Let's Be Crazy

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Let's Be Crazy Page 12

by Lindsay Paige

  “Mr. Ashton is a daddy,” Sadie adds, glancing at me. “He could help you, Mommy. Please? I really want one.”

  Lexie is mortified. I kind of am too. The poor kid doesn’t know what she’s really saying.

  “Hey, could I have a brother too?” Reed perks up. “Are you and Mom going to give me a brother one day?” Oh, no. This just got worse. Reed turns to Sadie and grins like he has a bright idea before turning to me. “If you are a dad and Ms. Lexie is a mom, does that mean you could give me and Sadie both a brother?”

  My mouth opens and closes numerous times, but I can’t manage to say anything.

  “I…” Lexie tries before finally thinking of something. “Why do you two want a brother?”

  “Our friend at school said she would have someone to play with all the time. I want someone to play with all the time,” Sadie explains.

  “Me too,” Reed agrees.

  “You already have that. You have each other because you’re best friends. Y’all play together all the time,” Lexie points out.

  Sadie smiles at Reed. “Yeah, he is my best friend. I guess we don’t need a brother.” A movie about a dog previews next. “What about a puppy?” Of course. “Could I have a puppy? A boy at school says he has a puppy and that they play fetch. I want a puppy too, Mommy.”

  “If Sadie gets a puppy, I want one too, Dad.”

  God, what is wrong with them? At least we’re moving the topic away from babies. “That’s something you better talk to your mom about, Reed.”

  “Well, do I get one?” Sadie asks again.

  “I don’t know. A puppy is a lot of responsibility. Maybe we should think about a fish instead,” Lexie suggests.

  Sadie’s eyes light up with excitement. “Like at the aquarium?! That sounds even better than a brother or a puppy! Can we get a fish?”

  “Oh!” Reed exclaims. “Can I get a shark then?”

  “No.” This conversation needs to end soon. Thankfully, the movie finally starts. “Be quiet, the movie is starting, and I don’t want to miss anything.” Running my thumb over Lexie’s knuckles, I lean over and whisper, “I’m thinking they should be homeschooled from now on.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  “Yes, Mr. Steinberg, it’s all set. It’ll be fine.” I keep reassuring as he keeps complaining that his daughter’s birthday will be ruined. I want to reach through the phone and punch him in the eye. However, I take a deep breath and say it all over again. “It’ll be fine.”

  Finally, I’m able to hang up, and Tiff comes into the room.

  “Having a bad day?”

  “You have no idea. What do you need?”

  “Don’t be alarmed, but we need to go to your house.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Trust me.”

  My heart drops, and my first thought is Sadie. “Oh my God, what happened?”

  “No, no, no. Everything is fine, but I need to help you pack.”

  “Pack? For what?”

  “Trust me. We’re taking your car.” She grabs my keys, and she tugs on me until I finally head out to the car. Tiff doesn’t say anything to me, even though I keep asking her question after question until we pull into my driveway. “Shut up, and come on.”

  She goes straight for my bedroom and opens my closet. She grabs my suitcase and starts grabbing a couple pairs of pants, then some shirts. She goes over to my dresser. “Don’t you have a corset? Or something like that?”

  “No. Why are you asking me this?”

  Tiff ignores me and grabs a few things, throwing them into the mix of clothes on the bed. She looks over my closet again and finds a little black dress that I have for special occasions. “This will do.” When she keeps flipping through the clothes, she stops and gasps, “You bought his jersey?”

  “Don’t start, and tell me what’s happening right now.”

  She takes the dress and jersey and finishes packing the suitcase. She goes into my bathroom and grabs my toothbrush. “You’re going on a trip.”

  I stand there. “What?”

  Tiff snaps her finger. “Let’s go.”

  I follow her back to my car, and she spins out of the driveway and heads down the street. I give up on asking her any more questions. There really isn’t a point because she’s stubborn. I’m speechless when we pull up to Ashton’s house. Tiff jumps out, grabs the suitcase, and heads to his front door. I’m more confused, but I go into the house.

