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Page 11

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  “Looking for this?” Viper held out my box. Thankfully it was still in one piece. The lid was smooshed but it held every Beanie Baby inside. “It exited the tunnel right before you.”

  I took it from Viper’s hand and took a deep breath as I presented the box to Reaper. “I think these belong to you, now.”

  Reaper gingerly took the box from my hands. Opening the top, he pulled out a green frog. “These are Beanie Babies? They are stuffed animals for children.” He shook his head in disgust. “They are worthless!”

  I bristled. “You wanted them. I can’t help that you didn’t know what they were. If you have changed your mind, I’ll gladly take them back.” I held out my hands, waiting.

  Reaper returned the frog, pulling the box tight to his chest. “No, they are mine. I am not giving them back.” His sky-blue eyes flashed once, daring me to try and take them.

  I raised my hands in mock surrender. “Fine, just treat them gently. They do have worth, all you need to do is see it.”

  Hopefully, Reaper will one day find magic and joy in them, but he was a hard-sell. I would bet my life that cyborg had never had a day of fun.


  Reaper’s face was a mask of distaste, but he held the box liked it contained something precious. Maybe there was hope for the gray cyborg after all.

  “Follow me,” Reaper gave the order before turning on his heel and marching forward through an open doorway leading into a tunnel.

  “It’s good to see you again too,” Iris mumbled.

  The tunnel had been completely empty when we started walking. Slowly, cyborgs began stepping out of doors and peering at us like the circus had arrived in town; Iris and I were the main attraction.

  I met each gaze, finding some filled with wonder and others filled with disgust. My blue eyes flashed, pouring meaning out with each glance. I offered the promise of a challenge to anyone who dared to try and harm the human by my side.

  Hard, fast thuds suddenly lit up the tunnel. A green cyborg came racing around the corner directly ahead of us. Grabbing Iris, I pushed her body behind mine, the fast change in her trajectory caused her to land against my back with a thud. A muffled yelp of surprise sounded against my spine as I wrapped one arm behind my back to hold her against me.

  With my feet firmly planted, I braced myself for the incoming threat.

  The green cyborg’s eyes lit up when he saw us; his feet skidded to a sudden stop to avoid plowing into us.

  He stared at us for just a moment before his face broke out into a wide grin, “This is them? They’re here!”

  I glared at the stupid grin on his face. “Don’t come any closer. Who are you? What do you want?”

  “Let me see, Blueberry,” Iris’s mumbled as she wiggled against my back.

  “You will stay put,” I declared, “and you will state your purpose.” I met the green cyborg’s eyes. The emerald colored globes widened at the tone of my voice.

  “I’m Dax. I came to see you. Both of you. A cyborg with a human? I had to see it with my own eyes. Does she like you because you are a service cyborg? Do you think she would like other kinds of cyborgs or just your model? Is she keeping you? Are you keeping her? Do you think she needs your unique skill set or would she be willing to try out others? Technology? Military? Or maybe a cyborg like me—science?” The green cyborg’s voice was overly hopeful.

  I released Iris and took a step forward, a low, deep growl emanated from my throat. My fists clenched as I determined where I should strike first.

  Reaper was suddenly in front of me blocking the green cyborg from my view and my fists.

  “MOVE!” I shouted.

  Reaper didn’t budge. “He doesn’t mean any harm. Dax is...well Dax. His processors don’t always catch up to his mouth. He is excited to meet both of you. He’s been practically skipping around headquarters waiting for your arrival.” He blew out a frustrated breath. “They kept him isolated. He hasn’t had much social interaction and doesn’t always know what is appropriate. We have been working with him but he’s still learning. I know you want to punch him. Trust me I think about it all the time. All the time, but you can’t. If I can’t, you can’t. Get it?”

  “He wants Iris!” I bellowed, the force shaking the floor beneath my feet.

  Over Reaper’s shoulder, I watched Dax recoil. He visibly flinched, taking two steps backward. “I didn’t mean to. I never meant any harm. I just want friends. They don’t like me here.” He shoved his hands into his pockets hanging his head. “I’m a freak. Can you believe that? Me, a freak? We are cyborgs. We are the definition of freaks. The humans didn’t want me. My kind doesn’t want me. I don’t belong anywhere.”

