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The Third Throne: Angel of Death

Page 59

by Tabitha Barret

  Lucifer smirked wickedly. “As Lady Black’s Master, I have no objections to the creation of a Nachtghul, so long as he abides by the rules and serves her,” Lucifer announced before the Council could speak.

  Anjali sighed at Lucifer. He was trying to annoy the Council by accepting her Nachtghul.

  Raphael showed his displeasure, but spoke quickly to the remaining Council Members while Gabriel waited patiently off to the side, speaking quietly to Mark.

  Hades rolled his eyes at Lucifer, but seemed pleased that he was no longer charged with any crimes, for the time being.

  Alazar squeezed Anjali’s shoulder and stared at the Council, waiting for a verdict. He was impressed that Anjali had held her own against the Heavenly Five. It wasn’t easy to talk your way out of a punishment, as he knew all too well. He was also surprised by how quickly Lucifer had come to her aid. A small flicker of respect for his enemy kept him from his murderous thoughts. It appeared that Lucifer cared about her enough to offer himself up for punishment. He had never known Lucifer to be compassionate or self-sacrificing, at least in Hell.

  Lucifer looked at her with fear in his eyes. Lucifer would lose his mind if the Council found her guilty and imprisoned her. She was afraid the Council would order her to release Derick from her service. Gabriel’s warning haunted her. Derick could no longer survive without her, which meant he would probably fade into oblivion.

  She closed her eyes and focused on Derick, needing to know that he was safe.

  She was surprised to see the opposite end of the Throne Room when she opened her mind to Derick’s thoughts. He was standing on the walkway to the Throne Room in the shadows. She quickly figured out that he had seen most of the show, including the part where she had lit the Council on fire. She felt the pain still lingering in his body, but he was much improved.

  Are you okay? she pushed the question into his mind. She scolded herself when she realized that she had scared him, causing him to jump.

  Yeah, I’m good. How are you doing? Alazar looks like he’s going to snap and slaughter those two Council guys. Will they take me away from you? Derick wasn’t sure if she could hear him, but he hoped that she could. It was horrible watching her stand trial before these angels while they yelled at her, and accused her of so many things. He certainly had a lot to learn about this place and her.

  Anjali smiled bravely, though she had no idea what the Council would do. She heard his worried thoughts about not knowing her very well. She would have to remedy that as soon as possible.

  Let’s hope for the best, she replied, unable to lie to him.

  She was pulled from her conversation by Adrian clearing his throat. “The Council has reached a verdict regarding the charges against the creation of a Nachtghul without the consent of the Council. The Council recognizes Lord Gabriel’s authority as a Council Member and the protector of the Destroyer. While the Council is dismayed that Lord Gabriel hid souls away from Heaven and Hell in order to protect the Destroyer, we understand his concerns in regards to the safety of the Destroyer. Having said that, we are still displeased that a Nachtghul has been created since the practice was outlawed. We are aware of the repercussions that this type of servant brings when removed from their Master. Under normal circumstances, we would remove the servant from his vow, but removal of a Nachtghul would put the Destroyer in jeopardy. At this time, we do not have significant reason to cause Lady Black the agony associated with the removal of her Nachtghul. We do, however, warn her to refrain from creating any more Nachtghuls, without consent,” Adrian bowed and stepped back in line.

  Anjali sighed in relief and fell back into her chair, unaware that she had been perched at the very edge, clinging to the armrests for support. She felt Derick’s relief as well.

  I get to keep you, she smiled in his direction.

  Good, because I wasn’t going anywhere, regardless of what they said. Derick was serious about his statement. He looked like he was ready to fight them.

  Lucifer was out of his throne, almost as fast as Hades.

  “Good day to you, dear brothers. Let’s make a point of avoiding these senseless trials by keeping your dicks in your pants,” Lucifer growled, brushing past Michael on his way out. Dorian and Vincent were a step behind him.

