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The Third Throne: Angel of Death

Page 58

by Tabitha Barret

  Alazar squeezed her shoulder in appreciation for what she had done. He jumped back when Raphael stepped forward to speak.

  “Lady Black, the Council has taken your testimony into consideration and made their ruling. Since the Council was about to overturn Alazar’s decree of becoming a Rogue when news of Maraquette’s deeds were brought to light, we are dropping the charges regarding him becoming a Rogue, as well as knowingly binding himself to his Master as a Rogue. The Council declares that Alazar, the Angel of Death, is a Predznak and now the servant of his rightful Master, Anjali, the Bringer of the Apocalypse. In regards to the other charges, we accept Lady Black’s claim of responsibility for Alazar leaving Hell, and tempting the mortals in an inappropriate manner. These charges will be levied against her forthwith. The final charge of aiding and abetting a Rogue will stand. Since Lady Black is now Alazar’s Master, she will punish him, as she sees fit,” Raphael sounded unpleased by the decision, but spoke loudly for all to hear.

  Alazar relaxed and closed his eyes. She had done it. She had kept him safe from the Council.

  Anjali nodded her head, accepting the ruling. She braced herself, knowing that the fun was just about to start. While Lucifer remained silent about Alazar’s charges, knowing that Lucifer would sacrifice Alazar in a second, he would not remain silent over her charges. A look passed between her and Hades that said, buckle up.

  Adrian stepped forward to read the charges against Lady Black. “We charge Anjali, Bringer of the Apocalypse, with the following crimes: Failing to unite herself with the Angel of Death, resulting in his abandonment of his post in Hell, and tempting the mortals in an inappropriate manner. Failure to accept her role as the Master of the Predznak and gaining control of the remaining nine Predznak. Knowingly creating a Nachtghul without authorization from the Council. The penalty for these crimes is imprisonment in the Hall of Shadows for eternity,” Adrian rolled the scroll and placed it under his arm, careful not to look directly at anyone.

  The real reason for glazing over Alazar’s crimes became apparent. They wanted to charge her with failure to claim her angels. If found guilty, she would be stripped of her authority and title. The Council would choose another Bringer of the Apocalypse and would never allow Alazar to remain the Angel of Death. They would kill or imprison all of the Predznak. Poor Derick would survive as long as she remained breathing, but would most likely be forced to serve Lucifer. With a look of terror, she turned to Gabriel. She couldn’t tell the Council that she hadn’t known who she was, or that Gabriel had lied to the Council to keep her safe. If the Council found out, Gabriel would be in considerable trouble. It explained the worried look on his face when she entered the room. She was afraid that he might perjure himself to keep her safe, or worse, remain silent and watch her be dragged away in chains.

  Chapter 21

  Lucifer abruptly stood, taking everyone but Michael by surprise. Michael drew his sword, preparing to fight Lucifer, if needed.

  “You have no idea what you are doing,” Lucifer replied coldly.

  Raphael held his hand up, hoping to keep the devil in check. “You will have your turn Lord Lucifer; we have not charged you yet. Tread lightly.”

  “Then read my charges so that I may know what dangers lurk for me. If you plan to accuse me of past crimes, simply because we are entertaining you and you wish to air your grievances, then save your breath. I suggest you narrow them down to whatever indiscretions you believe me currently guilty of so that I may stand in the fire and get on with my day,” Lucifer sounded bored but Anjali understood the menace behind his mood.

  Adrian hesitated, but read Lucifer’s charges, which were minimal by comparison. They consisted of making a blood servant without the Council’s consent, then of course, the original reason that the Council was mad, all three Heads of Hell were guilty of punishing the Rusalka.

  Lucifer waved his hand and ignored Adrian. “You finally know that I made Anjali my blood servant, good for you. If it weren’t for the lying, deceitful creature sitting before you, I would not have been forced to save her life in such a manner,” Lucifer pointed to Maraquette, who snapped her head up and hissed at Lucifer.

  Maraquette spit on the dais and rattled her chains in an attempt to break free. “You’re one to speak of lies and deceit.”

  Raphael spoke up. “Lord Lucifer, we will deal with Maraquette later, first we need to address Lady Black’s crimes.”

