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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

Page 9

by C. L. Turnage

  102Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 229-230.

  103Garrsion, David, The World Book Encyclopedia, Dinoflagellites, Volume D, page 211. Academic American Encyclopedia, Dinoflagellites, Volume D-6, page 179. Copyright 1987, Grolier Inc., Danbury, Conn.

  104 Noone, Richard, 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster, Harmony Books, A division of Crown Publishers, Inc., 201 East 50th Street, New York, New York 10022, page 45.

  105Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press Inc., Madison, Wisconsin, page 296. Noone, Richard, 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster, Harmony Books, A division of Crown Publishers, Inc., 201 East 50th Street, New York, New York 10022, page 50.

  106Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day. Scarborough House Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 220.

  107Taylor, George, Hail, The World Book Encyclopedia, Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, page 8.

  108Noone, Richard, 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster, Harmony Books, A division of Crown Publishers, Inc., 201 East 50th Street, New York, New York 10022, page 50.

  109Noone, Richard, 5/5/2000 Ice: The Ultimate Disaster, Harmony Books, A division of Crown Publishers, Inc., 201 East 50th Street, New York, New York 10022, page 45.

  110Goldsmith, Donald, Nemesis The Death Star And Other Theories of Mass Extinction, Berkeley Books, New York, page 103.

  111Goldsmith, Donald, Nemesis The Death Star And Other Theories of Mass Extinction, Berkeley Books, New York, page 104.

  112Goldsmith, Donald, Nemesis The Death Star And Other Theories of Mass Extinction, Berkeley Books, New York, pages 104-105.

  113Goldsmith, Donald, Nemesis The Death Star And Other Theories of Mass Extinction, Berkeley Books, New York, pages 105-106.

  114Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press Inc., Madison Wisconsin, page 288. Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 88-89.

  115Goldsmith, Donald, Nemesis The Death Star And Other Theories of Mass Extinction, Berkeley Books, New York, pages 106-109.

  116Cooper, Leon, Centripetal Force, The World Book Encyclopedia, Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, page 270.

  117New World Bible Translation Committee, New World Translation Of The Holy Scriptures, Watchtower Bible And Tract Society of New York, Inc., page 1,459.

  118Scholem, G., Kabbalah, Nal Dutton, 375 Hudson St. New York, NY, 10014, page 342.

  9. The Mighty Ones Of Eternity

  Perhaps you are wondering how life could flourish on a planet that travels in such a peculiar orbit? A world that is plunged into the dark cold of outer space; so far from the sun that light hardly reaches it, and then is hurled back in towards the sun at a great speed. Surely local conditions on planet Nibiru-Marduk are far different than those found here on earth. In ancient times it was depicted as a bright rayed planet, suggesting that a strong source of radioactive heat, and possibly light is generated from the inner core of the planet; as would be necessary for a world with such a highly elliptical orbit, also harboring life.119

  Ancient Vedic Indian texts, (as well as the Bible), allude to heaven as having an eternal day: "Where there is eternal light, in the world where the sun is placed, in the immortal, imperishable world place me, O Soma! Where the secret place of heaven is, where these mighty waters are, there make me immortal!" (IX., 113).120

  But what kind of beings would evolve on such a peculiar world? According to ancient descriptions of the Elohim, they are a race of white haired giants of fair complexion. The biblical book of Daniel provides us with an amazing description of such a being: "I lifted my eyes and looked, and behold, there was a certain man dressed in linen, whose waist was girded with a belt of pure gold of Uphaz. His body was like beryl, his face had the appearance of lightning, his eyes were like flaming torches, his arms and feet like the gleam of polished bronze, and the sounds of his words were like the sound of a tumult." Daniel 10:5-6. (See also Revelation 1:14, "His head and His hair were white like wool, like snow; and His eyes were like a flame of fire;").

