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Mischief's Mate (The Immortal Mates Book 1)

Page 21

by Scarletti, Nicolette

  Loki led Chantelle toward the table in the center of the room. As she sat, the image of the Knights of the Round Table came to mind. The thought sobered her as she knew whatever was decided here would be exacted without question. Justice was a deep need amongst immortals. They normally had a Council that matted out justice. Though there were instances in history where different factions of beings had to go to war. It would seem that this was one of those times.

  Moments after their arrival the room grew quiet. Odin stood from his seat and looked around the table. He looked at Tomas and then at Chantelle, his eyes softening. She hated the pity she saw there, but knew he meant well.

  She sat in Loki’s chair, more regal then any immortal princess. Loki was standing guard behind her, his hands on her shoulders for support. He was her anchor to reality; to calm.

  “If I could have a moment of your time? I called this meeting so that Tomas could report any further information he has on Emma’s condition.”

  The king took his seat and motioned for Tomas to report. The healer stayed seated but his eyes sought out Chantelle’s. He nodded in her direction, “As you know, Lady Emma is now stable.”

  “Thank you.” Chantelle whispered. Loki squeezed her shoulder and she could feel his pride in her.

  “Do not thank me yet, princess.”

  Chantelle looked up at Loki, but he wasn’t looking at her. She wanted to ask him why Tomas had referred to her as princess, but he refused to look at her. So she looked over at Frigga but her only answer was the queen beaming in pride.

  She was going to have to let it go for now, but as soon as she could get either of them alone she was going to ask. So help them, they were going to answer her. She was tired of being left in the dark. Did neither of them remember how furious she was when she found out the truth about Loki? Or did they think that with her forgiveness came her forgetting? Immortals must have never heard the saying, ‘Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.’

  Chantelle turned her attention back toward Tomas, “Why not? You have said Emma is well and that you will keep her safe until we return from our quest.”

  She noticed that Tomas shot Loki a questioning glance at her announcement. Were all immortal males chest beaters? Thinking that they could go slay the dragons and that their women were to be kept on a shelf in the dark somewhere.

  “That maybe so, but I have thought further on Lady Emma’s condition and I think I know what exactly is causing it. It is far worse than I first anticipated.”

  A cry escaped her petal pink lips and in an instant she was standing in Loki’s arms. His hand running soothing patterns against her back. The feeling of his chest rising and falling with his breaths began to calm her.

  Loki’s eyes flashed dangerously over Chantelle’s head; his annoyed gaze falling on Tomas. He wanted to strangle him for upsetting her the way he had.

  “Say what you have to and let us get on with it.”

  Loki let his anger fill him, let it flow through him. It was easier to allow it to take hold of him when Chantelle was hurting. He would use this anger to find Signe and rid the world of her and the Acolytes once and for all. No longer would she be a threat to those he loved.

  “It would seem that she is under the influence of the Black Death.”

  Savannah gasped, “The plague.”

  Frigga shook her head, “No dear, not the plague. Perhaps we should let Tomas explain.”

  Loki watched the scene play out before him. It would seem that Chantelle’s sister was deeply loved; many would be heartbroken if he did not succeed in saving her. He knew that he had to save her; because in the short time he had known Emma, he loved her too.

  Tomas looked at the two mortal women before him and realized just how lucky the princes were. A smile graced his lips when he thought of how much hope these women gave the immortal race.

  Then he notice Bragi’s hand on Savannah’s arm. Tomas knew he was trying to calm and comfort her. That was what the mating bond did. If one mate was in any form of pain or sorrow the other could not stand by and watch. They had to do something to see them healed.

  Even as the sight filled Tomas with hope envy began to burn in his soul. Why wasn’t he lucky enough to find his Fatum Anima? And why was he feeling a need to remove Bragi’s hand from Savannah’s arm? Maybe all of these new bonds were too much for him? Once his services were no longer needed he would move on and search for his mate. She had to be amongst the new princess’s people.

