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Fooled Around and Fell in Love [The Doms of Sybaris Cove 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Tara Rose

  “Fucking A!” Estevan high-fived Liam, but Jade didn’t react. She was too busy thinking about both their families. She knew what Liam was up against.

  “And what will you do when this storm is over, and we each go back to work?” she asked quietly. “When Asa takes you aside and tells you not to see me? You aren’t going to quit like Kade and Elliot did. It’s not the same for you as it is for Estevan. He makes a living without Phoebe’s Playthings. But you like working there, and you’re trying to climb the ladder.”

  She nearly recoiled at the pain and indecision in his face, and wished she’d kept her big mouth shut. The conflict was suddenly so clear, and she wanted to kick herself for not having realized the magnitude of it before now. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “You didn’t. Honestly. Everything you just said is one hundred percent true. I can’t quit the company any more than Estevan would give up painting, or you could go the rest of your life without talking to your brother. He’s your closest family member and you feel a sense of obligation to him. Estevan would rather paint than eat. And I’m dedicated to my family’s company.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s who you are.”

  “But I also get what Jade is saying,” said Estevan. “You and I both know the battle you’re fighting.”

  “You walked away.”

  “Liam, I was never there to begin with. It’s always been different for me.”

  Liam gave them each a look filled with such longing and pain that she didn’t know what to do. She had no idea how to help him. She only knew she wanted to be with both of them, and she didn’t give a crap what anyone else thought about it.

  Jade crawled out of his arms and stood, then picked up the deck of cards. “You said something about playing for…what did you call it? Sexual favors with toys? Well, I don’t see the toys. Why don’t you go and get them, and let’s see how good you can get at this game when the prize is me at your mercy.”

  For a few seconds, she thought it hadn’t been the right thing to do, but slowly his facial muscles relaxed and the corners of his mouth turned up. “Okay, smartie pants. I’ll be right back. And I hope you’re ready for this. Just remember, you asked for it.” He winked, and then he left the room. Jade helped Estevan clean up the food and drink, and then she asked him if Liam would be all right.

  “Oh yeah. Don’t you worry about him. He’s tougher than he lets on. And don’t forget. Both of us have been dealing with our families for a long time now. We know how to handle them.”

  “I thought I knew how to handle Santos, but this is too much for me right now. Why didn’t I see this before today? How much of a bully he really is?”

  Estevan pulled her close. “You did. On some level, you did. But the stakes have changed. For all of us.”

  She lifted her gaze to meet his. “And what happens when the storm is over and we go back to reality?”

  Estevan kissed her gently. “Jade, this is reality. The storm was merely a catalyst that set us on the path we were meant to be on. Everything has changed. For all three of us. I meant what I said before, and I know Liam did, too. I hope you did.”

  “Of course I did.”

  “Then stop talking about what will happen in a few days as if either of us is going to simply forget this happened. We’re not like that.”

  “I know you’re not. I didn’t mean it that way.” Damn. She couldn’t seem to say one right thing after that phone call. Next time there was a storm, let him be the one to call her. To hell with this.

  Estevan’s gaze was full of intensity. “I know you didn’t. What I’m trying to say is that if we’re going to do this, we do it all the way. Nothing half-assed. If you want us to be your Doms, that includes protecting you from people like your brother and most of our family members. You need to trust us to know how to do that.”

  “I do trust you. But I’ve already come between you and—”

  “No. No, you haven’t. That’s what I’m talking about. You’re a grown woman. If Santos can’t accept that you have a right to choose who you’re with, that’s his problem, not yours. And if that means he and I are no longer friends, well then, so be it. If he can give up a friendship because I won’t let him treat you like a child any longer, then maybe he wasn’t much of a friend to begin with.”

  Jade didn’t realize that Liam was back until he placed a large vinyl bag on the table. “And if my family members can’t accept the fact that I want to be with a native, then they’re idiots who need to get a clue.”

  “What if Asa fires you?”

  “He won’t. Don’t you worry about that, okay? I know how to handle Asa.”

  “You two make it sound so easy.”

  “It is if you really want this. And if you trust us to know how to handle everyone.”

  She and Liam locked gazes, and something deep inside Jade shifted slightly, as if the storm were already over and the clouds had parted just enough to let in a tiny amount of sunlight so that everyone knew all was well again. She understood what they were trying to say now, and she bit her lip as the reality of what had happened in the space of less than twenty-four hours finally hit her.

  They wanted her. All of her. In a way she’d never dreamed possible with one of them, let alone both of them. And they were willing to fight for her. No man had ever done that before. Not even close. All she had to do was trust them to make this work. They’d both been there all along, and now her fantasies had become reality. It was time to relax and let this happen.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Liam wasn’t any better at baccarat than he was at poker, but Estevan was. He won every hand. The guys gave her only three swats with each toy, and so far those were all floggers, most of which didn’t hurt. But when they pulled out nipple clamps and a ball gag, Jade called yellow. “Seriously? I don’t know about this kind of stuff. I’m a bit squeamish just looking at them.”

  “Fair enough,” said Liam, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. “But if you make something a hard or soft limit, we reserve the right to substitute another item.”

