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Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series)

Page 3

by Kay, Amanda

  All my life I never gave my heart...

  I was always going to marry him...

  I didn’t love him, but...

  He’s my best friend.

  AND NOW....Well now everything has changed.

  Life had surely changed for her in just a few short hours, but she couldn’t open herself yet. Kai’s phone call ran through her head as she slept. “Don’t fall, Beth, Tai won’t be in the picture long.” Kai Lukas, a man she once thought she loved. A man who would have protected her with his life, much like Raiden. A man whose child she once carried.

  “I can’t! I can’t! This isn’t happening!” She tossed and turned as strong arms tried to hold her in place. “Let me go!” And she was released. She sat up in the darkness rubbing her face when a light next to the bed flickered on.

  “What happened?” he questioned.

  “Jordan, go back to your room,” she said distantly. He couldn’t be there. She couldn’t tell him what had happened between her and Kai. Hell, Raiden didn’t even know. Only her mom knew about that night, it was something they kept from her dad and from everyone. It was for the best.

  “Bethany?” he questioned.

  “No Jordan, just go.” He didn’t respond he just climbed off the bed and left her room closing the door behind him.

  “You aren’t worth his time. You’re tainted. Kai Lukas ruined you. An arranged marriage has bound you up. No one should have to pick up the pieces of your heart,” she whispered to herself as she softly cried herself back to sleep.


  He lay awake. She kicked him out, but truthfully he didn’t belong in her bed. He hadn’t earned that. He couldn’t sleep and his phone pinged signaling the voice mail he had been ignoring. He couldn’t ignore it anymore.

  “Jordan, please answer me...” She sounded desperate, but this wasn’t his place. “Jordan, he’s going to kill her, he’s a monster,” she pleaded. Jordan deleted the message and shook his head.

  Kai had seriously spooked her, but from all Jordan saw, Raiden was doing right by Tai. Certainly more than he ever did. Jordan sighed he wasn’t making those mistakes again. Whatever Bethany needed, he would be.


  She woke to the sound of banging around in her kitchen. Was he really cooking again? She shook her head, he wasn’t real, this was a dream clearly. She got up and exited her room in her pajamas. “Smells good.”

  He turned and smiled, “Just in time, beautiful. It’s just about done.” She walked towards him.

  “Are you real?” she asked on a chuckle.

  “Very,” he laughed.

  She sighed, “Jordan...” She paused to gather her thoughts. “Friends.”

  He set a plate of food in front of her. “Okay, if that’s what you need, but promise me something,” he responded.

  “I can probably do that,” she answered.

  “Just let your heart guide you. I won’t push anything on you. I’ll be here and be what you need, but promise me you’ll listen to your heart.” She sighed. She was trying to, but she was scared, too.

  “I will, but it scares me.” He walked around the counter and pulled her to her feet before wrapping his arms around her.

  “I know and it’s okay. I’m not going anywhere just tell me what you need, when you need it.” He spoke low in a steady voice. She couldn’t speak she just nodded and held him. He didn’t push her away instead he tightened his grip. Bethany’s heart told her his arms were home, she just wasn’t ready to go all the way not with Kai bent on destroying Raiden’s new relationship. She had to remain careful.


  He finally pulled back from their embrace and brushed some hair behind her ear. She gave him a small smile before sitting back down at the breakfast bar. “Any plans today?” she asked, taking a bite of the breakfast he had made them.

  “Well I need a job and my own car if I’m staying, and Bethany, I intend on staying for a long time.” He smiled and she smiled back shyly.

  “Well, I can help with the car and even the job, but I was hoping to go visit Tai first.” He nodded.

  “I can hang around here till you get back.” She smiled at him. The understanding he had for her was even surprising him.

  “I put my foot in my mouth yesterday I want a chance to talk. I like her, she’s good for Raiden. I’m hoping we can be friends.” It was his turn to smile because he knew Tai and he knew they would most certainly be friends, best friends.

