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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

Page 54

by Mark Brandon Powell

  “Yes it does seem he was here to ask for your advise was he not?”

  Rajini glares at Vernon. “He was, but I know your time is important.”

  “It is, very much so.”

  “Then we can talk as I show you the grounds we have here. I know this is your first visit here, and our conversation can be kept from prying ears that way.”

  The woman’s glare leaves Vernon and turns to Rajini. “Yes that would be entertaining.”

  “Excellent,” Rajini turn towards Vernon. “I will be gone for the next thirty to forty-five minutes. If you would like to wait here, I can finish our conversation. Otherwise it was good seeing you.” Rajini walks out the door, extending out his open palm toward the hallway, “Ladies.”

  Vernon waits for the door before he gets out of his chair, and hurries to the door, pressing his ear against it. He can faintly hear Rajini’s voice, and it was getting fainter by the moment. He then grabs the glass orb off the desk.

  “Vernon you must not touch that, your master told you not to.” Gon says.

  Vernon smiles. “He may have told me that, but he was telling me what I needed to know. Like how this glass orb leads to your son, and the mirror is the door.”

  “Humans, I will never understand your kind. Lies within lies.”

  “We don’t understand each other sometimes, so don’t feel too bad about that.”

  He places the glass orb on the pedestal next to the mirror, and waits for the portal to open.

  Gon asks, “What are we doing?”

  “Have you ever heard of a shifted area?”


  “It’s a kind of magic area. They set up rules for the space, and then pour magic into it to make it come into being. Since we use magical electricity you can just plug it in, but you can’t just get there, you need an entry way. This mirror is an entry way, and this glass orb is a focus to point us to the right shifted area.”

  “How will we know when this mirror is working?”

  “It should be working now.” Vernon says, and places his hand on the mirror. The memory of going to rescue Marie pops into his head as his hand disappears into the mirror. A cold sensation washes over his hand, and he pulls it back out.

  “Looks like it’s ready.”

  Vernon steps into the mirror first, and another familiar sight is before his eyes. A destroyed city covered in vegetation, and a park where he fought a T-rex. It was a sight he thought he would never see again. It was slightly different than the last time he was there, but couldn’t tell what was different. Everything looked to be in the same place, but something still felt off. Dray-Gon steps through the portal, and stands beside Vernon. He starts looking around, sniffing at the air.

  Vernon asks, “What’s wrong?”

  “I can only smell you, there is no other smells in this place, or sounds.”

  “That’s what’s off, no sound. Thank you, that was bugging me.”

  “You’re not concerned about your scent not being there?”

  “You just can’t smell yourself, and this is good because your son can tell we’re here once we get close enough.”

  “It has been weeks since he has eaten, the hunger might have too strong a hold on him, and you smell like food.” Gon says then grins. “You might have to be cooked, because of your stench, but food all the same.”

  “It’s been a long last couple of days, and speak for yourself. You smell like that unicorn poison that Duke and Ashley just pulled out of you.”

  They both laugh at each other. Vernon takes a look around, and needs to remember to come back to this spot to get out. On his overlay, it still shows the parts of the map he revealed last time, which was a relief. He places a navigation point on his map, and starts to walk forward. With each step Vernon feels something is off. The absence of sound is more jarring than he thought it would be. No animals or dinosaurs could be seen, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t out there. It’s then that Vernon gets it. This is all meant to wear Gon’s son down, if he can’t hear or smell where his attackers are coming from, it will make it harder to defend against. Which gives Vernon an idea about where he might be. It was the same place that he used on his last trip to this place.

  “I think I might know where he’s at.” Vernon says.

  “Then let us make haste.”

  It was a small piece of highway that had collapsed, leaving an area small enough for a human to crawl through, but not for any dinosaur. Vernon had left a single use deployable tent under the rubble, and had a hunch that his scent was all over it, leading anything that could smell to the location, but offering shelter to one who might be able to enter.

  It was at the edge of the collapsed city, where the sprawling countryside could be seen for what felt like forever. The memory was one of the few of this place Vernon liked to keep. Dray-Gon was silent as they walked through the remains of the made up city, controlling his breathing in such a way that Vernon was thoroughly impressed. He on the other hand wasn’t so adept at controlling his breathing, and the sound carried and echoed over the buildings. Dray-gon had let his human form start to melt away, as his features become more dragon like. His nostrils flair, as his eyes scan everywhere. Vernon knows they don’t have much time, and walking was taking too long.

  “Hey Gon?” Vernon asks.

  Dray-Gon looks toward Vernon, slightly crazed, eyes going still everywhere. “What?” He snarls out.

  “Are you ok?”

  The question brings him back to his senses, as he shakes his head, and changes his form back into a human. “I am… fine. This place, is making me edgy.”

  “Then I wonder how your son is doing.”

  “Gos is a strong dragon, and he might be feeling the effects of this place, but once I am there he will be fine. The presence of another dragon is a strong bond.”

  “Great, so my question, can you fly with me on your back? We don’t have much time, and I know it might be dangerous to fly around with what might come after us, but if we stay in here too long, we don’t know who might be in the room when we get back.”

  “You are asking to ride me?”

