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Breaking Bad: 14 Tales of Lawless Love

Page 107

by Koko Brown

  “Show me how you would fight against a soulless creature intent on snuffing out your very existence.”

  As if to illustrate he used his free hand to circle her neck. His warmth seeped into her skin and she made the mistake of looking up into his eyes. They revealed nothing.

  “Show me,” he demanded lowly.

  The hand at her neck tightened, squeezing until her heart pounded loudly in her ears.

  “Stop,” she croaked.

  “You’ll have to do better than that,” his words sounded harsher as if she’d done something to upset him.

  “Live or die, the choice is yours.”

  His grip tightened constricting her airway. Fear took hold, did he really intend to kill her? Her mind raced with reason for him to keep her alive. She’d already given him a description of the shooter and he’d made it more than clear the police wouldn’t be involved.

  She was expendable.

  Adrenaline combined with fear forced her into action. She jerked at her arms but they were immobile in his hold. He didn’t budge.

  Keep calm, she reminded herself but it was becoming increasingly harder. With little room she decided to go for a default move. As hard as she could Regina brought a knee up to his groin but was quickly countered by Hyuk’s own move that ended with him securely wedged between her legs, the hand he used to circle her neck drooped to anchor her right thigh. It was an intimate position, one that had heat racing its way to her face, the swiftness of the movement didn’t allow her time to rejoice in her ability for full and unrestricted breathing.

  She gasped when he pressed ever closer.

  “He’ll expect that, so what will you do next?” He asked, his voice close to a whisper.

  She had nothing.

  Hyuk gave a light snort.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Regina figured he’d let her go then, dismiss her with some smug comment meant to make her realize just how silly she was to think she could protect herself.

  He didn’t.

  Instead his thumb caressed her upper thigh through the tight spandex of her leggings. His ice blue gaze traveled down her face stopping to rest on her lips.

  “Of course you could always leverage your very irresistible assets.

  She sucked in her bottom lip biting gently on the corner, but refused to answer.

  “Tell me Regina are you willing to compromise yourself to save your own life?”

  Was that a real question?

  His gaze lingered a little longer before shifting back to her eyes.

  A thick, dark brow arched.

  The hand on her thigh eased upward slowly over the smooth texture of her pants.

  Slow, purposeful inches were gained causing her face to burn even hotter.

  He moved impossibly closer, the lower half of his body pressing into hers.

  She felt every hard inch of him. His dick stretching and thickening until his arousal pressed into her stomach.

  Her breath hitched when he effortlessly lifted her.


  She had to think hard on what the question was again distracted by his body and the ever growing erection.

  “You- you’ve proved your point. I get it, you’re more skilled.”

  “As will be the person sent for you, but you still haven’t answered the question.”

  “Because it’s a ridiculous one,” she said throatily.

  His hand inched beneath the loose fitting top hiked to her waist.

  “But a real one.”

  She was ever aware of her position and the hand now grazing over the bare skin of her belly on its quest upward.

  “Why would I when it would just delay the inevitable. I’d still end up dead.” The admission hit her hard.

  “So you don’t possess the skills to protect yourself and as deliciously tempting as your body is it will not stop the mission.”

  Regina really could have done without his summation. She didn’t like the mirror he was holding up to her life. As much as she craved freedom it would never be a reality until this man… assassin was stopped.

  She was stuck.

  “I see we finally have full understanding of your situation?”

  She could only nod her affirmation.

  “Good.” There was a pregnant pause before Hyuk released her wrists, the hand under her shirt dropped more slowly. When he stepped away she hated the sudden loss she felt.

  Condescending prick.

  She turned eager to be out of the room and away from him.

  “You’re forgetting something.”

  His words stopped her in her tracks.

  “Your phone,” he reminded.

  She turned to see the device where he’d left it. He didn’t try to stop her in the retrieval of the phone but she didn’t let loose a sigh of relief until she was ensconced in her bedroom with the door securely locked behind her. It was where she remained for the rest of the evening.

  Regina woke late the next morning, she blamed it on a long night of hypervigilance. It was well after midnight before she realized Hyuk wouldn’t be paying her a visit. The next day she waited until near noon before leaving her room hoping to delay any contact with her benefactor. If not for her grumbling belly she would have stayed inside even longer.

  She stepped out into the hallway only to be stopped by Jay.

  “Two days in a row, I’m starting to think this isn’t coincidence,” she said.

  “No, it’s not. I was hoping to hear you. I want to apologize for all of this, it’s really turned into a big mess and now there’s this thing with you and my uncle.”

  “It’s not your fault that your uncle is a cretin.”

  “He can be overbearing, but he does mean well especially where you’re concerned.”

  She shrugged. “If you say so. I’m going to grab something to eat if you want to tag along.”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  They settled on sandwiches and took their plates to the breakfast nook which looked out into the yard.

  “Where are our little tiger friends?”