  “That’s more than possible, beautiful.” She nodded and continued eating. Something was bothering her. Something was telling her she wasn’t sure if it was a possibility, but he wouldn’t push her now.


  She stood outside Raiden’s house going over her apology a thousand times. Did she have to apologize? She wasn’t really sure, but she wanted to. She wanted Tai to know she wouldn’t cause problems for her and Raiden.

  “Are you coming in?” She looked up to see Raiden standing at the door.

  She nodded and walked towards the entrance of the house. “Is Tai here?” He smiled at her and pointed towards the porch.

  Bethany walked that way and found Tai staring out into the meadow. “Hello, Tai.” Tai turned around and smiled at her.

  “Hello, Bethany,” she replied.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday.” Tai cocked an eyebrow at her. “I didn’t mean…”

  “Stop.” Tai waved her off. “It’s fine. It was a shock at first, but I’m okay now.” Bethany let out sigh of relief.

  “I’m glad Raiden found you. I hope we can be friends?” she questioned.

  Tai’s smile brightened, “We can, of course, be friends. So I hear you and Raiden are a lot alike,” she laughed.

  “Excuse me?” Bethany said confused.

  “The hotel sucks.” Tai winked. Crap, Bethany was busted. She laughed with Tai and nodded. “Well, good luck, he’s a good guy.” Bethany dropped her eyes she wasn’t ready to discuss Jordan and their living arrangement. Tai was amazing and Bethany wondered what happened. How did Jordan ever let her go?


  She returned after only an hour and he was thankful to see a beaming smile on her face. “Everything go alright with Tai?” he asked. She just nodded as she walked further into the apartment.

  “She’s really great. How did you ever let her get away?” Bethany asked and Jordan felt himself wince as he thought about the reason he left Tai.

  “She just wasn’t the one,” he stated once his mind cleared enough to allow a non-emotional response.

  “Right, sorry, you’ve said that before. There’s a story though,” she replied.

  “Isn’t there always a story?” He winked at her and she laughed. Good he had successfully deflected the conversation, but he was sure it was one they would be having very soon.

  “So, a car and a job,” she stated. He nodded in response.

  “Come on, Superman, I’m taking you to meet my mom.” She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the door Jordan gulped. Her excitement about taking him to meet her mom was almost too much for him to handle.


  He was really quiet on the way to her mom’s clinic. It bothered her a little and she suddenly was racking her brain had she said something wrong before thy left? Was he turned off by her excitement?

  “Jordan…?” she called and he looked towards her. She swallowed before continuing. “Did I do something wrong?” she finally asked.

  “No, beautiful, I didn’t mean to make you think that. I was just thinking about things,” he answered sadly.

  “What kind of things?” she pressed on. She didn’t want to push him. After all, he wasn’t pushing her.

  “The past, the present, and the future,” he answered simply. She nodded, it wasn’t much but she understood. He had told her he had made mistakes in the past and he had vowed to never repeat them. His words made perfect sense, even though they didn’t.


  He was nervous when she mentioned meeting h
er mother. The last mother he met was, well…don’t go there Jordan, he scolded himself. “What’s your mom’s name?” he asked, trying to return the conversation to something casual.

  “Grace. Doctor Grace Donald,” she replied pulling the car to a stop outside a house not much smaller than Raiden’s.

  “A doctor?” he said amused.

  “Yes, don’t get any ideas,” she fired back playfully, but it caused Jordan to wince. He realized in her reply the mistake he had made in his tone. ‘Shit Jordan what the hell was that?’ Meredith had fucked with him in more ways than one. Jordan would not be that guy.

  “Never, beautiful, there is only one Donald woman I want.” He winked and leaned over placing a kiss on her cheek. When he pulled away, he caught her blushing.

  “Come on, let’s get you a car,” she said, snapping back to the composed Bethany he had come know.

  He still wasn’t sure what her plan was, but at this point he would follow her to the end of the world. He made a mental note to thank Tai the next time they talked for coming here of all places. A smile came across his face. “What?” she asked.

