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Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

Page 19

by Scarletti, Nicolette

  Bragi came up behind her wrapping her in his arms. Savannah tilted her head back to look him in the eyes, “I guess this means you get to show me your home.”

  Chantelle noticed that Bragi only nodded his head in ascent. When he looked at Savannah it wasn’t the same as when Loki looked at her. There was something wrong and when she had time she would have to find out what.

  They began to ready Emma for their trip. The men left to scout for a place secluded enough to access the Bifrost, there was no time to drive all the way to Oak Island. Chantelle quickly dressed her sister in the clothes Frigga had conjured.

  Loki walked back into the room ten minutes after leaving with his brothers. It seemed they wouldn’t have to go far since there was a forest behind the hospital.

  He took Chantelle’s hands in his own, “I need to use my power to render Emma invisible. Trust me?”

  Chantelle nodded and with a wave of his hand Emma disappeared. Yet her machines kept working. Chantelle was sure it was all an illusion. That the only thing that kept her alive was Loki’s power and will.

  He pulled Chantelle into the shelter of his body and felt her stiffen. “You must look as if you grieve for her.” She relaxed slightly at his words. “Now, let us take our leave.”

  They made their way out of the hospital. Emma’s unconscious body invisible and floating behind them; no one the wiser. Hoder kept close to them as they walked out of the hospital.

  “How far do we have to travel? And is it safe for her?”

  Chantelle was furrowing her brow in worry. There was too much that could go wrong. Emma wasn’t close enough to the time of her Emergence for them to take chances. If she didn’t survive this, there was no bringing her back. Once a Halfling died in their mortal state they were dead.

  “You still doubt my power to keep my word.”

  Chantelle looked up into his eyes and what she saw there almost broke her. Loki was hurt that she did not trust his strength to protect her or her sister. Her lack of faith in him was a crushing blow to an immortal such as him.

  “I just… she’s still years away from the Emergence.”

  Lifting her hand to his mouth, Loki brushed a feather light kiss across her knuckles, “Fear not, I have an iron will. Nothing will take Emma before her time. I swear it.”

  Chapter 24:

  The heavy aroma of exotic flowers filled the air, as Chantelle wandered around the walled in garden. She didn’t know how much longer they were going to keep her from seeing Emma; all she knew was that they had better come and retrieve her soon. Or else she was going to march up to her room and make sure she was alright.

  Tugging at the hem of her evergreen dress, she sat on the ledge of a fountain. As if in a trance, Chantelle dipped her fingers into the cool water. She just hoped that whoever this healer was, that he would hurry up and arrive.

  The rustling of fabric brought her out of her thoughts. Chantelle rose from her seat, steeling her nerves to face Loki. But when she turned she was met with the sight of a grey-haired man. Instantly she knew that he was King Odin.

  With a low curtsy Chantelle averted her eyes, “Your highness.”

  She was glad that she had paid attention to her Academy classes. Or else she would have looked like a fool. No one made eye contact with an Elder Immortal. And you could get no elder than the king of Valhöll.

  It didn’t matter that instead of Asgard they were on a secluded island. He still wore flowing robes or chain mail, instead of Armani. No, the old ways were deeply rooted in the hearts of immortals. They may adopt mortal langue and living, but that was just to blend in. On the inside they would always be of a different time.

  Odin pulled Chantelle up by her elbow, “There will be none of that, dear. I hear you are Loki’s Fatum Anima?”

  It was a question that she didn’t feel like answering. But Chantelle knew that if it wasn’t for the missive the All Father had sent to Tomas, then Emma would be dead. She owed this mythical king at least an answer.

  “That is what he thinks, Highness.”

  Odin lifted her chin so that their eyes met. “I am not asking you what my son thinks. I would like to know how you feel about being the chosen one to the one the mortals call the God of Mischief and Lies.”