  The hurt laced through Dax’s voice took every bit of violence out of me. I dropped my hands and sighed. Some badass I turned out to be. A sad, green cyborg had me backing down without a fight.

  “You can move Reaper. I won’t harm him.” I moved back, stepping closer to Iris.

  “I told you that you aren’t a freak, Dax. You are special,” a female voice sounded from behind Dax.

  “I am? They don’t like me either. The service unit wanted to punch me! Punch me, Dr. Shaw! As if Reaper threatening to do it every day wasn’t enough.” Dax huffed, pointing an accusing finger at Reaper.

  The woman placed her hand on Dax’s shoulder. “He was only protecting the woman he cares about. In his mind what you said implied you were interested in her for yourself and not just in a friendly way.”

  The green cyborg cocked his head. “I never thought about that. I implied something of a sexual nature, didn’t I? Now that you say it, I must admit I’m not opposed to the prospect.” Dax’s eyes roamed over Iris, appreciation in his gaze.

  Forget what I said. I would put my fist into through the green cyborg’s face.

  “Most human females only have one sexual partner Dax. I do not think that Iris is interested in being with anyone other than Dash or am I wrong?” The woman raised an eyebrow.

  Iris poked her face around from behind my back, meeting Dax’s curious face. “It’s just Dash for me, thank you.” She smiled at Dax, his emerald eyes shining with hope. “But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to be your friend.”

  There was no way I was letting Iris get near that green cyborg. I tightened my hold on her.

  Iris’s hands smacked against my back. “Let go, Blueberry. He needs a friend. Remember when you needed a friend?”

  I growled. “He can find his own. You will not be it.”

  “Did you just take a ‘the Dash has spoken’ tone with me, Blueberry? I don’t think so. In case you didn’t notice, there are a lot of cyborgs who gave me the ‘I want to crush you’ look as we were walking by. I would like all the friends I can get.” Iris wiggled even harder, trying to free herself.

  “He wants you for himself.” the words came out between clenched teeth.

  Iris placed a kiss on my spine, sending it tingling. “I’m yours Dash. You don’t need to worry about that. Dax is just looking for a friend.”

  Dax cautiously took a step in our direction. “I’m sorry if I offended you or said something inappropriate. I really didn’t mean to. I don’t get out much.” Dax shrugged sheepishly. “She is yours. I swear I won’t do anything to disrespect that.”

  “We all fuck up, Dash. Give Kiwi a break,” Iris sighed, her warm breath ghosting over my shirt, sinking through the fabric to graze my skin. My cock hardened, and I resisted the urge to adjust myself. Now was not the time, here was not the place.

  Keeping my eyes on Dax, I released Iris and allowed her to step in front of me and offer Dax her hand.

  Dax’s eyes widened as he slipped his hand into hers, giving it a good shake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Iris. I am so glad you would like to be friends.” Dax’s face broke out into a foolish, happy grin.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too. I know you don’t know me, but I think that that lady behind you has it right. You are special.”

  Dax’s cheek
s went from light green to dark green, a blush darkening his tone. “Dr. Shaw has been the only one to think so. Well, until you, that is.”

  My processors whirled. They wondered where I had heard that name before. My mouth dropped open as my heart sped up beneath my chest. “Dr. Shaw? It’s not possible. You can’t be her! The Global Allegiance killed you!”

  Tossing her head back, Dr. Shaw let out a laugh. “The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I promise you. You really shouldn’t believe most of what The Global Allegiance says.” She reached out taking my hand in hers.

  Dr. Shaw was alive. My creator was standing right in front of me holding my hand; everything I wanted to ask her rushed up and caught in my throat.

  I had nothing.

  Dr. Shaw gave my hand a squeeze. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Son.”

  My circuits spun. She just called me son. “I am not your son.” I backed away, dropping her hand. I didn’t know what game Dr. Shaw was playing, but I didn’t want any part of it.