  Hades was fast on his heels ordering Malcolm and Jared around.

  Michael glared at Lucifer, but shook his head. The remaining Council Members looked at each other in disgust.

  “Lord Lucifer, we must complete the prisoner transfer,” Raphael motioned to Maraquette who flipped him off.

  “We also want the Celestial Sword that you illegally obtained. Lord Tabbris admitted that he left it behind when he left Hell. I want it back,” Michael growled.

  Lucifer stopped, but didn’t look at Michael. “I am not interested in hearing Maraquette’s crimes. I already know the worst of them, attempting to kill the Destroyer on multiple occasions. I will make sure the punishment fits the crime. As for the sword, if I knew where it was, I would gladly give it to you,” Lucifer replied. His eyes glowed with hatred, though his voice sounded disinterested.

  Michael stepped forward to beat the answer out of him.

  Anjali spoke up. “I will find the sword and return it, I swear. I want it far away from here,” she couldn’t wait to send it back to Heaven.

  Michael acknowledged her, though he remained in his attack position.

  Marishka spoke as she stepped forward. “Lord Lucifer, the Council does not think it wise for you to be in charge of Maraquette’s punishment, given your former relationship. Torturing one that you once cared for might prove to be too difficult a task.”

  Lucifer tapped his foot. “While I’m certain that my hatred of her outweighs what I used to feel for her, I will abstain from overseeing her stay in Hell. Perhaps Lady Black will take charge of her,” Lucifer said quickly, though he was dismayed that he wasn’t in charge of Maraquette. He had already planned a number of truly heinous ways to make the bitch suffer.

  Michael crossed his arms. “Lady Black made it clear to General Tabbris that she would make Maraquette suffer as no other prisoner in history has suffered and that we would be able to hear her screams from Heaven. I don’t think it would be wise for her to take possession of Maraquette.”

  “Actually, it sounds perfectly acceptable to hand her over to Anjali, but then again, I’m a bit unstable, as you have often pointed out,” Lucifer directed his comments at Michael who rolled his eyes.

  Hades waved his hand. “Wonderful, I guess that leaves me, as if I don’t have enough prisoners to put the screws to. Fine. I will accept responsibility for the Rogue Angel known as Maraquette, the former Angel of Virtue. Malcolm, make our guest comfortable in the Hall of Torment and I will be with her shortly,” Hades huffed. His day had brightened considerably. His charges had been dropped, thanks to Lady Black, and now he was going to have fun tormenting the one responsible for nearly killing Lady Black.

  Lucifer stalked out of the Throne Room. He needed to punch a few holes in Aganon to calm his frayed nerves. He had come close to watching Anjali imprisoned in the Hall of Shadows.

  Anjali quietly made her way over to Michael.

  “I didn’t singe you too badly, did I?” she asked. She was concerned that he might hold a grudge.

  Michael looked away, embarrassed, but recovered quickly. “I’ll survive. I must know. How did you figure out that I was bewitched? You hardly know me anymore.”

  “I’m sorry that I don’t remember you from Heaven. Hopefully, I will regain my memories someday. I knew something was wrong by the way you said her name. It was how a lover would speak it, as if you cared about her. I really am sorry about burning you. The Fallen who was under Skylis’ influence turned on me and mindlessly attacked me. I saw how powerful she was. She preys on the weakness of men and uses their loneliness against them. I know it’s none of my business, but despite all your duties, I suggest you find time for love. It makes all the difference in the world,” she smiled and b
ent down to pick up a few of his fallen feathers and handed them to him.

  Michael looked flustered by her suggestion, but didn’t say anything. He took the feathers and stared at them dolefully.

  She walked past him, but his voice stopped her. “You’re really nothing like Lucifer, are you?”

  Surprised by his question, she turned to look at him. He was puzzled by her, staring at her as if he was searching for the truth.

  “Trust me, I can let my anger get the better of me, just like him, but I don’t want to fall so far into darkness that I hurt everyone around me,” she nodded to him and turned away.

