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The Reluctant Bounty Hunter

Page 34

by S G Read

  They rode back with the gold and Duncan discussed weddings with Morning Sun. He had married her in an Indian marriage, blessed by her father and he was at a loss as what to do about it this time. There were no local Indian Chiefs and he could not see Slim and Star That Shines walking down the isle in a local church.

  ‘I have heard from Slim that the priest will come out and perform a marriage at a ranch, and this is a ranch is it not?’ Morning Sun asked.

  ‘It is, Morning Sun, thank you for reminding me. We will have the wedding here as long as it is all right with Slim and Star That Shines.’

  ‘They might want to marry at Carter’s ranch, or have a lot of them come here to enjoy it.’ Morning Sun added.

  ‘True. I will ask them, that way I will know.’ Duncan answered and walked off to find Slim and Star That Shines but they had walked into the valley together, to be alone.

  With nothing to be done until they returned he started thinking about his ranch again. The fence would be built, with two strong log cabins next to the gates, to keep the rustlers out. He would need people to live in them, either ranch hands or a family with the man as a ranch hand. The line shack the other end would be less imposing and the men would stay there for a few days, then be relieved by another hand. His mind went to supplying them with water and it led to watering the horses, all of them. He would have to have wells dug for the cabins but for the horses he needed to access the stream before it reached the valley without cutting off his supply. Another headache. He sought out Eugene.

  ‘Water you say, out in the prairie. I can probably locate the stream under the prairie and then dig it out. All we have to do is to make a sluice to build up the water high enough so that the horses can drink from it but without that water then flowing through to you.’ He replied. ‘It can be done but not until the rest of the work is finished. It is getting late in the year for such work, although when the fence is up and one of the two cabins built, we could dig the well near the cabin and put in a hand pump before the snows come.’

  Duncan looked up at the sky and felt the air round him, he reckoned they had another month but he did not argue. When Slim and Star That Shines returned he talked to them about the wedding.

  ‘Soon going to snow.’ Slim answered looking up to the heavens. ‘We will wed after the winter, better then and then we will decide where it will happen. If Fox is fit to return to Carter’s ranch before the snow arrives we will go back and talk to Carter to get his ideas on it.’

  ‘Sounds like a good idea to me. I won’t mention it again and wait for you to let me know where and when, I like a good wedding.’

  During the next week the new cabin in the valley was pronounced ready for occupation and the new beds which they had stored in the cave, were carried inside it. Not Morning Sun and Duncan’s bed that was destined to go into the stone house, when it was ready but now Sarah had her own place which she invited Becky in to stay as long as she wanted to. She also let Slim and Star have a room in there and Willow Grass took one of the ground floor rooms while she was still there.

  A week later, Slim, Fox, Star That Shines and Willow Grass set out for the Carter ranch but not until Slim had helped Duncan carry his large bed up the stairs in the stone house. The roof was on now, it was not tiled but made of logs to withstand heavy snow, even though in the valley it was fairly sheltered. The others watched them ride out and then carried on with what they were doing. Morning Sun was making the stone house look like a home and there was a roaring fire in the large open fireplace.

  The doors were finally fitted on the tunnel to make it secure and the men went to start on the other fence and one of the two cabins. The well was deferred until spring as there was no longer time to dig it, line it and fit the pump. At the end of the next week they were ready to leave, they did not like deep snow and were heading to warmer parts for the winter. Duncan paid them all they were owed and watched them ride away in the wagon.

  When the first snows came Duncan rode to the gates and closed both of them. They were in the valley for the winter. The horses would not need feeding as there was still a lot of grass in the valley but he also had feed for them as an extra. Now it was a matter of waiting out the winter before the rest was finished.

  With Sarah and Becky in the new cabin and Duncan and his family in the stone house, they all had their own space and it helped when the winter bit. The snow in the valley was still a lot lighter than outside, they knew as Becky decided to go for a ride outside but when she opened the second gates in the tunnel it was blocked with snow. She was forced to turn back but then the others knew she would be.

  Chapter 20

  ‘Didn’t see any Sioux then?’ Sarah asked when she rode back.

  ‘There are no Sioux about anymore.’ Becky retorted.

