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Fooled Around and Fell in Love [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Tara Rose

  She grinned. “Very.”

  He crawled off the bed. “Do you want to come with us, or stay here?”

  She glanced up at the stained-glass window in the ceiling, listening to the sound of rain and wind. “I’ll come with you.”

  “Nothing is going to happen to that,” he said. “It would take a direct hit from a tornado to blow it out. It’s very thick.”

  “We might have one of those. Or more than one.”

  “Maybe.” Liam gathered her in his arms. “But Estevan and I are not going to let anything happen to you. Okay?”


  “I’ll tell you what. Let’s get our things and go downstairs. I have a room against the back of the house with no windows. It’s set up as a media room. We can light some candles, there are plenty of comfy sofas and chairs, and we can figure out something to do to wait out this storm. What do you say?”

  “I say that sounds perfect.”

  “Good girl. Let’s go.”

  As they made their way downstairs, Jade hoped everyone at the station was all right, including Santos. She also hoped she still had an apartment when this storm was finished, and that her friends were okay. She’d need to text everyone and let them know where she was.

  Liam and Estevan would keep her safe, and she knew that. Her life had changed in more ways than one since last evening. As they made their way to the kitchen, she tried to drown out the sound of wind and rain outside. Instead, she concentrated on helping the guys gather supplies for a meal. She was going to relax and enjoy this time with them, no matter what happened after the storm. She’d waited a long time to be with them, and she wasn’t going to waste it being afraid or worried about things that might never happen.

  They were here now, and so was she, and they were all safe.

  Chapter Twelve

  Estevan ate cold pizza and drank another plastic cup full of rum and Coke as he watched Jade, clad in nothing but one of Liam’s shirts, whip his and Liam’s asses in hand after hand of five card stud. Santos was the only person he knew who could have taught her to play poker that well. She looked more happy and relaxed than he’d ever seen her, and his head swelled to the size of an imaginary watermelon at the realization he’d had a hand in that.

  Making love to her was everything he’d ever imagined it would be, and more. Spanking her had made him giddy with excitement. He’d never anticipated being able to introduce her to BDSM play so quickly. And since he hadn’t done anything to pursue a relationship with her for so long, he was more than grateful that this one had progressed so far already.

  Slow down, dude!

  Yeah. Check that. It wasn’t a relationship. It was three people stuck in a mansion during a hurricane, having some fun and fulfilling a few fantasies. The fact that he had to share this with Liam was fine for now, but it wasn’t something that would work long term. At least, he didn’t think it was.

  Sure, it worked for Arizona and Dallas, for Taj and Jeff, and for Kade and Elliot. But they were all different people. They had money and power, and a lot to offer a sub and lover. What did he have to give Jade? Paintings that he hoped weren’t ruined by flood water already, and a lifetime of watching him paint walls and houses. Sure. She’d love that.

  Liam had this ridiculously pretentious house and was a rising star at Phoebe’s Playthings. If forced to, she’d choose him. And that wasn’t because he believed Jade cared about material possessions. It was because Liam could offer her something that he never could. Stability. The predictability of a company that was envied by nearly all the online fetish manufacturers and retailers in the country, and a family that took care of its own. As long as you didn’t try and go your own way, of course.

  And that’s what it came down to—right there. If Jade chose him, she’d be bucking every Durante and Raleigh, just like he did each day of his life. How could he ask her to do that? And there was also the issue of Santos. He was surprised the man hadn’t tried calling her by now, but then again, it sounded as though they’d left their last phone conversation on angry terms. Estevan knew Santos well enough to know he was far more stubborn than Jade could ever be.

  “Earth to Estevan.”

  Her amused voice snapped him out of his daydreams. “What? I’m not playing you again. You’re too good.”

  “Chicken. How about if we play something else, then?”

  He sauntered over and picked up the cards, shuffling them. “Ever play baccarat?”

  “I’ve heard of it, but isn’t that more of a casino game?”

  Liam narrowed his eyes. “Where did you learn to play baccarat?”

  “Alejandro taught me. It was one of our many secrets. Remember when Asa and Tim were toying with the idea of having a casino on the island?”

  “Oh, that would be fun,” said Jade. “Why didn’t it happen?”

  Estevan snorted as he continued shuffling the cards. “Because Asa wouldn’t have had enough control over it. But we had a couple of dealers visiting from Las Vegas for a while, and they taught my grandfather how to play. And then he taught me.”

  “Will you show us?”

  He glanced at Liam. “That okay with you?”

  “Sure. Sounds like fun. You know how to play so you’ll beat us both. I’m having a blast at this. Really.”

  Jade laughed and crawled into his lap, kissing him. Estevan tried to tamp down his jealousy. He knew she was only trying to make him feel better about the fact he was lousy at card games, but it was hard to watch her do that.

  It struck him at that moment. He was in very deep shit here.

  She turned her gaze on him. “So, tell us how to play it.”

  “The basic aim is to form a hand whose point value is closer to nine than the banker’s hand. Picture cards and tens count as zero. The rest of the cards count as their face value. But only the last digit of the total counts, so a total of thirteen points is worth three, not thirteen. We don’t play with jokers.”