  “Don’t you see Raphael? Maraquette and those like her are the reason that Anjali was fearful to step forward to claim her angels. Any one of Father’s enemies could have manipulated her and attempted to use her power against Heaven. She knew she was vulnerable and stayed hidden. If Maraquette had found her when she had left Hell and tried to kill Anjali then, Anjali could have released her power and destroyed the world before it was time. Yes, Alazar was angry that she didn’t come for him, as was I, given our arrangement, but had she stepped forward to claim Alazar at the time, she could have easily failed. I know it was a struggle for her to claim him now, even though she has more control over her power. Maraquette has tried to kill Anjali on multiple occasions because of pure jealousy, and nearly succeeded. You should find Maraquette guilty of that and move on. I understand the value of having a Destroyer, which was why I bound her to me, to save her. I am in agreement with Anjali. These charges are a farce. She kicked Michael’s ass because he was unwilling to listen to the truth and now his ego is as bruised as his wings. He needs to get past it. She did the right thing. Alazar lives because of her boldness,” Lucifer smirked and mockingly bowed to Michael.

  “Enough, Lord Lucifer,” Raphael replied. He seemed at a loss to refute Lucifer’s arguments.

  Anjali was impressed by Lucifer’s arguments. He was smart to focus on Maraquette and use her as his scapegoat.

  Hades saw an opportunity to speak and jumped from his throne. “These charges are ridiculous. The Destroyer should have been ordered by the Council to step forward to claim her angels eons again, but they didn’t because they feared what would happen if she couldn’t control them. Charge yourselves if you wish to continue this charade. Take Maraquette’s head for attempting to kill the Destroyer, and recruiting a Predznak to strike out against Heaven, and be done with it. I have better things to do. Hell doesn’t run itself, you know,” Hades huffed. He showed his annoyance by briskly descending the dais.

  Anjali tried to hide her amusement of Hades’ audacity. She knew he was trying to escape his charges before the Council comprehended what was happening.

  “We are not done here!” Michael roared. He stepped in front of Hades, cutting off his escape.

  Lucifer cleared his throat. “If you want your pound of flesh, I will gladly offer it to you,” Lucifer shrugged, though he had a look pure malice on his face.

  “Even if we waive the charges in regards to the Destroyer failing to claim her angels and Alazar’s original crimes, she still must answer to the Council for creating a Nachtghul without permission. On top of that, you all must answer for your crimes against Skylis,” Michael yelled as he paced. It was obvious that he wanted Anjali to suffer for something.

  Hades grumbled and slunk back to his throne, sulking.

  Something occurred to Anjali when she listened to Michael’s rant. They were all being charged with serious crimes worthy of beheading and imprisonment, yet they were still angry about a water nymph being throttled for killing mortals and three Heavenly Angels. Why was Skylis so damned important? They had a Rogue sitting at their feet, chained to the floor, an angel they had once called sister, yet they didn’t seem terribly upset about her and her crimes. Furthermore, why had Michael called Skylis by name when her name was not mentioned during the reading of the charges? They had simply called her the Rusalka. Michael should be the first in line to punish Skylis for killing the Heavenly Angels.

  Anjali stood and placed a calm hand on Lucifer’s arm. She knew that he was pissed if he was pacing. The pain from the hole in his gut must have been killing h
im. “If it pleases the Council, I would like to address the charges regarding the Rusalka before I address the charges of creating a Nachtghul.”

  Lucifer looked at her questioningly, but didn’t speak. He shrugged, and sat back to his throne letting her have the floor.

  “You are charging the three Heads of Hell for punishing a prisoner of Hell. I am confused as to why. The job description of Hell is to oversee the torture of the prisoners of Heaven, which is what we do best. I don’t understand why this Rusalka was sentenced to the Hall of Shadows if we are not permitted to punish her. Why is she here if not to atone for her crimes?” Anjali looked pointed at each of the Council Members.

  Michael, Raphael, and Adrian spoke in unison. “She is a danger to the Mortal Realm. She has been sentenced to the Hall of Shadows, but must not be harmed in any way.”

  From the corner of her eye, she saw Lucifer and Hades look at each other in disbelief.

  Gabriel and Marishka were the only Council Members who didn’t speak. They both turned to look at Michael, Adrian, and Raphael, clearly frustrated.

  “Lord Gabriel, what do you have to say about this Rusalka issue?” Anjali asked. She knew her father was biased when it came to her, but she needed to know his thoughts.