  ‘You would find them, even if they were the last Sioux on the continent!’ Sarah declared. ‘Isn’t it hard to ride with that lump in front of you?’

  ‘This is the only thing keeping me sane Sarah Pointer, one day you will understand what I mean.’

  ‘I hope so!’ Sarah answered. ‘But with the right person of course. Tell me about him.’

  ‘Who Dan? Not much to tell really. I saw him and fancied him something chronic, a week later we were together. One thing led to another and he asked me to marry him, when pa objected I still said yes, so pa did not come near the wedding. Ma did, against pa’s will but she said she wouldn’t miss it for the world. The rest you know.’

  ‘So who are you now then, Rebecca Ponsonby?’ Sarah speculated.

  ‘Nothing so grand, just Mrs. Rebecca Willoughby.’

  ‘So he wasn’t related to anyone famous then?’ Sarah asked.

  ‘No, well at least I do not know of anyone famous by that name despite my upbringing!’ Rebecca answered in her best school voice.

  ‘Oh I save that for company.’ Sarah declared.

  ‘What am I horse manure?’

  ‘No you are Rebecca, my friend and always will be. Even when your baby is keeping me awake.’

  ‘They do that don’t they?’ Rebecca sighed. ‘Still it will be a reminder of Daniel, I really loved him.’

  Rebecca’s urge to get out of the valley subsided and things returned to a normal routine in the valley. It grew colder but not as cold as outside the valley, then the snow was gone. One heavy shower and the valley was clear of ice.

  ‘Are you riding today?’ Sarah asked when Rebecca came down for breakfast.

  ‘Do you think it is clear?’

  ‘I reckon.’

  ‘I will if you will then. I suddenly thought about Sioux and what they would do to me and my baby.’ Rebecca declared.

  ‘We can go and look can’t we?’

  They did and were soon out riding. At first just riding the plain as far as the solid fence at the narrow end and then right to the other end.

  ‘Shall we ride to town?’ Rebecca asked when they reached the other end.

  ‘Too late to start today but we can go tomorrow if pa doesn’t need me for anything.’

  ‘Tomorrow it is then, let us go back but I won’t race you just in case the baby decides to show itself.’ Rebecca agreed.

  ‘What are you going to call it?’ Sarah asked as they turned to follow the trail back to the tunnel.

  ‘Dan, if it is a boy and Danielle if it is a girl.’ Rebecca answered.

  ‘Thought about that, have you then?’ Sarah observed.

  ‘Just a bit.’ Rebecca agreed.

  They rode through the tunnel and into the valley a little later and Sarah sought out Duncan.

  ‘Becky wants to ride into town tomorrow and I thought I would go with her, just in case.’ She announced from her horse.

  ‘Sounds like a good idea, I have a message you can take but make sure your chores are done before you go!’ Duncan answered.

  ‘Yes pa.’ Sarah answered, wheeled her horse and rode to her cabin.

  The following morning Duncan watched with Morning Sun as the two girls ride away.

  ‘Do I follow?’ Duncan asked.

  ‘Follow and get caught, in trouble. Don’t follow and worry.’ Morning Sun answered. ‘Which is worse?’

  ‘Being seen I reckon. Besides there are only friendly Indians about now and someone needs to be here to look after you, now that the tunnel is open.’

  ‘I am sure we can think of something to do.’ Morning Sun replied and walked inside.

  Duncan followed after looking to see what Duncan Wolf Lee was up to.

  Sarah and Rebecca rode to the gate, opened it and rode through. Sarah closed it again and they rode away. Ten minutes later Olivia Carter and one of the hands rode up to the gate and went through the opposite way. They saw the tunnel and rode through, noting the oil lamps halfway through that were just giving enough light to be able to ride normally. On the other side Olivia had her first look at the valley and it took her breathe away.

  ‘Some place Mitch.’ She declared.

  ‘Sure is Miss Olivia.’

  They rode further in and saw the two cabins and the stone house. Olivia chose to ride up to the stone house. She slipped of her horse as though she was born in the saddle and walked up to the door, while Mitch held the horses.

  The first thing Duncan and Morning Sun knew about their visitors was the knock on the open front door.

