Book Read Free

The Reluctant Bounty Hunter

Page 33

by S G Read

  ‘Two people who seem to work as one.’ Sarah answered. ‘A bit like you and Star when you saved me.’

  ‘And now she is Star, so what am I?’

  ‘Willow I suppose, as Will is a boy’s name.’ Sarah answered. ‘It is like me being Sarah instead of Sarah Pointer or Sarah Pointer-Lee, as Duncan is like my pa now.’

  Star That Shines returned with their horses and they mounted. Sarah led the way to the prairie and round to where the new tunnel was. A man was working in the tunnel as they rode through and touched his imaginary forelock as they went through, as he did not have a lot of hair on his head, it was all round his face. The first thing they saw was the stone house which other men were building with the left over rock. It was early days yet but Sarah could imagine it being as big as the school building. Morning Sun was playing with Duncan Wolf lee and Duncan Wolf Lee immediately stopped playing to defend his mother against these intruders, until he saw Sarah, then he ran to where she was dismounting.

  ‘Ride, ride.’ He insisted and she dutifully lifted him into the saddle, climbed up behind him and took him for his ride round the valley.

  While Sarah rode of with Duncan Wolf Lee on the horse with her, Star That Shines and Willow Grass went into the cabin with Morning Sun to catch up with the goings on in the valley and to see Fox.

  Duncan rode with Zeke into Bluegrass and settled down to await the trial of the four men. It was a chore but a necessary one, as he was a marshal. It would have been easier to kill them all but five against three, or what he thought was three were long odds and not worth playing if there was no need. They had come through it unscathed and that was all that mattered. He took a room at the hotel and did his duty as a marshal while he was there, up to the day of the trial, then he waited and took his turn on the stand. It was a foregone conclusion, with several witnesses overhearing Prentiss when he recruited the men. But as they had not drawn their weapons the judge decided on leniency and each received four years in prison.

  That night there was an impromptu party which lasted until the morning arrived. Duncan slept for a few hours then said goodbye to anyone who was up and about, before heading out of town. He watched his back trail twice to see if anyone was following but only saw Sebastian, doing his best not to be seen. He smiled and rode on. That night he lit a bigger fire than usual but Sebastian did not join him, he was somewhere out there in the darkness watching. In the morning Duncan broke camp and rode on. He made good time and reached the old cave entrance mid afternoon, passed it but waited at the entrance of the prairie, out of sight. An hour later Sebastian rode by.

  ‘Know where you are going?’ Duncan asked.

  Sebastian half drew his pistol as he turned in the saddle. He recognised the voice and let the pistol drop back into its holster.

  ‘Quick reactions Seb.’ Duncan added.

  ‘But were they quick enough?’ Sebastian asked.

  ‘You’ll find out the hard way one day.’ Duncan answered and rode out beside him. ‘Come on I will show you how to get into the valley.’

  They rode in to find Star That Shines playing with Duncan Wolf Lee and Willow Grass playing with Sunshine. Sarah was sitting on the stoop with Fox and Morning Sun watching them. Duncan Wolf Lee was the first to spot Duncan and raced up to where he was riding in. Duncan lifted him onto his horse as though he was weightless and sat him in front of him, for the rest of the journey.

  As he rode up he looked at the changes which had gone on in his absence. The stone house was half built, the second cabin was finished and looked ready for occupancy. A new log store was built on to the new cabin so that anyone in the cabin could get into it in heavy snow or rain without the need to go out into the weather. He liked what he saw. The sooner it was finished the better but he needed more gold. He had to see Eugene, but that would come after he had Morning Sun in his arms.

  The following morning he walked into the sunshine and left Morning Sun lying on the bed. No one had come near and the children had been kept occupied. His smile told it all, even to Sebastian who was now sitting on the stoop as well. He found Eugene in his new house, making sure everything was done correctly.

  ‘Ah, just the fellow. I have to go and get you some more gold, did Sarah give you what we had?’ He asked when he saw him.

  ‘She paid us in full Duncan, and there was some left over in case of problems. I am expecting some timber for the roof any day now.’ Eugene answered and Duncan turned on his heel and walked out, he wanted a word with a certain young lady.