  He shook his head, “Nothing, just making a mental note to thank Tai.”

  “For what, exactly?” she questioned, clearly amused with him at the moment.

  “Out of all the places she could’ve gone to get away, she came here,” he said, grabbing her hand. “I’m really glad she came here.”

  “Come on, Superman,” she laughed. Jordan could tell she liked him, so he’d give her the time she needed, but every chance he got he was going to make sure she knew she was special.

  They entered the house, “Mom!” she hollered. Jordan stood just in the entry and waited.

  “Hey, if isn’t my favorite daughter,” a woman said coming around the corner into the entry way of the house.

  “Your only daughter and only child, for that matter,” Bethany replied as the two women hugged. Jordan sighed knowing Tai would probably never have this again with Meredith. Damn it, why the hell couldn’t he ignore his cock?

  “And who is this young man?” Doctor Donald asked winking at him. Okay, so clearly she didn’t need an introduction which means Bethany had probably talked to her mom already about him.

  “Mom, this is Jordan. Jordan, this is my mom, Grace Donald,” Bethany introduced.

  “Pleased to meet you, Doctor Donald,” Jordan said, out stretching his hand.

  “Nope, none of that Doctor Donald crap. Grace, my name is Grace,” she said, firmly pulling him into a hug instead of taking his hand. Jordan hesitantly returned the embrace.

  “Mom, Jordan needs a car while he’s here.” Grace pulled away and nodded.

  “I’ll get your father’s keys.” As things sunk in Jordan stopped the two women.

  “No, I don’t want to take your father’s car,” he stated.

  “It’s okay, Jordan. He can’t drive where he’s at.” A sadness passed between the two women and Jordan quickly understood where Bethany was coming from.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, beautiful.” She gave him a small smile and Grace disappeared into the house.


  She felt bad. She probably should have explained prior to arriving at the house that her father was deceased. “Jordan, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” she whispered, moving closer to him. He swooped her up in a hug.

  “I wish you had, but I understand, beautiful,” he breathed into her ear.

  “I’m going to ask you again. Are you real?” she said as she pulled back to look into his eyes. They were blue, but not just blue, green like the sea. It was the first time she really noticed them, and they took her breath away.

  “Very real, beautiful,” he replied with a smile before stepping from the embrace completely. His facial expression changed and he nodded past her shoulder. She glanced that way to see her mom had returned.

  “So how long have you been spying?” she asked tucking a stray hair behind her ear completely turning to face her mother completely.

  “Long enough to know I like him,” she replied with a smile. She tossed Bethany the keys and left again.

  “Come on let’s get out of here. You still want a job?” Jordan just nodded. She grabbed his hand and they left her childhood home. a place of many memories for her. Including that night. The night with Kai Lukas that wrecked her world.


  He was following her in a mint condition Mercedes. He felt bad she had lost her dad, and was hoping he could find a way to show her that later. “Not even one day, Jordan Chase and you’re sunk,” he muttered to himself as he realized they had pulled into the diner. “Great, she wants you to work with her,” he sighed. That might not be the best idea. He was likely to get fired for staring at her all day. His thoughts were interrupted when a knock came to the car window. He rolled it down and smiled as she leaned in.

  “Coming in, Superman?” she laughed.

  “Well at the moment, I seem to be trapped in the car, beautiful.” he returned with a chuckle.

  “Oh yea, sorry.” she said backing up so he could open the door. She flushed and he shook his head.

  You need to lighten up a little, beautiful,” he said gently scooping her hand in his to kiss it.

  “I’m working on it. There’s a lot I have had to deal with. I know it’s made me too serious at times.” He nodded. He understood.

  “I’m really sorry about your dad, Bethany.” She nodded.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “While working next to you might get me fired, let’s get me a job,” he answered changing the subject. She at laughed at his statement and for now the serious was behind them.

