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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 106

by Koko Brown

  Regina knew it was early even before she opened her eyes. The sun was just creeping its way into the new day. She lay under the weight of Hyuk’s arm draped across her waist and his surprisingly light snoring. After several long minutes she knew that sleep was no longer an option for her. She slid slowly from beneath his hold and was just a few inches away from the edge of the bed when his arm snared itself underneath her hip pulled her back into position.

  “Where are you going?” he asked groggily against the nape of her neck.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “You did, but that still doesn’t answer my question.”

  “I’m going back to my room.”

  “You’re right where you belong.” He pulled her impossibly closer and she could feel Hyuk’s morning erection. He shifted and his stiff shaft nestled between her cheeks of her ass. His free hand came to rest on her hip briefly before making its way up her ribcage to one breast. She tried not to react when his thumb brushed against her aureole, but her body wasn’t her own where Hyuk was concerned. She bit her bottom lip as he used two fingers to massage the taut nipple.

  “Mmmm,” she murmured

  His hand travelled back down again, across her stomach, pelvis the apex of her thighs before darting in between. He eased his way between her labia folds and didn’t waste time finding her clit and set about a methodic rhythm against the nubbin’.

  “Oh yes,” she moaned as he added another digit to the foreplay. She opened her thigs wider for them. She bucked with the massaging goodness.

  “Open for me,” he whispered against her neck between nips of teeth on her flesh.

  She did, needing completion. The move gave his fingers more access but allowed him to position himself at her center from behind. His cock probed and easily found its mark. He surged upward filling her completely.

  “Hyuk, don’t stop.” She’d never been more turned on in her life,


  Her breath labored with the added pressure against her clit. His circular motions increased becoming more demanding. His measured thrusts from behind turned to more shallowed frenzied drives. She closed her eyes against his double ministrations wanting to savor the moment but it all just felt too good and he was so far inside her, so thick.

  “I can’t wait,” she cried frantically trying to keep pace with the havoc his fingers were causing and the shaft pounding in her. “I cannnnnnnn… oh god.”

  The orgasm hit her hard and her body stiffened in response, a bundle of nerves just feeling everything at once. Hyuk dislodged his hand from her sopping wetness, holding her hip in place while he rode her to his own completion seconds later. One final deep thrust and Regina was sure she could feel him filling her with his orgasm.

  Seconds ticked by and Regina was pulled from her nirvana by the sound of a phone ringing.

  “Aren’t you going to get that?”

  “I hadn’t planned on it,” he with humor.

  “As pleasant as this morning diversion has been some of us we have things to do today.”

  “How about a quick shower?” he suggested.

  She looked at him over her shoulder. “Sounds great but I think I’ll do that down in the comfort of my room.

  Hyuk’s reply was cut short by the repeat ring of the phone.

  “Sounds like someone is really trying to get your attention, you should probably get that.”

  Regina felt the hesitation in his movements as he withdrew from her and she would only admit to herself at feeling the loss. Before he could change her mind she made her great escape to the bathroom slipped on his oversized bath robe resting on the back of the door and picked up her clothes from the day before. By the time she slipped back into his adjoining room Hyuk was deep in conversation speaking in swift Korean. He stood in all his male glory with his back to her but immediately turned in her direction and she felt self-conscious under his watchful gaze. His brows furrowed as he concentrated on what the person was saying on the other end.

  “Bye,” Regina mouthed as she made for the door.

  In her room she took a long shower and dressed for her audition that would be happening in a few hours. The thought hit her suddenly. It was “D” day. She sucked in a healthy dose of air and released it slowly. It was definitely now or never. She couldn’t blow this opportunity the stakes were too high. Cliché after cliché rattled around in her brain. She paced the length of the room which suddenly felt quite small. Mid way through her third round she decided to make her way down to the kitchen it was far better than shutting herself away in the room and letting her thoughts get the best of her. If she were lucky she’d be able to persuade Hyuk’s cook to make her one of those delicious smoothies again.

  “Fancy meeting you here,” Jay said as she stepped out into the hallway. “I thought you’d stopped slumming it on this floor.”

  She knew he was referring to her and Hyuk’s hookups and her cheeks warmed.

  “Insert foot into mouth. I’m sorry I didn’t know it was supposed to be a secret,” he apologized.

  “It’s not but… well it’s a bit awkward considering the how’s and why’s of our meeting.”

  Jay nodded his understanding. “How about I start over. Good morning.”

  “Good Morning. I was just about to go raid the kitchen, what are you up to?”

  “What a coincidence I was headed to do that very thing. Do you mind a partner in crime?”

  “Absolutely not. Let’s make an adventure out of it. I’m hoping to have your cook whip me up one of those delicious smoothies.”

  “Ah yes my uncles muddy waters. Those things can be addicting maybe she can whip up two.”

  Hyuk found them about thirty minutes later sitting on barstools at the granite island finishing off a plate of eggs and slurping down the fruity tasting smoothies. He was dressed in a tailored button up business suit that made him look as formal as the night they first met. Without preamble he walked over to her and gave Regina a kiss that left her reeling in her seat.