  Hadn’t the mysterious purple haired Arabella told him that he was on the road to her, even now. She had said that his destined female was within arm’s reach. Yes, after he was finished here he would begin his search anew. He just hoped they saved Lady Emma soon, because he didn’t know how much longer he could stand the sight of Bragi touching Savannah, as if he had a right to her.

  For now Tomas would focus on saving Lady Emma. Maybe he could persuade King Odin that he had changed his ways. Maybe even get to know Savannah better.

  “The Black Death is a dark form of magic. It allows the caster to slowly steal someone’s soul.”

  “Who would do such a thing?” Savannah asked.

  Tomas shook his head, “I’ve already informed Loki and the princess that it is Signe. She wished to be young again. To take back what she thought was stolen from her. And to exact revenge on the woman she feels is standing in her way to the throne.”

  Chantelle struggled in Loki’s arms, turning to face the room. She wasn’t sure the first time if he had spoken right. But now there was no mistaking just who Tomas was blaming for her sister’s sickness. He was saying that Signe, Loki’s first betroved, was responsible for all of this. That after all the centuries of suffering she had put Loki through she wanted him back. Well, Chantelle wasn’t about to let that happen.

  Pulling free she glared at Loki first, before turning to face Tomas head on. “Why would that bitch want to hurt Emma? I know how magic works and she would have had to single her out.”

  Tomas inclined his head in acknowledgement, “It seems she wishes to take out her competition. Since you are Prince Loki’s true mate, she is attacking those close to you.”

  “How dare she?” Chantelle was livid. “She cast Loki aside and now she is jealous. Someone needs to book that bitch a spot on Jerry Springer.” At her outburst Savannah laughed and Chantelle cast an apologetic look at Frigga and Odin.

  But her embarrassment for her outburst did not quell her rage. Chantelle wanted to find Signe and rip her apart. When she had the chance to be with Loki, Signe had run from him. She had the nerve to tell Frigga that her son wasn’t worth the air he breathed. Now it seemed she is torturing Emma because she is jealous.

  Chantelle felt rage fill her. Signe should have turned her jealousy on her not Emma. Targeting an innocent, because she wasn’t woman enough to take on someone close to her immortal status. Never in her whole life had she been consumed by hatred so pure.

  “It would seem so, princess.”

  Chantelle eyed Tomas, annoyed by his words. She hadn’t wanted an answer to her questions, she didn’t need one. Had immortals never heard about rhetorical questions?

  She looked toward Loki then, “What do you plan on doing about this?”

  Loki took her hand and placed a kiss on her knuckles, “I will end her days and avenge your heartache, love.”

  “If I may? I have placed a protection spell over Lady Emma. It will keep her safe from further harm.”

  He knew the spell that Tomas had placed on Emma would only hold for so long. The moment it faltered, Signe’s magic would take hold and there would be no stopping its progression. They could not afford to waste time. Loki and whoever was going would have to leave as soon as possible. There was no telling if they could make the journey on the inside of a week.

  Loki moved away from Chantelle and over to the wall of maps. With his hands behind his back he studied the map before him. He knew he needed to calm the rage that was boiling under the surface,
for her sake. Chantelle was giving him her trust and that meant a great deal to him. Not only did she believe that he would save her sister, but she was beginning to trust him. Something that would help her ease into their mating bond.

  He knew he needed to remain levelheaded. Chantelle needed to see that he could take care of her. That he wouldn’t allow anything evil to touch her life again.

  Slowly he came back to himself. “It is a week’s journey to Castle Malus. Thor and Hoder shall accompany me on this quest.”

  The horses stomped their hooves impatiently. They had been saddled for well over an hour and they did not like to stand still. But no one was going anywhere so long as Chantelle argued with Loki. She had come out here to see if she could talk sense into him. Yet here she stood hands on her hips, anger flashing in her eyes.

  “You are not leaving without me. And you are not going on those.” She pointed at the horses.