  Raphael tapped his foot and waved his hand stating that the trial was at an end, though no one was listening to him. Anjali couldn’t believe how quickly Lucifer and Hades had run from the proceedings.

  She felt Alazar’s presence by her hip, but didn’t look at him. She waited until all the Council Members, aside from Gabriel, disappeared.

  Her father followed her through the Throne Room and into the Hall of Mirrors. Derick had retreated to her tower before Lucifer could see him.

  Feeling exhausted, she threw herself into her throne and scrubbed her face with her hand.

  Derick lingered by the doorway behind her throne, unsure of what he should do.

  Alazar took a knee before the dais, bowed his head, and held out his wrists. He wanted to get his punishment over with quickly. “My lady, I am very sorry for associating with a known Rogue. I should have never made a deal with Maraquette. I swear it will never happen again,” he waited patiently to find out if he was going to be dragged to the Hall of Mercy or Torment.

  Gabriel stood behind Alazar, waiting for his daughter to issue Alazar’s punishment, curious to see what she would do.

  Anjali rose from her throne and contemplated her submissive angel. She looked to Gabriel, who remained passive. Seeing Alazar’s hands reaching out to her, she knew what she had to do.

  Taking his hands in hers, she pulled a confused Alazar to his feet. He looked at her with fear in his eyes.

  She turned his hand over and lightly slapped the back of his hand. “Bad Angel of Death, there will be no more associating with known Rogues. Now, go take your place next to my throne. I have already forgiven you for your crimes and your punishment is to spend an eternity by my side in Hell,” she winked at him and returned to her throne.

  Alazar frowned and looked down at this hand. A slap on the hand? That was it? He was grateful not to be burning in the fire, but was amazed by her leniency.

  “I happily accept my punishment,” Alazar looked up at her and smirked. He took up his post on the right side of her throne. There was no other place he wanted to be.

  Turning her attention to Gabriel, she let out a long breath. “Well, for my first inquisition, I think it went well.”

  “Things could have been much worse and it wasn’t your first inquisition,” Gabriel replied evenly.

  She grimaced when she thought about how many times she must have gone before the Council after she had wreaked havoc in the Mortal Realm. “Thank you for diffusing the Council’s anger over Derick. Will they punish you?” she sounded like a small child.

  “I doubt it. If they do, I will accept it willingly. I’ve had to do many things outside of the Council’s approval to keep you safe. I stand by everything that I have done. My duty was to keep you alive and away from harm, and I have tried very hard to do that,” Gabriel was very serious.

  She knew his life hadn’t been easy because of her.

  Alazar cleared his throat. “Speaking of which, Gabriel, I never apologized for nearly killing you,” Alazar muttered sheepishly.

  “Alazar, I was never angry with you for attacking me. I was angry with myself. I did a great disservice to you by keeping Anjali from all of you. I should have never waited so long. I saw the pain in your eyes that day on the cliff, yet I couldn’t hand her over. I am the one who has created this fissure between you. Every day I have regretted my selfishness, but Anjali’s well-being has always been my first priority. It is I that should be apologizing to you,” Gabriel sighed and hung his head. He suddenly looked tired and aged.

  Alazar was dumbfounded. He’d beaten Gabriel to within an inch of his life, yet Gabriel was asking for his forgiveness. He was humbled.

  “You let me hurt you, didn’t you? I always wondered why you didn’t strike back,” Alazar said as he recalled the fight. He’d been possessed by rage, but Gabriel merely deflected his blows.

  “Yes. I deserved your wrath. I hoped it would appease you on some level so that you wouldn’t do the same to my daughter,” Gabriel’s eyes welled up when he imagined Alazar striking Anjali with the same rage.

  Alazar was numb. It had never occurred to him that Gabriel cared so greatly for his daughter that he would sacrifice himself for her. He felt like a fool. It seemed that everyone wanted to keep her safe and all he had done was try to hurt her. He vowed to find a way to redeem himself for his inexcusable actions.