  ‘Be right down.’ Duncan called from above.

  He had to leap out of bed and throw on some clothes to look decent before he went downstairs and then he raced down to see who was there.

  ‘Hello Olivia, come on in, don’t stand on ceremony.’ He said when he saw her. ‘Anyone with you?’

  ‘Mitch is with the horses.’ Olivia answered.

  ‘Sun, Olivia Carter is here.’ Duncan called up.

  Morning Sun walked down calmly and looking at her best.

  ‘This is Olivia Carter, Morning Sun. Olivia, this is my wife Morning Sun.’ Duncan announced. ‘You look after Olivia while Mitch and I look after the horses, at the moment I am all there is.’

  ‘Hello Olivia, I can call you Olivia, Miss Carter?’ Morning Sun said pleasantly.

  ‘Of course you can Morning Sun.’ Olivia answered.

  ‘Come into the parlor and I will fetch some real lemonade, they were grown in the valley.’

  Olivia was pleased to sit in a soft chair after their ride and rested, awaiting Morning Sun’s return.

  ‘I bring news of Slim and Star That Shines wedding at our ranch.’ Olivia announced after drinking half her lemonade. ‘You are all welcome.’

  ‘Rebecca who is not afraid of the Sioux is staying with us at the moment, does that include her?’ Morning Sun asked.

  ‘Oh yes, she is included.’ Olivia answered. ‘I cannot wait to see your children.’

  As if on cue, Duncan Wolf Lee came running in to see who had come.

  ‘The other one is asleep upstairs but you will hold her soon.’ Morning Sun said quietly.

  Duncan Wolf Lee ran up and stopped when he did not recognise the person with his mother.

  ‘This is Miss Carter and she has come to see you.’ Morning Sun explained.

  With that Duncan Wolf Lee ran up and was soon on Olivia’s lap, having a big cuddle.

  ‘He will put up with that all day, if you will do it.’ Morning Sun declared.

  When Duncan and Mitch walked in, Morning Sun poured them lemonade in the glasses she had ready and they talked together for a long time. It was a long time since Morning Sun had talked to a white woman and she made the most of it. When Sunshine started crying Morning Sun brought her down and Duncan Wolf Lee was eased off Olivia’s lap and replaced by Sunshine. Duncan Wolf Lee merely moved to his mother’s lap and promptly fell asleep.

  ‘Is Sarah about?’ Olivia asked later on in the day.

  ‘You missed her. Her friend Becky arrived and when she heard that Crazy Dog was in Martinsburg, she was all fired ready to go in and see him.’ Duncan answered. Be gone a few days I expect.’

  ‘Well I am not going to be beaten. I came to see her as well, so I reckon a trip to Martinsburg is called for.’ Olivia declared.

  ‘Stay the night and start out in the morning, it will give me chance to catch up on what is going on in the area from Mitch.’ Duncan offered.

  ‘I thank you and accept.’ Olivia agreed. She did not ask about Mitch, as she knew he would be looked after.

  Sarah and Becky Camped when the light started to fail and although they knew they would not make town that day, they were still disappointed. They lit a fire and cooked a meal with their rifles close by and their pistols concealed even closer. Sarah had been close to something she did not want to think about and certainly did not want it to happen again. With first light they were on their way again.

  After a pleasant evening chatting and a good night’s sleep, Olivia and Mitch rode out for Martinsburg the next morning. Duncan and Morning Sun watched then ride away from the front of their stone house. The children were still asleep, although they had not been so through the night, this meant they had time to themselves and took a walk, although not straying too far from the house. As Olivia and Mitch rode out, Mitch closing the gate behind him, Sebastian rode up.

  ‘Hello Seb, you’re a long way from home.’ Mitch greeted, and stopped from closing the gate completely. ‘You going in?’

  ‘I am. I am here to see Miss Sarah. I truly intend to ask her to accompany me to the wedding at the ranch.’ Sebastian answered.

  Mitch closed the gate which surprised Sebastian.

  ‘Best ride with us then Seb. Sarah is on her way to town and Olivia is going it to see her.’ Mitch explained.

