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Page 12

by Kelsey Nicole Price

  I blinked back a rush of happy tears. I didn’t want to wait one more minute without my cyborg claiming me. Time to get naked.

  I offered my mouth, Dash took the invitation and kissed me hard; his lips worked mine with precision. I tugged my mouth free to pepper kisses along his jaw.

  Dash moaned, the sound sent heat pooling between my thighs. Dear god, he could make me come with only the sound of his moan. Dash was blue sex on a mother fucking stick. I wanted more. My hands slipped down, cupping him through his pants.

  I ran my tongue over the shell of his ear. “Can I have a taste?” I rubbed his cock slowly, making it very clear what I wanted in my mouth.

  His whole body shuddered beneath my touch as I gently nipped his earlobe. Who the hell was I? I was, by far, the one in the room with less experience, but it seems the girl in the cat pajamas had gotten some swagger.

  “My body is yours, as is my heart.” his words stopped me, sinking into my lust-fueled brain to anchor deep in my soul. Dash pressed his body against mine; his hard cock rested at my core. My mouth watered, and I licked my lips.

  Dash’s teeth skirted my ear, “Don’t stop now, Iris. I might die if my cock doesn’t find its way into your sweet mouth soon.”

  That was all the encouragement I needed. Dropping to my knees, I popped open the button of his pants, pushed them down his hips, and freed his cock. I studied the length, running my hands over the smooth hard blue flesh and feeling it grow harder within my grasp. My heart fluttered rapidly in my chest, and my nipples beaded beneath my shirt. I wanted Dash in a way that bordered on madness. Blowjobs had never been my thing, but the desire to suck Dash’s cock ebbed and flowed through my bloodstream; a pang of hunger grew in my veins. The tip of my tongue darted out, dragging over the tip to catch the first sweet drops of precum. I swallowed, my stomach clenching—wanting more.

  I opened my mouth wide and swallowed Dash’s entire length, the head bumped against the back of my throat. I sucked hard, drawing, and releasing his cock with loud slurps, the suction pulled my cheeks inward to maximum effect. Dash’s hands dove into my hair, his fingers grasped my short strands, using it like handles. His hold was firm but not painful.

  He rocked his hips, pushing his cock in and out. He possessed my mouth, taking me at the pace he wanted. A jolt of lust went straight to my pussy and spilled more wetness between my thighs. I met Dash’s eyes, the dark blue shade glazed over in pleasure.

  My hands darted up, fingers grabbing his ass and urging him on without words. His cock stole them as he thrust deep one last time; his body tensed before shooting cum down my throat. My eager throat swallowed, drinking every single drop. I pulled back and let his cock slip from my lips, taking one last long lick on the exit. Dash shuddered beneath my hands. The muscles of his ass clenched within my grasp.

  “Iris.” My name floated in the air, making a beeline straight to my pussy. I burned with need. Dash’s hands dropped from my hair to help me to my feet before clasping my body to his.

  He took my mouth in another brutal kiss, his cock growing hard against my stomach. Thank God for cyborg stamina. I knew my eager lady bits wouldn’t be empty for long. As his mouth worked mine, Dash’s talented hands stripped me naked without effort. The frigid air blasted across my heated flesh, causing pleasurable tingles to dance over every inch of exposed skin.

  “I want you on the bed now, Iris. Hands and knees. Present that beautiful ass to me,” Dash’s voice was rough, demanding obedience.

  Holy hell! My blueberry had a dominant streak! I was never into that kind of thing before, but my pussy was calling the shots and it was weeping with joy. The power dynamic had shifted, my cyborg gave orders like a pro.

  Maybe some of his former owners had been into that sort of thing. I pushed those thoughts away. I didn’t want to think about what they had done. In the end, he didn’t want it. With me, I knew that wasn’t the case.

  Dash didn’t just want me, he wanted to possess me. The room spun as I scrambled on top of the bed and dropped to all fours. I tossed a glance over my shoulder before scooting backward; my toes hit the edge of the bed. I widened my thighs, arched my back, and let my head fall to the bed to present my ass front and center.