  “Oh really? And when did that rule go into effect?”

  The look he gave her made her laugh. It was a combination of incredulity and wanton lust. “You’re really pushing it here, Jade. We’ll put the clamps and ball gag away for now, but here are their substitutes.” Liam took out a thin bamboo stick, a riding crop, and candles.”


  “Special ones that don’t burn hot enough to scald you. If we use them, we’ll have ice on hand as well. Oh, and your lovely ass has had enough punishment for one day. The rest of the toys will be used on your nipples and your pussy.”

  She eyed them both, then the toys, and finally let out a breath that ruffled her bangs. “Okay. Looks like fun.”

  Estevan laughed. “You don’t sound quite as enthusiastic as you did earlier.”

  “I’m wondering what I’ve gotten myself into here.”

  He put his arms around her from behind, and she shivered as he kissed her neck. “But you’re having fun, right? Please tell us you’re having fun.”

  “I’m overwhelmed, but yes, it’s fun.”

  “You’re probably exhausted,” said Liam. “It’s nearly midnight.”

  She hadn’t realized they’d been in this room that long. With no windows or the TV on to orient her, she’d lost track of time. “I am tired.”

  “So are we. It’s been a long day, and trying new things will be more fun for you if you’re relaxed and rested. Let’s get some sleep, and then we’ll continue your experimentation in the morning.”

  Jade agreed, but she couldn’t help wonder again what would happen when this was over and she returned to her apartment and her job. Would things be strained now at work when she and Santos worked the same days and shifts? And would Estevan still have the job of painting the inside of the police station? She would feel terrible if this mess had caused him to lose work.

  Liam led the way to a bed
room she hadn’t noticed earlier. It was tucked back in the same area as the room they’d just been in, and had access to its own bathroom. He lit candles once they were inside, and then turned on one of the lights. “Generator is still going. That’s good.” He blew out the candles. “I’ll go and make sure they’re extinguished in the other room. The bed in here isn’t as large as mine, but I think we’ll be comfortable in it.”

  “I can sleep on the sofa,” said Jade.

  Estevan put his arms around her again. “I don’t think so. Haven’t you figured out you’re stuck with us?”

  Once Liam had returned, and each of them were ready for bed, Jade snuggled in between the men, trying to relax enough to fall asleep. So many thoughts competed for attention that she wasn’t sure she’d be able to, but soon their warmth and presence made her feel safe and protected. It was so quiet in this part of the house that she had to concentrate to hear the rain and wind outside, but it didn’t sound anywhere near as intense as it had in Liam’s bedroom upstairs, and that helped her fall asleep.

  * * * *

  When she woke again, it was dark in the room. She had no idea how to find the light that Liam had turned on earlier. She couldn’t even see the guys on either side of her, but she could hear them breathing. She scooted off the end of the bed, feeling her way around and trying to be as quiet as possible so she didn’t wake them. As she slowly made her way across the room, hands out in front to feel for furniture, she stubbed her toe and couldn’t stop the loud cry.

  “Sorry.” Liam’s voice was behind her. “You both fell asleep so quickly and I didn’t want to leave the light on in case it woke one of us up. Guess I didn’t think about the fact that it’s pitch dark back here.” A soft light lit the room as he turned on the lamp. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes. Thank you.” She glanced around to see what she’d struck her toe on. It was a chair up against the far wall.

  “Were you looking for the bathroom?”

  “That and just going to get up and see if I could check the radar.”

  “Come on. We’ll let him sleep.”

  Liam handed her the shirt she’d had on earlier, and then after she used the bathroom, she joined him in the other room, where he’d turned on the TV. The eye of the storm had moved off the island, but the rain bands looked as though they’d be around for a few days. There were flood warnings posted for the entire island, and they’d issued a hurricane warning for the Louisiana and Mississippi coastlines.

  “I wish I knew if my street was passable.”

  “Do you need things from home?”

  “I brought enough for a week, but I just wish I knew how bad it was, you know?”

  “I understand. I’m sure Estevan is worried as well.”

  Jade was reminded of his medallion, and wondered once again if he’d brought it with him, or whether Liam knew about it. “It must be scary for all of you living here, knowing you could never evacuate.”

  “I suppose it was more frightening for our great-grandfathers, and certainly for their sons. We’ve all grown up with the knowledge so I think we simply accept it as truth. That’s why most of us have shelters in our homes or built them on high ground.”

  “So you believe in the curse, then?”

  “I think we all do on some level, even if we don’t want to admit it.”

  “I heard there are clues.”

  “There are plenty of them, but they’re closely guarded secrets.” He smiled. “Estevan has one. So does Kade, Taj, and Arizona. I’ve seen them all, plus others.”

  “Estevan showed me his medallion. I wasn’t sure if you knew about it.”

  He looked confused for a second, then nodded. “Did he do that Friday night before I came over?”

  “Yes. Do you think it’s safe? The medallion, I mean.”

  “I think he brought it with him, along with his swords.”

  She nodded and smiled. “That would explain all the bags he brought over. Do only the Durante descendants have the clues?”