  Ashton is in the kitchen leaning against the counter, smiling at me.

  “Okay, where is it?” Tiff has her hand out.

  Ashton hands her a brown envelope. “It’s all there.”

  She smiles and turns to me. She tucks the paper under her arm, grabs my hand, and puts the handle of the suitcase in it.

  “Sadie is with me.” She kisses my cheek and leaves.

  When I hear the front door close, I look at Ashton. “Would you please explain to me what’s going on?”

  He steps up close to my face, cupping it in his large hands. “You’ve been kidnapped for the next forty-eight hours.”


  “Let me take this.” He takes my bag to his room.

  “It’s Tuesday, and I have things to do.” I walk with him, trying to explain.

  “Well, I’m only off these days, and you’re schedule is now clear. Thank Tiff for that.”


  “She’s fine,” he cuts me off. “Tiff has her, and Brooke said that she would help too. But right now, you’re mine.”

  “Ashton,” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “You can’t uproot me like this. I have Sadie and work. I have commitments.”

  He comes back to me, crosses his arms, and stares me down. “First, you’re three miles away from Sadie. It’s not like I took you halfway across the world. Second, Tiff took care of your work schedule, which, by the way, wasn’t as full as you think. Lastly, shut up, and enjoy being taken care of for a little bit. If you don’t, I will put Frozen in, crank it up as loud as I can, tie you to a chair, and make you listen to it.”

  Before I can answer, he walks out of the bedroom, leaving me alone.


  One of these days I’m going to be right about something and rub it in his face. I know Sadie is safe, and I really didn’t have anything planned for work. It’s only a couple days, and I could use a small break. I’ve never really had one. I head into the kitchen to find him.

  “Fine. You win.”

  “I usually do.” He smirks at me, leaning against the counter.

  From that moment on, I do have a great day. Ashton doesn’t let me lift a finger. He cooks, cleans, and even lets me pick the movie. No one has ever done that for me. Tony wasn’t a romantic. He loved me, and sometimes did sweet things, but it was never on this level. I decide to call Sadie. I might have been kidnapped, but I can still call my daughter.

  “Why are you calling?” Tiff whispers into the phone.

  “Because I want to talk to Sadie.”

  “You’re supposed to be having sex.”

  I roll my eyes. I know in my head that this is where it’s all leading, but I don’t need to act like a horny teenager. “Let me talk to her.” I hear Tiff yell for her, and a moment later, she’s on the phone.

  “Hi, Mommy.”

  “Are you having fun?”

  “Yes. Aunt Tiff and I had chicken nuggets.”

  I shake my head. “Well, did you have vegetables?”

  Sadie pauses. “Do french fries count?”

  I groan, but what’s the point of arguing? “As long as you’re having a good time.”

  “I am. Are you having fun on your adventure?”

  “My what?”

  “Aunt Tiff said you’re off on an adventure, like Dora, and you’re trying to find something.”

  I roll my eyes. “Yes, I’m enjoying my adventure.” I see Ashton walk into the living room, chuckling.

  “I love you, Mommy.”

  “I love you, too. See
you soon.”

  Ashton hands me a glass of wine as I set my phone down.

  “I just called Reed, so we should be good for the rest of the night.”

  I curl up to his side, realizing that we are officially alone. I know that he isn’t going to pressure me into anything. The thing is, I want to.

  “I’ll be right back.” I get up from the couch and head to his bedroom. I grab my suitcase and walk into the master bathroom. I lean over the sink and try to figure out everything that has happened in the last month. I like Ashton. I do. He treats me with respect, and I can see that he cares for me and Sadie.

  Do I love him?

  I take a deep breath. I care for him., but I can’t say the love word for him.

  Does that mean I shouldn’t sleep with him?

  My body shivers, thinking about his lips and hands on me. I think about Tony. We were sixteen when we had sex the first time. It was a hot mess. Neither of us had a clue what we were doing.