  “Careful uncle that Russian side of you is showing,” Jay said humor lacing his voice.

  “Mind your own business cub.” To Regina he said, “I apologize in advance for missing your audition. Somethings come up and it needs my immediate attention.”

  “It’s okay, I wasn’t expecting you to come with me at all today so no disappointment on my end.”

  “We’ll celebrate when I get home, whatever you want to do.”

  “You’re kind of jumping the gun there, no jinx.”

  “Celebration or not, whatever you’re in the mood for we can do.”

  “Sounds good,” she agreed trying not to sound the least bit rattled while inside her a chorus of fireworks were going off in her belly. He gave her a brief kiss this time before leaving.

  “Wow, you’ve definitely made an impact on him,” Jay commented once Hyuk left.

  “Have I? I wouldn’t know the difference.”

  “Trust me Hyuk Chon has always been wound up a bit tight but with you. Take that kiss for instance, in Korea public displays of affection are a bit frowned upon and I can say I’ve never seen him give more than a handshake to people in public and that was with his own mother.”

  “You’re exaggerating.”

  “Maybe on that last part but my uncle is pretty traditional except with you.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding. He seemed quite comfortable with holding hands at the festival yesterday.”

  Jay’s fork stopped hallway to his mouth and clattered back down to his plate. “You’re joking right?”

  “It’s no big deal.”

  He stared at her as if seeing her for the first time. “That’s where you’re wrong. It’s a huge deal.”

  “So, how’d you do,” Jay bombarded the moment she walked out into the busy New York afternoon. At the curb one body guard kept watch near the car while another stood about a foot away from Jay looking very intimidating. This was her new normal.

  “I think
I might have a shot at the part.”

  “Oh please don’t say shot,” he joked.

  “I’m sorry. You know, you really could have stayed at home and rested. Closed auditions are never fun to tag along.”

  “Please I needed to get out of that house, in fact let’s keep this party going and grab some of the best coffee in the city. It’s within walking distance of here.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Regina listened as Jay informed the guards of the pit stop in their plans, she could tell from their expressions they didn’t approve of the change but Jay didn’t seem to care.

  Instead of taking their beverages to go they lingered in the coffee shop enjoying conversation and people watching. It wasn’t until that moment she realized exactly how much she missed the freedom that came along with being an average citizen..

  Her cell phone rang and she lit up at the name on the caller ID.

  “Pickle, I thought you were doing the family thing?” She greeted.

  “We are but I couldn’t not check in with my girl on her big day. So tell me, did you nail it?”

  “I think it was a strong performance so now it’s just a waiting game.”

  “I’m sure you were magnificent and if the selection committee is too blind to see that then they can eat shit.”

  Regina laughed. “You are so what the doctor ordered. I’m missing.”

  “Of course you are sweetie. I’m adorable. Are you pulling a double today or were you able to get that hard ass to give you a break?”

  “I’ve been given a bit of a dispensation for today.”

  “Stop using your word of the day calendar on me.”

  “Somebody needs to pull your ass out of the dregs of ignorance.”

  “That’s my girl, always looking out for my personal growth,” he said sarcastically. “Okay, we’re about to do some more white people bonding, wish me luck.”

  “Have fun. I love you and can’t wait until you get back.”

  “I know right, I love you too sexy,” he boomed back before disconnecting the line.

  “Sorry about that Jay, if it were anyone else I would have ignored the call.”

  “No worries. So you have a male friend named Pickle?”

  “Pickle is his nick name, obviously. When we met there was a lot of alcohol involved and a jar of pickles.”

  He looked amused. “And this friend, is he someone my uncle should be worried about?”

  “Why would he? Pickle is my best friend in New York, besides this thing with Hyuk is temporary.”

  “Is that what he told you?”

  “No, but it’s the truth.”

  He looked skeptical. “If you say so.” He leaned in closer. “But I really think you should make sure he’s on the same page. Hyuk is a man use to getting what he wants and he definitely wants you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him take no for an answer.”

  “There’s a first time for everything.”

  Jay cursed suddenly under his breath. “Those fucking snitches.”

  Before she had a chance to ask what he was talking about a shadowy figure moved into her periphery. She looked up to see Hyuk’s stoic face.


  Whatever Jay was about to say was cut off by Hyuk’s crisp words. They spoke in Korean but periodically she could make out her name in what was obviously an admonishment.

  “Let’s go Regina,” he said finally to her. His expression hadn’t softened in the slightest.

  “Wait a minute, what’s going on? Jay and I haven’t finished our drinks,” she protested.

  “Bring it with you.” It was more than a suggestion.

  “I’m not quite ready to go yet, so I’m sorry you wasted a trip coming down here. As a matter of fact how did you even know where we were?”

  “You can thank the goon squad for that,” Jay muttered rising from his chair.

  Regina remained seated looking between the two of them in disbelief.

  “Let’s not cause a scene Regina,” Hyuk said with a stern quietness although she could see his annoyance reflected in his eyes.