  “They’re out there some place. Look Regina, there’s something I need to come clean about.”

  “Oh yeah?” She refocused her attention on Jay feeling disappointed that she’s missed a possible tiger sighting.

  “Don’t be too mad at uncle Hyuk, it’s really not his fault.”

  “Hmmm, so are you playing wingman for him today?” she asked.


  “Okay, you’ve said your peace but it doesn’t change things.”

  Jay let out a heavy sigh. “What if I told you you’re not in danger that I’m one hundred percent responsible for being shot?”


  “I paid for someone to shoot me,” he said nonchalantly.

  “You’re saying you ordered a hit on yourself”

  “Sort of but I wasn’t trying to get myself killed. It wasn’t just luck that the bullet went through the way it did.”

  “Let me get this straight, you paid someone to shoot you but not kill you.”

  He nodded but she ignored the shamed look on his face.

  “Why would you do something like that?”

  “My uncle is better at running the family. My grandfather knows it, my father knew it even Hyuk knows it but he’s traditional. My father was the rightful heir and once I came of age uncle Hyuk stepped aside for me, but I never had any desire to take over.”

  “I’m sorry but I’m not seeing how taking a hit out on yourself is an option.”

  “I knew Hyuk would see it as a sign that the families didn’t respect my leadership and I hoped that he would take control again. I hadn’t expected you to be there that night to actually see the guy and be able to identify him that’s why I wanted you to come to the hospital with me.”

  “So I wouldn’t talk to the police?”

  “That and I knew I would need to get ahold of him to let him know you wouldn’t be an issue.”
r />   “Then he really was going to come after me?”

  He shrugged apologetically. “Loose ends and all.”

  “You’re right you know.”

  “About what?”

  “You’re nowhere near being smart enough to run your families organization. I swear that had to be the dumbest thing I ever heard.”

  He looked sheepish. “There were some merit worthy points.”

  She shook her head. “No, nothing about that was okay. Have you fessed up to your uncle?”

  “Last night. He’s taken care of things.”


  “Yeah, he’s not quite feeling talkative about giving me details but suffice it to say you’re safe to go home.”

  She sagged back in her seat. “It’s over.”

  He nodded. “I can make arrangements for your stuff to be taken back to your apartment if you want to go back.”

  That stung.

  “What? Why wouldn’t I want to go back?”

  “I don’t know, you seemed to be adapting to this whole gilded cage lifestyle,” he said lightly.

  “Well if Hyuk’s given you the authorization to get me and my belongings moved back into my apartment I say we make this thing happen.”

  Jay’s expression turned serious. “Are you sure?”

  “Of course.”

  “You don’t want to at least talk to Hyuk first?”

  Chin up, she mentally encouraged.

  “Why? We both knew this was temporary.”

  He gave her long look. “If you’re sure.”

  “I am.”


  “Pickle, I’m really sorry I can’t tonight, I need to run lines.” It was only a partial lie.

  “Your part is not that big for you to have run lines every night this week. I think you’re just avoiding me.”

  She was but of course could never admit it. “Sensitive much?”

  “No just truthful. What’s been going on with you these last couple of weeks?”

  “Nothing, I want to kill this role it can be a stepping stone to so many other things. I would think you of all people could understand.”

  “And I want to be supportive but you got my spidey senses all tingling. I know you’re hiding something.”

  The knock at her door was a grateful distraction. “Hold on.”

  Regina expected to find her upstairs neighbor standing at the door with the vacuum she borrowed two days ago in hand. It was the last time she’d lend forgetful Mary another item.

  “I was starting to think I’d have to buy a new…”

  “Buy a new what,” Hyuk started by way of greeting. His large frame filled her doorway.

  It was the first time she’d seen him since leaving the town house. Jay was right, he’d made sure to have everything delivered back to her apartment. Some of Hyuk’s staff even came to make sure everything was hung properly and some much needed cleaning was done. Her pride didn’t prevent her from accepting the domestic help. Jay had begged to be able to stay in touch and although Regina could quite literally point the blame for the whole mess on him she’d developed a certain fondness for him. They’d talked a few times since her return and even revisited the coffee house for a relaxing do over but whenever he tried to shift the conversation to Hyuk, she’d politely deflect.

  It wasn’t like she didn’t want to know how he was doing or that she’d turned her feelings off just because she’d come home. In her mind it was all part of the process of moving on, why pine away for something that wasn’t going to happen. It was sound advice from her inner therapist and all at whopping cost of zero dollars. Still, she couldn’t deny that when she wasn’t rushing about trying to keep busy thoughts of Hyuk slipped into her subconscious all imposing like the man himself.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked a bit breathlessly.

  “It’s good to see you too Regina, do you mind if I come in.”

  “Um, yeah sure.” She opened the door wide to allow him entry.

  He stepped into her barely there living room before turning to face her again. “You look good Regina.”