  Dash growled low. His hands gripped my hips, his fingers dug into the soft flesh. He had me spread wide open, vulnerable and at his mercy, but I wasn’t afraid. No one had ever handled me like this, and it set me on fire from the inside out.

  “Fuck me,” I whined, pushing back into his grasp, trying to convey my need.

  “Is that an order, my Iris?” His fingers dug deeper into my hips, his cock bumping my slit, coating itself with my wetness.

  “Oh, God please.” He was so close to where I wanted him.

  Dash gave one hard thrust, my body rocked forward with the force. He buried himself deep and then stopped. He draped his body over mine and found the shell of my ear.

  “Do you know how good you feel around my cock? I have fucked. I have been fucked, but I have never known anything like the way your sweet cunt feels around me.” His hands trailed up my sides, capturing my breasts and giving a squeeze before he slid higher. His hands stopped directly over my heart. “Your heart is the only thing sweeter than your cunt. I can feel it beat beneath my fingers. I hear it’s sound in my head. I could count every single beat for the rest of my life and never tire of the sound. I love you, Iris.”

  He dragged his cock out slowly and slammed it back home with a loud smack. His thrusts became frenzied as he fucked me with everything he had. My ass slapped against his hips, causing a slight sting to my cheeks. I moaned, burying my head in the sheets. My body coiled tighter, winding me up with glorious tension. My need to cum stronger than my need to breathe. He tilted his hips. The change in angle caused his cock to strike something that had me seeing stars. White light flashed before my eyes as I came, my screams of pleasure muffled by the cotton.

  My pussy continued to fist his cock, little aftershocks of pleasure sending Dash over the edge to cum hard. His release bathed my insides, claiming me with every shot.

  Dash placed soft kisses on the back of my neck as I laid under his comforting weight. I never wanted to leave; laying under my cyborg after he thoroughly loved me was sheer bliss.

  Dash withdrew his cock and rolled me with him as he turned to the side; his big body curled behind mine. He tucked my head under his chin, his breath teased the strands of hair, his hands tightened around my waist to hold me against him. I let out a sigh and snuggled closer, blissfully content.

  “Sleep my beautiful Iris.”

  My cheeks flushed pink. I truly did love the sound of my name on his lips.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Iris slept soundly in my arms. Her breathing was soft and even. She was completely content while my circuits spun with everything that could go wrong. Every way someone could take her from me or hurt her as she tried to keep me safe. Her very life was forfeit to The Global Allegiance simply for loving me. My logical programming told me it would be better for her if I let her go. My heart howled that I wouldn’t be able to survive without her.

  Love was terrifying. I didn’t understand how humans did it. Some repeatedly. I believed cyborgs fearless, but the tiny human in my arms had shown me the true meaning of fearlessness.

  Iris loved me without caution. She offered Dax friendship. She forgave Reaper without thought. She parted with a treasured possession to allow Viper to experience joy. It seemed logical to conclude Iris would charm more cyborgs during our stay here.

  Iris’s heart was her greatest weapon.

  Loving a human did present challenges, the biggest being the fact that cyborgs didn’t age. One day, Iris’s body would fail. She would leave me and go where I could never follow. As I held her in my arms, I counted her heartbeats and listened to the beautiful sound of her breathing. Then, I realized I only had one choice. When Iris left this world, I would terminate my existence, shutting myself down for the final

  Maybe I would get lucky and Heaven would welcome a cyborg too.


  After a shower and another round of mind-blowing sex, Dash found me coffee—thank God—and food that might have qualified as breakfast. The oatmeal matched Reapers face. To the gray tasteless oatmeal—I really hope we never met again.

  A knock sounded on the door. As if my thoughts had called him, Dash opened it to reveal a grim-faced Reaper. Did that cyborg have more than one facial expression?

  He didn’t wait for an invite, pushing past Dash and strolling in like he owned the place. “Dr. Shaw would like to talk to both of you if you feel ready. If not, I will inform her she must wait.”

  “No time like the present I guess. You feel up to talking to her, Blueberry?” I wrapped an arm around Dash’s waist, snuggling up to his big, warm, blue body.