  “I was not present during the trial, so I’m not sure what happened during the proceedings or the sentencing. I agree that the sentence is unusual, but haven’t dwelled upon it,” Gabriel bowed gracefully but gave her a concerned look.

  Raphael puffed up his chest and snorted. “This is absurd. You have no right to question the Council regarding our decision. The ruling stands and you will pay for your crimes!” Raphael yelled defiantly.

  Anjali ignored Raphael and turned to Marishka. “Lady Marishka, what are your thoughts?”

  “I was not present either, Lady Black. On smaller matters, three Council Members are enough to pass judgment. As far as I know, there was nothing remarkable about the Rusalka’s crimes to warrant a full Council. She killed enough mortals and angels to be sentenced to the Hall of Shadows. I cannot fathom why she shouldn’t be punished, but as I mentioned, I was not present to hear the details. To be honest, I don’t see what all the fuss is about, but the other Council Members insisted on speaking to the Heads of Hell regarding the matter. I am just as curious as you are, Lady Black,” Marishka bowed her head gracefully.

  The problem was becoming more apparent. She decided that she needed to take a different approach.

  “Lord Michael,” she spoke sweetly, with as much kindness as she could muster. “I know that I hurt you. I wanted to make sure that you are all right. How are your wings?” she witnessed Michael’s confusion when she abruptly changed the subject.

  He stuttered, unsure about her mood. “Healing,” he muttered.

  She descended the dais and stood before him. “May I see them?” she asked quietly.

  He hesitated and looking around the room, trying to ascertain what the others thought of her sudden mood shift. Finally, he nodded and released his wings with a groan.

  Anjali felt terrible when she saw that his beautiful white wings were battered and charred in sections. A number of feathers instantly fell out. She needed to see this. She needed to remember that Michael wasn’t the bad guy at the end of the day. In all honesty, he was doing his job and she had brutally attacked him with her power. Slowly, she stepped closer to him and bent down to pick up one of the feathers that had shaken loose. It reminded her that Michael was not impervious to pain or pleasure.

  Running the feather along her palm, she looked at Michael. “It must be lonely searching the world for Rogues, and spending so much time away from home. I don’t know how you do it. Sadly, I don’t remember Heaven or any of the angels, so I have no concept of basking in God’s light. I don’t know if you have a girlfriend or not, but if you did, I’m sure you spend plenty of time away from her,” Anjali spoke sincerely.

  Michael was clearly offended. “That is none of your business. We are getting off topic.”

  Though she couldn’t see Lucifer, she felt the tension radiating from him when she moved closer to Michael. “I wouldn’t blame you for being beguiled by a pretty set of eyes.”

  “What’s your point, Lady Black?” Michael asked through his clenched teeth.

  Anjali sauntered up to Michael and whispered to him. “My point is, you’re not the first to fall victim to Skylis’ white flowing hair and flawless body.”

  With her right hand, she summoned her Hell Fire and slammed her hand into Michael’s chest. Focusing the flames, she ignited Michael’s white suit. Michael tripped backward, caught off guard by her sudden action. He screamed as the flames quickly spread.

  Raphael and Adrian charged her, yelling at her to release Michael. With her left hand, she quickly threw fireballs at Raphael and Adrian’s suits. Both of them skidded to a halt, attempting to extinguish the flames.

  Marishka stepped back, uncertain whether she would be the next target. Mark lunged forward to help, but Gabriel grabbed his arm and held him back, shaking his head. Mark was frantic, but trusted Gabriel enough to stay away.

  Behind her, Lucifer was laughing his ass off, and Hades looked he like was burning the image into his mind so that he could savor it later. Maraquette was having a laughing fit, trying to clap her bound hands, while Alazar prepared to help her fight the Council. The servants all looked at each other trying to decide if Lady Black had finally lost her mind.

  “Lucifer, I command you to stop the Hell Fire!” Raphael was raging mad and screaming from the pain.

  Anjali waved her hands and extinguished all the flames at once. She quickly stepped back and ascended the dais. Alazar appeared steady and determined, ready for her command.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Raphael screamed and waved away the smoke from his suit.

  “I want her head now!” Michael roared over Raphael’s question, drawing his blue flaming sword as he headed directly for her throne.

  Adrian was stunned and terrified. Anjali felt bad for him most of all. She assumed that he had never spent a day in the realms.

  “Answer me this, what do you think of Skylis now?” she was firm with her question, demanding an answer.