  “I’m confused already,” said Liam.

  “Hang on. I’ll explain it as I go.” He proceeded to deal the cards. “I’m considered the banker, but I get a hand dealt to me as well.”

  “Why do you get to be banker?”

  “Dude, we’ll take turns at it, okay? You each have to bet on the hand you believe is a winner. Remember, the object is to get closer to nine than my hand. If the hand you bet wins, it’s even money. You can also bet it’s a tie. If you’re right and it’s a tie, you get an eight to one payoff.”

  Liam stared at the cards in front of him. “We each only get two cards?”

  “Yes, initially. If they equal eight or nine, they’re called a ‘natural’ and win automatically. If no one has a hand equaling eight or nine, additional cards are drawn to determine a winner.”

  “I get it,” said Jade, holding her cards close to her cleavage. Why couldn’t she button those last three buttons? She was so fucking sexy, but it was driving him mad. He wanted her again. Estevan couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this horny for such a prolonged period of time. He felt like a teen again, and he loved it. It was freeing in a way very few things in life had been lately.

  Liam studied his two cards, frowning. “Okay. I think I get it. But let’s make it interesting. Let’s play for something this time.”

  “Like what?”

  He glanced toward Jade with a lecherous grin on his face. “Sexual favors.”

  She giggled. “I think I’ve already done you both a few favors of the sexual kind.”

  “But you haven’t done everything. I have an extensive collection of toys. We play for me and Estevan using them on you, one at a time. How does that sound?”

  He nearly lost it when she wiggled in her seat. Her beautiful eyes flashed with desire and excitement. This girl was going to be his undoing, and he didn’t even care. He wanted to fall into her arms and never leave. He’d wanted her for so long, and now that she was here, he had no clue how he’d ever let her go one day.

  * * * *r />
  Liam had always thought of himself as far too competitive to enjoy losing card games to a woman, but it was impossible to be angry with Jade for being better at this than he was. She had a head for numbers, and it showed in these types of games. Did she even realize that? Had she ever considered doing anything besides working with her unpleasant brother in such close quarters? No wonder he was able to keep her life in check. He saw her all the time.

  Liam glanced toward her phone. Why hadn’t Santos called her by now? He hoped he was all right. As much as he disliked the man, her brother was all Jade had left. He knew she had friends, but as far as close family members, Santos was it.

  She caught him glancing at her phone, and put down her cards to cross the room and pick it up. “The cell towers must still be okay. I have three bars.”

  “Why don’t you call or text Santos and see how they’re holding up at the station?” He tried to keep his voice nonchalant.

  “Do you really think I should?”

  “Yes,” said Estevan. “That way you can relax and let me beat you at this game.”

  So he’d noticed her nervousness, too. That was good to know. Estevan was good for her. He was a lot like her, and she would never push him to work for Phoebe’s Playthings or make more money. She’d be content that he did something for a living that made him happy, and she would love him for it. If given a choice, a woman like Jade would always pick a man like Estevan.

  So what the hell was she doing here with him? He’d noticed the way she’d looked at everything in his house. It hadn’t been envy. She’d been overwhelmed, but Liam had also caught a hint of disdain in her eyes. She found his house way too pretentious. Material possessions weren’t important to her. She wasn’t a woman who would use him for his name or his money. If she could care for him one day, it was the person inside she’d want, not what he could give her in terms of cash, clothes, or furniture.

  Liam also hadn’t missed the way she’d looked at them when they’d made love to her. She and Estevan had been dancing around each other for years, but was it possible she would give him another chance as well? Could it really be true that he hadn’t blown it two years ago? She was here now. And she certainly hadn’t seemed to mind having sex with both of them. He didn’t want to let hope build, but how could it not?

  But how would this work? Sure, others did it, but they were so much alike. Arizona and Dallas were both set to take over from Asa and Tim one day as CEOs. Kade and Elliot had both been more than ready to quit and start their own club before Giselle planted the idea in their heads. He wasn’t as familiar with Taj, Jeff, and Alaina’s dynamic, but all three were totally dedicated to Phoebe’s Playthings.

  He and Estevan, on the other hand, would never be on the same page where the company or the family goals were concerned. Would that get in the way? He didn’t think it would between the three of them, but it most definitely would cause issues with their families, and with Jade’s brother. And that might lead to Jade having regrets.

  Liam didn’t know what he was going to do about that, because now that he’d made love to her and spent time with her like this, there was no way he was going to give her up. Asa and Santos be damned. He’d share her with Estevan rather than lose her, but he had no idea what was going to happen when others found out.

  But as he watched her place the call to her brother, he realized he didn’t give a shit what they thought. He was a grown man, and there was more to him than the company or the bottom line. He’d regretted backing down from this amazing woman for two years, and he wasn’t going allow anyone to tell him he couldn’t see her if he wanted to. The hell with that. He wanted her in his life. He’d waited long enough for this.

  * * * *

  Jade hadn’t had this much fun in a very long time. She loved being out with her friends, but this was amazing. These two were so easy to be with, and it surprised her how much fun they had together, in addition to the sex being over-the-top incredible. She especially loved how hard they both were trying, despite the obvious differences in them. It helped they were friends already, and she hoped they were both all right with this because she’d never been so happy.