  Dash gave a curt nod, his jaw set.

  I opened my mouth to tell him he didn’t need to talk to her now if he didn’t want to, that it could wait, but Reaper cut me off.

  “Why don’t I have a fruit nickname?” Reaper’s head tilted as he peered at me curiously.

  I guess he did have more than one expression. He took me by surprise with his question. Reaper didn’t seem like a nickname kind of guy.

  “You call Dash Blueberry, referred to Dax as Kiwi, and Viper informed me you insisted on calling him, Mr. Grape. You have only ever referred to me as Reaper or big gray bastard, which, by your tone, implies affection instead of insult. So, why have you not supplied me a nickname?” Crossing his arms Reaper simply observed me, waiting for an answer.

  “Well, to be honest, I really didn’t think you cared, big guy. That and what fruit is gray? You’re a rather hard one Reaper.” In more ways than one, I thought.

  Reaper lowered his head, his lips drew tight, a hint of disappointment flickered in his eyes.

  The brief flash of emotion took me by surprise. I really had thought he didn’t care. Nicknames, especially fruit ones, for cyborgs were rather silly. After the way he reacted to the Beanie Babies, I was sure Reaper didn’t do silly. He truly seemed bothered to not have one, so this cyborg needed a nickname and fast.

  “I’ve got it!” I let out a whoop, which caused Dash to jerk, my reaction had startled him. “Your nickname is Great White!”

  “Great White?” Reaper raised his eyebrows.

  “Like a great white shark. You aren’t a fruit. You are a complete badass. Badasses need special nicknames.”

  Reaper tried hiding a smile. “Great White is acceptable.” He stood a little taller, puffing out his chest, and I bit back a laugh.

  I think Reaper was proud of his nickname. I gave a silent cheer. That cyborg wouldn’t change overnight, but he'd come a long way from dragging a girl out of a truck. There was hope for him yet.


  A pit of uncertainty had formed in my stomach. Reaper, Iris, and I were on our way to Dr. Shaw’s office and I felt like I was fresh out of the manufacturing vat; new to the world and filled with confusion, nervousness, and excitement.

  It is a very difficult thing to enter the world mature in body but deficient in life experience. These past weeks with Iris had given me more life experience than all my thirty-three years since activation.

  The feeling of Iris’s fingers clutching mine, the sweet scent of her hair, and her pink tipped ears reminded me I had no more need to face things on my own.

  My tiny human’s back was ramrod straight, her walk sure and confident, beside me as if she tried to fortify me, a three-hundred-pound cyborg, with her sprint alone.

  Logic couldn’t understand it, but my heart got the message crystal clear. Whatever Dr. Shaw told us, we would face together.

  While I stared at Reaper’s back, I felt sorry for the gray borg. I felt sorry for all the cyborgs who would never find their own Iris. They would have each other, but not a love that reshapes their very frame.

  The walk ended and Iris squeezed my hand. “We got this, Blueberry.”

  I squeezed back, “Yes we do, my human.”


  Sitting in Dr. Shaw’s office, I had to wonder how she managed to keep a smile on her face even when she knew Reaper and probably many others hated her for what she had done. Then again, without her, they wouldn’t exist at all.

  What was better—tossed into this world and used like something to discard or having never existed in the world at all?

  “Thank you for coming. I am sure you have many questions for me.” She turned her gaze to Reaper. “Thank you, Reaper, for bringing them.” Dr. Shaw gave Reaper a grateful smile, but Reaper refused to give her any acknowledgment. Dr. Shaw’s eyes flashed with hurt, but as quick as it was there, it was gone.

  Reaper took a seat next to me. It appeared Dash and I weren’t going to have privacy for this conversation. Soon, Dax and Viper strolled into the office as though invited to this party.

  “Are you serious?” I forced myself to not start pushing cyborg ass out the freaking door.

  Viper met my eyes, shrugging apologetically. Dax didn’t even bother to act like he was sorry. His face lit up with glee as he bounced into the room.

  “I guess nothing is secret around here, huh?” I blew out a breath.

