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Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series)

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by Kay, Amanda


  He could tell she was nervous, frankly, he was too. She felt too perfect in his arms. He would one day have to tell her what he did to Tai and who it was with. How does one explain something like that? For the first time since the affair with Meredith Corretti happened, he understood the full penalties of his actions. Bethany could be, and should be, mortified that he could do something like that to someone he was supposed to love, someone he was getting married to. “So, tell me a little about you. No boyfriend ever?” He was still surprised by that fact. Surely he wasn’t the only one who saw how gorgeous she was.

  She nodded slowly, pulling one leg under her and facing him. “Yeah, it’s complicated.” He smiled, he had time for complicated. “Well, Raiden...” She paused looking down and knotting her hands in her lap.

  “What did Raiden do?” he questioned, suddenly concerned that he had read the guy wrong. She looked up at him instantly and shook her head fiercely.

  “It was what our parents did. When we were sixteen, it was agreed that when the time came, Raiden and I would get engaged and then married. Unless of course, he settled down on his own.” Wow, okay not what Jordan was expecting, an arranged marriage?

  “I was focused on school at the time and never dated, and then, well I watched Raiden go through more women then I could count. I never thought he would settle down. I was afraid of falling in love. Afraid of falling in love and then having to fulfill my obligation to our society, to my best friend.” Jordan saw the tears fill her eyes, oh he didn’t want her crying.

  “Hey now, it doesn’t matter anymore. He has Tai.” She nodded. “Look Bethany, we can be friends, okay?” A sadness filled her eyes even further.

  “Sure, friends,” she sighed.

  “Later, beautiful,” he said, standing and heading for the door. She clearly wasn’t ready for anything other than a friendship.

  “You’re leaving?” she questioned. He could hear panic, worry, confusion in her voice. He didn’t like it, but he also didn’t know what to say. The attraction he had for her was different. It was pulling him in a manner that he knew he would be powerless to stop, and if Bethany was still reluctant to attempt anything. He understood, but he also had to be careful with his heart.


  He was leaving. How did she get him to stay? She was so new to this. ‘Friends.’ He said they could be just friends. Maybe that was all she could handle right now. “I was going to,” he answered her question about him leaving.

  “Where are you staying?” That was dumb there was one hotel in Aishan and it wasn’t the greatest, it was how Raiden convinced Tai to stay for one night, which turned into every night. Raiden was slick like that though, he never had any issues. Bethany was...well she came home and that was that. She had never been with a guy, maybe a few kisses here and there, but that was it.

  He turned around at her door and smiled, “Bethany, there’s like one hotel,” he said with some amusement.

  “Stay here!” she blurted out. He blinked a few times, and then walked towards her again.

  “Excuse me?” he questioned, stopping at her couch, but not sitting.

  “Stay here, I have an extra room. You’ll have your own bathroom, the one in the hall.” She knew she was panicking and it felt weird, but Jordan didn’t make her feel wrong for offering. Instead, she saw concern in his eyes.

  “Why, Bethany?” he asked her.

  “Friends help each other right?” He nodded. “The hotel sucks.” He nodded again before sitting next to her again. He cupped her hands in his and she looked into his eyes.

  “Is that the only reason, beautiful?” She couldn’t respond verbally, so she shook her head. “Hmmm...” He was staring at her again. She felt like a caged animal he was studying. “You really want to do that, Bethany?” he questioned gently. She nodded. “Not going to work, beautiful, I need words. If you want me to stay, I have to hear you say it.” She sighed, damn him.

  “I want you to stay.” He smiled in victory and she slapped his arm. His smiled disappeared. “Oh God, I’m sorry,” she immediately said.

  “Okay, first thing I’m doing is working on lightening you up around me. Bethany, relax.” She nodded.

  “Beautiful.” She looked up at him again, he had used beautiful and gorgeous a number of times today and she liked hearing it, but it also made her nervous. “Baby steps. I’ll be back. I need to get my stuff from the hotel.” He released her hands and kissed her cheek again.

  “I’ll be here.” She gave him an awkward smile. He walked out the door. “Shit,” she muttered. “What the hell was that? You’re better than a blubbering mess, and fuck, now he’s coming to stay.” She started hyperventilating. What had possessed her to do that?


  He had just gotten back to the hotel. He sat on the bed. Staring at his phone, he called someone he knew could help. She answered in three rings. “Jordan?” Tai questioned.

  “Sorry to bother you, but I needed to ask something.” He felt weird asking his ex-fiancée for advice on a relationship, but he also wanted to move forward with Tai as friends, if it was possible.

  “What is it?” she laughed, probably from the tone of his voice.

  “Bethany, ummm...she asked me to move into her guest room, says this hotel is not the greatest.” Tai only laughed harder. “Ummm...Tai what’s funny?”

  “Nothing, Raiden used the same line.” Oh, well that was interesting.

  “She’s nervous...and I’m not...” Tai interrupted though.

  “Jordan, go for it...but tread carefully with her.” He nodded even though Tai couldn’t see.

  “Thanks, Tai. I hope we can be friends one day,” he sighed.