  Santos answered his cell phone on the second ring, and she didn’t have a chance to say anything before he started yelling at her, asking her where the hell she was.

  “What are you talking about? Nick said not to come in unless the storm got above a Cat 2.”

  “I know that. But where are you right now?” Santos emphasized the last five words slowly, as if she were an idiot and hadn’t understood him. She hated it when he did that.

  “I’m at Liam’s house with him and Estevan. I’ll be here until the storm subsides. Maybe longer.”

  Both men watched her carefully, and she hated that as well. Why the hell did they walk on eggshells with her brother like this? He didn’t own her or them.


  “Liam took me to Phoebe’s Playthings to hang out with Estevan while he painted, and then when the storm got bad, we came here. Liam’s house is on high ground and we’re safe.” He started to speak again but she cut him off. “And that’s why I called you. To make sure you were safe, too, and to make sure everyone at the station was.”

  She counted three seconds of silence, and thought she’d lost the call. “So? Are you all right?” She didn’t care that she sounded like a bitch. She’d just had the best day of her life and in the space of less than thirty seconds he’d ruined the entire thing.

  “We’re fine. The streets are full of water but not so much our squad cars can’t get through. What I’m having trouble understanding is why you’re with those two instead of at home or here.”

  “I told you. Nick said I didn’t need to come in. And you know the storm drains on my street are shit even in light rain. I’d be frantic if I was alone in my apartment during a storm this bad.” That was true and he knew it.

  “But why those two?”

  She took a deep breath, trying hard not to cry. She was so sick of this now that it wasn’t even worth it. Jade gave them each a long, searching look. If she was assuming too much, then so be it. But she wanted them to know how she felt, and she wanted Santos off her back for good.

  “I’m here because I want to be. I’m happy with them. We’re having a lot of fun, and I intend to keep seeing them, and spending time with both of them, until they tell me to get lost. If you can’t deal with that, I’m sorry. But this is my life, not yours. You don’t own me, and you can’t control what I do any longer.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jade swallowed hard as tears threatened again. Both men moved closer to her, but Estevan reached her first and took the phone from her trembling hands. Normally, she would be pissed off if someone pulled such a stunt, but under the circumstances, she was more than happy to let him play hero and rescuer.

  Santos’s voice was still raised in anger as Estevan put the phone on speaker and cut off her brother’s rant with angry words of his own. “Dude, what the hell? Why are you giving her such a hard time? I thought we were friends. What do you think we’re going to do to her? We’d never hurt her. Never. Don’t you know that?”

  If not for the sound of Santos’s breathing, Jade would have thought once again the call was dropped. She stared from Estevan to Liam and back again, not sure what to do or say. Liam especially looked ready to commit murder.

  “You still there?” he asked. “Because if you are, I’d like an answer as well. She’s a grown woman. Who she chooses to be with isn’t any of your business.”

  “I can’t deal with you two right now. The island is in crisis.”

  “No shit,” said Estevan. “Go do what you need to do then. Jade only called to make sure you were all right, and now she knows you are. We’ll keep her safe here.”

  “Take me off speaker and let me talk to my sister again.”

  “No,” said Liam. “I think you’ve done enough to hurt her for now.” He took the phone from Estevan’s hand and disconnected
the call, then stared at it, his eyes flashing with anger. Jade thought for a second he was going to smash it against a wall or something, but finally he placed it back on the table and gathered her in his arms.

  That did it. The tears came, and she couldn’t stop them. She felt like a damn fool as Liam held her, muttering words she barely heard. What kind of a twenty-eight year old woman allows her brother to run her life? What was wrong with her? Enough of this already. She should have been the one to stand up to him just now. “I’m s–sorry,” she said.

  “Why?” He wiped her face. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “You two shouldn’t have to fight this battle for me.”

  Estevan took a seat close to her and stroked her back. “I disagree. It’s not only you he’s gone after. It’s each of us. I’m very upset with your brother right now. I thought he and I were friends.”

  She wiped her face. “Santos doesn’t know how to be a friend. He only knows how to boss people around. It makes him a kick-ass cop but his people skills suck.”

  “He has no people skills,” said Liam.

  “Thank you, both of you. You didn’t have to do that.”

  “Of course we did,” said Estevan. He cut his gaze toward Liam for a second, a look of indecision on his face, as if he were weighing his words. “Look, I may be way off base here, but I have to say this.”

  He took a deep breath. “Jade, I’ve been crazy about you for years. And I know Liam regrets not pursuing a relationship with you years ago as well. But now that we’ve been here…now that we’ve made love to you…Well, I don’t want to back down. I don’t know if this can work, but I want to try it. I want to be with you. And if I have to share you with Liam to do that, well then, that’s what I’ll do.”

  “I agree.” Liam hadn’t even hesitated. Jade stared from one man to the other, hardly daring to believe what she’d heard was true. “I’d rather share you than lose you. I blew it two years ago and I’m not going to do that again. Your brother will just have to learn to deal with it, as will everyone else on this island.”


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