  Apparently, the Elohim and other creatures living on planet Nibiru, have evolved with the amazing ability to radiate light. Ancient representations of gods, including renderings of Christ, often depict them with rays of light emanating from their bodies. Think of the halo associated with Jesus, Mary, angels, and other "holy" figures. (See Psalm 4:6, 2 Corinthians 11:13-14, Habakkuk 3:4, and Isaiah 14:12).

  A fantastic description of the newly born Noah recorded in the extra-biblical book of Enoch reveals that he may have been half-Elohim and half-human. It all started when Mathusala took a wife for his son Lamech. The wife, (Bat-Enosh) became pregnant by Lamech, and "brought forth a child, the flesh of which was as white as snow, and red as a rose; the hair of whose head was white like wool, and long; and whose eyes were beautiful." I found it rather odd that when the opened his eyes, "he illuminated all the house, like the sun; the whole house abounded with light." (Compare this description of eyes that give off light to Revelation 1:14, & Daniel 10:6).

  Now what may be even more remarkable is this: "And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, opening his mouth, he spoke to the Lord of righteousness." The text goes on to describe how that once Lamech heard this new-born speak, he "was afraid of him; and flying away came to his own father Mathusala, and said, I have begotten a son, unlike to other children." It is quite understandable that Lamech should have become frightened, for he realized immediately that his son was "not human; but, resembling the offspring of the angels of heaven, is of a different nature from ours, being altogether unlike to us. His eyes are bright as the rays of the sun; his countenance glorious." And along with this realization came the understanding that his wife must have been unfaithful. In fact, Lamech made the following logical deduction: "and he looks not as if he belongs to me, but to the angels." Enoch 35:1-4,121 (The texts do go on to say that Lamech questioned and accused the wife of infidelity, even forcing her to swear that the child was really his). Apparently, the humans living during the time of Enoch were witnessing the events of Genesis 6:1-4, describing how the "sons of God" were taking the daughters of men" and the daughters of men were literally reproducing half human, half alien hybrids with them.

  If beings that produce their own light sound too farfetched to believe; then consider this, creatures capable of glowing exist right here on earth - fire flies for example. Maybe these Elohim must give off rays of light in order to see or be seen when their planet attains the vast reaches of its orbit. Perhaps their bodies are akin to biological nuclear reactors that literally radiate energy as well as light. This would tend to explain how they manage to survive in the cold void of space so far from the sun, with only the internal heat generated by their planet. That the Nibirians are albinos also seems logical. Pigment exists merely to safeguard living tissue from the harmful rays of the sun. The sun would not drastically effect the Elohim if Nibiru travels far from the sun during most of its elliptical orbit.

  Indeed, modern day sightings confirm ufonauts who answer to the same descriptions of angels and Nephilim of the Bible, as well as other ancient writings. For example, Edwin Pratt and Joyce Bowles saw an orange glow in the sky as they drove on the Winchester Bypass at Hampshire, England, on the night of November 14, 1976, at 9:00 P.M. Their car shuddered violently, left the highway and stopped. They then witnessed a cigar-shaped, orange UFO 15 feet in length hovering very close to the ground. A blonde, bearded, pink-eyed occupant who appeared to be at least six feet in height, and who was wearing a silvery suit, seemed to walk through the side of the UFO, and to the rear of the car.122

  Perhaps the most amazing encounter with such beings is that of Eugenio Douglas, which occurred in Argentina just before dawn on October 12, 1963. He was driving a truckload of coal through the rain between Monte Maiz and Isla Verde, and saw a blinding light ahead of him. He then stopped, stepped out of his truck,
and saw a circular, metallic-appearing UFO about 35 feet tall. Three 12-foot-tall men wearing antennae headgear, emerged from the object through a lighted opening. Douglas was then struck by a red light ray. He fled to Monte Maiz, with the ray following.