  He walked up to the cabin.

  ‘Did you come back to the house when I told you Sarah?’ He asked.

  ‘I was going to pa but I thought that if I found enough gold you would not have to go back out and find more.’ Sarah answered pensively.

  Duncan walked up onto the stoop, grabbed her by the hand and dragged her down the steps. He choose to sit on a step and laid her across his lap on her stomach. To ensure it was a punishment he lifted her dress to reveal her underclothes and then paddled her backside with his hand. Of the two who were sitting on the stoop, Fox watched with great interest whilst Sebastian averted his eyes. When he was finished he let Sarah up.

  ‘I deserved a paddling pa,’ she admitted, ‘but lifting my dress in front of all those men?’

  ‘I thought you deserved that as well Sarah as something far worse could have happened to you out there on your own, especially after shots have been fired!’ Duncan scolded. ‘Now it is done. I know you did it out of good intentions but do as you are told next time or come back here and get help to watch your back.’

  ‘Yes pa.’ Sarah looked up to see Fox laughing. ‘And what are you laughing at?’

  ‘How can you wear all those clothes on a day like today?’ Fox asked.

  ‘It is what a lady is supposed to wear when one is out.’ Sarah declared and stormed off.

  The others watched her go until she was out of sight and then the three turned on the injured Fox. He was going to be taught some manners, whether he liked it or not. Sarah walked into the cave for solitude but found Slim in there soaping saddles, on a saddle rack which he had designed. He looked up when she came in but did not speak, returning to his work when she did not speak either.

  ‘I will never understand men.’ She complained eventually.

  ‘Careful, I am one of that breed.’ Slim warned.

  ‘I know you are a man Slim, and you are twice the man Fox will ever be!’

  ‘Be careful with you predictions Sarah. You have no idea what a person will end up like when they are older. I knew a girl, she was a slave for an old couple, the daughter of a whore and she is shaping up quite well now.’

  ‘I wish you wouldn’t call my mother a whore Slim. I know she was but surely there is another way of putting it?’ Sarah asked sadly.

  ‘I could say she worked in a cat house, or how about she worked in the entertainment industry?’

  ‘That sounds a lot better.’ Sarah conceded. ‘I like the saddle rack.’

  ‘Got the boys to knock it up, so I could work on the saddles. I like to earn my keep while I am here.’

  ‘Not like that Fox.’

  ‘He has been shot Sarah, twice in fact, this time.’ Slim retorted.

  ‘But when he is fit he plays with the children or sits about. Not once has he done any work.’

  ‘He is an Indian brave, albeit a young one and possibly one of the last few round here and they never work. They hunt, eat, sleep and make babies.’ Slim explained.

  ‘Pa just paddled me for disobeying him when I promised and Fox just watched when my draws were displayed for all to see.’

  ‘I bet Seb looked away, he is a gentleman.’ Slim exclaimed.

  ‘I suppose I will never know?’

  ‘Ask the squaws if it is important to you.’ Slim advised. ‘One of them is sure to have noticed as they would have looked away. What did you do which was so terrible?’

  ‘When pa had to go into Bluegrass with Marshal Zeke, I was supposed to co
me back with the gold we had found but it wasn’t enough, so I stayed and panned for more.’ Sarah explained.

  ‘Is that when your dress got torn?’ Slim asked out of the blue.

  ‘You can see that?’ Sarah asked and started to examine her dress in more detail.

  ‘I can. I am only surprised that Duncan hasn’t spotted it yet.’

  ‘Oh shoot. I will have to go and change into something else to make sure he doesn’t see.’ Sarah exclaimed. ‘You don’t suppose he has seen and is waiting for me to tell him what happened?’

  ‘Might be. Plays his cards close to his chest, does Duncan.’

  ‘Oh God, what do I do now?’

  ‘That’s up to you young lady, it is your life but the saying is, that honesty is the best policy!’ Slim answered.

  ‘That is not helping.’ Sarah declared and walked off to find solace elsewhere, to think.