  “Yeah, I didn’t think about that.” She winked dragging him inside.

  He had gotten the job. Presenting Jordan Chase bus boy and food runner, at your service. He laughed about it the entire way back to the apartment. Bethany was an assistant manager so the boss man didn’t say no. They didn’t really talk when they got back to her place. She went to her room and left him alone. When dinner time rolled around and she hadn’t appeared he went to the kitchen and started looking around for something he could prepare.

  “No.” He heard from behind, he turned around to find her staring at him with arms crossed. Oh shit! What had he done?

  “No what, beautiful?” he asked.

  “You are not cooking again,” she said moving towards him.

  “Until I can pay half of the bills for this place, I will be cooking and cleaning,” Jordan stated.

  “Now I know you aren’t real, but seriously, no. I didn’t ask you to stay to take care of me. I’m fine, I’ve been fine. I will continue to be fine. Boyfriends do this and I can point out that we aren’t dating.” He sighed.

  Moving towards her he gathered his thoughts. He wanted to scream at her, but he knew he couldn’t. “No, beautiful, I’m not your boyfriend. I would like to be, but I’m in no rush. Last time I checked though, we were friends and friends take care of each other, so please let me take care of you. Let me help you, not because you need me to, but because I want to.” He could see the tears form in her eyes. “Why are you crying?” he asked calmly wiping a tear from her eye.

  “I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you being nice. It won’t end well. It’s just going to end in heartbreak for us both,” she sobbed.

  “I’ll take my chances, beautiful. I’m already sunk, so you’re stuck with me till I’m forced away and even then I can’t promise I’ll leave.” She threw herself in his arms and he caught her wrapping her tightly in his arms. “Shhh...It’s okay, beautiful,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head. He felt her nod against his chest.

  “You really are Superman.” He kissed the top of her head again.

  “Not really, beautiful, but I’ll be whatever you want.” he whispered before releasing her and returning to dinner preparations. He was sinking fast and he couldn’t have her that close anymore. He would do something he’d regret later. Something she wasn’t r
eady for. Something she may never be ready for. Raiden had Tai, but Bethany still felt bound by her duty.


  After dinner she once again excused herself to her room. They had been way too close a few times today and her heart was falling fast for the sweet Jordan Chase. She still wondered what had broken him and Tai up, but she also didn’t care if it meant he was in her life. Sleep came quick, but so did the nightmare.

  ‘Raiden had just left, but Kai hung around. “You know...” He said taking a sip of his beer, “Lee and Melanie screwed our community.” The last couple of years Kai had been changing. His father was getting to him and Kai was buying in. His relationship with Raiden had become strained, but it was different for her. Kai talked with her, opened up to her.

  “You don’t believe that, Lukas?” she replied, taking a sip of her seventh beer for the night. She knew she should stop. In fact, Raiden had tried to cut her off, but she fought him on it, throwing the fact they weren’t married yet in his face so he didn’t own her. Raiden sighed and left.

  “I do. You don’t regret your life, knowing what you could have?” he fired back.

  “No, Kai, I like my life,” she answered on a sigh.

  “Ha! Yeah right. You’re stuck marrying Raiden. You are happy with that fact?” She shrugged.

  “It is what it is,” she said taking a long swig of the beer.

  Kai pulled the bottle from her lips, his face close to hers. Her heart stopped. The truth was, Kai was right, she didn’t want Raiden, and she wanted Kai. “What do you want, Bethany?” he muttered against her lips.

  “You,” she breathed. She was tipsy and not in her right mind. She wanted Kai but this was wrong. His lips closed over hers and she couldn’t stop what happened next.

  Kai carried her to her room and there, they had sex. Kai Lukas took her virginity. “Doll, I’m going Dark Night in three weeks, join me,” he whispered before vanishing.’

  Bethany shot up in bed. Kai hadn’t gone Dark Night. Neither did she. However, the Kai Lukas she knew was gone. His father had tucked the last shred of good from him. It was war from that point forward.


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