large man was surprisingly transparent. “Are you serious? She doesn’t even know who you two are? This is amazing. She’s so gonna run.”

  “Will not,” she said.

  Drake pinned her with a sardonic gaze. “Oh, trust me, babe. You will.” He grinned. “Definitely not a dragon-heart. But hey, if you just want a taste of dragon, I don’t mind obliging you.” His gaze flicked over her appreciatively as Ran let out a startlingly low gr
owl that sent chills through her, and Quill had to pull him back.

  Drake just stared, unaffected, and Melissa shot him a glare that made him shrug and go back to watching Quill and Ran.

  She locked eyes with Draven, who wore an unreadable expression on his face. Then he reached out a hand to pull her to her feet.

  “Come on. Let’s leave them to it,” he said. He turned to Drake. “I don’t think I have to tell you not to touch my partner.”

  Drake waved a hand. “Obviously.”

  Melissa turned to Drake as they moved out of the room. “Do dragons usually try to hurt each other?”

  “No,” Draven said. “But Drake’s been bitter with Ran a long time. See, dragons get to choose their partners, and Quill chose Ran. But since Ran chose me, Quill was assigned to Drake.”

  “I can hear you!” Drake shouted.

  Draven rolled his eyes and led Melissa to her room. “Stay in here where you’re safe. As much as Ran trusts Quill, I don’t want you around any other dragons.”

  “Protective much?” she asked, a twinkle in her eye.

  “Oh,” Draven said, one corner of his mouth quirking slightly. “You have no idea.” He started to go, and she called out to him.

  “Wait, Draven…”

  “Yes?” he asked, shutting her door and leaning against it, waiting for her to ask her question.

  “What is your power? What color dragon are you?” she asked hesitantly.

  Drake just stared at her, his expression hard once again. “I can’t tell you. Not yet.”

  She swallowed. “Fine. But when?”

  He took a deep breath and considered it. “I don’t know. But as Drake said, you could run. I don’t want to tell you too early.”

  “All right, but when do I get to learn more?” she asked. “Look, last night was amazing, but I need more than sex. I need to get to know both of you. Also, I need some of my stuff from home. What if we go get it and you can answer some questions for me one the way?”

  Draven sighed. “All right. Tomorrow we’ll drive out to your place. It’s a couple hours out. We can find out a little more about each other. But there are some things I’m just not going to tell you until I’m sure about you.”

  She blinked. “Sure about me?”

  He shrugged. “As much as possible. Look, I need to go back out to Ran, but I’ll be back when the others leave.”

  “Wait, what’s wrong with Ran? Why does he look so messed up right now? Is it something to do with his dragon?” she asked.

  Draven’s face hardened. “I’m afraid that’s something I’ll have to tell you last of all.”

  Her heart sank. “Fine.”

  “Tomorrow, then,” he said. He started to open the door.

  “Wait, Draven?” she asked, stopping him.

  “Yes?” He turned to her with that handsome, serious face. So hard and alpha but with something underneath that was almost vulnerable. Something about being in his presence was addictive.

  “Thank you for saving me.”

  He grinned. “No problem. It’s becoming a habit. I’d save you any day.”

  “Yeah,” she said.

  “But that’s our job. If you decide to stay with us, I promise you’ll always be safe. That much I can tell you. At times, you’ll be in danger. What Quill did is nothing. We have enemies, and other dragons can be ruthless when looking for mates. But this much I promise you. We’ll always come for you. We’ll never leave you alone.”

  Her heart beat hard and she blinked back the tears that formed at the emotions that rose in her at his words. “Okay,” she said simply. For some reason, what he said meant so much, and he gave her a look of confusion, as if he didn’t know why.

  She waved a hand. “Go back to Ran. He needs you.”

  He nodded and then gave her one last hesitant look before leaving.

  When the door was shut, she flopped back on the bed and let out a deep breath.

  Damn, dragons could be so overwhelming.

  Not being left alone? That would definitely be different.

  * * *

  The next day, they drove to Melissa’s old town. It was a few hours outside New York, and the drive was so far very uneventful, with Draven playing loud metal music while Ran bobbed his head. She’d requested the backseat so she could watch both of them more easily.

  Her heart raced as she thought of the things she wanted to ask. But she didn’t know what could be answered. Didn’t know what the dragons were so set on protecting.

  Ran was looking better after yesterday. He’d been quiet and stayed in his room for the rest of the day after Quill left. Draven had made them dinner, being a much better cook than she ever would have guessed, and she and he had sat in awkward silence, with her feeling far too aware of how good it had felt to have his body on hers and wondering if he was thinking the same.

