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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

Page 50

by Tamicka Higgins

  “Oh, this? Well, I was thinkin’, what if we just strategically went about all of this and uh, split up so we are able to get all the info almost all at once? Like, one of us can go look at these places while the other does side work to try to get leads? If that makes sense.”

  JB looked at me and gave me a smug ass smile, he was definitely on the same page that I was on. Once we broke eye contact, I looked at Dae and smiled at him. Dae looked confused as ever and before he could ask me what was up, I started to talk.

  “So, Dae. That is a good ass idea, how about you be the man who is in charge of goin’ on to find the hoe. You already do a good ass job keepin’ a lookout, how about you go ahead and step this shit up and you go ahead and get out there. Instead of lookin’ out for the house, you lookin’ out for me for real. We can start at the bitch’s house and we can see if she is home. She may or may not be there, but it doesn’t hurt to look right? So, what we gone do is, we gone send you out there and you gone tell us what you find. You gone go ahead and try to get inside, if possible, try to get more clues and see if there are any clues or shit to show that the bitch still stays there. Like, clothes all over the place, letters, food in the fridge and shit. You know what to do. I am trusting you to go ahead and do this, I know you got this. How does this sound, lil nigga?”

  Dae looked terrified as fuck for a good minute but after a while, his face straightened out and he looked like he was in it and he was ready to get to work. That was the type of shit I was lookin’ for, a dedicated ass nigga who was ready to do whatever.

  “Yeah, that sounds good. While I do that, y’all are gone try to find Travis? Or nah, nah, hold up. Instead of y’all lookin’ for him, I’ll just look for clues of where he may be while I am at her place. They close right? And this bitch works for him so, it shouldn’t be too hard. Finding Travis isn’t the problem, it is finding her bitch ass who is trying to hide in the first place. Or maybe she isn’t hiding. We don’t know, but we all know that we have to start somewhere and I would be more than willing to go ahead and check out her house, just gimme her address and I’ll get on that shit.”

  Fuck yeah, it was time to find this bitch and Dae was ready. I loved that, but I ain’t gone send lil nigga out to her house without some kind of protection. I got up from the couch and headed back to my room. I dived deep into my closet and located one of my safes. I opened it up and pulled out a spare 9mm pistol, I had this one here just in case for Dae anyway, but I didn’t wanna give it to homie the first night he came out to live here. This was the perfect time to give it to him, and I was excited as fuck. I loaded it up with some ammo before I went back into the living room.

  “Yo Dae,” I said as I tossed him the gun. Dae caught the thing like it was nothin’ and looked real close at it with big ass eyes. He looked at me and then back at the gun, caressing it like it was a baby or his new prized possession.

  “This is mine, forever? Like this is mine to use whenever the fuck I want?” Dae said with a big ass grin.

  “Not whenever, well yeah, whenever but you can’t just go around and shoot up people now, though. You gotta use that shit at your discretion, my nigga. You gotta use yo big ass head and really think ‘bout who you gunnin’ down, aight? You takin lives now, so don’t just take any life. Use it when yo life is in danger or when we tell yo ass to kill someone, aight?” JB said as he sat up from his spot.

  “JB is right, listen to him, aight? Handlin that gun comes with responsibilities. It is privilege to be holdin’ that nine right there, misuse that shit and I will take that shit right back and send yo ass back to mommas. I don’t wanna send yo ass back to her house, I want you here, so get yo shit right and don’t fuck around, aight?”

  Dae just nodded and put the nine in his lap.

  “So, Tangie’s house first?” Dae asked, lookin’ ready and shit. I liked his determination and it was time to get the show on the road. I just nodded at him and pulled out my phone. I typed up her address and her phone number on my phone and sent that shit in a text to Dae. I looked over and saw his phone light up. Good, now nigga had all he needed to get this mission done, I was hyped to see what he was capable of doin’, I was hella ready.