  Chantelle just looked into his one good eye, wondering if she could lie to him and get away with it. As soon as the thought passed through her mind she squashed it. How would she ever be able to pull a fast one on an omniscient being?

  With a gentle sigh she answered him. “I wish I had a choice. It’s all too fast. Too good to be true.”

  Maybe once upon a time, she would have believed in fairy-tale princes. Or happily ever after’s but life had been far less kind to Chantelle. There was no way for her to see the world that Emma, Savannah or even Arabella saw. They had all gone through things; she wouldn’t take that away from the others. It was just that she was jaded in a far different way.

  Chantelle had resigned herself to never know love. How could she know someone really loved her, when it was possible she had manipulated their feelings? She was afraid that if she wanted a guy bad enough, he would have no choice but to want her back. There were days she hated being an empath. As she had grown older and her friends had boyfriends, those days became numerous.

  She was so caught up in her thoughts; she hadn’t realized that The All Father led her to a bench in the far corner of the garden. Far away from the prying eyes of the castle. Whatever he thought she was going to confess to him, no one else need know.

  Neither one of them realized that they were being followed. Loki had slipped into the garden under the cloak of invisibility. He needed to hear what Chantelle had to say. He just hoped she would be honest about her feelings, instead of hiding them.

  “You think you do not have a say?”

  “Yes. No. I’m not sure.” Chantelle hung her head in frustration. “What I’m trying to say is that although I love Loki, I’m not willing to give up my freedom.”

  Loki’s eyes grew wide. She loved him. Those three words gave his whole existence meaning. He thought she would never be sure enough to admit it. Not even to herself and here she was telling his father. He never thought he would hear any woman say she loved him. But the fact that it was Chantelle saying it set his soul at ease; making the long road ahead of them bearable.

  “Did Loki tell you that? That by loving him you would forfeit your freedom?” Odin looked at her with a gentle coaxing smile.

  Chantelle stood swiftly. She hated being under scrutiny and the king sitting next to her had her on edge. He wanted her to admit things that she wouldn’t have even told Emma. Things that once said couldn’t be taken back. Yet there was something in Chantelle’s soul that dared her to tell this man exactly what she felt for Loki.

  “No, of course not. But he thinks differently. I was raised a mortal, where women are now equal to men.”

  She turned then facing the king and a flash of green caught her eye. In that instant she knew they weren’t alone. Chantelle knew just who was hiding out of view. Loki was listening to everything that was said between them.

  “So it is not the fact that he has Jotun blood?”

  “What?” Chantelle’s brown eyes flashed angrily. “I would never judge someone because of bloodlines. I am not Signe.”

  Chantelle said her name with contempt. She had once been her rival for Loki’s heart. Maybe in some ways she still was. Chantelle didn’t know if Loki still held a torch for her or not. Perhaps that was why she tried to keep her distance; dodging heart ache. But what kind of life was that? Chantelle couldn’t run from what her heart was telling her.

  Odin nodded, a smile forming on his war worn features. “I meant you no offense. Surely you can understand where I would be worried.”

  “I have already confessed to loving him. I think I always have. Ever since that first dream.” Chantelle’s expression grew far away. “He is just more than I could have ever asked for in a man. It’s often hard to believe that
someone like him would want me. I am so far beneath him.”

  Odin rose from his seat, “You have the spirit of a warrior and the grace of royalty. Never say you are not worthy of my son. The Sisters could not have chosen better than you.”

  Chantelle didn’t have a chance to respond as the All Father left her standing amongst the flowers. She sat beside the pond once more, trying to gather her thoughts; preparing to face the man hiding in the shadows.

  Everything was moving so fast. One minute Loki was nothing more than a man in her dreams and the next he is walking into her life. Then Emma falls ill and now they are in a whole different state.

  “It would better serve your case if you came out of hiding.” She called out to him.

  As Loki materialized right in front of her, the garden filled with the charge of his power. Just the sight of him dressed in a frock coat and black buckskin britches had Chantelle riveted to her seat. He was old world elegance with a hint of bad boy for good measure.

