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Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

Page 20

by Scarletti, Nicolette

Odin looked up from the prone figure before him. Tomas looked beyond the king and his heart fell. A young girl, who he was sure was once vibrant with life; lay upon the bed as if dead. Her chest rose and fell with each labored breath. It was the only movement that alerted him to the fact she wasn’t already dead.

  At the outset of this trip Tomas hadn’t been sure what disease Emma could have that mortal doctors couldn’t cure. He had read in the letter that she was supposed to be getting better, then out of the blue she had fallen into a coma.

  For miles he had racked his brain and come up with nothing. Until he received an eerie text message from a strange number. All it had read was ‘Pull over at the cross between Dixie Rd and County Rd.’

  Intrigued he had and that was where he had picked up Arabella Lee. A strange waif like woman, with deep purple hair. Instantly he knew that she was a Halfling. She told him all she knew about what was taking place at Valhöll. Now seeing the young girl before him, he understood Arabella’s urgency. There had been no time to waste. He knew now that Signe had been speaking the truth when she told the Acolytes that she was slowly killing the young woman.

  “Tomas, it’s good of you to come on such short notice. As you can see your service is needed.”

  King Odin moved aside so that he could have full access to the young girl. There on the bed next to her was a woman, who must have been her sister. Looking upon her, Tomas knew that when his patient was healthy she would look just like the woman beside her.

  He made it to the bed in three strides, “What has happened to her?”

  Chantelle’s eyes jumped from Tomas to a dark corner of the room. On the way up here Loki had promised her he wouldn’t get involved unless she needed him. As soon as her soft brown eyes met his electric green ones he knew she needed his strength.

  Moving out of the shadows, Loki came forward and pulled Chantelle up into his arms. She rested her head upon his chest; inhaling his scent to steady her nerves. As soon as the smell of leather and sandalwood hit her, Chantelle calmed.

  “We are not sure. The doctors said she was healing but then…” Her voice hitched and tears sprung to her eyes.

  Tomas shook his head, “What do mortal doctors know? Healing is just a business to them; to me it is my life.”

  He looked to Loki for permission to proceed. With a nod of his dark head it was granted. Tomas touched Chantelle’s shoulder with a comforting hand.

  “Be assured that I shall not rest until I save her.”

  He moved closer to Emma not sparing anyone else a glance. Tomas’ attention was solely on the frail woman who was swallowed up by the large oak bed. Slowly he sought outside himself. Tomas felt the movement of his soul as it stretched out toward her. A green light hovered over Emma as he began to examine her; noting every deadly cancer cell that had broken free from the tumor in her head.

  His energy moved over her body in waves of bright green light. It started at her feet and moved along the muscles of her legs and torso. Tomas stopped every now and then to repair the damage left in the wake of her chemo.

  He was horrified by the barbaric methods the mortal healers used. Never in his travels as a healer had he witnessed such ineptitude. The medicine they had administered to Emma was worse than her illness. But it was when he arrived at the base of her skull that he staggered; almost losing his connection. Whoever had attempted to heal her had left a ping pong ball sized tumor there.

  Painstakingly, Tomas began to attack it. As the hours passed it began to shrink. Once he was sure there was nothing else to threaten her wellness, Tomas pulled back. At least nothing physical remained to threaten her. With a weary sigh he sat down on the bed and took in Emma’s appearance. Despite all the healing he had done there was no sign of change.

  If her coma had not been brought on by her sickness that left only one other option and he knew that what he had assumed in the hallway had been true. There was dark magic at work here and he had a feeling he knew who was behind it. More than a feeling.

  “Why hasn’t she gotten up?” Chantelle’s eyes moved toward Tomas. “They said you were the best.”

  He was the best. Tomas never failed and he hadn’t now. He had used all his strength to clear away the tumor that pressed on her brain stem.

  “It is not her illness that has made her like this. Besides I fixed that.” Tomas waved aside Emma’s old ailment.

  “Then what?”

