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Cypher Theorem Series Box Set: Books 1-3, The Zero Class, Shadow Moon, Dragon Fire: A Science Fiction Fantasy

Page 55

by Mark Brandon Powell

  “Ok, we need to take that person down.”

  A large snapping sound echoes, and Paladin Pizza crashes down into the building beside it. Debris breaks off above Vernon, Gos pulls him out of the way before it falls on top of him.

  “Thanks.” Vernon says.

  “I owed you for getting me out of that prison.”

  “Now how do we deal with the sniper?”

  “We don’t,” Gos says. “If they are after us, we leave, and they follow.”

  “Can’t do it, the next time they come after us there might be people hurt.”

  Gon stands. “Then we return their volley.”

  The air around him shimmers, and his body becomes more dragon like, his wings expanding out. Gon takes to the air, toward the source of the beam. Vernon scrambles to his feet, and runs around the building he is hiding behind. He looks behind him and Gos is nowhere to be seen. With Gon already heading toward the enemy, he doesn’t have time to find him and keeps running forward.

  Turning down the street the beam came from Vernon can see that Gon is in the air, as are multiple shots being fired at him. Standing there watching the shots fired, they don’t go farther than slightly past where Gon was. There isn’t any current danger to the dome, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be. Vernon needs to stop this, now. If one of those beams breaks through the dome, the lake will come crashing down on the city.

  The street is empty, as the traffic system must be diverting everyone away from the danger. He takes a moment and reaches into his pool of mana, and it still feels thick, but he fills the wind runes in his boots, bursting off toward the shooter over fifty miles an hour.

  He reaches the building quickly, and puts the burst of wind beneath his feet pushing him into the air as he jumps. The shooter is still focused on Gon, and Vernon finally gets a look at them. A woman’s figure, in a black robe and white mask. Her head turns to meet Vernon’s, and she swings the gun toward him.

  There is only a few feet between him and the barrel of the gun as it lights up. The magic of his wind spell dissipates, leaving him without a way to change direction. Vernon sight is blinded by the red light of the beam, as it leaves the barrel.

  Gos grabs Vernon and pulls him out of the line of fire. The space around his body in a constant mirage of motion, until his large dragon claw come flying out, pinning down The Mask. He transforms into a dragon atop the building, roaring at the face of Mask.

  Gon lands next to his son, placing a claw on his arm. “Great catch son.”

  Gos smiles a huge toothed grin. Vernon gets off the ground, and walks over to Mask.

  “Why are you attacking us?” Vernon asks.

  “Boy, you smash around in the dark. Far be it for me to shed light on what you cannot see. You would make an excellent puppet, but alas I do not take another’s play things without permission.”

  “Did Hood put you up to this?”

  Mask lets out a cackling laugh. “That man would not be capable of ordering ME around.”

  “Then who?”

  “You may find out, if you live past what Hood has planned for you. Now if you don’t mind I have places to be, and it seems this puppet has lost it’s usefulness.”

  Her gun begins to hum, vibrating on the ground. Gon and Gos take to the air, Gos grabbing Vernon in his claws. The Mask just lays there, cackling. The rifle explodes in a bright red sphere, melting away all it touches. Landing on the ground, Vernon calls the car to them which through all the destruction was still in one piece. It was the first bit of good news he’s had all day. He sets a destination for Duke’s home.

  They arrive at Dukes house, the car pulling into the driveway. Duke Keragus is a sage, and with that comes a few things. He was put into the school at a young age, and taken away from his foster parents for not being able to control his magic. Having a rainbow for a magic spectrum meant he was attuned to all forms of magic. Sage schools are different than regular schools, learning is eighteen hours a day, every day. Children with exceptional magical talents that are unable to control them, need special care and aid to do so.

  Duke was the youngest such child to have been admitted into the sage school, and he has turned out to be one of the most gifted. When a sage student graduates, the Astrum Government begins to give them a scholarship, which can be used to get higher learning or living expenses. They in turn consult on any magical concerns or questions that might arise for the local dome or city they live in.

  The other path they can choose is to continue their own training. Having graduated a magical based school, which focuses more on casting, the only place they can go to is a runic school of teaching. They take a vow of magical silence, only being able to perform magic through runes. Duke followed this path, allowing him to save the scholarship funds, on top of what his late parents left for him. Homes in New Atlantis were not cheap, and Duke’s house was a nice single family home with a yard in a part of town that had just recently been rebuilt. Vernon had looked into trying to buy a house with Marie, but it would have taken them a year or two just to save up the down payment for a junky home in the older parts of the city.

  Vernon gets out of the car, and Duke stands at the open door as two large cats come running out from behind him. Blu and Ignis come running over to Vernon, knocking him on the ground, rubbing and butting their heads against him.

  “It’s good to see you two. Is Marie alright?”

  They look at him and nod, with large toothy grins on their faces.

  Dray-Gon and his son get out of the car. Ignis and Blu bow their heads, with Gon and Gos returning the nod.

  “So it looks like you found who you were looking for.” Duke says.

  “I did, and we need to talk, and figure out what our next move is, because they know that we’re coming.” Vernon replies.