  Chapter 11


  Yo, I honestly feel like a brand new nigga with this damn gun in my hand. That is probably a bad thing to be feelin’ because a gun ain’t supposed to make anyone, it is just a tool, not a means for power. Let me not get all liberal and technical, though, I just need to focus on my task at hand and get this shit rollin’. I really do feel like that nigga, though, okay let me stop.

  I posted up across the street from the address that Kaleo texted me, this was Tangie’s house. I put my nine in my back pocket and pulled out my phone. I copied the phone number that Kaleo texted me and dialed it up on my iPhone. It was said bitch’s phone number and Kaleo wanted me to call it to see if she would answer me. I highly doubted that she was gone answer me and I didn’t want the bitch to have my number so I blocked my number.

  Ring, ring.


  Thanks for callin—


  Hm, this bitch has her phone on hand. She hit ignore on her end ‘cause it usually rings a lil bit longer, but this time, it didn’t. Whatever, though, it ain’t like we was gone have a good ass conversation over the phone anyway. I never thought that far, to be honest. I never thought of what I was gone say on the floor granted the bitch did answer the phone and what not. Was I supposed to tell her, “Hey, uh, this is uh, don’t fuckin worry. Now where the fuck are you?” I don’t think this bitch or anyone in their right mind would respond to that in a positive way, nah. I mean, if someone were to have said that shit to me, I would have cussed them out and hung up on them real quick. I guess us callin’ her was to see if the bitch was still usin’ that phone? Shit, we never really discussed why we tried callin’ her ass. We just tried it as a way to find her but never really said what we wanted to talk to her about. We dumb as fuck for that one. I’m out here laughing cause we really thought that if she answered, she was gone tell us where she was and tell us what we wanted. Good shit, Kaleo, great idea.

  I laughed out loud to myself and clapped my hand after coming to that revelation. Whatever, I was here and I was about to find out if this bitch was even home. I peered my eyes at the house and didn’t notice any cars or shit. I didn’t see any lights or hear anything from where I was. I looked around the block and didn’t see anyone or anything. Pause.

  I pursed my lips and shook my head remembering I didn’t know what this bitch looked like. I was just sent here to chase some cat named Tangie. Apparently she was fine as shit and was a good friend of Kaleo’s. I mean, they had been friends for some time now but I ain’t remember her or know what the fuck she look like. I’m gone just assume seeing a bomb ass female holdin’ a gun comin’ out that house specifically will be her. I mean, what other female gone come out that house? If it ain’t her, then shit, it may be her friend but I bet them bitches will tell me who the fuck they are when I hold this gun up to they face. That was the only solution I was able to come up with.

  I placed my hands in my pocket and made my way to the house, slowly. I crept to the front and peeked inside the window, but I wasn’t able to see anything or anyone. I placed my hand near my gun as I crept around the house and headed towards the side door. I found that the side door was cracked open. Weird. My heart started to race as I contemplated if I really wanted to go inside and look around the place. I was freaking out ‘cause I ain’t know if someone was in there or not. This shit was givin’ me straight anxiety and I wanted to turn around and run away, but I remembered my mission and got my shit together. I took a deep breath and pushed myself into the house through the open door. It was dark and quiet. Did this mean no one was home and I could drop my guard? Nah, I didn’t wanna do that shit, what if she bitch decided to come out of nowhere?

  I looked around the big lavish house, wondering why this bitch left her side door open like s
he did. Was she home or somethin’? Did she forget to close it? Damn, if I wasn’t here on a search mission, my ass would have been makin’ a big ass mess takin her shit. Who the fuck would be as careless as to forgettin’ the door like that? Her house was way too nice for that type of shit.

  I continued to walk the halls and peek into rooms. When I pulled my head out of one room, I heard something drop, it was a loud thud. I quickly grabbed my gun out of my pocket and then froze, waiting for another sound or some indication that I wasn’t losing my shit.

  Creaaaak, Thud!