  The unshed tears behind her eyes tore at Tomas’ once black heart. How could he tell her that Emma was sick because of her? That it was a game of vengeance sought to punish her for daring to love Loki.

  “I believe someone is attacking her. I can keep her protected, but you must find the threat and destroy it.”

  Who would want to hurt Emma? They had no enemies and even if they did, Chantelle doubted they knew magic. As her mind turned the thought over, the pieces began to fall into place.

  “Loki, just who have you pissed off?”

  He looked disheartened, “I have many enemies, love. Though none who would hurt an innocent child.”

  Tomas stood from the bed and began to pace the length of the room. There was something that he needed to tell them, Chantelle could feel it in his emotions. They bounced back and forth between shame and determination.

  “I think you are being attacked by someone from Prince Loki’s past. Perhaps someone we thought too weak for an attack of this magnitude.”

  “Who?” Chantelle eyed Loki with suspicion.

  So help him if Tomas said it was that trumped up bimbo, Signe. Because she would waltz out of Valhöll and never come back. Well, until she had Signe’s head to mount on the wall above the mantel.

  “Signe.” Once the name left his lips the truth shone in Tomas’ eyes.

  Chantelle pulled away from Loki; annoyed that he had not foreseen this complication. Of all the stupid things, underestimating a crazed immortal stalker was on the top of the list.

  “My prince, you should know that Signe is staying deep in the heart of the Boreal forest. In Castle Malus.” Tomas hung his head in shame, but Chantelle patted his arm.

  Although she was pissed as hell, he wasn’t to blame. Whatever had Tomas worried didn’t matter. What did was that he was man enough to tell the truth and try to help them no matter what it cost him.

  “It is your help to us that shall redeem you from whatever you are guilty of. I thank you for saving Emma.”

  Loki knew they needed to keep Emma stable while he traveled to Castle Malus to end the spell. He would assign a guard to Chantelle while he was gone. They needed to keep the three mortal women safe at all cost.

  “Loki, you should leave as soon as possible. It is a week’s journey.” His father’s words broke into his thoughts.

  Chantelle stiffened in his arms, “I’m going with you.”

  “Please little one, we will speak of this later.”

  She pulled away from him, “Every time I think you are playing fair and being truthful you prove me wrong?”

  She didn’t even wait for Loki to justify his words, she just pushed past him and out the door. How could he expect her to stay behind and do nothing? It was her sister’s life they were fighting for and she would not stand on the sidelines and watch.

  Her musings had carried her to her bedroom. With a heavy sigh she entered her rooms. The thought of having to convince Loki to allow her on this journey bothered her. He had promised to include her in decisions; to treat her like an equal. Yet only moments ago he had chosen for her. He did so without a second’s hesitation. How dare he take her choices away from her?

  Loki was going to learn that they were a team. That Chantelle was not going to be left to tend the home fires like a good little wife. The immortal who claimed to be her mate had a rude awakening coming and it would arrive courtesy of her.

  Chapter 26:

  “You may not come with me.” Loki stood by the fireplace with his arms crossed over his broad chest.

  Chantelle wanted to scream and ra
ge at him. There was no way she was just going to sit back and wait. If Loki thought that was what she was going to do, he was wrong. Dead wrong. They were supposed to be partners, teammates, but once more he was willing to leave her out of something important.

  She moved past him and into the closet where she began searching for traveling attire. There were rows upon rows of fancy dresses and shoes, even some pants, but nothing that would be good for a week’s journey in the back country. Chantelle was ready to give up when she began her search on the other side of the closet. There her eyes alit upon numerous sets of pants and shirts. There were even several heavy winter coats. All designer of course; what else had she expected?

  Chantelle remembered from her years at Raven’s Heart Academy that immortals loved expensive things. So what made her think that these immortals would be any different?

  A cry of triumph left her lips when she found a travel pack at the base of the closet. “Finally.”