  “Do you always dress like this?” Chantelle gestured to his long lean body and her mind started to go blank. Shaking her head, “Gothic chic?”

  Loki’s warm chuckle rolled over her skin and crept into her heart. “Are you using wit to make me forget what I just heard?”

  Chantelle shrugged, “No. But I could if it would help.”

  He shook his head and her heart fell. Chantelle really didn’t want to discuss what she had been telling Odin. All her life she had dreamed of a love that was sweet and tender. Now before her stood a man who wanted to claim her as his own. To top it off he told her that they suspect Signe is behind her sister’s sudden turn for the worst. Why couldn’t life ever be easy?

  The tolling of bells echoed in the garden and Chantelle shoved her hand in her pocket, digging for her phone. Looking at the screen she groaned.

  “Would you like me to take the call, love?”

  “No. Believe me.” She held up her hand, “I’ve got this.”

  With a bewildered look, Loki sat next to her on the bench. His green eyes intense as they took in her movements. Just him watching her had Chantelle’s heart beating double time.

  “Hello, Bells.”

  There was a lot of noise in the background, “Like the new ring tone?”

  “Yeah, but how did you change my ring tone?”

  It was a legit question. After all she hadn’t seen Arabella in six months. And the last time she checked, her gift was foresight, not teleportation.

  “At the Serpent’s Den. Sorry I couldn’t chat then, but you looked like you had your hands full.” There was a trace of laughter in her voice.

  Bells had set her up. She knew that Loki was going to be there that night. That’s why she had gone all Lady Cleo on her. Chantelle squinted her eyes trying to convey in her mind that she wanted to strangle Arabella. Or maybe tie her to a tree in the heart of dragon country and see just how far that got her.


  “First of all, what you’re thinking would land you in jail; so stop. As to why? Well why not?”

  There was a brief silence on Arabella’s end of the phone and Chantelle wondered if she had put her hand over the receiver.


  “What? Oh, yeah. Sorry, this super-hot shifter just walked into this bar.”

  Chantelle just gaped at her words. Did she realize that there was a possibility that she could get herself killed hanging out in a bar that catered to immortals? Or worse the Acrylates could find her.

  “Any who? I called to tell you that you need to get warmer clothes. Have lover boy pick up a Hummer also. As traveling by horseback went out of style eons ago.”


  “Not for the first half of this trip. Believe me.”

  Chantelle looked at Loki and he just shrugged. She knew he could hear Bells’ side of the conversation. Who wouldn’t? She was screaming to be heard over the ruckus in the background.

  “Am I going somewhere?”

  She didn’t think so. Not with Emma so sick. There was no way she could leave her and head off on whatever wild goose chase Arabella was sending her on.

  “Hum? Yep, listen the likable hunk is giving me the eye. Gotta go. See you soon.”

  “When…” But she was talking to nothing but air.

  Sometimes she swore that Arabella knew far more than she would let on. Her foreseeing friend was too in the loop, to not be the one moving about the chess pieces.

  “You have very odd friends. Are they all so free with men?”

  Loki eyed his mate, wondering if he had been wrong about her. Perhaps she was as willing to explore the pleasure of a man as her two friends were? A flicker of rage burned in his soul. If Chantelle had ever known other men, he swore that he would hunt them down. Make them wish they had never laid eyes on her. Never mind whatever else they had done to his female.

  “No. Why, do you think I’m like that? Because if you want easy then you’re barking up the wrong tree.”

  There was fire in Chantelle’s eyes and just one look had his beast raising its head and howling. It banged against the bars of his soul, longing to show her just who the alpha was.

  “Good. Because I am the only one with a right to your body.”

  “You sound like a medieval jackass.” Chantelle glared at him, but Loki refused to back down.

  “Do not try to distract me any longer. Tell me the truth; you knew I was there and yet you confessed your love.”