  Fuck, I wasn’t just hearing shit—that was something. My adrenaline kicked in and I felt like I was ready for whatever was gone happen next. I really hoped that the noise came from someone’s dog or some shit. Well, not someone’s, more like Tangies or somethin’. But wait, if it was a dog, wouldn’t it have come to bite me? So it was a cat? Shit, I don’t fuckin know, I just hope it ain’t a human who made that noise. If it was a human, I hope it was fuckin Tangie and Tangie alone ‘cause that would mean I would be able to catch the bitch and put an end to her.

  I crept closer to where the noise came from and looked around the area. It was a bedroom that the thud came from and when I made my way to the door frame of that room, I looked inside and saw nothing but pitch black. After starin’ inside the room for a bit, I heard another sound, this time, it was hella close.


  What the fuck was that? Shit, is this place haunted? I saw a light go on in the room and quickly looked to see what or who it was that turned on the light. Apparently, inside this room was a bathroom or some closet or somethin’ cause inside the room, there was another door where the light was comin’ from. I watched it closely and saw a shadow, a nice silhouette of someone or somethin’.

  Creeak, creaak.

  The noise wasn’t comin’ from the room, this time, it sounded like the noise was right behind me.

  Pop, pop!

  I ducked at the sound of the gunshots and looked up to see that the bullets had nearly hit me, they punctured the wall right above my big head. I quickly drew my gun and held it out in front of me. It was still too dark to see anything really but with the help of the light from the other room, I was able to see a little bit down the hall. Once I got myself together and calmed the hell down, I got up and looked back inside the room but this time, the silhouette was gone.

  Some nigga must have seen me lookin’ inside the room ‘cause I heard them gunshots again but this time I ran into the room.

  “Who the fuck are you? Get the fuck out the house.”

  “Shit, someone saw me. Well no shit they saw me, they saw me earlier too, hence why the decided to shoot at me. Fuck, I ain’t ever scared, though. Wait, who the hell am I kidding? I’m fucking terrified but I gotta do this, I gotta find out who the fuck that is who is in this damn room.”

  I crouched low to the ground so that I was basically crawling and then I made my way towards the lit up room. It was a closet and I could hear shufflin’ comin’ out from it. Just I was about to go into the closet, more gun shots rang out from the direction of the main door to the room. I quickly turned around and saw a nigga standin there holdin a gun in my direction. Lucky for me, the nigga missed and hit the wall beside me. I had to think fast. I clenched my nine and fired back at the nigga.

  Pop, pop, pop.

  “fuuuuck, nigga!” were his last words before his body fell with a thud.

  There was no reason for me to creep around the house as quietly as I had earlier, my presence was already known. I heard footsteps in the distance and knew I had to act quickly again. My adrenaline was kickin’ in and my senses seemed like they were sharper and ready for whatever. I didn’t want to lose focus of who was in the closet. It was weird, you would have thought that they would have left the closet after hearing what the fuck had just gone on, but they didn’t. Was this the bitch of the year? Was this Tangie? Shit, maybe she was just hidin’ out in here ‘cause she heard all the commotion.

  I didn’t want to waste any more time thinkin’ about what could be in that closet so I went ahead and went to see for myself. I ran up in there and held my gun out, ready to shoot whoever I would come in contact with.

  Fuck, it wasn’t her, it was some other nigga fumblin’ with a nine in his hand. He smirked up at me and pulled him gun up and pointed at me with his finger ready on his trigger.

  “Not who you were lookin’ for? The fuck is you doin’ in this house? Do I know you? Do Tangie know you? Fuck, I ain’t wid these questions right now cuh, you ain’t supposed to be here so lemme help you see yo way out.”

  Before he could pull the trigger, I pulled mine and shot nigga dead in his head a couple a times before I took a couple shots at his chest. He didn’t even have a chance to shoot back at me, he just slumped onto the ground and laid there dead.

  I took a couple steps back and leaned up against the adjacent wall, breathing heavily. I had just killed two people, for the first time in my life. This was real life weird as shit. I wanted to vomit. I wanted to fall over onto the ground and weep. I wanted to stop the room from spinning because I was so damn dizzy. I wanted to do a whole bunch of things ‘cause I was feelin’ so many different kinds of way. I mean shit, I just killed someone. This is hella out of character for me but I did it and I did it for the sake of Kaleo. Well not just him, but cause I signed up for this shit.