  Loki watched as she emerged, her arms filled with clothes. He eyed her suspiciously, wondering if she knew just whose clothes they were. The thought of her in his clothing had his body stirring with desire. Loki would love to see Chantelle lounging in one of his shirts after she had been thoroughly ravished by him.

  Not that she didn’t look beautiful in the tight ass hugging jeans and form fitting sweater she was wearing, but it was far too much clothing for his liking. Too bad he had insisted she change out of her dress before sitting bedside with her sister.

  Loki couldn’t get enough of seeing her. Her movements were regal; commanding even. Chantelle had only been in Valhöll for less than a day and already she was acting like a true immortal. She was his perfect match in every way.

  With a huff she dumped everything on the bed. Chantelle began to try and piece an outfit together. It was only when she lifted up a pair of his pants, that Loki began laughing.

  She turned to face him, “What do you find so damn funny?”

  Loki stepped forward, taking the pants from her trembling hands. “These might be a little big on you.”

  An exasperated groan fell from her lips. It was a sound Loki could have listened to all day. Only instead of frustration, he wanted to hear her groan in pleasure.

  He hoped that one day she would realize just what they meant to each other. Once Chantelle accepted their bond then he would no longer have to fantasize about her, he would be graced with the real thing.

  “So they are. Everything else in that damn closet seems to be the right size. Someone must have made a mistake.”

  Mischief played in his jade eyes. So, his little mortal had thought someone had made a mistake. Hadn’t she noticed his plate armor? His broadsword? Maybe not, she did seem to be in a tizzy.

  “Love, these are mine.”

  “Yours?” She pointed to the pants a look of confusion on her rosy cheeks. “What the hell are they doing in my rooms?”

  So that was it. Chantelle had thought these were her chambers alone. He had to tell her she was wrong. But how? No matter what Loki said it was going to set her off. Chantelle thought she only had to be his friend; when Loki knew the truth. Although he would never force the issue with her, soon Chantelle would feel the mating pull. Then there would be no turning back for either of them. Though now was not the time to discuss her sleeping arrangements and what they meant.

  Maybe he could sidetrack her and evade this conversation until he returned from his mission. Then Chantelle would at least have time to get settled. She would be able to get used to the fact that they belonged to each other. Besides, saving Emma would help his cause, if only a little. How could she hate him if he saved her sister? Perhaps she would see he really did care for them.

  If he could only open her eyes to how much he loved her, Loki was sure Chantelle would give him a chance. He just needed to break down the walls around her heart.

  “That does not matter now. You are not traveling with me.” With a wave of his hand Loki sent the clothing back into the closet.

  “And why the hell not?” Her hands were on her tiny hips, her foot tapping away on the marble floor.

  Chantelle was angry but at least she wasn’t asking why his clothes were in their closet. Loki was just grateful that she was worried enough to not realize the topic change. He would have to count his blessings and be happy with this small victory.

  “It is too dangerous. I will not allow you to be put in harm’s way.”

  Just who the hell did he think he was? So what if he was a prince, that did not give him the right to treat her like a servant. As if he could bark orders and she would obey without question.

  Chantelle took a deep steadying breath and counted to ten. She didn’t know what Loki was capable of, so she didn’t want to anger him. Slowly she pulled her rage in. It was better to keep levelheaded when mincing words with the immortal known for his lies.

  “And how would you know it’s dangerous? Have you been back and forth to Castle Malus recently?”

  Jealousy seethed just beneath the surface. As soon as she said the words her mind sent images of exactly why he would be going to Castle Malus. There wasn’t a one of them that she liked. Chantelle had thought to behead Signe for what she had done to Emma, but now she realized that might be too good for her. At this point in time her inner immortal was trying to surface and she wanted blood.

  Chantelle’s anger had carried her toward him. He watched with heavy lidded eyes as her chest rose and fell with each breath. Loki found himself wondering if she would faint from the effort.

  He found her breathtaking in her fury; her eyes flashing. Her stance as intimidating as any Valkyrie. His little female would be able to cow a full grown warrior with her fury.

