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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

Page 10

by C. L. Turnage

  Scientists here on earth have come to understand that one of the reasons we age is due to deleterious building up over time in our bodies. This deleterious consist of several factors - too many free radicals (negative particles found in the air we breathe, the food we eat, and water we drink). One known factor in water is the presence of heavy water molecules called "deuterium" (chemical symbol D). Deuterium is found in all water on earth, and each time we drink it is deposited in the cells of the body. Since even food contains water, deuterium is also found in the food we consume.

  The deuterium atom weighs about twice as much as an ordinary atom. They make up about one part in 5,000 of ordinary water. Because deuterium is heavier than an ordinary hydrogen atom, the physical properties of heavy water differ from that of plain water. It freezes at 3.82 degrees C., rather than 0 degrees C. It boils at 101.42 degrees C., rather than at 100 degrees C. Heavy water has an adverse effect on both plant and animal life. Seeds are unable to germinate in heavy water, and animals, such as tadpoles cannot live in it.131

  After time goes by, more and more heavy water molecules are deposited in our body tissues. As a result, this could cause the body to eventually breakdown because it is unable to dislodge these molecules that have settled on a molecular level. As we age, deuterium particles, along with other free radicals could alter the DNA structure of the body. Cells may be unable to give the correct command when replicating; thus they reproduce themselves in an inferior manner. This may be part of the reason that people, plant and animals age. Such cellular degeneration eventually causes death due to failed organs.

  Water appears to be a key factor in the grasp for eternal life. According to a research paper written by Norman Wootan on October 16, 1996, a type of "Pristine Water" was developed in a laboratory in Dallas, Texas. It has had all memory, or information removed. This was accomplished by recombining monatomic hydrogen and monatomic oxygen as generated in a properly designed cell. This is the ultimate in purity, since this is water generated with conditions at the time of original creation. Clearly, if the water has had all information removed from it, then the body recognizes this as pure water, and not food. Thus it will be absorbed by the tongue and stomach where it will enter the bloodstream immediately, instead of having to be absorbed by the colon as a food. Therefore the body utilizes the oxygen present in the water immediately, instead of waiting until the water is processed by the intestines.

  If the water on Nibiru contains no deuterium, and has been processed to cleanse it of all information, then this might be the "water of life" spoken of by both Mesopotamian and Hebrew texts. Consuming this specialized water may enable a physical being to exist for extreme periods of time. Since scientists have determined that the pineal gland in the human brain determines aging by its production or non production of growth hormone; it is relevant to consider the effect of deuterium and other free radicals on this organ. If cellular damage can be alleviated by consuming specialized water, then perhaps the function of the pineal gland can continue well beyond its present capability, thereby greatly extending human life.

  Both Genesis and Revelation mention a "tree of life" that belongs to God. Man once tended the very garden where these trees existed (Genesis 2:15.) Maybe God brought special fruit bearing trees from his own world for his special consumption while on this planet. Did he irrigate them with the water of life? Is this why water rose from the ground in Genesis 2:6 during what might have been an ice age? It makes sense, for if God ate food contaminated with deuterium while on earth, he would be subjected to the same deterioration as terrestrial life forms here. Apparently, this was the case for all the gods of the ancient world. The Greek gods consumed special foods called ambrosia, which they sometimes mixed with a substance they called nectar to preserve their immortality. They also bathed in it and rubbed it into their skin. Without ambrosia, the gods became weak. Humans who drank it became strong and immortal.132

  The Hindu gods also ate special victuals, and drank a life sustaining essence called soma. This amazing, life prolonging elixir is extolled in various Vedic texts, including the following one: "He the wise, has entered into me, who are simple. Make me burn as with fire, O Soma,...prolong our life as the sun renews the days each morning... our intelligence is excited by thee... thou has descended into all our limbs... Disease has fled, powerless... the powerful Soma has descended into us and our days are lengthened."