  He was gorgeous in his stark need. Chantelle had never, in all their meetings, seen Loki look so feral. As if the need to claim her was driving him. Images of that night at the Serpent’s Den sprung to mind. The way he had taken possession of her mouth had her body throbbing to life.

  “Chantelle?” He whispered at her ear.

  She shot up off the bench as if she had been shot. There was no way she could let him know what she was thinking. But one look at Loki told her she had projected her lust. Shit.

  “What are you talking about?” Her cheeks flamed in embarrassment. She had been caught red handed in more ways than one.

  “You told my father that you have always loved me.” He sounded so sure of himself, so male.

  She had, but she wasn’t willing to admit to it. If Loki wanted to eavesdrop like a naughty child, then Chantelle would make him wait for what he wanted. He needed to learn what personal space was and what better way to teach him then by skirting his question.

  “Did I? I don’t remember.” She tried to move away from him.

  But Loki was there before she could make it two steps from him. He wrapped his long slender fingers around her arms and brought her to a halt.

  “Lying isn’t nice, love.”

  Chantelle looked from his hand on her arm to his sparkling eyes, “You must be rubbing off on me.”

  “I would say so. Still it is not a flattering trait.” He had leaned in and brushed his lips over her temple. As if he needed the touch of her skin to think straight.

  Chantelle’s mouth felt dry as she basked in the warmth of his lips. “And neither is eavesdropping. So we are even. Besides there is nothing wrong with a little white lie if it saves me from pain.”

  Loki watched Chantelle fight some inner battle before him. Maybe she wanted to tell him that what he heard was true. That she did in fact love him. Or maybe everything was truly becoming too much for her.

  With one look into her eyes he knew she was in need of seeing her sister. And he would take her there now. He could not allow her to suffer the pain of being separated from Emma any longer.

  Offering his arm to her Loki said, “Come. This discussion can wait until you are more willing to be honest with yourself. I will take you to see Emma, now.”

  There was a moment’s hesitation from Chantelle, and then a look of defeat crossed her features. Looking from his proffered arm to his eyes, agreeing with him was the lesser of two evils. Loki would take her to see Emma and he wouldn’t pry into the conversation she had with his father.

  Still, she wished that she had the guts to be like Savannah or Arabella. Hell, even Emma had more nerve than she did sometimes. Any of them would have had the confidence to just say how they felt, heartache be damned. But Chantelle still hung onto the memories of not fitting in. Of having her every effort rebuffed.

  Even now, with what was supposed to be a sure thing, she couldn’t fess up. There were too many things that could go wrong. Loki could be just using her to pass the time. Playing with her heart until Signe got jealous enough to take him back. Taking his hand, Chantelle shoved the thoughts aside. There were more important things to think about now. She needed to find a way to bring Emma back from death’s door.

  Chapter 25:

  Tomas had come as soon as he received the missive from King Odin. He had driven the almost eleven hundred miles from Manhattan to Oak Island, doing 175mph; thank God he drove a MacLauren.

  Sometimes it was good to be part of the immortal race. A smile graced his lips as he realized his immortality gave him the ability to dodge speed traps. Immortals had a keen survival instinct and it seemed to cross over to state troopers waiting with tickets.

  Being born from the line of Dryad he had been a healer from birth. There was no other profession Tomas could have chosen. He had tried being a mercenary and that hadn’t gone over well. For three hundred years his family had disowned him. Not to mention there were times he wanted to disown his actions, yet he couldn’t.

  Now as he made his way down the fieldstone halls of Valhöll he felt death waiting in the shadows. There was a magical pull to its essence and Tomas knew immediately where the ill feelings came from.

  He hurried his steps, all the while hoping that he wasn’t too late. He took one last look down the hall and then entered the last room on the corridor. It was dark, lit only by long pillar candles; he found himself grateful they had lit the soothing lavender ones. It would help not only heal the young girl lying in the bed but those who stood nearby grieving.


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