  She walked to the tunnel and right through it, passing the man who was still making the inside safe. There was little wood holding up the roof of the tunnel now, stone had replaced it for support. He was doing it one section at a time and just had the last section to do, after the section he was doing was done to Eugene’s satisfaction. When she walked out into the prairie she saw Becky in the distance, she was obviously looking for a way in.

  ‘Becky!’ Sarah cried as loud as she could and repeated it until Becky saw her.

  Becky rode over to her as Sarah was running to meet her. She leapt of her horse and they were soon hugging and catching up on what had been happening to the other since they had left school.

  ‘So what have you been up to while we have been apart?’ Sarah asked as they walked through the tunnel.

  Becky stopped to admire the tunnel before she answered.

  ‘Easier than going through the cave.’ She noted. ‘Well I found me a man, one I loved and I also took a job as a teacher. It was all going so well until some thieves robbed the bank where my Dan worked. Shot him dead when he wasn’t quick enough in giving them the money.’

  Sarah looked at her with horror on her face.

  ‘Where were you?’

  ‘At the school, I ran down as soon as I heard about it but I was too late. I tried to join the posse but they didn’t want me, so I returned to the school but it wasn’t the same anymore, not without him. A week later I realized I was pregnant with his baby, so at least that is something. I left school to come out here to find you.’

  ‘And you are welcome Becky. Stay as long as you want to, I will clear it with pa.’


  ‘I know he’s not but it sounds better then Mr. Lee or Duncan for that matter.’ Sarah explained.

  ‘Makes sense. My pa didn’t like Dan, said I could do better. So he was happy when he was killed, too happy. I lit out of there when I found I was pregnant to make sure he never even saw the baby!’

  ‘Good for you.’

  ‘Anything going on round here I should know about?’

  ‘There is a new sheriff in Martinsburg, name of Crazy Dog and he has short hair now!’ Sarah answered.

  ‘No, not Crazy Dog, the sheriff?’

  ‘Not a full sheriff, just acting while they find another one but he has been the deputy a while and they might not find another person to replace him.’

  ‘I have to go and see him, will you come?’

  ‘Try and stop me Becky. But first I have to tell pa something that happened to me.’

  ‘You didn’t break your duck did you?’ Becky asked all ears.

  ‘Nearly and in the wrong way.’ Sarah admitted.

  Sarah explained what had happened as they walked up to the original cabin and Becky covered her mouth when Sarah came to the juicy bits. Before Sarah walked up to talk to Duncan, Becky put her arms round her as a gesture of good will.

  Duncan saw Becky and waved, then awaited Sarah’s arrival. Sarah walked up slowly giving the others time to move away, which they took, even Fox after a few words from Willow Grass.

  ‘I was nearly raped when I carried on panning for gold pa.’ She said contritely.

  ‘Is that why your dress was all torn?’ Duncan asked.

  ‘Yes. I wrote it out so you’d know what went on and that it was a rightful killing, shall I get it.’

  ‘No, tell me what went on!’ Duncan ordered.

  Sarah related the story of the man arriving while she was alone and in a wet dress, coming to investigate the shots. As she narrated the story she started to cry and ended up burying her head in his muscular shoulder, which made the last bit hard to hear and understand.

  ‘Have you learnt your lesson Sarah?’ Duncan asked when she stopped crying.

  ‘Yes pa.’

  ‘Then invite Becky up here so that we can get reacquainted.’

  ‘Okay pa.’ She merely turned and waved her up onto the stoop.

  That evening they all ate outside as there was not room for them in the cabin and the other cabin was not ready for inhabitants yet, according to Eugene. They all sat round a large fire, burning the off cuts the workmen had saved for such a purpose. Duncan outlined his plans for the prairie and the valley to them all and Martin asked about the fencing.

  ‘I was just going to fence it with fence posts, I know they are not really secure but it is all I can do, the same with the larger opening.’ Duncan answered.

  ‘Let us fence the narrow one and see if you think it is worthwhile.’ Martin offered and when Duncan wavered he added. ‘We’ll do the little one for free just to show you what we can do, won’t we Eugene?’