  Though humans made a form of ritual soma on earth, a type of fermented beverage, the gods had the real thing bestowing an increase to their life spans: "When they crush the plant, he who drinks it regards it as soma. Of whom the priest regard as soma, no one drinks. Protected by those who shelter thee and preserved by thy guardians, thou, soma hearest the sound of the crushing stones; but no earthly being taste thee. When the gods drink thee, o god, thou increasest again..." (Hym X., 85)133

  It could be that the deities of old brought water to earth from their home planet, or that they cleaned the deuterium from earth's water by some sophisticated process. Perhaps someday soon man may duplicate this exact process to create his own version of the "water of life," greatly extending human life.

  9.1. Foot Notes

  120Ragozin, Zenaide, Vedic India, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, page 180.

  121Laurence, Richard, The Book Of Enoch The Prophet, wizards Bookshelf, San Diego, pages 174-175.

  122Davenport, Marc, Visitors From Time, The Secret Of The UFO's, Wild Flower Press, PO Box 2300893, Tigard, OR 97281, page 152.

  123Davenport, Marc, Visitors From Time, The Secret Of The UFO's, Wild Flower Press, PO Box 2300893, Tigard, OR 97281, pages 115-116.

  124Davenport, Marc, Visitors From Time, The Secret Of The UFO's, Wild Flower, Press, PO Box 2300893, Tigard, OR 97281, page 205.

  125Davenport, Marc, Visitors From Time, The Secret Of The UFO's, Wild Flower Press, PO Box 2300893, Tigard OR 97281, pages 8-11. Some other books of interest in this area are: The Andreasson Affair, The Andreasson Affair, Phase Two, and The Watchers, by Raymond Fowler, renowned UFO investigator.

  126Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press, Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, pages 45-46.

  127Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 215.

  128Temple, Robert, The Sirius Mystery, Destiny Books, Rochester Vermont, pages 1-7, & 45. Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 217-220. (See figures page 112).

  129Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 217, 221-222.

  130Hoagland, Richard, The Monuments of Mars, A City On The Edge Of Forever, North Atlantic Books, 2800 Woolsey, Street, Berkeley, California 94705, pages 59, 285-286 & 271.

  131Urey, Harold, Deuterium, The World Book Encyclopedia, Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, page 139.

  132Colum, Padraic, Ambrosia, The World Book Encyclopedia, Field Enterprises Educational Corporation, page 387.

  133Ragozin, Zenaide, Vedic India, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, page 179.

  10. The Sign Of The Son Of Man

  From a study of data retrieved by IRAS, scientists believe that the mysterious "Planet X" may be as far as 10,000,000 miles away; explaining why it is still too dark to be seen with earth bound telescopes. Pioneers 10 and 11 launched around twenty years ago, may aid in the search for a large celestial object beyond the orbits of Neptune and Pluto. The crafts are now on opposing sides of our solar system. Traveling at approximately 30,000 miles an hour they are gradually working their way into interstellar space. The Pioneer closest to the mystery body will feel its gravitational pull and react to it; causing its path through space to be altered noticeably.134

  By comparing the spacecraft's originally projected path, with that of its actual passage, astronomers will be able to calculate the exact position of Planet X, or as the Sumerians knew it, planet Nibiru. Once found, a reasonable estimate can be
made for its arrival into earth's vicinity. Because Nibiru is a powerful body of mass much larger than earth, it exerts a tremendous pull on our planet, even from a great distance.135 Once it is actually detected visually, earthlings will have very little time to prepare for its arrival, and with it, the return of Christ and the "army of Heaven" (Revelation 19:11-15).

  Intriguingly, the Mesopotamian symbol for the planet Nibiru/Marduk, was the sign of the cross. It was called "the planet of crossing" because it crossed between the orbits of Jupiter and Mars every 3,600 years.136 Ironically, this same symbol of the cross became the emblem of Christ due to his crucifixion on a cross. Perhaps the cross was chosen by God as the method of execution for his Son in order to convey a symbolic message. That message being that Christ died on the cross to show humanity the way to Heaven -- the planet whose symbol was the cross. The New Testament seems to confirm the Mesopotamian belief in the return of this "planet of crossing" in the following verses: "and the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, (the kingdom of the Heavens)? and then all the tribes of earth will mourn, for they will see THE SON OF MAN COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF THE SKY WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY." Matthew 24:30, NAS.