  ‘Do you think I should?’ Sebastian asked, losing what nerve he had built up on the ride.

  ‘Strike while the iron is hot Seb, you will never know the answer unless you ask!’ Mitch answered and the two rode away.

  Sebastian hesitated for less than a second and followed. He caught them up and the three rode for town.

  ‘Safer for us as well.’ Mitch declared. ‘Having a lawman along.’

  Sarah and Becky reached the outskirts of town and stopped.

  ‘Not much going on.’ Sarah observed, when she could see very little movement. ‘Wouldn’t like to ride in to the middle of something. We’ll ride round the back and come in through the cemetery.’

  Becky did not argue and they turned their horses to follow the route Sarah knew well. As they rode they were aware of more people ahead of them.

  ‘Now we know why.’ Sarah declared. ‘There’s a funeral going on. I hope it’s not someone I know.’

  ‘Let’s hope not.’ Becky replied. ‘Shall we watch from here?’

  ‘If it’s someone I know I should go to it.’ Sarah retorted.

  ‘But how do you find out?’ Becky asked.

  ‘If you weren’t so pretty I’d think you were up to no good.’ A voice said from behind them.

  Sarah spun round, she recognised the voice.

  ‘Crazy Dog! You’ll know, who are they burying?’ She hissed.

  ‘Nice to see you to.’ Crazy Dog replied.

  Becky on the other hand slid off her horse and threw her arms round him.

  ‘Do I know you?’ Crazy Dog asked flippantly.

  ‘Yes you do, you saved my life, remember?’ Becky answered without letting go.

  ‘Oh you are that skinny little thing?’ Crazy Dog answered. ‘You seem to be putting on weight now.’

  ‘For good reason, I am with child and happy to be.’ Becky answered.

  Crazy Dog held her but carefully. ‘I am glad you are pleased.’ He replied.

  ‘Your English is getting very good.’ Sarah noted, still on her horse.

  ‘That is being around white men all day.’ Crazy Dog answered. ‘And in answer to your question, the funeral is for old Mrs. Pearson and it seems everyone in town is there, I think they are afraid she will come back and haunt them if they stay away.’

  ‘That is one funeral I can miss then.’ Sarah declared. ‘I hear you are the acting s
heriff now?’

  ‘I am, hence the hair cut and the white man clothes.’ Crazy Dog answered. ‘Come into the jail and we can talk.’

  Olivia and the two others rode until it started to get dark, then they camped close to the spot where Sarah and Becky had camped. They sat and talked until they had eaten, then settled down to sleep. Even though there were few Indians about now, they still slept next to their guns, just in case of trouble. By first light they were on their way again after a hot breakfast.

  Sarah and Becky talked for a long time before the two girls moved on and Crazy Dog started his rounds. The funeral was over and the town was slowly getting back to normal. Sarah and Becky headed for the Mayor’s house to see Molly. Sarah to say hello and Becky to meet her for the first time. As they walked they talked.

  ‘And just remember, Sarah Pointer, if a young man makes a comment, you do not, I repeat, do not; lam him one on the nose!’ Becky declared.

  ‘Those days are behind me now Becky, I even let Fox kiss me.’

  ‘You let a fox kiss you?’ Becky asked incredulously.

  ‘No Fox, that’s his name. His full name is Prairie Fox but Slim just calls him Fox so everyone does now.’

  ‘You let an Indian kiss you!’ Becky cried. ‘What was it like?’ She asked, quickly changing her voice from indignant, to inquisitive.

  ‘Alright I suppose but I hope it is better next time.’

  ‘Has he tried it?’

  ‘No he hasn’t yet.’ Sarah admitted. ‘He has this uncanny knack of getting himself shot.’

  ‘You will have to teach him to keep his head down more Sarah, or we will both end up as widows.’

  ‘It doesn’t mean we are married because I let him kiss me, does it?’

  ‘Not by our laws, I can’t speak for Indian laws and such.’ Becky answered.

  ‘Thank God for that. I would like to play the field for a while, before I do get married.’

  ‘You’ve changed! One kiss did that to you?’

  ‘And you turning up married, already a widow and having a baby.’ Sarah answered. ‘I feel like I am missing out on something!’


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