  I close my eyes, remembering the last time we were together. Tony was home on a two-week leave. I was four months pregnant. We spent most of our nights making love and talking about our future. Tony had planned on finishing his contract, and then going to college. He wanted to watch our daughter grow up.

  I know that Tiff is right, and Tony would want me to move on. I knew that he was going to war, and that it was possible for something to happen to him. But, I prayed every day that he would be okay.

  I stand up from the sink, knocking over my suitcase.


  When I flip it over, the only thing that falls out is Ashton’s jersey. I bought it on a whim when I saw it. The bright white lettering of Campbell makes me smile. I trace each letter. When I finish, I bite down on my lip. I remember Ashton saying that he wanted to see me in the jersey.

  Could I do this?

  Could I be some sexual, sensual person?

  Be crazy.

  I run back to the kitchen as quiet as I can and grab my purse. I go to the bathroom and fix my hair and makeup. I don’t do anything too heavy, just a little more sexy. I strip out of my clothes and put on the jersey. I stare at myself in the full-length mirror. It barely covers my ass cheeks, and my thighs look a little thick, but I can’t help that now.

  I take a deep breath and fluff my hair again. I’m thirty years old and nervous about sex. I would have thought by now, I wouldn’t have these feelings.

  Yep, wrong again.

  Be crazy.

  I repeat over again and again.

  I slowly open the door, peeking to make sure he isn’t in his bedroom. The room is clear. I try to figure out how to do this.

  Should I sit on the bed?

  Maybe lean against the dresser?

  Crap, I need to stop overthinking everything. This is getting out of hand.

  Be crazy.

  I push away all my nervousness. I’m thirty. I’m not a teenager. I know that Ashton won’t be anything but kind and loving to me. I tug on the bottom of the jersey and position myself on the side of the bed, crossing my legs.

  “Ashton,” I yell for him. “Could come here?” I hear him coming up the hall.

  “Yea…woah.” He stops in the doorway. His hazel eyes study every inch of my body.

  “I kind of lied to you.” I try not let my voice crack. “I do own your jersey, and since you wanted to see it, I thought this would be a good time.” I hold my breath, waiting for his reaction.

  “I…um…I…” He can’t say anything, and his eyes are still searching me.

  “Something wrong? I’m sure I look better in a Gamblers’ jersey.” I try to hold back my laughter, leaning back, letting the hem move further up.

  “Trust me.” He takes a few steps towards me. “You look hot as hell. But, we don’t have to do this.”

  I sit up, taking his hand. “I know.” My brain is screaming for me to say the one thing my body wants more than anything right now. “I want to.”

  I thought guilt was going to wash over me. The guilt of wanting Ashton and not Tony, but it doesn’t happen. Instead, I feel nothing but happiness, and I’m more relaxed. I drop his hand and stand up, letting my new confidence take me over. I pull his shirt over his head, the best that I can since he’s taller than me. Then I take off his belt.

  “I’m liking this side of you very much,” he breathes out as I undo his pants.

  I stop what I’m doing and scoot back to the head of the bed. Ashton’s smirk deepens as he finishes removing his pants, crawling towards me.

  “You are so sexy in my jersey.”

  “Am I?”

  Ashton’s lips press hard against mine, and I position myself on my back. The jersey rolls up off my stomach, and Ashton cradles himself between my legs. I break our connection as he rocks against me and nips the base of throat. I trace his muscular back with my nails.

  He raises up to his haunches and pulls me with him, taking off the jersey. My body heats up as he traces my collarbone, neck, and down the middle of my chest. I’m breathing more erratically, but I can’t stop it.

  “Relax.” Ashton lays me back down and hovers over me.

  He kisses my lips, jaw, neck, and begins to suck on my left nipple. He softly bites before moving to the right one. My body is trembling when he continues down my stomach. He opens my thighs wider, and all the air leaves when he touches my core. I moan loudly as he begins to work me with his fingers and his tongue. I rock against his mouth, and as he hums in pleasure, I yell his name. I didn’t even realize that I had such a hard grip of his hair until my body relaxes.