  Loki towered over her; his full height would have been intimidating to another. But it seemed she didn’t even respect his need to protect her. Nothing would dissuade her.

  “I have told you already that you are staying here. Where you belong.”

  Where she belonged? He was no better than a Neanderthal, with his arcane way of viewing women.

  “Maybe you would prefer me to be barefoot and pregnant.” Chantelle was beyond angry now. Stomping her tiny foot so she didn’t shove it where the sun didn’t shine.

  “I never said that. You are upset and being unreasonable.”

  His words stung her. But what hurt Chantelle the most was what her mind was whispering to her. It was telling her that he wished to be back with Signe. The green eyed monster was rearing its head and Chantelle had no way of silencing it. She didn’t understand why she felt possessive of Loki. Or why she was worried that he wanted Signe and not her.

  After all, she didn’t want any part of the madness called Fatum Anima. Chantelle was a modern woman and had a mind of her own. She didn’t want to walk around attached to Loki by the hip. Or worse yet, hang on his every word like some love-struck teenager.

  Loki sensed the battle being waged inside her, so he pulled her to him, trying to comfort her. He knew she wanted to join him on his quest. The underlying reason clear; his female had a jealous streak.

  It pleased his inner beast that she felt possessive of him. In fact Loki wished to take her with him so he could keep an eye on her as well. Their bond was young and he still hadn’t spoken the ritual words that would bind them closer. His need to chain her to his side was strong, but making her stay behind would keep her safe.

  “Please, I only wish to keep you safe.”

  “If you leave without me, then my wellbeing will be on your head.”

  Loki pulled back from her. He kept a firm hold on her arms as he looked her in the eye. All he saw there was defiance. This could not be good. He couldn’t guess what she was up to, but whatever it was Loki doubted he would like it. She had something up her sleeve; something that could only spell trouble.

  “What is going on in that pretty little head of yours?”

  “I know how to drive. And I am sure that Arabella the Foreseeing said we needed to take a car not horses. Besides, how hard is it for me to get a copy of the map? Do the math.”

  “The map is ancient. You would not be able to read it.”

  “I guess you’ve never heard of a Tom Tom?”

  Loki eyed her with a quizzical look, “A what?’

  “A machine that tells you how to get somewhere. It’s not hard to find where she is hiding. I can assure you of that.”

  Chantelle shrugged her shoulders, acting as if she had just told him the weather. Not how she planned to do exactly what he didn’t want her to. She stood before him beautiful in her disobedience. The wind pulled at her hair making her look like a goddess. Just the sight of her had Loki wanting to agree to take her.

  “That may be true. But you do not own a sword. Nor do you know how to defend yourself.”

  “You are right on most of your points. But if you took me with you, then you could teach ‘little old me’ to defend myself.” She batted her eyelashes for effect.

  Chantelle knew nothing of the dragons that stalked the mountains in this northern country. Some made it their home, others only their hunting ground. An unarmed, naive mortal would make an easy meal for them. But that was the least of her worries. For the dwarves and giants were far more dangerous than the dragons. They would take her and send her to the mines. Or worse make her their concubine.

  His musings ceased when she put a comforting hand on his arm. Looking at her hand on his arm had his inner beast howling in triumph. She was finally touching him of her own accord.

  “Please. Don’t you see I’m right?”

  He covered her hand with his and felt her shudder. Loki was ready to tell her to go back into the castle and to behave herself, when Hoder and Thor made their way toward them.

  “Are we ready to leave?” Hoder sounded anxious.

  Loki knew he wanted to get their mission over with as soon as possible. Then Emma would be safe and he could have her begin her education. They all knew they were going to need to acquire a tutor for Emma. But nothing could be done until she was well.

  “Not yet, brother?”

  Hoder stopped mid-mount, “And why ever not?”

  “It seems Chantelle wishes to join our quest.” A look of worry flashed across Loki’s face.