  Eugene looked at the others before answering.

  ‘It seems we will Duncan.’ He said when all the faces gave him confirmation. ‘But I don’t suppose the good food you have been getting while you are here has anything to do with it?’

  No one answered.

  ‘How will you do it then?’ Duncan asked, looking at Martin.

  ‘We take a tree and cut it to length to reach across the gap. Attach other trees to it with that new razor wire. Dig a trench and after painting the bottom tree with tar we lower the long tree with the others fixed to it into the trench and stand up the other trees. Then we fill the trench back in and put another tree across the top to keep the rain out of the uprights. No horse will ever pull it out and it will last for years.’ Martin explained. ‘To just put posts in the ground without anything attached to them makes them easy to pull out.’

  ‘Go ahead and if I like it, we’ll pay you anyway.’ Duncan answered.

  Sarah looked at Duncan in a, I’ll help if you want it look but did not say anything.

  ‘You ready to try to find some more gold Sarah?’ Duncan asked.

  ‘If you want me to pa, I might even surprise you just how quick I can do it.’ Sarah answered with a meaningful smile.

  ‘Sounds good to me but let’s see what their ideas are like.’ He answered.

  The next day a group mustered by the narrow opening at the end of the prairie. To their standards it was narrow but there was room to drive a herd of cattle through in a short time. Two men started digging in the hard packed soil, while others went off to find suitable wood. They used horses to drag a tree back, one which was long enough to fit in the trench and the men went off to find uprights. It would end up like a fort wall but with spaces in it just too small for a man to squeeze through.

  When all the uprights were attached, they dragged the tree into the trench, thus pulling the uprights upright. Each upright was firmly fixed where they wanted it and the soil replaced until they were all sticking upright and vertical. Each upright had a sharpened end sticking up into the air to have another tree sitting on top of it with its corresponding holes matching the pointed uprights. The tree which they fitted on to it reached from one rock face to the other, making the whole thing immoveable. Duncan knew because he tried to move it.

  ‘I’ll be damned. No one will steal my horses from this end, unless they set fire to it and to make sure that doesn’t happen, I will have a line hut to one side.’ He
declared. ‘When you’ve done the house, you can start on the other fence but this time with a gate in it, after all we have to get in and out. I also want two cabins the other end by the fence to control who comes in and who goes out of the gate.’

  They returned to the valley to let Eugene plan his next work there but Sarah and Duncan went off to find more gold. This time slim and the two squaws went along, just in case. Duncan was surprised when Sarah stripped to her underclothes, it also made Slim turn and face the other way.

  ‘At least there is one gentleman about!’ Sarah declared and walked to where the water gushed out of the hole under the trail.

  She laid the towel she carried by the stream and lay down in the water, reaching into the hole the water was gushing out of. One by one she took out gold nuggets and laid them on the towel.

  ‘Do you have a poke handy pa?’ She asked when some of the pile tried to roll away.

  Duncan had been spell bound, wondering what she was up to. Now he took the pokes from his horse and sat there filling them while she delved further and further inside the hole.

  Slim looked back and then away again until Star That Shines turned him round again to face where she was working.

  ‘You cannot protect someone with your back turned Slim.’ She declared.

  Slim went to answer but turned to face Star That Shines.

  ‘Will you wed me?’ He asked bluntly.

  ‘I will.’ Star That Shines answered. ‘Now make sure no one catches them unaware while I start a fire to dry her clothes.’

  Slim wanted to shout it out loud but instead he did as he was told and kept watch. Willow Grass looked at her but said nothing, she just took the food off the horse to get it ready for eating.

  The pokes were filled quickly with gold nuggets, not dust but eventually Sarah could reach no more. Duncan took of his gun belt and took her place and with his longer reach he found more gold. The food was ready after they had filled the pokes but with Sarah and Duncan’s clothes drying, they waited and ate it. It was another hour after they had eaten and the squaws had washed up the utensils before they started back, by then Duncan and Sarah knew all about the forthcoming wedding between Star That Shines and Slim.


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