  “I’m not done with you.” He nuzzles my neck.

  “Good, because I don’t want you to be.”

  I can’t stop smiling as I push on his shoulder, rolling him on his back. My sexual drive is pulsing through me, even though I’m still shaky from Ashton’s tongue assault. I want him, and I want to show him I how much I want him. He raises his hips as I take off his boxer briefs, freeing him. I haven’t done this in over seven years, but it’s like riding a bike, right?

  Be crazy.

  I lick my lips, stroking him a few times before putting him in my mouth. I can’t take him all the way down my throat, but I do the best that I can. Ashton moans my name over and over and wraps his hand in my hair. When he tugs, it doesn’t hurt, it turns me on more. I swirl my tongue around the tip.

  “If you…keep this up,” he pants harder. “It’s going to end very soon.”

  I suck him hard and as far back as I can take him, then remove my mouth from him. I wipe my mouth, seeing his hazel eyes are filled with lust and desire. In a flash, I’m back on my back, and Ashton is kissing me. He bites down on my bottom lip, and my nails dig in his back.

  “Do you want to stop? We can.” Ashton brushes the hair out of my face.

  “Please, don’t. I don’t want you to.”

  Ashton roll off of me and grabs a condom from the nightstand. He rolls it on before coming back to me.

  “Just,” I stop him right before he takes the next step. “Be a little easy. It’s really been a while.”

  “You can tell me to stop at any time, okay?”

  I nod.

  Ashton softly kisses me and slowly rocks his hips, entering me. I feel some pain as he goes deeper, but it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be. It’s more like he’s stretching my inner wall, but the pleasure is still there.

  “Lexie, you’re so tight.”

  “Ashton, faster,” I rush out. I want to feel all of him. I want all of him in me. I close my eyes, arching my back.

  “Open your eyes,” he orders, and I do. He’s staring at me as we battle against each other.

  The release is close for me and I can’t slow down the panting. With our eyes still locked, I let go of all the emotions that I had bottled up, yelling his name. With several more thrust, Ashton groans, laying his forehead on mine. The sound of the room echoes our heavy breathing, and he rolls off of me.

  “That was everything that I imagined.” A
shton smiles over at me.

  “I agree.”



  I flutter my eyes open. Ashton is smiling at me.

  “Good morning.” I smile back at him.

  “You’re beautiful in the morning.”

  I’m lying on my stomach, and I don’t want to move. “You’re a liar.”

  He chuckles, kissing my lips. “I’m about to make breakfast.”

  “I need a shower.” I stretch my arms out. “And coffee.”

  “Hop in there, and I’ll have the coffee ready for you.” He kisses me one more time and gets out of the bed, pulling on a pair of shorts.

  I finally make it to the shower and clean up. I put on a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. When I look in the mirror, I look different. I look like the me I once was. I grab my phone and text Tiff.

  Me: Be crazy, is the best advice you have ever given me.

  Tiff: Slut! wink

  Chapter Twenty


  When Lexie strolls into the kitchen, I hand her a cup of coffee and kiss her. If I didn’t know it before, I definitely know now that I will never have enough of her. With my mouth still against hers, I mumble, “How much would it cost me to get you to wear my jersey all the time?”

  She laughs. “More money than you have to spend. Although, I could be persuaded for certain occasions.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. C’mon, let’s eat.”

  We sit at the bar to replenish our energy levels with a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, and biscuits. My gaze keeps returning to Lexie. I can’t help it. She’s not only beautiful, but she surely looks good sitting in my house after spending the night with me.

  “So, what are we doing today?” she asks, breaking me from my thoughts of the many what if’s surrounding us later down the road.

  “Well, what is something you haven’t done since Sadie was born?” The figurative light bulb flashes over my head repeatedly. “Want to go snowboarding?”

  “I don’t have a board or any equipment anymore.”

  “I’m sure we could rent some. If you don’t want to, we can think of something else. We don’t even have to leave the house, if that’s what you want.”


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