  Whew, I just needed a moment to gather myself and realize that this was how it was going to be. This was life working in Kaleo’s gang. Once I had my confidence back and I gathered myself together, I ventured out of the room and looked down the hall. Big mistake. I forgot about the footsteps I had heard earlier and I was now facing the niggas who made all that noise. There were five of them posted outside the door, all starin’ at me. They didn’t all have guns, though, which I thought was stupid. Only one of them had a gun, the rest of them looked ready with their fists.

  “So, lil nigga. Who the fuck are you?” one of them said.

  “Aw, you look like a lil youngin. Is you lost? You need me to take you by your hand and show you the way out?” another dumbass joined in.

  That made me think, did I really look lost and scared or some shit? Cause niggas was real life talkin’ to me like I was some scared ass lil boy. That shit pissed me all the fucking way off. I sneered at them and shook my head before I spoke.

  “What the hell? What the fuck do I look like? Y’all niggas got me all the fucked—”

  Apparently one of them niggas wasn’t likin what I was sayin’ so he decided he wanted to come at me and try to punch me in my face. I ducked and dodged nigga’s weak ass throw but was surprised when another dude took the opportunity to hit me in my side. I fell over and caught myself as I fell to the ground. I was in such a bad position, ‘cause another nigga or the same nigga or someone came up on me and started to kick me in my stomach. I had no other choice but to draw my gun and start shooting. I didn’t care if I missed anyone. My main intention was to at least scare them off or some shit. I didn’t know what the fuck I was thinking.

  Pop… pop, pop!

  One of the niggas actually got hit! It didn’t look like I hit him too bad, though, I shot him in his thigh, though. I watched him whine and fall to the ground. I saw him fallin’ as an opportunity to do some more damage. I cocked my gun and shot him in his chest and in his neck. Dude fell over all the way and convulsed on the ground for a little before giving up. I just killed another nigga, but this time, I didn’t feel as bad.

  Pop, pop!

  The nigga with the gun fired in my direction and grazed my arm, drawing me away from my victory thoughts. It made me realize that I wasn’t done, though. Just ‘cause I killed this other nigga didn’t mean that I was done. He wasn’t the only one in this hallway and when dude fired off a round, it brought my back to reality.

  Before I could do anything, dude kicked me in my stomach again, but this time, it was more aggressive. He kept on kicking me until I started to get dizzy and started t
o cough up blood. I needed to get up and soon before I passed out. I mustered up my strength and grabbed my gun, aiming it for dude’s foot.

  Pop, pop.

  I shot his foot that he was kicking me with and saw him instantly jump up and fall backwards in shock. I had to react quickly and get up ‘cause the other nigga had a gun. As I was trying to get up, the guy with the gun shot at me again, hitting me in my arm this time. I groaned at the feeling. It felt like my flesh was burning and it was something I couldn’t escape. Well, I really couldn’t, but it was a sensation I absolutely hated. I couldn’t let it get to me, though, I needed to make it out of here alive.

  To make the pain go away or slightly go away, I put my focus back on these ugly niggas. With all my strength, I charged at dude with the gun and pistol whipped him before he could fire off another shot. While he was distracted, I slapped the gun out of his hand. I took the opportunity to kill them while I had the chance. I was hurting and I needed these niggas dead so I could scope the rest of the place and get the fuck out of here. I picked up the nigga’s nine and wielded it with my other hand. I quickly popped off a few rounds at the remaining niggas, at first just shooting just to shoot but once I got it together, I aimed at the correct spots and murked these niggas. They didn’t go down easy, though, they definitely put up at fight and did they best to come charge at me but it was like instinct kicked in and allowed me to kill them the way I did. Instinct? Yeah, I guess me just not wanting to die made it easier for me to kill these niggas. This is hella weird.


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