  He saw the look Hoder was giving him. Loki knew his brother was going to side with Chantelle. Emma was her sister and; it was her right to seek retribution.

  “I do not see why this is a problem.”

  Thor shoulder his way through the group, “You do not see at all, Hoder.”

  The blind immortal just shot him an annoyed look, “Let us mount up and be off.”

  Chapter 28:

  “Wait.” The three immortal men stopped where they were. “We can’t take the horses.”

  “Why ever not?” Thor looked as if this was the most ridiculous thing he ever heard.

  Before Chantelle could answer him the roar of classic rock music surrounded them. Everyone stood thunderstruck as a silver Hummer pulled up in front of Valhöll. As soon as the window rolled down Chantelle let out the breath she was holding.

  There in all her gothic black and purple glory sat Arabella. How the hell had she gotten here? Scratch that, where had she gotten them a Hummer on such short notice?

  “Hey, not all present are immortal yet. So shake a leg.”

  Chantelle didn’t like the way Bells had said the word yet. She knew something and she wasn’t going to tell. But still she was here and in a monster of a truck that would get them through anything. So she wasn’t going to turn away this gift horse.

  She hurried over to the passenger’s side door. Throwing it open Chantelle put her foot up on the lift; ready to hoist herself into the truck and out of reach.

  “Just where do you think you’re going?” Loki had his arms around her and her feet on the ground in moments.

  Thor didn’t even spare them a backward glance. He just hoisted himself up in the passenger’s seat, closing the door behind him with a resounding clang. Chantelle could have sworn he had shot Arabella a pissed off look.

  Hoder followed suit, but before he slid all the way into the back of the Hummer, he turned his silver eyes toward them. “Enough. She’s coming with us. So get over it.”

  Chantelle stopped struggling against Loki and he loosened his grip. As soon as she felt his arms slacken, she pulled free and dashed for the open door. She sat all the way in the back so he couldn’t drag her out at the last minute and leave her behind.

  With a resigned sigh Loki got into the truck. From his seat in front of her, Loki turned to see the look of triumph on Chantelle’s face. She may have won the battle but not the war. Two could play her little game; victory would be his. There was no way his innocent little female could best him at a game of wills.

  Moving to sit beside
her Loki smiled when she eyed him with suspicion. Yes, she should be suspicious. Because he was going to use this little trip of theirs to make her see just what he was to her.

  “Move over so I may sit.”

  “There is more car than you know what to do with, sit somewhere else.” But the smile that lit his face made realization dawn. “There is no way I’m riding with you the entire trip.”

  “It is either this or nothing.”

  “How long do you plan to keep me a captive audience?” Chantelle smiled; check.

  “For weeks if I have to. You need not fear. By the time we make it to Castle Malus you will be a very willing audience.” Checkmate.

  With a long suffering sigh she moved over. She just wasn’t in the mood for verbal combat. Chantelle would save that for later, when they all tried to figure out where they were going to sleep.

  “Can we get on with this now? Or do you still have to beg your female to behave?” Thor threw a toothy grin over his seat. But his smile turned to a look of shock when Arabella gave him a brain-duster. “What the bloody hell, woman?”

  “Behave yourself. Besides, where is your mate?”

  An annoyed look passed over his roguish looks. “How should I know? I refuse to chase after someone so broken. So weak.”

  Arabella smiled wide like a Cheshire cat, “Well, then zip it. Some people all they know is pick, pick, pick. If you behave I just might tell you where to find her.”

  Everyone in the Hummer looked at Arabella as if she had grown another head. Chantelle could not believe that her friend would know where Thor’s mate was. But she had warned her about Loki at the Serpent’s Den. So why not? That would mean that she had known about this entire situation all along.

  “You knew and didn’t tell me?” There was disbelief in Chantelle’s voice, tears building in her eyes.

  Arabella turned in her seat to face them. “Yes. And don’t look so shocked. You should know I can’t just tell people their future willy nilly. No all-seeing being can, not even a queen.”

  “But Emma.”


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