  “I am, if that’s ok.”

  Gon takes a moment, rubbing his chin. Vernon knows he heard him, but stays quite.

  “Do you know what you ask of me, the king of the dragons?”

  “I guess I don’t. I’m asking for time’s sake, no other.”

  “If I were to allow you, you will become bonded to me. You will be my rider, and I your dragon. A king has not ever accepted a rider, and you are asking me to become the first.”

  “Is that a bad thing to have a rider?”

  “No… but it is a bond, once done cannot be undone. I will be able to know where you are, and you will be able to know where I am, and we can call upon each other if needed.”

  “Oh, so that would be like a thing, got ya. Alright, what if you don’t allow me and just carry me, is that ok?”

  “Yes, that would be acceptable.”

  Gon’s form begins to look like a mirage as he grows in size and shape, to his full draconic form. This is how Vernon remembers him, from the first day they met, which feels like ages ago. His wings beat down, almost blowing Vernon down before he is picked up within the oversized claws of his friend. They take to the air, and Vernon points the way.

  Traveling by air, and at the speed that Gon could fly they reach the edge of the city within a couple of minutes, Vernon telling him where to land. The collapsed overpass was still there, looking as it had before on his last trip there. If everything was in the same place, this would be the best place to hid, and offer a shelter.

  “Dray-Gos,” Gon says, his voice booming throughout the city. “Where are you, I have come for you.”

  Dust and pieces of concrete fly around as Gon’s powerful wings beat down dropping Vernon on the ground near the entrance to the hole he found on his first trip.

  “I’m going to go check inside.” Vernon says.

  Gon nods, and t
urns his attention to the surrounding area. Vernon crawls into the hole, hoping there isn’t a hungry half-dragon-man thing on the other side waiting for him to stick his head out and bite it off. He stores that mental image into the lets not let that happen box as he can see the portable housing tent come into view. Light filters in through cracks all around, blocking out any heat from the artificial sun. There is a light that is on inside the tent. This was a surprise because the power should have gone out weeks ago. Vernon knocks on the door, trying to be polite.

  “Dray-Gos, are you in there? My name is Vernon Douglas, and I’m here with your father. We need your help to find the dragon eggs.”

  There wasn’t any answer.

  Vernon opens the door since there wasn’t a lock, and sees a man sleeping on the cot. His mouth was wide open drool coming out of the sides, and he was lightly snoring. Vernon goes to shake him awake, and before he gets the chance, his eyes open. A pair of deep mahogany eyes glare at him with murderous intent. Vernon immediately backs up, and throws his hands in the air.

  “You’re Dray-Gos, I hope?”

  The man slowly sits up, his eyes never leave Vernon. “How do you know that name human?”

  “Oh good, I’m here with you father Dray-Gon, he’s outside right now. We need help finding the eggs.”

  “Father is here?” Gos’ voice softens. “What is your purpose in all this?”

  “I just want to stop the drugs from being made, that’s all. I met your father a few weeks ago, and our conversation made him come over here to look for you.”

  “He was always overly concerned of me, and things are not as he left them to me. The pack between our people has been forgotten, and the whelps are begin killed before I can find them.”

  “I can try to help with that, but we need to get you out of here now. There isn’t much time before the way out will need to be closed again.”

  “Ah good, I was beginning to tire of this place. The entertainment available here is only what I have brought with me, and only offline. It was starting to become stale.”

  “You have a HaLO… you know what never mind, I can ask questions later.”

  Vernon and Gos leave the confines of the collapsed overpass. They are surrounded by bodies of dead dinosaurs, as an echoing roar fills the air. Gon flies down, slamming into the ground almost knocking Vernon off his feet with the quake. His form shimmers away, shrinking into a man. He walks over and hugs his son, tears welled up behind his eyes.

  “Son, you are alright.”

  “Yes father, I am fine. It took a few days to heal, but I am as I was. No permanent damage.”

  “This is good news, and what of the eggs and forest, why was I not able to find it?”

  “I have tried to hide them, but it doesn’t seem to have stopped the one called Hood from finding them.”

  Vernon interrupts, “This is a great reunion and all, but we still need to get out of here. There is only a few minutes left before Rajini returns to his office.”

  Gon nods, “You are right, we must continue to make haste. We can continue this conversation at our leisure once we are out. Son can you fly?”

  “Not right now, I was lucky to find a store of food in the house I found, but I had run out days ago. This form is all I can manage to do right now.”

  “Then I will carry you like our friend here to the exit.”


  Vernon comes out into Rajini’s office first, wanting to make sure there wasn’t anyone in the room. It was empty, and he opens the door looking down the hallway. No one was in sight, which was a blessing. Vernon plunges his head back into the mirror, telling both Gon and Gos it’s ok to come out. The two come out of the mirror, and Vernon grabs the glass orb, placing it back on the desk where he found it. Ripples in the mirror settle down, and fade away as the gateway closes.

  They all walk out of the office, and make their way down the hall. All of the classrooms they pass are empty, it still being a break in between semesters. Exiting the spire Vernon can see the guards at their post, inside their booth. He starts to walk their direction, thinking up a reason there are three of them now, which he kicks himself for not doing that on the way in.