  “So do you but I’m sure you didn’t come here to exchange compliments,” she replied. It wasn’t just a tit for tat comment Hyuk looked just like she remembered him. Just like he did in her nightly dreams.

  “I wanted to bring your wallet.” As he spoke he held out the familiar wallet/phone case. “And I was hoping we could talk.”

  She took the casing from him and tossed it on the low slung table only inches away from them. “What did you want to talk about?”

  “Everything. Us.”

  “I thought you had Jay say everything for you.”

  “You’re right to be upset about that.”

  “Thanks for the permission and I think I’ll continue to exercise that right.”

  “I took the cowards way out with you. I was ashamed the my family was responsible for putting you in harm’s way and even more upset for how I treated you that last night.”

  “Yeah, it was a bit much.

  “I want to make things right between us, no matter how long it takes. There has never been another woman in my life that makes me feel like this and right now I’m dying inside without you.”

  “Aww hell Reggie, you’ve gotta a lot of context that I’m obviously missing but he had me at ‘it’s good to see you’. Give him another chance,” Pickle’s voice rang out clearly from her abandoned cell phone.

  She cursed under her breath. “Give me one second,” she said to Hyuk.

  Her place was small and the cell phone was left on a nearby counter top separating the kitchen from everything else.

  “Hey Pickle, I’ll give you a buzz tomorrow,” she said into the receiver.

  “Oh you definitely will or I’ll be setting up a candle light vigil outside of your apartment. But one thing before you hang up on me, is he as dreamy as he sounds?”

  “That’s not even the half of it,” she admitted. “Bye.”

  “Sorry about that,” Regina apologized turning back to Hyuk whose watchful gaze worked on her like it had since their first meeting.

  “I’d like for us to start over again, that is if you’ll have me?” he started.

  Who was this man capable of asking an actual question and what had he done with Hyuk?

  “I can’t believe it, you’re actually asking me?”

  He looked confused. “Of course.”

  “With you it’s usually a command or order.”

  “That bad?”

  She nodded.

  The apologetic look he shot her actually looked sincere. “I can work on it,” he offered.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready to be pulled into your world Hyuk it all seems a bit stifling. I mean look at the extremes Jay went through to distance himself.”

  “Jay means well but most days my nephew has rocks for brains. Now that’s not to pretend that my life, at times, doesn’t get complicated but I will do my best to keep the two separate.”

  “Is that even possible?”

  “I’ve never tried before but I’m willing to give it a go if you are.”

  Hyuk and her, could it work?

  “I wouldn’t be opposed to testing the waters with some dates here and there but I have to warn you that my life is pretty busy these days with the play and work.”

  “Congratulations on getting the part.”

  “Thank you. Although I have to say that the casting manager let it slip I would have gotten the part regardless of my connections.”

  Hyuk looked suddenly sheepish. “Are you upset?”

  “No, I got the part on my own merit but even if I had gotten it because of you I would have worked hard to prove that I deserved it.”

  “I wouldn’t have endorsed you if I didn’t think you were incredibly talented.”


  “I understand if you need time to think about things, and I can give you as much space as you need so long as your answer is yes,” he said
with a note of humor.

  She smiled at the attempt.

  Hyuk was unlike anyone she’d ever met. Could she live in his world, embrace who he was and what he represented completely.

  His eyes searched hers for an answer.

  “I… yes. Yes, I’d like to give it a try.”

  He sagged in relief, those great impressive shoulders looked as if the weight of the world had been lifted.

  “But I have a few ground rules of my own.”

  “Anything, within reason.”

  “I am nothing if not reasonable.”

  “Then by all means tell me your conditions.”

  “Actually there’s really only one. That we take the time to talk things through ourselves without intermediaries and we keep an open mind.”

  “By we it sounds as if you mean me?”

  “Ding, ding, ding. But in all seriousness I can be a bit stubborn too, so it’s a suggestion for both of us.”

  “How diplomatic of you.”

  “I know. It’s something me and my inner therapist have been working on for a while.”

  “Inner therapist?”

  “Oh yeah, it’s just one of my many wonderful quirks that you’ll learn about me if we’re really going to embark on this crazy train together.”

  “I have my ticket all ready.”

  “Good and I look forward to peeling back all the layers that makeup Hyuk.”

  “It’s funny you say that because there’s one big layer I’d like to rip off sooner rather than later.”

  She hesitated. “Okay?”

  “I think you should sit down for this,” he suggested and surprised her by unbuttoning his shirt with swift fingers.

  Curiosity piqued she dropped into a nearby chair to watch the strip tease.

  “There are somethings I believe are better shown than explained.” He kicked out of his shoes and shed his trousers next.

  She smiled up at him greedily taking in the eye candy that was Hyuk. “I think I’m liking where this is heading. I could slip behind that partition and make up the bed but really, what would be the point?”

  “Why don’t we table that thought just for a few moments besides I didn’t bring condoms.”

  “Aww look at you compromising. I think I’m going to like the new you.”


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