  “Then come on inside and we can talk.”


  The inside of Duke’s house was newly furnished. Vernon looks around impressed with everything he sees. Everything had Ashley’s touch to it, because he had seen what it meant to decorate before she was in the picture, which meant cheap everything and nothing on the walls. Ashley liked nice furniture and placed lots of things on the walls. Nick-knacks were placed everywhere, almost as if they had lived there for years, and everything matched the overall décor.

  After walking into the living room Vernon could see the kitchen where Marie was. Their eyes lock, and both start to tear up as they walk to each other. Vernon takes her in his arms, pressing his lips to hers, the familiar warmth setting him at ease.

  “You’re safe! Not that I was thinking you were going to be anything but safe, but still it’s good to see.”

  Marie smiles. “I’m safe, and I see you are too. Did you find your dragon friend’s son?”

  Gon and Gos walk into the room with Blu and Ignis in tow. Duke and Ashley close the door, walking into the living room shortly after. Everyone is starring at each other, no one is talking. Ignis comes over to Vernon, and rubs against his knees.

  Gos says, “This is more awkward then it needs to be. Let me clear the air. My name is Dray-Gos, you may call me Gos. I am a talking dragon, and these two that you have here are my family, and are also dragons.” He points toward Blu and Ignis. “Currently there was an accord between your and my people that humans no longer remember, we dragons are another matter. Living longer, we remember. The drigh have started to move again, and are organizing. Dragons have been dealing with drigh since your kind brought them here. The drigh like to eat dragon eggs, and the man known as Hood is stealing them to be used for his drug concoction called X’cel.”

  Vernon asks, “You already knew about that?”

  “I did, because I have been monitoring my father’s and my eggs. The wondering forest was the original hiding place for them, but it stopped moving a year ago. I have not been able to get back there and remove the remaining eggs since I was captured a few weeks back.”

  “So you know where the forest is right now, and you think t
here are still more eggs there?” Duke says.

  “Yes, there was close to fifteen thousand eggs there, which is about half. Dragon eggs take a very long time to hatch, and even then it is not a guarantee they will survive.”

  “So if we help with this, we stop Hood together?” Vernon asks.

  “Correct, which seems like we both want him dealt with.”

  “There is something else. I think there are some Paladins working for Hood. It might explain why you got captured, since they haven’t caught you in how long, and then to be captured all of a sudden. Doesn’t seem like too much of a coincidence. I ran into them when I found your father.”

  “Ah, it would make since that they would be the culprit. I was caught near a cave that had a few thousand eggs. Since I never traveled as a dragon, I wondered how they knew where to look.”

  “I could always try to contact Tyler, and tell him what is going on. He might be able to deal with the problem without any of us doing anything else. Only problem is that I haven’t been able to get in contact with him.”

  “I could ask Master Selief?” Duke says.

  “Ask him what?” Vernon questions.

  “He has connections to the Paladins that goes up pretty high. He might be able to deal with the situation just as well as Tyler could.”

  “That might be an idea, he can take care of the Paladin problem, and then we can work on the Hood.”

  Dray-Gon asks, “What about the eggs? We need to save them, and protect them.”

  “You, me, and Dray-Gos will handle that tomorrow. It’s already late, and we all need some sleep before we go into a battle again. Duke will go talk to his father, with Ashley and Marie staying here.”

  “Hey wait a minute, I don’t think so.” Ashley and Marie say in unison.

  Marie says, “We are not frail little girls, I’m a fire elemental who has kicked your butt on more than one occasion, and Ashley is an astounding healer and support caster. We have been in fights before, and know how to handle ourselves.”

  “I know,” Vernon says, “But Marie you just got your new job right?”

  “Well yes.”

  “So you can’t miss work yet, and there is still work you can do there. Same thing with Ashley. Duke works as a consultant, and I’m on this case as a part of my job. Then Blu and Ignis need you too. Don’t worry about me thinking that you are some delicate flower that needs protection, I know better. You are a volcanic flower, beautiful, and tough as nails.”

  “Same to you Ashley.” Duke says.

  Ashley gives Duke a leveled stair, “Really is that all.”

  “Yep, all I got. Vernon caught me off guard with that.”

  Everyone laughs.

  Dray-Gos says, “Father, you have found some interesting humans this time.”

  Vernon looks over, “Oh, you’ve done this before, with the eggs?”

  “No, I was referring to the drigh war. The human that he was hanging around was very dry, and had no sense of humor.”

  “He did, you were nothing more than a whelp when that happened.”

  “Whelp? I was over two hundred years old.”


  Gos lets out a huff.

  Duke shows everyone their to their rooms, which were all in different corners of the house, allowing for privacy for each group. Vernon discreetly passes over the ring that was still thankfully in his pocket after the full day of fighting. Duke thanks him, and tells him he’s doing it tonight. With everything that is going on right now, he wants her to know. Vernon understands, and wishes him luck.

  Blu and Ignis were sleeping in the living room, since they were standing guard tonight. Marie takes a shower as Vernon waits for his turn. There were so many things that happened, he wasn’t sure any of it was real. Dragons, drigh, wars, and drug lords. It didn’t seem like the Hood was going to back off him, and then there was the person or persons that were behind Mask as well. He had just fallen into something way bigger than he was, and dragged his wife and friends with him.