  “I’m not trying to cause a scene,” she said in equally hushed tones but could feel the eyes of several patrons on them. “But I don’t see the big deal about us sitting down and having a cup of coffee like normal people.”

  “Need I remind you of the security risk?”

  “And yet you and I have gone to dinner in a fairly public place not to mention yesterday’s festival.”

  “You were never in any danger.”

  “And what exactly do you think is going to happen here with your bodyguards just a few feet away. Is someone going to chai latte us to death?”

  “We’ll discuss this at home,” he said with a finality that made her feel on edge.

  “You know maybe it’s time I go back to my own home, and before you offer I’ll just order up a car service. I can get my things later when Pickle gets back in town,” she said feeling emboldened enough to pull out her cell phone and clicking on the popular ride share app.

  “Hey!” she exclaimed as the phone was plucked out of her hand. “Give me that back.”

  Hyuk didn’t answer, didn’t make a sound as he hauled her up out the chair by her forearm.

  “Miss, are you okay?” A patron at the next table asked.

  “Do you really want to involve these people?” Hyuk questioned softly for her ears only.

  “No,” she said quietly to Hyuk then turned to look at the good Samaritan.

  He was a big guy, obviously he spent a lot time in the gym. “I’m good, thank you. We were just leaving.”

  Hyuk dropped his hold on her arm and stepped aside to allow her space to pass.

  “My car is this way.” He redirected when she would have followed Jay to the vehicle they arrived in.

  Regina didn’t argue immediately spotting his double parked luxury SUV.

  It was a long, silent ride back to Hyuk’s townhouse. The tension in the car was palpable, Regina held on to her anger replaying the coffee shop scene over and over. When they finally arrived Hyuk exited the vehicle and waited for Regina to follow suit.

  Inside she stopped in the foyer and extended her hand. “My phone please.”

  “Let’s talk in my office,” he said leaving her to follow in his wake.

  His office was on the smallish side in comparison to the other rooms but the sparse décor made it feel spacious.

  “My phone please,” she asked again watching as he walked the room to a black desk in its center and sat her device on it.

  “First let’s talk.”

  “Fine, if you want to talk about being a bully and an asshole then sure.”

  “Regina I only want to make sure you’re safe.”

  “I can take care of myself. I don’t need to be held hostage under some false pretense of safety.”

  Hyuk arched a dark brow in her direction.

  “A curious choice of words. Is that what you think you are here?”

  She paused at his question.

  “Well?” he asked.

  “This is pointless. I’ve lived in this city long enough to be able to survive a coffee shop visit. For all we know Jay’s attacker may have already skipped the country.”

  Hyuk steady gaze held hers and he gave a slow double nod as if her words rang true. He shrugged out of his suit jacket. Regina froze at the sight of the single gun holster keeping the lethal weapon close to his right side.

  “Or he could be waiting for us to relax our guard. Tell me exactly how adept are you at disarming someone intent on ending your life, assuming of course they don’t take you out in front of your work or apartment with one of these?”

  Her gaze followed the movement as he removed the weapon and set it on the table beside her phone. Gun forgotten he shifted his attention to the cuffs of his shirt working the button loose and rolling the sleeve up to his forearm.

  She frowned, almost wishing he’d go back to holding the gun?

suppose this person is a bit more… hands on,” he said moving to the second sleeve until both arms matched.

  “Do you think you’re better equipped to handle a trained killer in hand to hand combat?”

  When put like that how was she supposed to answer?

  “I – I’ve taken advanced self-defense,” she stammered lamely at his silence.

  “Meant for common street thugs.”

  It wasn’t a question so she didn’t bother with an answer but he was right classes like that were aimed at purse snatchers and low life opportunists. It wasn’t intended for trained killers as he put it.

  “Why don’t you give me a demonstration?”

  She blinked. “What?”

  “A demonstration of what you learned, I’m sure you paid good money for the course I just want to make sure you got your money’s worth.”

  She bit the inside of her cheek at his goading, he’d probably only laugh if he knew the courses were free through her local YMCA back home. She’d just keep that bit of knowledge to herself.

  “I’m not sure what kind of game you’re playing at but I’m not in the mood,” she said firmly crossing her arms in front of her.

  “It most assuredly is not a game. You said you’re capable of protecting yourself. I’d like to see that in action.”

  “You’re ridiculous and I’m done indulging in this madness.”

  Regina was proud of herself for her resolve to end the whole charade and reclaim her life. For good measure she gave him a stern look before turning on her heels to leave the room. She’d get her phone later when he was more agreeable and then she’d follow her first instinct and report everything that happened over the last couple of days to the proper authorities. If Hyuk didn’t like it he could eat sh-.

  Regina jumped as the door she was about to exit through slammed closed in her face. A burbery leather wing tip shoe rested against it high above her head.

  She stared in amazement as Hyuk gracefully dropped his leg back in place and traded it for an open hand against the aged wood.

  He used his free hand to push her up against the door. The carved wood pressed into her back while Hyuk fit himself against her, before she could think to push him away her wrist were secured in his vice like grip and wrenched above her head in one swift motion.


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