  Is this yet more evidence that the planet Nibiru will be visible in the skies of earth as Christ makes his reappearance? It does seem logical that Christ's return would coincide with the return of his planet. Major advancements in the ancient world seem to have occurred in 3,600 year cycles, or with each passing of Nibiru; as Sitchin so ably points out to us in The 12th Planet.137

  If the Nibirians are to return enmasse as the Bible relates, then it would appear that the most opportune time to do so would be when Nibiru is in close proximity to earth.

  Catastrophic and unusual earthly events of antiquity, for which a passing of Nibiru may have been a catalyst, have been examined in this book. We have determined that such a celestial event may have been taking place at the time of the Hebrew Exodus in 1540 B.C. Using this date as the last probable passage of the planet, provides us with the foundation stone for a dissection of its orbital period.*

  By examining scriptural events of the past and future that may pertain to Nibiru's proximity to earth, we can attempt to determine how long it remains in the solar system proper before it returns to its apogee in the constellation Orion. We can also determine how much time it spends in deep space during its apogee, and how much time is expended during its rush in toward the sun. As a result some ancient earthly events will gain new clarity, and human history might in some instances, come into sharper focus. This is necessary for us to clearly understand the biblical passages of Matthew 24 and Luke 21 concerning the return of Christ and correspondingly, his planet -- Nibiru.

  Three laws of planetary motion describing the orbits of the planets were published in the 1600's by the German astronomer Johannes Kepler. His second law, the law of areas, says that an imaginary line between the sun and a planet sweeps across equal areas in equal periods of time. When a planet is nearest the sun, the line sweeps across a wide, but short, wedge shaped area, because the planet moves fastest there. When a planet is farthest from the sun, the line sweeps across a narrow, but long, area in an equal period of time, because the planet moves slowest there.138 (Figure 1-A.)

  If this is true, then it becomes possible to calculate the amount of time Nibiru spends in both the perihelion and aphelion portions of its orbital cycle. According to calculations made using the biblical events of the Exodus (1540 B.C.), and the "Long day of Joshua" (1440 B.C.), about 100 years transpire before Nibiru passes behind the sun once it travels between Jupiter and Mars during the perihelion phase of its orbit. (Figure 1-C.)

  Now, since it must fight to break free of the sun's strong gravitational pull, which has considerably slowed Nibiru's speed at this point, it will take perhaps twice as long for it to break free and travel from directly behind the sun to point B. (Figure 1-D).

  Let us say that it will take it one and a half times longer to come from behind the sun. This would mean that it would require about 260 years to pass from point A to point B in its perihelion. Since Kepler's law states that it will spend equal time in its aphelion (the farthest point from the sun), we know that these two portions of its orbit will take up about 520 years. Where then is Nibiru during the remaining 3,080 years? (3,600 - 520 = 3,080.)

  To determine that, we must see if Nibiru had reached its aphelion by the time of Christ. According to John the Baptist it had "come near," but had also moved away: "Repent, for the kingdom of the heavens "has" come near."139 (The "has" is my emphasis.)

  The planet Nibiru appears to be the “kingdom of the heavens” referred to in Matthew 3:2. (The Mesopotamians believed that their gods came from a kingdom in the heavens.) This seems likely since this "kingdom of the heavens" had the ability to move near to the earth, or away from the earth as implied by John's statement. That means that Nibiru might have still been on the outer fringe of the solar system during the time of Christ. This was nearly 1,540 years after it passed between Jupiter and Mars. And, 1,440 years after the Long Day of Joshua when it reached the point of breaking free from behind the sun. (1540 x 2 = 3,080, Figure 1-D.)

  This seems logical. For as the planet passes behind the sun, then begins the return to deep space, the sun's powerful gravitational attraction would slow it considerably. (See 1-B, 1-C, 1-D, and 1-E.)