  Dr. Shaw’s shoulders slumped, Dax reached over taking the empty hand that had been holding mine. She patted Dax’s fingers and the green cyborg smiled softly at her. “I understand your reaction, Dash. To you, we created cyborgs in a vat without a mother or father but I consider every one of my cyborgs my sons or daughters. I love every one of you. Though I understand if some of you don’t return the feeling.” She glanced at Reaper. The gray cyborg frowned. “This is a lot to take in, isn’t it? I am sorry I get so excited when one of you returns that I forget how trying it is for you. Why don’t you and your Iris get settled and we can talk tomorrow?”

  I reached for Iris, needing something to hold on to. My processors wanted to never set eyes on Dr. Shaw again. My heart wondered what it would be like to have a mother.

  There were no sets of data to analyze. No logical steps to follow.

  The world shifted beneath my feet. I wondered if all the cyborgs had felt the same once they learned their creator lived and claimed to love them. Dax seemed to return Dr. Shaw’s sentiment but Reaper’s face was full of distaste.

  Could you forgive someone who brought you into a world of pain? I didn’t have the answer, nor the means, to process the question even if I wanted to.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I blinked once, twice, my eyes centered on the woman claiming to be Dash’s mother. Like all humans standing next to cyborgs, she appeared tiny; the top of her head barely reaching the middle of Dax’s torso. She had pulled her long, dark hair into a messy bun. A few random pieces fell around her face. I watched every time she pushed them from her cheeks. Her bright green eyes, matching Dax’s skin color, fixed on my Dash. A white lab coat hung off her slight frame; a stark contrast to the colorful cyborgs surrounding her.

  As I studied her face, I noticed she looked younger than me. It didn’t make any sense. They stopped making cyborgs a few years before I was born. This year I would be twenty-eight, so the cyborgs were over thirty years old. Not that time mattered to them. Basically, if they weren’t severely damaged or destroyed, they would last indefinitely.

  Dr. Shaw was human. Even if she was a genius and had started creating cyborgs at thirteen, it still didn’t explain her young appearance. I desperately wanted answers, but when I looked at Dash, I knew now wasn’t the time.

  My cyborg appeared stunned into silence. Was it possible for him to go into shock? Staring at his face I thought it was entirely possible.

  I gave Dash’s hand a squeeze. “Why don’t we take Dr. Shaw up on her offer? Find out where they are sticking us, get some rest, and meet with her in the morning. I have some questions to ask her, myself.”

  Dr. Shaw gave me a soft smile. “I am sure you are curious about the dream-sharing.”

  I froze. How the hell did she know about that? I swung my head in Reaper’s direction. He still clutched the box of Beanie Babies, but his whole body screamed of tension.

  “I shared, with Dr. Shaw, what you and Dash are experiencing. If anyone can figure it out it will be her,” Reaper’s voice dripped with distaste. I take it he wasn’t Dr. Shaw’s number one fan. Then again, I wasn’t sure Reaper really liked anyone.

  “I already know the answer, Reaper. I wasn’t sure that part of my programming would ever be activated, but I didn’t know that a human could ever truly love a cyborg, either.” Dr. Shaw’s face broke into a real smile.

  Dash’s eyes shot to mine. Dr. Shaw had just outed me. How did she know I loved Dash?

  Wait! I love Dash! Head over heels, got it so bad I didn’t think I could spend one day without him kind of love.

  I hadn’t allowed myself to say the words so terrified to admit the truth. I spent every day of my life believing I was defective thanks to my mother’s determination to ensure I would believe I wasn’t the type of girl anyone would keep. That belief had kept me stranded in the past.

  Things couldn’t hurt you, let you down, or walk away if you didn’t let them in. Wanting Dash had been easy, taking care of him easier, letting myself love him far harder for me to admit. I began falling in love with him the moment I saw him in that box.

  If loving a cyborg was weird to some, it came second nature to my heart.

  Dash looked at me expectedly, his blue eyes filled with hope.

  I wasn’t going to say it here. I needed a place with a bed because I was jumping my blueberry. This girl had a cyborg to love.

  “I need a room,” I blurted out.

  Dash’s eyes narrowed as he stared at me like I had grown two heads. I was very good at confusing my cyborg. I hadn’t really thought about what was coming out of my mouth until it was out. I did that a lot.