  Ran reached over to turn down the music and ignored Draven’s grumbling as he turned back to look at her.

  As always, her breath caught in her throat at Ran’s tanned, golden male beauty and those gorgeous emerald eyes. His perfect lips parted, and she told herself to listen to his words and stop staring at his face.

  “As always, it’s flattering,” he said, grinning playfully.

  “Do all dragons read minds?” she asked. “Why do you do it so much more than Draven?”

  “Draven doesn’t really have any desire to understand people,” Ran said wryly. “He’d try to say it was some sort of noble desire, but really, he just doesn’t care. I, on the other hand, want to know everything about everyone.”

  “Years of isolation will do that to you,” Draven muttered.

  “What?” she asked.

  Ran waved away Draven’s comment with one hand, and her eyes were drawn to his muscled forearm, the deft hand that had stroked her to ecstasy just the other night. “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “Anyway, tell me about you. I shouldn’t have to go in your head to find out more about my future mate.”

  She shrugged and looked out the window. “Not much to tell. Went to college for library sciences. Work at a library. Normal childhood.”

  “Liar,” Ran said, tilting his head so his golden hair swung to one side of his face. He pursed his lips. “But your thoughts don’t tell me what it is you’re hiding. Why hide?” he asked.

  She shrugged again. “I guess there are just some things I don’t think about.”

  Draven gave her a quick glance in the mirror and then focused on the road. There was an odd tension in the car, and then Ran sat forward.

  “Very well, I’m not going to force you. So tell us about where we’re going. Did you grow up there?”

  “No,” she said. “And I’m never going back to my hometown.”

  Draven sat up a little straighter in his chair, as if the conversation was bothering him. Well, it was bothering her too.

  “Don’t worry,” Ran said. “We’re not going to make you do anything you don’t want to do. We’re just trying to find out a little more about you.”

  “So you can decide if I’m dragon-hearted?” she asked, folding her arms and giving him a narrowed glance. “I keep hearing about that, but I don’t know what it means. I’m getting a little tired of it.”

  Ran looked uncharacteristically hesitant, and she saw him share a glance with Draven before putting his hands behind his head and reclining the chair slightly.

  “I’m not sure how much to say. None of us were planning this. We’re all a little taken off guard. Honestly, we weren’t expecting you there that night, and we broke protocol by bringing a human witness here,” Ran said.

  She bit her lip. “If this is dangerous for me, I should know.”

  “Honey, you didn’t think about dangerous when you walked out to face about a dozen feral werewolves,” Ran said, smirking.

  “I didn’t know they were werewolves.”

  “Hm, and bikers look so much safer…” he teased.

  She laughed as a flush crept up her cheeks. “I guess I
didn’t care. Someone was in trouble. I was the only one available to help.”

  “Ridiculous,” Draven muttered.

  She sighed. “Maybe. But I couldn’t have lived with myself if I hadn’t done something.”

  “And what good could you even have done?” Draven asked, as the vehicle swerved slightly and Ran placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him. When Draven had collected himself, he continued. “What could you have done if we hadn’t been there? You’d be dead, but not before they’d made you wish you were.”

  She swallowed.

  “You’re going to have to be more careful from here on out,” he said, running a hand through his hair. “You aren’t immortal yet.”

  “I know,” she said. “Look, I don’t know what to tell you. I didn’t do it to make you angry. I did it because it was the right thing to do. Stepping in when something innocent or helpless is at stake.”

  Ran gave her a reassuring smile, but Draven just cursed.

  “That’s our job. And sometimes we’ll have to leave you at home to go do it, and I need to know you’ll stay home and be safe,” Draven said.

  “Dray’s a little protective,” Ran said with a laugh. “It’s one of his better qualities. And one of his bigger flaws.”

  Draven grumbled something under his breath and Ran raised an eyebrow.

  “What was that?”

  “I said with your reckless ass around, someone’s got to be the careful one.”

  “He’s too careful,” Ran said, giving Melissa a warm look that heated her from head to toe. She wished she could see in Ran’s head like he could see in hers.

  “Anyway, not all dragons are like Quill. And as other dragons find out about us, they may come to challenge us for you,” Draven said.

  “Not likely,” Ran said.

  “True,” Draven said. “But possible. Dragons are getting more desperate for mates that can withstand the change.”

  “The change?”

  Draven shook his head. “I’ve said too much. I’m not sure you’re the one, and I don’t want to have to take more of your memory than necessary if you decide to run.”

  “I’m not a runner,” she said stubbornly, folding her arms. “Bravery, stupidity, whatever you want to call it, I don’t back down. There’s no point. I rush headlong into things. I don’t see any point in hiding.”


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