  Since Christ ascended into Heaven during this time period (see the Acts of the Apostles 1:9), it seems likely that Nibiru would have still been near to the outer planets of the solar system. It seems unlikely that it would have been reposing in its apogee among the constellations. This would have made Christ's travel to Nibiru less feasible.

  If this is the case, then Nibiru must spend at least 1,540 years within the confines of the solar system proper after it reaches closest proximity to earth; and before it passes to far beyond Pluto. (3,600 -1,540 = 2060.) (Interestingly, 2060 is the scheduled date for its next return to the asteroid belt near Mars, according to my calculations. 2060 A.D. - 3,600 shar unit = 1540 B.C., Exodus.)

  Joseph L. Brady of the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California discovered that the orbit of Halley's comet was perturbed by something. This led him to search for a tenth planetary member of the sun's family. Assuming that such a body would orbit the sun as the other planets do, he measured the suspected planet's distance from the sun by half of what he believed to be its major axis, (64 A.U.), and came up with an orbital period of 1,800 years.

  However, according to Sumerian evidence, Nibiru orbits the sun like a comet. The sun is at an extreme focus, so that the distance from the sun would be almost the whole major axis, not just half of it.140 If Brady had taken this into consideration, he might have come up with a figure twice that amount, the number 3,600 for example. (1800 x 2 = 3,600).

  Intriguingly, when Christ returns, He will rule earth for a thousand year period known as the "millennium" (See Revelation 20:4.) This thousand year time period seems to confirm evidence examined thus far that Nibiru spends 260 years in its perihelion. Then, it spends 1,540 years before it reaches its aphelion, and another 260 years in aphelion, totaling 2,060 years of its orbital cycle. During these 2,060 years it is moving slowly. Once its aphelion has been exhausted, it speeds up due to the sun's gravitational pull on it.

  After aphelion has been reached, and Nibiru has spent an equal period of 260 years there, it then travels from the constellation Orion into the solar system toward the sun again. As it moves, it picks up speed due to the extreme gravitational pull of the sun. From the time it breaks free of its aphelion, feels the pull of the sun for its inward rush, then reaches the edge of its perihelion, 1,540 years should expire. At first, the sun's attraction will move it slowly. However, the closer it gets, the faster it will move. Once it passes Pluto, it may take as little as fifty earth years to reach the asteroid belt between Jupiter and Mars. During this time, it should be possible to detect it visually with the aid of a telescope, or possibly even the naked eye. Depending on how f
ar from Nibiru earth is during this interval , and how Nibiru effects the orbits of nearby planets, will determine the frequency of earthquakes, and the amount of disaster occurring on the earth's surface.141 This particular portion of the orbit of Nibiru will begin the "birth pangs" of Matthew 24:8. The great tribulation of Matthew 24:21-22, will probably take place during Nibiru's pass between Jupiter and Mars in 2060 A.D. (Figure 1-E.)

  If these calculations are correct, and Nibiru has left its aphelion and begun its rush toward the sun, it should be somewhere near Pluto now. Therefore, it has approximately 60 years before it reaches the "place of crossing" near the asteroid belt. (Figure 1-F.)

  Let us see if we can determine Nibiru's orbital position throughout it's 3,600 year cycle using the evidence described thus far. 1540 B.C. = Exodus, it critical point of passage between Jupiter and Mars. 3,600 - 1540 B.C. = 2060 A.D. The Long Day of Joshua occurred during its perihelion, in 1440 B.C., while Nibiru had not yet attained aphelion by the time of Christ; and still had about 2,060 years of orbital time remaining. Therefore it has expended 3,537 years of its cycle, and we have about 63 years remaining before it returns to the asteroid belt in 2060 A.D. (Figure 1-F.) Here is the breakdown of its orbital period: 260 x 2 = 520 (perihelion and aphelion) + 1540 x 2 = 3080 of (periods of travel toward the sun and away from the sun). 3,080 + 520 = 3,600.


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