  Good job moron. He thinks.

  “You aren’t a moron master.” Says Angel.

  “Angel, are you alright, I haven’t heard a word out of you since the warehouse fight?”

  “I’m ok, it just took a lot out of me. By me I mean you, and the part of your brain I’m staying in.”

  “What was that you did back there? I couldn’t move at all, but I was moving.”

  “I took temporary control over your body. That’s what the pilots do, we offer assistance to those we are installed in. I just wanted to say that you aren’t a moron, and that I am going back to sleep. I’m going to need to rest for awhile, so I might not be able to help while I rest. Call me if you need me, and I will see what I can do.”

  “Alright Angel, goodnight.”

  Marie peeks her head out of the bathroom. “Were you talking to me?”

  “No I was talking to Angel, she helped me out earlier today, and she told me not to think that I am a moron.”

  “I would agree with her, you aren’t a moron.”

  “I sure feel like one. My family and friends are now pulled into something I had no idea I was starting. I just wanted to be the hero, but ended up causing more harm than good by rushing into the room with Hood. I should have just listened to Tyler when he told me to pull out.”

  “Yes you should have listened to him, but that just makes you inexperienced, not moronic. If you did this again, then I would be the first lined up to call you one.”

  Vernon bows his head, “You know I’m lucky to have you.”

  “I’m the lucky one. I’ve found the one for whom my soul loves, there is nothing that can take that away me. You just have to realize there are more people than just you who you go out onto the battlefield for.”

  He nods.

  “Now hurry up and go take a shower, because I can smell you from here. Plus you have a long day ahead of you.”

  That was an understatement, he thinks, and goes into the bathroom. The water feels good, not too warm, not too cold. It’s a low water use sonic shower, and he had debated on getting one himself, but didn’t know how the shower would be. It was a relaxing shower, better than any he has had recently. He gets out, towels off, and feels rejuvenated.

  Walking out of the bathroom he is met with a sight of beauty. Marie was standing next to the bed, in nothing but her underwear. Her long silky legs, led up to her curvaceous hips as she swayed to one side. He found himself drawn to her, taking deliberate steps, wrapping his arms around her. Her lips met his, soft and supple. His hands work their way up her back, slowly, and lightly touching till they meet her bra.

  The clasp comes undone quickly, and Marie has a soft yet sharp inhale. Vernon’s blood begins to almost boil over with need at that little breath. They pull their lips apart, gazing at each others eyes, wanting to see the fire. He lightly moves her back to the bed, laying her down, slipping her panties down her legs. Purposely taking longer than he needs, lightly touching her legs all the way down.

  Marie lets out a small moan, whispering, “Now, no more teasing.”

  Vernon smiles, getting on top of her. Each movement adding desire to the next. His hands caress her breasts, as they begin to breath heavier together. She bites on her lower lip, switching from the left side to the right in motion with him. Their breathing increases yet again, before she lets out a satisfied breath, with Vernon a moment later. He lays next to her on the bed, catching his breath, holding her hand with a smile on his face. She looks over and smiles back at him.

  “That was great.” Vernon says.

  “Yes it was.”

  “Seems a little risqué for you, in our friends house.”

  Marie face flushes, “I don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, or the day after that. All I know is that I love you, and want to be with you. There is no way for us to feel closer than this.”

  “So you don’t believe this is all going to work itself out do you?”

  “You don’t wa
nt to hear what I have to say.”

  “Sure I do. You are my wife, and I want to hear what you have to say. For better, for worse.”

  She looks away, starring at the bathroom door. “You said that Tyler gave this guy trouble during your fight with him right?”


  “Are you stronger than Tyler is?”

  “Hard to say, if I pull out all the stops, we might be even. Then again I do have an inflated view of myself. I can tell that from the last few days. I think I can do things, but I’m not sure I can.”

  “See, that’s what I mean. I know we can’t pack up and run because this guy already has us in his sights. I just want to know what kind of chance you think we have.”

  Vernon pauses for a second to think about his answer. “I have two honest to God, real life dragons with me. There is an AI program inside my brain, that earlier today activated at full strength, and she took control of me for a moment, and was amazing. Then there is this light I have inside me. I would like to think I have a fair chance at whatever comes my way.”

  “Just make sure that you come back. I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you.”

  “I feel the same way. Make sure that Ignis and Blu stay close to you all day. I don’t care if you even have to take them to go pee with you, just keep them close.”

  Marie giggles. “You do have a way with words sometimes don’t you.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “Nothing.” She giggle again, kissing him gently. “Get some rest.”


  The next morning Vernon wakes to the smell of pancakes, sausage, and coffee. He groggily throws back the covers, and finds his clothes have been washed. The holes that have been accumulating across it have been sown shut. Dressed, he walks down the hall into the kitchen. Duke is hovering over the stove, flipping pancakes. He looks over to the table, and all of the dragons are salivating. Sniffing deeply, breathing in the heavenly aroma.

  “You need any help Duke?” Vernon asks.


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