  Reaper turned to me. “We don’t hide anything from each other. We are family.”

  “Well if that’s the case, where are the rest of the cyborgs?” I questioned.

  “I thought it would be best to allow only those who you have met join us. Hester would have loved to be here, but she is currently on a mission. The rest will hear the meeting through my open commlink.”

  I threw my hands up in a mock cheer. “Yay!”

  Dr. Shaw patted my shoulder. “Don’t worry, Iris. They already know most of this.”

  It was weird to have someone younger-looking than you take on the comforting mother role.

  Dr. Shaw seemed so young, I half expected her to start tossing back shots and screaming ‘Let’s party!” She looked like she should be in some college frat house not hanging out with a bunch of colorful cyborgs and one human.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to ask. “Okay, I have to know. Why the hell do you look like you are barely legal to drink?”

  Dr. Shaw laughed. “I assure you, Iris, I surpassed the legal drinking age a long time ago. The reason I look so young is that I am no longer human. I haven’t been human for many years.”

  My jaw dropped. Glancing at Blueberry, I saw the same shocked look on his face. The rest of the cyborgs had no reaction at all like this was old news.

  I had the sudden urge to stand up and poke her, my pointer finger rising slowly before I caught myself. I shook my head. “So, if you aren’t human, then what are you?”

  Dash turned to Dr. Shaw. “Are you a cyborg?”

  I wish I had thought of that! My mind firmly stuck in ‘Dr. Shaw’s not human’ mode. Every cyborg I knew had a color-code. Dr. Shaw’s skin was a normal flesh-tone, a tad pale, but being underground would do that to a girl.

  “No, Dash, but I do have cybernetic technology implanted in my body. The rumor that The Global Allegiance killed me isn’t far from the truth. They tried killing me, but didn’t realize I had a backup of my consciousness on an encrypted data chip. I tasked Dax with removing my body after they executed me. Dax proved far more brilliant than I. He kept me in stasis to preserve my tissue. He replaced my failing organs with cybernetic upgrades, my data chip uploaded to my new cyborg brain. I woke up as me, but a newer, better model. The upgrades replaced the human ones that would have failed over time. My human body died at the age of twenty-two, so I am forever that age.”

  A thousand questions filtered through my slow-moving human brain. “How old were you when you developed the technology to create the cyborgs? No offense but it doesn’t seem possible. Were you six?”

  Dr. Shaw chuckled. “No not quite that young. I started my research when I was thirteen. By eighteen, I had a working prototype. The Global Allegiance wa
sted no time in funding my lab and advanced my research to make the first official cyborg.” Dr. Shaw’s voice wavered. I was sure she regretted that decision.

  The Global Allegiance worked under the motto that they were the saviors of humanity. They touted their technology made the world a better place. A better place for whom? Not the cyborgs they tortured. Not the humans who dared to care about the cyborgs. They had wiped their hands clean of their mistake, offering refunds to those affected by the recall. Once they finished the dirty work, they moved on to another project. They kept A.I.s in boxes. All the cybernetic technology with none of the undesirable human traits.

  Don’t make things that look human; if you do some people will start believing they are.

  “Who was the first cyborg?” Dash questioned.

  Dr. Shaw reached out, grabbing Dax’s hand giving it a squeeze. “I told you Dax was special.”

  She risked a glance toward Reaper. “All of you in this room are the first units of your kind. Reaper-military. Viper-technology. Dash-service. Dash, your model type was the last type created. I had no idea what they planned for you. I had no idea what they planned for any of you. They promised to take care of you and protect you. I was young and stupid. I wanted you to live so badly. I didn’t think about the cost to you. I had spent years dreaming of bringing all of you to life. I always meant for you to be something more. Something that should have been guiding lights for humanity, but instead, they forced you into darkness. I gave you the ability to grow and evolve. The Global Allegiance thought your fatal flaw was your soul. Once they gave the order to recall you, I learned the truth about what they had been doing. I made sure to hide the first units where they couldn’t find you. I knew the other one like you would need your help. You are the originals. If I am their mother, then you are their fathers. You can show them the life The Global Allegiance wants to deny them.”


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