  “That would be nice, Jordan.” With that, he hung up. He had come to get her, instead, they were both staying. She had found her heart, her soul, and he was pretty sure he had found his. He just had to convince her that the search was over, her obligation was over, and she could let go. He packed his things and headed back her way. He didn’t need directions, he memorized them the moment he past the diner, he knew she was just five minutes away. Patient wasn’t one of his best qualities, but if that was what she needed, then for her, he would walk on water.


  She was waiting for his return cursing herself. Why, oh why, did she let him have her guest room. “Hey mom,” she said when she heard the phone answered.

  “Hey, Beth,” she replied. “You busy?” Bethany questioned. Her mom, Grace, was the only doctor in Aishan, now that her father was gone.

  “For my girl, never. What’s up, love?” she asked.

  “Raiden met someone,” Bethany said, she was still confused. She was free, but things still felt uncertain.

  “Lee called me, have you met her?” her mother asked.

  “Yes, along with her ex-fiancé.” Bethany tried to remain flat, but picturing Jordan’s eyes prevented that.

  “Lee told me something about an ex. Has he come to get her back?” Bethany thought about that for a minute. He had come to take her back to the States, but he seemed to realize that getting her back wasn’t an option.

  “No, not like that. Her mother sent him. Someone called her and told her Raiden was a vampire, she panicked.”

  “Well, I can understand that. What did she decide?” Bethany was taking her mother’s questions one at a time, because when she got to Jordan and the fact he would be living there, well she might freak. So, the plan was to keep that out of the conversation as long as possible.

  “To stay. She was shocked at first and nervous I think, but she loves Raiden and he loves her,” Bethany said smiling to herself. Raiden was in love, she never thought she would see the day, she was happy for him and she was hoping she and Tai would become friends.

  “That’s wonderful. I never wanted you to have to marry Raiden, in fact, Melanie and I fought your dad and Lee on it, but ultimately they won out.” Her mother sounded ashamed.

  “It’s okay, mom. Ta
i’s ex has decided to stay in Aishan and I told him he could have my guest room.” She held her breath and waited.

  “I see. Well, take things slow, Bethany. You never got to have a normal dating life.” She smiled, she and mom were close, especially since her father’s death, which happened oddly close to Raiden’s mom’s death. She knew it wasn’t an accident. They were targeted. Kai Lukas and his whole family.

  “Thanks, mom. Love you,” she said.

  “Love you too, Beth.” And with that the call ended. She heard knocking at the door and jumped up excited to welcome Jordan back. Things would have to be taken slow, but she could do this.


  The door swung open and there she was. “Absolutely beautiful.” He smiled at her.

  She shook her head, “Get in here Superman.” She laughed and Jordan rolled in his suitcase when she stepped aside he entered her apartment.

  “Bethany,” he said, snagging her hand. She looked down, “Don’t do that.” She looked up and she was treated to his gorgeous eyes staring at her.

  “I’m not going to push.” She nodded and proceeded to lead him down the hall to the spare room.

  “I’ll let you get settled,” she said before turning and leaving. He laid out his suitcase on the bed and opened it in order to unpack. His phone started ringing again. ‘Meredith calling.’

  “Shit, woman! Leave me alone!” he yelled at the phone, dropping it on the bed. He turned around to find Bethany staring at him. “Tai’s mom,” he said flatly.

  “Why didn’t you answer it?” she questioned. He could tell her everything now, but he wanted to build things with her first before he dumped those old issues on her.

  “Tai needs to be the one to explain why she isn’t coming home.” Jordan hoped she wouldn’t ask any more about Tai’s mom.

  “That’s understandable.” She shrugged, she still looked a little bothered to him but he hoped for now she could let it go.

  “So how long are your shifts?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “Eight hours, sixteen if I have to work a double,” she answered.

  “Come,” he said grabbing her hand and pulling her back into her living room. “I have no clue where anything is in your kitchen, but I’ll figure it out. Tonight, I’m taking care of you, because I get the feeling you take care of everyone in your life.” She felt the tears well up in her eyes and she threw her arms around him.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He pulled her back and smiled, pushing on her gently till she was sitting on the couch. He gave her a wink and walked towards her kitchen hoping they were going to have something more than peanut butter and jelly.


  He was moving and clanging around her kitchen, but whatever he was making smelled divine. Her phone rang so she answered it without looking.

  “Hello?” she questioned.

  “Don’t fall, Beth, Tai won’t be in the picture long.” Kai laughed and hung up.

  “Shit,” she whispered staring at her phone.

  His hands were suddenly at her shoulders. “Everything all right?” he asked rubbing her shoulders just where she needed without asking.

  “Kai,” she answered.

  “Hmmm...You’ll have to tell me more about him. Raiden mentioned him as well.” She nodded. Yes, Jordan needed all the information on Kai and the Lukas family. He also needed to know they really couldn’t move forward if that was something he wanted till Raiden and Tai said ‘I do’. Bethany suspected in the end though, it would be her heart crushed by the events out of their control.


  He rubbed her shoulders a bit longer before kissing the top of her head. “We have to just be friends,” she whispered.