  Loki cupped her cheek and Chantelle unconsciously leaned into his touch. “Your lack of faith in me hurts.”

  His eyes spoke volumes as to just how deep her words had cut him. They shimmered with hurt. Loki had given her his word that he would care for Emma. That had been the only reason she had agreed to come with him. Or at least the only reason he could get her to admit.

  Chantelle tilted her head back to meet his eyes, “You gave me your word. If nothing else was true, I know you would never lie about that.”

  Somewhere deep in his soul he knew her words were true. Loki may have been known as a liar and a cheat but with Chantelle his word was law, the consequences be damned.

  Loki’s lips grazed her forehead and her body came alive. “Thank you, love. I shall not disappoint you.”

  Something deep in her soul took over causing her to lean forward on tip toe placing her lips chastely against his. She didn’t know what came over her, but as Loki’s lips began to move against her own, she sighed. Her hands came up to run through his long dark hair.

  His tongue darted out to caress her bottom lip, seeking entrance. She parted her lips for him willingly, allowing him to explore her mouth with a slow lazy sweep of his tongue. Probing. Fighting for dominance. A soft whimper left Chantelle as she surrendered to him.

  Loki fisted his hand in her curls, drawing her ever closer to the shelter of his body. There was warmth and love radiating off him. In that moment Chantelle felt as if she could stay in his arms forever.

  Chantelle responded to the kiss with all the need of a deprived lover. Yet her mind screamed at her that there was no way she could love him. It told her she responded to him out of her need for comfort.

  But every sane thought flew from her mind when he drew her flush against him. His hand began to roam over her hip, causing a soft sigh to escape her. She could feel the heat of Loki’s desire. Hard and hot against her flat belly. His long slender fingers grazed the underside of her breast, causing Chantelle to arch into his touch. Every rational thought was being pushed aside, by just the feeling of his hands.

  The clearing of a throat brought the world crashing down around them. She pulled away from his arms and Loki allowed her to go but only reluctantly. He took in the crimson blush on her cheeks and was reminded y
et again of her innocence. Silently he cursed himself for his rushed wooing of her. He had wanted to handle her with care but just one kiss had ignited his inner beast.

  Loki turned to face the doorway ready to chew someone’s head off. Then he noticed just how much company they had. Bragi, Hoder, Savannah and his mother all stood there. Each one wearing a stupid grin on their faces. Taking in the group in front of them, Loki knew Chantelle must be embarrassed.

  She had been so willing under his attentions. What would she have allowed if they weren’t interrupted? He knew she would have never forgiven herself if she gave into him easily. That single thought had him less annoyed with their company.

  Loki stood just in front of Chantelle an annoyed look on his handsome face. Chantelle moved forward and buried her head between Loki’s shoulder blades. He pulled her closer into his back trying to soothe her with just a touch.

  A smile lit Savannah’s face, “Damn Loki, you got caught stealing second base.”

  Loki eyed the blond mortal before him, wondering what she meant. He hadn’t taken anything and he didn’t even know what the hell a base was. It must have been some mortal thing. He really needed to get out of Valhöll more often. Maybe immerse himself in mortal culture. If not for his sanity, then to understand his mate and her odd friends better.

  His suspicion was confirmed when his mother stepped forward and pulled Chantelle away from him. Frigga patted Loki’s arm and smiled. “Don’t worry dear, it’s a mortal thing.”

  He huffed not liking the loss of contact with Chantelle. “What is the meaning of this?”

  Hoder stepped forward then, “We need your presence in the war room. It seems Tomas has some more intelligence for us.”

  Loki reclaimed Chantelle’s hand and nodded for his family to lead the way. It seemed that being alone with her would have to wait. He needed to stay focused on his mission.

  Chapter 27:

  The room was larger than any she had seen before. Maps and images of the Nine Realms hung all over the oak walls. Tables with books strewn upon them sat in the corners, waiting for someone to occupy them.


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