  Anjali put her hand over her mouth, stifling a sob. Her father had let Alazar beat him? This was too much. Gabriel was constantly astounding her with his dedication to her.

  “Father, I am so sorry,” she jumped up and hugged him, thanking him for his sacrifices.

  “Gabriel, I had no idea. I swear will find a way to earn your forgiveness,” Alazar leaned against the throne, feeling like he’d been punched in the stomach.

  “As long as you protect her and put her needs above your own, you will earn my forgiveness, Alazar. Be the angel that she needs you to be,” Gabriel hugged his beloved daughter and kissed the top of her head.

  “I swear it,” Alazar declared, his head snapping up to meet Gabriel’s eyes.

  Gabriel nodded and set Anjali back on the dais.

  “There is one last thing, Father,” she handed Gabriel a scroll and watched him unroll it.

  Gabriel was surprised to see Sacha’s face glaring back at him. It had been a long time since he’d seen Deception. He looked to Anjali and braced himself for the bad news.

  “Do you remember me telling you about my English teacher Mr. Timmons?” Anjali watched Gabriel frown, but nodded his head. “That’s Mr. Timmons.”

  Fury exploded across Gabriel’s face. “I can’t believe that son of a bitch ignored my warning and sought you out again. I will gut him for this.”

  Anjali was startled by Gabriel’s reaction since she rarely heard him swear or threaten anyone. “He didn’t hurt me, nor did he ever say or do anything inappropriate.”

  “You don’t understand. Sacha has tried on more than one occasion to infiltrate your life. The last time I caught him, he was trying to insert himself into the lives of your family. He pretended to be a rich landowner and was trying to strike a deal with your father, a baron. I thwarted him and kicked him out on his ass. I told him that if he ever went near you again, I would kill him myself and replace the Angel of Deception personally,” Gabriel growled, threatening to rip the scroll to shreds.

  “Why would he want to be a part of my life? What does he want?” she asked. The question had plagued her since she found the scroll.

  “I don’t know for sure since Sacha isn’t one to give a straight answer, but I believe he wants to gain your trust so that he can manipulate you. If he wanted to kill you, he’s had ample opportunity to do so. I don’t know what his motivation is, but life is a game to Sacha. He plays with people’s emotions for his own joy, until he destroys them. No matter what he says to you, do not believe him,” Gabriel warned.

  “I’m in agreement with Gabriel. Don’t trust Sacha, no matter what,” Alazar chimed in.

  Anjali listened to their advice and took the scroll back from Gabriel. Despite their warnings, she wanted to trust Sacha, which meant he would probably try to kill her upon their next meeting.

  Gabriel calmed himself and sighed. “Unfortunately, my darling, I must go. Though before I do…Derick, a word,” he looked up at Derick who was shyly mulling about.

ick hobbled forward, aware that all eyes were on him.

  Gabriel looked kindly at the boy that he’d seen through so many disasters and complications. “Are you all right?”

  “I think so,” Derick shrugged. He was still having trouble accepting that the “uncle” he’d know forever was the Gabriel from Heaven.

  “Know that you can always call for me, just as you did before, although, now you don’t need a telephone. Picture me in your mind and call out to me saying that you “summon me” and I will appear, as long as I’m not directly involved with something. I will come to you as quickly as I can. I am here for you if you need advice, or help. I hope you know that I care about you and want to see you in good health. I am sorry that I led Maraquette to you. I should have been more careful,” Gabriel was visibly shaken while he spoke.

  “Gabriel, if it wasn’t for you, I would have bottomed out a long time ago. I have no idea where I would have ended up, though probably in Hell, for different reasons. I’m not mad at you,” Derick smiled at his mentor.

  “Thank you. Please take care of her and I will make sure that she takes care of you,” Gabriel put his hand on Derick’s shoulder and squeezed it.


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