  The street lights were turned "violet and green." He smelled a pungent gas. He ran to a nearby house for help. There he found the Ribas family. They related how their candle flames and electric lights turned green, and that they smelled the odor as well. Douglas suffered from burns on his face and hands, that a doctor said were caused by radiation similar to ultraviolet. The police received many reports of lights changing colors, and the villagers found 20 inch footprints at the site. (The photo of the giant human footprint in this book is almost the same length).123

  Another similar incident took place in Lago Argentino, Southern Argentina on the evening of March 18, 1950. Wilfredo Arevalo, a rancher, saw two-disk shaped UFO's. One of them landed, emitted green-blue gas, and an odor similar to "burning benzene." The craft appeared to made of aluminum, and had a flat rim that revolved. The witness could see "four tall, well-shaped men" with pallid faces and transparent suits working inside of it. Once they saw him, they shone a bright light on him, the UFO became illuminated with a blue light, then the landed UFO ascended on red and green flames, producing a humming sound. This UFO as well as the second one that had been hovering above it, flew away in the direction of Chile, leaving blue trails in their wake. The next day, burned grass was found at the sight.124

  Another celebrated case involves Betty Andreasson, a Massachusetts woman who seems to have experienced contacts with extraterrestrials throughout her lifetime. During one of her alleged encounters, she reports being taken in a UFO to a network of icy tunnels underneath an ocean. While there, she met with tall, robed humans with white hair. She was transported back to a place containing many UFO's. This particular incident occurred when she was but thirteen years old.

  In a later incident, which occurred in 1961 after Betty had become a mother, she heard a strange sound and felt a compulsion to leave her sleeping children alone in the house. She then walked into an isolated area. She was met by a small humanoid with a large head that conveyed to her that she had been chosen to experience esoteric events; and bring a message to others: Certain events would happen in the future, and their were bad forces that wanted to destroy man. Betty believed that the encounter had something to do with her strong Christian belief. Many other incidents occurred in Betty's life, and Betty later married a man that had been the victim of alien abductions himself.125

  The point I am trying to make here is this: beings very much like those described in the Bible and other ancient texts, tall with white hair, extremely white skin, and strange red or pink glowing eyes are still being seen in connection with other worldly craft, or "chariots from Heaven." The New Testament describes angels from Heaven like this: "his appearance was like lightning, his garment as white as snow." Matthew 28:3. Many times they are described as wearing very white, dazzling garments. In an incident described in the Bible as the "transfiguration," Jesus has what may have been an encounter with a UFO on a mountain top, which led to his being transfigured: "Six days later, Jesus took with him Peter, James and John, and brought them up to a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them; and his garments became radiant and exceedingly white, as no launderer on Earth can whiten them. And Elijah appeared to them along with Moses; and they were conversing with Jesus." Mark 9:2-4.

  "Then a cloud formed, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud, "This is my beloved Son, listen to Him! And all at once they looked around and saw no one with them anymore, except Jesus only." Mark 9:7-8.

  Here, the clothing of Jesus was changed, and became brilliant white, while someone inside a "cloud," or hovering UFO was speaking with him. We find this same phenomenon of extremely white radiant clothing in relation to our heavenly visitors. Everything about them seems to be extremely white, their hair, their clothes, their skin. The Old Testament reports a similar occurrence in relation to the patriarch Moses who also visited with God on top of a mountain...Mt. Sinai: "So he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights; and he did not eat bread nor drink water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant (agreement), the ten commandments. Then it came about when Moses was coming down from Mt. Sinai, that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because of his speaking with him. So when Aaron and all the sons of Israel saw Moses, behold the skin of his face shone, and they were all afraid to come near him." Exodus 34:29-30.

  After spending so much time with God, in such close proximity, did Moses absorb some type of radiation either from the Elohim, or from their craft? Is this why his face glowed? Or, was he subjected to some "ray" that made him susceptible to the will of the Elohim? Now the texts state that while Moses was with the Lord, he neither ate nor drank, and this lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. That would be 960 hours! Something very unusual was going on there. Although Moses might have gone that long without food, he could not have lasted that long without water. There may have been some connection to his going without sustenance and his "transfiguration" experience.

  Curiously, Moses was not the only personage of the Bible to spend 40 days and nights without food: "Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil. After he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he then became hungry." Matthew 4:1-2.