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because Kai will do whatever he has to do to ruin Raiden and Tai.” Jordan nodded and returned to the food preparation.

  “Bethany?” he questioned from the kitchen his back to her.


  “I didn’t come here searching for my heart, but I’m pretty sure I found it.” He heard her sigh and it was the confirmation he needed. If she needed to be friends for now, if she needed time to believe that Raiden and Tai would make it, he’d give her that. That didn’t mean though he would stop himself from falling in love.


  She was pretty sure she wanted to fall, but until Raiden and Tai made it to the altar, she couldn’t risk her heart. She called Raiden, he was her best friend and she knew he’d steer her right. “Hey, Beth.”

  “Hey, Raiden, I’m not interrupting?” she questioned.

  “No. Tai’s in the shower and I think avoiding phone calls from her mom.” Bethany sighed because Jordan was doing that as well, and although she agreed Tai needed to be the one to tell her mother she was staying she suspected there was more to the story.

  “Jordan is staying in my guest room,” she blurted out. Raiden growled, “You don’t like him?” she questioned.

  “I don’t like what happened to Tai. I know she wants to try to be friends with him though.” Bethany wasn’t sure how she felt about that.

  “I like him,” she said quietly.

  “Bethany, I want you happy. You deserve happy.”

  “But Kai...” Raiden cut her off.

  “I’m not letting Kai mess with Tai and I. Bethany, be free, spread your wings, but guard your heart till you’re ready.” Raiden usually had sound advice it was why she loved him.

  “Thanks, Raiden. Goodnight.”

  “Goodnight, and you’re welcome,” he replied and the call ended. She looked towards her bedroom door and wondered what Jordan was up too. Friends, she could handle that. Anything else she wasn’t sure.


  He felt guilty but he heard her talking on the phone and couldn’t help but listen.

  “She’ll never want anything more than friendship,” he sighed. He had never felt a connection to anyone the way he had felt drawn to her. Not even Tai had ever affected him the way Bethany had. She turned his world upside down in hours.

  He stood up and was almost to his door when he heard, “Jordan.” Her voice barely above a whisper. He shook his head and entered the bedroom closing the door behind him.

  He was an ass. That was an asshole move. He couldn’t move past the asshole enough. Meredith destroyed him, even if Bethany finally decided she wanted something more than friends, he would never be worthy. He was tainted by the mistakes of the past.


  Curled up with a book she had been dying to read, she tried to process everything that had just happened. Had Jordan decided she wasn’t worth the wait? Wasn’t worth a friendship?

  She turned back to the pages of Fire in His Eyes the first book in a three book series all following different couples. MJ Nightingale had quickly become one of her favorite authors. She was almost to the end of Victor and Monica’s story wondering why love couldn’t happen like they did in books. Did passion like that really exist? She didn’t know. She never gave herself the chance to find out. She always knew she would have to marry Raiden and like she told him once, she didn’t want to be in love with someone else when she had to fulfill that obligation. But now...well now he had Tai and she had Jordan or did she?

  Opening her heart was not something she ever did. She could relate a little to Monica in the book she was reading. She could feel the crushing pain she felt as things spiraled out of control. Bethany didn’t want that to happen she couldn’t take it if it did.


  He sat on the bed for a while trying to think. All he could think about was her and how he had just dismissed her. He got up and walked across the hall to her room knocking gently on the door.

  “Bethany,” he called quietly, afraid she might be asleep.

  “Come in.” He heard from the other side so he slowly opened the door to her bedroom.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered as he entered the room the hall light now casting a glow into her room. She put
a book down and gave him a sad look. “Reading anything good?”

  She nodded, “Very good, just wish the romance in books existed in real life,” she sighed.

  “It can with the right person.”

  “Tai wasn’t that person?” she questioned.

  “No, she wasn’t and I knew that. I shouldn’t have proposed,” he answered sitting on her bed.

  “Why did you ask her then?” she asked.

  “The simple answer, her mom. It’s really complicated, beautiful.” She nodded. He lay back on the bed facing the ceiling.

  “Will you tell me what happened?” she asked.

  “One day, beautiful. I’m not ready yet.” He turned on his side facing her.

  “Did you hope something would happen with her by coming here?” He shook his head.

  “No, I knew that ship had sailed. I also knew it shouldn’t have come down to what it did. Beautiful, I was a complete ass. I want a friendship with her. I want to somehow make up for the past, but nothing more.”

  “So you came to get her knowing she wouldn’t take you back,” she stated.

  “I did. Meredith told me she was in trouble.” He sighed, damn woman always manipulated things. It was how he fell into bed with her. It was why he agreed to propose to Tai. No more though, Jordan.


  She lay on her side and listened to him explain why he had come. Listened to him say he knew getting Tai back wouldn’t be an option. Listening to him talk she felt a weird calm. His voice was soothing; he expressed nothing more than wanting to be given the chance to care.

  She scooted closer to him resting her head on his shoulder. His head quickly whipped around; his eyes locking with hers. “Jordan, I need patience. I need friendship. I need understanding,” she whispered. He nodded and kissed her forehead before wrapping his arm around her and pulling her closer. She quickly drifted off to sleep.


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