  “What do I care about a Rusalka?” Raphael yelled and ran toward the throne.

  “That’s my point. You don’t care about her now. The three of you were spellbound. She controls the thoughts of men with her power. I freed you from her influence,” Anjali threw her hands out to stop Raphael and Michael’s advance.

  Michael slid to a halt when the truth of her explanation made its way past his anger and outrage. He lowered his sword, but didn’t sheath it.

  Raphael sputtered and waved his arms around, both embarrassed and confused as he realized he had been fooled by the Rusalka.

  Anjali lowered her hands, seeing that Raphael and Michael had calmed, slightly. “Had Lady Marishka been present, she would have seen through the creature’s tricks, though you probably would have all died. Skylis said she wanted revenge on the Council and that no more of her kind would suffer. Lord Gabriel and Lady Marishka were missing from the sentencing, so she had to alter her plans. She wanted to watch Lord Lucifer kill all of you, and then make him release her relatives in the Hall of Shadows. Lord Michael, or one of his warriors, must have been the first victim. When she was brought before you for sentencing, she enthralled Lord Raphael and Lord Adrian, but must have only put one suggestion in your minds so that you wouldn’t seem like mindless zombies, like her other victims. You’re welcome for saving you,” Anjali threw her hair over her shoulder and sat back. She had no idea if any of that were true, but it sounded plausible.

  “You could have told us rather than assaulting us,” Adrian grumbled. He waved his hand and produced a new clean white suit.

  “Lord Adrian, you were under her influence. The truth wouldn’t have done much to free you,” Anjali replied. “I’ve seen Skylis in action; her victims don’t even know what they’re doing. You wouldn’t have l
istened to me. I’m sorry, but burning the victim is the only way I know to release them from her spell.”

  Gabriel stepped forward to help comfort Adrian. “Thank you, Lady Black, for rescuing the Council Members from the Rusalka’s hold. There is no telling what would have happened if you hadn’t intervened,” Gabriel said graciously. She knew that he was driving the point home.

  Michael had the decency to look embarrassed since he, or one of his Celestial Warriors, was the root of the problem. Whoever had apprehended the nymph had fallen victim to her and helped her to infect the rest. Anjali had to give the siren credit. She was good.

  Raphael was physically rattled, but regained his composure enough to speak. “The charges against Lord Lucifer, Lord Hades, and Lady Black in regards to the Rusalka have been dropped given the new evidence that has been presented. Lady Black, you are still charged with creating a Nachtghul without the approval of the Council.”

  Anjali rolled her eyes. “I didn’t have time for the Council to convene regarding the matter. The boy was dying because of the deranged angel sitting right there. Maraquette tried to kill the boy by commanding Aganon to throw him off a castle roof. Besides, Lord Gabriel was present, and he is still a Council Member, is he not? He gave his consent. Furthermore, I don’t have to ask the Council for permission to keep a soul that belongs to me. He has spent more time with me than in Heaven,” Anjali was furious when she thought about someone taking Derick away from her.

  Raphael was shocked by her allegations and her pompousness. “What are you talking about? How could he possibly spend more time with you than reside in Heaven?”

  She was about to answer when Gabriel stepped forward. “I believe I can answer that.”

  Admonishing herself, she forgot that her father might have to deal with the wrath of the Council for hiding away the men that she shared her many lives with.

  “The boy has never known Heaven, or Hell, Lord Raphael. My daughter fell in love with him during her third lifetime. I found that when she loves someone deeply, she leaves a mark upon his soul. I feared that someone would find the Destroyer and use her against us. I didn’t want Heaven or Hell to be able to track her through these men. I hid her lovers away in a small section of Purgatory, for their safety as well as hers. My fears, unfortunately, became a reality when Maraquette followed me and found the boy. Maraquette intended to kill the boy to make Lady Black suffer. She loves this boy and was unwilling to part with him. He willingly accepted her as his Master, for no other reason than to be with her. They both understood the consequences. I would have pleaded her case, had there been time. She could have made him a suicide servant, but the idea was abhorrent to her. This was the only logical way to keep them together. I apologize for not making this known to you sooner, but as you recall, I was given specific instructions to keep the Destroyer safe from harm, by any means necessary. I exercised my rights as her guardian to keep her safe,” Gabriel gracefully bowed before the Council, ignoring their sour looks of disapproval.


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