  “No. Some Raleighs have them, too but they were all passed down by Durantes. I think Agapito and Iago were more serious about it than Robert or William, so they actively sought a solution.”

  “Do you think you’ll ever find a solution?”

  “I don’t know.” They watched TV for a few more minutes, but then Liam turned it off. “We should get some more sleep.”

  “I’m not really tired anymore.”

  He gave her a long, searching look. “Neither am I. Maybe we should wake up Estevan and play cards again?”

  “Maybe we should wake him and you two can try out the rest of those toys on me?”

  Liam pulled her close and held her. “I have to say this before I lose my nerve. You’re nothing like I thought you’d be.”

  “Neither are you. I thought you’d be stuffy and all corporate this and corporate that. You’re not like that at all. You’re warm and easy to talk to. So unaffected by all the wealth that surrounds you.”

  He gazed into her eyes with so much tenderness, her heart raced. What would it be like to look into those blue eyes every day for the rest of her life?

  Be careful. Don’t lose your head over this.

  “And I thought you’d think me too pretentious, and that you’d be kind of spacy. But you’re not. You’re intelligent and kind, and you look past material trappings to the person inside. You love this island and its residents, and you think the best of people. Not to mention you’re beautiful and sexy. And I never thought you’d be so adventurous, or so willing to experiment like this.”

  “I’ve had fantasies about each of you and about BDSM for years. This is like every dream I ever had coming true at the same time. I wasn’t kidding earlier when I said I was overwhelmed, but in a good way. I don’t know what to do first.”

  “This has been a dream come true for me as well. That’s why I’m not going to let anyone tell me I can’t pursue this with you.”

  “Thank you.” She didn’t know what else to say. There were so many obstacles to overcome, but right now, sitting in this room with Liam, she believed it would happen. That the three of them would figure this out, and find a way to keep Santos or Asa from tearing them apart.

  “I hope you two haven’t started without me.”

  She turned to smile at Estevan, who looked so damn sexy with his sleepy eyes and tousled hair, that she nearly came. “We were just coming to wake you up.”

  “Oh good.” He picked up the riding crop and smacked it against his palm. “Because I had a dream about this, and I’m ready to make it come true.”

  Jade giggled and scooted off Liam’s lap, but before she got too far, Estevan scooped her up and threw her over his shoulder like a sack of flour. “What is with you trying to run away? Where do you think you’re going? There’s a hurricane outside.”

  “Not anymore,” said Liam. “It’s moved out to sea.”

  Estevan placed her on her feet at the end of the sofa. “But I’ll bet we have rain bands over us still.”

  “Yep. They said at least two more days of rain.”

  “Then Jade is stuck here with us for a while. Something different this time, I think. Rope?”

  “You got it.”

  Jade turned around. “What do you mean rope?”

  Estevan took off her shirt in one fluid movement, and then licked both nipples. She moaned loudly, then simply tried to keep breathing as he turned her around and bent her over the sofa arm. “This won’t hurt. We’re both very skilled at using rope. But you will be at our mercy again. So do you have to pee?”

  She giggled. “No, Sir. I’m okay right now.”

  “Good girl. Do you remember your safewords?”

  “Yes, Sir. Red and yellow.”

  “Good.” She was fascinated by the feel of the rope they used to tie her arms behind her back, and tie her ankles to what she assumed were the sofa legs. It was soft, not at all like she’d assumed it would be. It was actually more comfortable than the spreader bar a
nd cuffs had been, and she told them so.

  “Good,” said Liam. “We’ll remember that. Are you ready?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Not quite.” Estevan’s voice held a trace of humor, and she tensed, wondering what deviousness he had in mind. When he slipped a blindfold over her eyes, she let out a surprised sound. “Is this okay? Most subs find it helps them block out everything except the sensations, and the sound of their Dom’s voice, of course.”

  “I like it, Sir. It makes me feel like I have no choice but to trust you both completely.”

  “You can trust us completely,” said Estevan. “I mean that, Jade. We’d never hurt you.”

  “I believe you, Sir.” She really did. She’d never been this happy and she knew that no one man could ever do the things for her that these two did together. But she had to keep this in perspective. She had to be careful not to assume too much here.

  The first sensation was the fur again, and then she gasped as an ice cube was slid along her spine. “Oh…” When something warm landed on top of the melting ice, she flinched, but then relaxed as she realized it didn’t burn. It was warm, but she liked it. They alternated the candle wax with ice, and shivers ran down her spine each time.

  “What do you think?” Estevan’s voice was even sexier with the blindfold on.

  “I love it, Sir.”

  “Good girl. Now for some new toys.” She recognized the riding crop because of the sound, and it bit like a bitch on her ass cheeks. When they aimed it underneath and struck her pussy with it, she yelped and tried to move away, but someone’s hand on her lower back stopped her.

  “You’re okay,” said Liam. “Don’t try to go anywhere. We don’t want you to get hurt. Use your safewords if you need to. We aren’t going to do much to your ass. It’s still pretty red from yesterday. But I did want you to feel the crop. What do you think of it?”

  “It stings, Sir.”


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