  Mark 1:12-13 describes the same incident, but adds that "angels were ministering to him." This indicates that Jesus was not alone, and that he was indeed in the presence of the Elohim during the 40 days and nights. Since Jesus had been led by the Spirit into the wilderness, this seems to imply that he may have been subjected to a "ray" making him susceptible to the will of the Nibirians. This may also have made it possible for him to live without food for 40 days and nights.

  Could Moses and Jesus have been taken aloft by a spacecraft? Though only a short time passed for them while away from earth inside the craft, 40 days and nights could have passed here on Earth due to the effects of time dilation. If one were to leave earth in a spacecraft traveling at the speed of light, terrestrial time would cease on board the vessel, though it would continue down on the planet.126 Because time stops for those inside the craft, they would require little sustenance while away. Again this deprivation may have been due to their proximity to the Elohim. These beings may give off a benign type of radiation or energy. It may be possible to absorb this through the skin, negating the need for physical sustenance while in the human system.

  There are indications that the Nibirian world could be made up of a different chemical structure than ours. Because Planet X, or Nibiru, wandered from its own native star, and journeyed through space until it found its home here, it is most likely composed of different elemental matter than any of the planets in this solar system.127 Being born from another star means Nibiru would have to be composed from the same basic material as its mother sun. Such matter could be slightly different than the stuff from which our own planet is made. (This would explain why some ancient texts describe crystals, or metals possessed by the gods that have a "heavenly" origin, and that cannot be found on earth.)

  In The Sirius Mystery, by Robert K.G. Temple, the author states that the Dogon, a primitive African tribe, attribute their gods as coming from the star we know as Sirius. They claim that constellation to be synonymous with abundant life; or longevity. These people possess a highly sophisticated cosmogony they could not have developed on their own without the aid of modern telescopes. Could planet Marduk have been ripped from its native star Sirius; then propelled into space where it wandered until snared by the gravitational pull of our sun?

  Oddly, the Dogon have symbols that look exactly like a projection of the elliptical orbit of Nibiru against a backdrop of stars. What could be a Dogon rendition of the planet Nibiru is represented by a circle with a cross in the center; just as its Mesopotamian counterpart!128 Even the Egyptians
had a well known symbol that probably represented Nibiru and its elliptical orbit...the Ankh. It consisted of an ellipse with a cross on one end of the ellipse. Intriguingly, this emblem represented "life" to the Egyptians. Just as the term for the NE.BI.RU planet in Farsi means "they never die," or eternal life, the Egyptians used a symbol of the planet's orbit, and of its crossing between Jupiter and Mars to represent that which is legendary regarding the planet...everlasting life!

  It is also possible that Nibiru, during its highly elliptical course, travels through space, through the constellation of Sirius. Nibiru itself is sort of a planetary spacecraft. It passes through the celestial bodies of this solar system, and against the backdrop of the constellations.129 There is always the possibility that it actually orbits both Sirius and Sol; as a sort of binary-star-planet grouping. (It may also be orbitting Nemesis and the sun, another binary star configuration.) The Egyptians often built monuments and burial chambers in order that the helical rising of the star Sirius could be observed; as did the ancient Sumerian culture.130 Did they possess cosmological information conveyed to them by the Nibirians about the precise origins of Nibiru? Recognizing that the planet of their gods was part of the cause of their longevity, they may have then incorporated the veneration of Sirius into religious rituals. Could Nibiru have traveled the 8.7 light years from Sirius to Sol; after the primeval calamity that ripped it from its mother star?

  If this is correct, and planet Nibiru did originate from another star as the Enuma Elish relates, then its water and soil could contain elements foreign to our solar system. These elements would alter the way life evolved, and exists on that particular world. The Bible states in Revelation that those who make it into Heaven will be given special food from a "tree of life," and water called the "water of life" to drink: "And he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street. And on either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." Revelation 22:1-2, NAS. (See also Revelation 22:17 and Genesis 3:22).


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