  “It’s just been a long day, you know? I’ve had no coffee. I had to pee behind a bush. Viper subjected me to the slide of death. Kind of ready to collapse here.” I flashed Reaper a sweet smile. “Reaper, my wonderful man, a room please?”

  Reaper glared. Shit, I might have pressed my luck.

  Please don’t kill me; I have plans. Big, blue, naked plans, I mentally whispered.

  Every cyborg was watching me with curious, colorful eyes. I had basically just ordered the leader of the cyborg rebellion to get me a room. Well, I asked but looking at their faces told me there was no difference.

  Reaper bristled and brushed past Dax and Dr. Shaw; his black boots struck hard against the metal floor. “Follow me. I’ll take you to the room you requested,” he called out. Dash and I quickly moved to follow him, waving goodbye to Dax, Dr. Shaw, and the rest of the cyborgs as we struggled to keep up. Reaper was on a mission. I suspected a mission to get rid of us.

  I was on my own mission. I would worry about having pissed Reaper off, later.

  Reaper stopped in front of a door and swung it wide, revealing what looked like a small apartment. A tiny living room and kitchen smashed together as one with a short hallway that led to what I could only assume was a bedroom and bathroom.

  It wasn’t much, but to me it was perfect. By this point, I would have taken a storage closet. The words I was desperate to say were burning in my chest like wildfire.

  I had to do it now. I didn’t know why. I just felt it. Tomorrow would bring revelations, conversations, and human-hating cyborgs. Right now, it was just us, or would be, once Reaper got outta here.

  “Thank you, Reaper.” I practically pushed him out the door before I realized how bad I was behaving. I was his guest. His very human guest who I am sure he got shit about before I got here. Besides Dr. Shaw, I hadn’t seen another human.

  “Reaper, wait.” That cyborg was already halfway down the hall, clearly understanding the message I wanted him gone.

  He turned; the look of confusion on his face almost comical.

  I was going to drive that gray cyborg to drink, I just knew it. “I know that having me here isn’t fun for you. I get why they don’t like me. Being their leader, I’m sure they haven’t given you an easy time for allowing it. I mean it when I say thank you, Reaper. Desp
ite your ‘don’t fuck with me’ demeanor I think you have a heart under all that metal. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Can’t ruin your badass reputation. I owe you Reaper. For Dash. For this. For not killing me when you pulled me out of my truck. You’re a big gray bastard but I wouldn’t want you any other way. Thank you for, well, for just being you, I guess.”

  Reaper inclined his head, a hint of a smile ghosting his lips, before walking away.

  I turned all my attention back to my beautiful blue cyborg. Dash stood completely still, his eyes trained on mine. He almost appeared to be holding his breath. “Did Dr. Shaw tell the truth? Do you love me?”

  I grabbed his cheeks, tugged his face down to mine, and nodded. “I love you Dash. I love everything about you. You’re the best man I have ever met.”

  His dark-blue eyes grew wide. “You love me?” his words whispered across my skin like a wish he was almost too afraid to ask for, like one someone could snatch from you for simply thinking about wanting it.

  “I love you. I couldn’t imagine my life without you.” My stomach fluttered, my heart hammered in my chest, my knees went weak at the sight of Dash and the way he was looking at me.

  There was no trace of the terrified cyborg that I had discovered in that box. He eyes sparkled bright blue, full of hope and love. He looked at me like I had just given him the best gift in the universe. A part of me wanted to feel sad at the thought that no one until now had loved him, but I refused to let it ruin this moment.

  I couldn’t change the past, but I could spend forever showing him how much I loved him.

  I brushed a kiss against his lips, tasting hope, love, metal, and man. He tasted divine.

  That one kiss had my pussy wanting more, but I wanted to savor this. You tell someone you love them the first time only once. I told her to pipe the fuck down.

  Dash broke off the kiss. “Before you, I thought all humans were the same. Then you found me. The first night I caught the sight of you smiling in your sleep I wondered if you might be dreaming of me. It was too soon to hope, but I did all the same. You told me I wasn’t your cyborg, that I was free, but that night I decided I wanted you to be my human. I love you, Iris. You’re mine. I will never give you up. I would rather spend forever in a box than one day away from your side.”


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