  A cold female voice calls out to them, “Paladin Douglas.”

  Vernon turns around to see that the green eyed woman was waving at them, as they are finishing their tour. Rajini is standing beside them, his face contorted in a scowl. Vernon pauses in place as they walk over to the group.

  “Who is your new friend here?” She asks, her stare fixed on Gos.

  “This is a friend of mine, I told him to meet us here, he was interested in going to college here.”

  “My my, you are the popular one aren’t you.”

  “Vernon,” Rajini says sternly, “We can talk later, call my receptionist for a meeting, and bring your friends. Now Captain Rivas, we still have more to discuss back in my office.”

  She glares at Rajini, and Vernon sees more emotion in that exchange than he would care to have directed at himself. Rajini just smiles back, never faltering.

  “Raina, please, the counsel has better things to do than interrogate a fledgling Paladin, and a couple of his friends.”

  Fire flashes behind her eyes before returning to an icy glare. Vernon sees Rajini flinch, with all the time he had spent with the man he could see it, but you wouldn’t have noticed it without spending a lot of time with him.

  “I do suppose you are correct.” She turns toward Vernon, and tilts her head in a slight bow. “Another time Paladin Douglas.”

  She starts back to the door of the spire, with Rajini following shortly thereafter. Vernon, Dray-Gon, and Dray-Gos head for the exit. Vernon waves at the security guards on the way out, and they do in return. The three head to the car that Vernon had waiting for them.

  They reach the highway in silence before Vernon turns to Dray-Gos. “So, do you need something to eat, and what would that be?”

  “Humans, you always ask the strangest questions. I eat what you eat, I am an omnivore. I do however consume a much greater amount than you.”

  “What about you Dray-Gon, you hungry?”

  “I believe it would be advisable before we go out to search for the eggs. If this Hood is there, he will take all our attention.”

  Gos slaps his father on the back, “Good to hear we’re in agreement. Now let’s go get some food!”

  Vernon begins to look through the closest food places, and sees his favorite place is close by. It only takes a minute to drive there, as they pull up and get out of the vehicle. Paladin Pizza, founded by a former Paladin Captain after he retired, was an instant hit. It was never the most expensive place, but they always used fresh ingredients. It didn’t matter if it came out overcooked, or undercooked it was always good. It was also where he had proposed to Marie. He had just finished his final trail, entering him into the Order, and they were there to celebrate that. It was supposed to be different. Vernon had planned on bringing her to her parent’s house, inviting all of their friends to see her get surprised under the large tree in their yard. The ring was burning a hole in his pocket, and he just jumped the gun.

  They walk into the building as the car drives away, looking for a place to park. Vernon was not going to release this one just yet. It had been a crazy last couple of days, and the last thing he needed was to get caught without a car, again. It was between lunch and dinner time, and there wasn’t very may people in the restaurant, so finding a table was easy. They took one close to the back, and away from what people were there, allowing them to discuss what was coming next.

  Vernon asks, “So do you guys know what you want, or this your first time here?”

  Gos starts to pull up the menu and begins to order. Vernon stares at the display in disbelief.

  He asks, “How are you doing that, you need a HaLO to do that?”

  “You already saw it, remember?”

  “I… alright, then how do you have one?”

  “The way you got yours, I
had it installed, but I guess that doesn’t satisfy your curiosity. I transformed into a baby, and was issued one. The nurses were quite perplex as to how I got there, and equally mystified when I disappeared.”

  “That’s one way to do it, I guess, but didn’t it hurt? I have heard that it’s quite painful.”

  “It was, but worth it. The human cities started to become extremely bothersome without it.”

  Vernon looks over to Dray-Gon, “What about you, have you been having any trouble?”

  “Yes, it has been difficult to get around or find any help. I was even called a country yokel. I have lived over seven of your human life spans, and have forgot more than that human will have ever known. I was insulted to even be considered a simpleton. I need to know what is this HaLO that you keep speaking of?”

  Vernon goes through a quick explanation of what a HaLO is, and why it is an important. By the time he finishes the order gets to the table, and they all start eating.

  “I see, but what is the need for all this technology?”

  “Everything is going virtual, well almost everything.” Vernon picks up a slice of pepperoni, “I guess we still have to eat, but what I’m talking about is manufacturing and building has always been slower since we got here to Eden. Humanity was tore down, and has been rebuilding. You’ve seen it, if you’ve lived for as long as you say you have.”

  “I have seen your kind destroy forests, and destroy the earth beneath your feet for your buildings, yes.”

  “That is why humanity is going digital, as much as possible. So we don’t destroy this planet like we did our own.”

  Vernon looks out the window, and sees a little red dot down the street, and it’s getting larger. He scrambles away from the table, grabbing both Gon and Gos. A beam the size of a wrecking ball blasts through the wall, and out the back of the building. The few people in the room run out of the door screaming, and Vernon can see another red dot in the distance.

  “We need to run, now!” Vernon screams.

  He drags them back to their feet, and out the back of the building, through the newly made hole. Turning right, the red beam misses them slightly, but he can feel the heat of the blast.


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