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A Crack in the Edge of the World

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by Simon Winchester

  Azusa Street, Los Angeles, 335–42

  Babes in Toyland (musical), 238

  Baltica, 82–83

  Baltimore Fire of 1904, 293, 326–27

  Bam Earthquake of 2003, 90

  banks. See also financial issues

  establishment of, 208

  relief efforts of, 316–17

  Barbary Coast, 213–14, 224

  Barnum and Bailey’s Circus, 314

  Barringer Meteor Company, 136

  Barrymore, John, 237, 284

  Bartleman, Frank, 340–41

  Bartlett, Washington, 206

  basalt rock, 67, 69–73, 77, 150, 154, 413

  Basin and Range Province, 134, 144, 417

  Battery Park City, New York, 361

  Bay Bridge, 361

  beacon, Mount Diablo, 43

  Bear Flag Revolt, 114

  Beat poets, 356

  Beaufort, Francis, 387

  Bells of St. Mary’s, The (film), 2

  Benicia, California, 128

  Bennett, Sir Courtney, 291, 317–19, 331–32

  Berkeley, California, 19

  Berkshire Hills, Massachusetts, 87

  Betjeman, John, 52

  Bicknell, Ernest, 322

  Bidwell, John, 118–21

  Bidwell Expedition, 118

  Bierce, Ambrose, 351

  Big Bend, San Andreas Fault, 187–96, 199–200

  “Big Four” business tycoons, 128–29, 225

  Blosseville Coast, Greenland, 70

  blossom (term), 35

  Board of Education report, 317

  Bohemian Club, 351

  Bohemian culture, 351–56

  Bolt, Bruce, 177

  Bombay Beach, 198

  Bonanza Kings, 214

  Bonneville, Benjamin, 118

  boosterism, post-earthquake, 319–24, 353, 355

  bores (term), 412

  Bosch-Omori seismographs, 267

  Boston, Massachusetts, 314

  boundaries, convergent, 60–61

  Boyle, James, 253

  brachiopods, 412, 417

  Bradbury, John, 102–3

  Branner, John, 320–21

  Brawley Seismic Zone, 199

  Brewer, William, 44–45

  bribery, 224–25. See also government, San Francisco city

  brick buildings, 158, 257, 279, 282

  Bristol’s Recording Voltmeter, 264

  British insurance companies, 324–27, 329

  Brooks, Jared, 103

  brothels, 209, 224

  Browns Park, 141–42

  buildings. See also physical damage

  brick, 158, 257, 279, 282

  building codes for, 88, 212–13, 319, 360–62, 411

  Daniel Burnham’s designs, 357

  chimneys of, 282–84, 310

  City Hall (see City Hall)

  concrete, 282

  earthquake cottages, 313

  earthquake intensity scales and construction vulnerability of, 390, 391–96

  fault zoning for, 411

  early San Francisco fires and, 211–13

  San Francisco earthquake of 1868 and, 233–34

  Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886 and, 93

  Great San Francisco Earthquake and, 245, 257, 275–87

  Great San Francisco Fire and, 281, 290–302, 319–21

  insurance company response to claims for earthquake damages to, 324–30

  Paso Robles earthquake of 2003 and, 158

  post-earthquake architecture of, 359–60

  pre-earthquake status of San Francisco, 209–11, 225–29

  race-based covenants, 222

  rebuilding plan for, 229–30, 356–59

  San Francisco earthquake of 1868 and, 232–33

  saving of Main Post Office building, 314–15

  ships as, 211

  steel-framed skyscrapers, 51, 225

  wooden, 257, 282

  Bulletin (newspaper), 224–25

  Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 320

  Bullock and Jones Building, 285

  Bureau of Highways, 128. See also highways

  Bureau of Immigration, 346. See Chinese immigrants; immigration

  Burke, William, 315–16

  Burnett, Peter, 127

  Burnham, Daniel, 229–30, 356–59

  Burns, Robert, 5

  Burns, William, 224

  Burns Agency, 224

  Bush, James, 283

  Businessmen’s Association, 314

  Butte Record (newspaper), 220

  cable (maritime measurement), 412

  cable cars, 216, 245

  Cabo de San Francisco, El, 24

  Caldwell, Charles, 293–94

  California, 113–31. See also San Francisco, California

  admission of, as free state, 127

  Alta California, 46, 114–16, 201–6

  Bear Flag Revolt, 114

  capitals of, 128

  Civil War, Reconstruction Era, and immigration into, 127–28

  dispute over eastern boundary of, 122

  early settlers of, 115–21

  Earthquake Commission, 171, 182, 195, 256, 267, 269–71

  Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972, 411

  founder of, 46

  Geological Survey of, 136–37, 140, 161

  Gold Rush and population growth of, 35, 121–27

  governors of, 128–31 (see also government, California)

  Mexican War and acquisition of, 113–15

  naming of, 32–33

  official nickname, mineral, and motto, 35

  serpentine as state rock, 150

  California Development Company, 197

  California Dream, 117–18

  California Earthquake. See Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

  California Institute of Technology, 24

  California of San Francisco (company), 329

  California Pacific States Telephone Company, 297

  California Powder Works, 312

  California State Earthquake Commission, 171, 182, 195, 256, 267, 269–71.

  See also Lawson, Andrew

  Californios (term), 116

  Call Building, 225, 245, 420

  Cambrian Period, 402

  camels, 193

  camps, refugee, 313, 315–16, 330


  Alaska Highway in, 375–76

  Chinese in, 373

  oldest rocks in, 73, 79–82

  post-earthquake financial relief from, 314

  Yukon diamond deposits in, 85

  canvas houses, 210, 313

  Cape Horn route to California, 123, 204

  Carmen opera, 233–38, 314

  Carolina Plate, 59

  Carquinez Strait, 33–34, 46

  Carrier, Willis, 90

  Carrizo Plain, 170, 187–91

  Caruso, Enrico, 233–38, 249–51, 298, 314

  Cascadia Subduction Zone, 169

  casualties. See also coroner’s reports

  of Alaska earthquake of 1964, 371

  of Bam earthquake of 2003, 90

  of Chiayi or Meishan Earthquake of 1906, 26

  of Chilean earthquake of 1906, 27

  of early San Francisco fires, 212

  of Ecuadoran-Columbian Earthquake of 1906, 23–25

  of Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886, 92

  of Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, 245, 249, 256, 274, 282–84, 288, 301–2

  of San Francisco earthquake of 1868, 232–33

  of San Francisco earthquake of 1989, 361

  public-relations campaign and, 322–23

  of Sumatran earthquake of 2004, 90

  of Vesuvius eruption, 26

  cattle stampede, 248–49

  Caucasus Mountains earthquake of 1906, 26

  Celestials (term), 214, 220. See also Chinese immigrants

  Cenozoic Period, 402

  Central Emergency Hospital (CEH), 246, 279

  Central Pacific Railroad, 128, 219r />
  Cerro Prieto Geothermal Area, 198

  chance-medley (term), 249

  Charleston (South Carolina) Earthquake of 1886, 17, 86–96, 108

  charts, nautical, 387

  chert rock, 150

  Chiayi Earthquake of 1906, 26

  Chicago Fire of 1871, 292–93

  Chicxulub meteor crater, 415


  earthquake of 1906, 27–28

  earthquake of 1960, 370

  chimneys, 282–84, 310

  China. See also Chinatown; Chinese immigrants

  earthquake detection in, 261–62, 264–65

  rebuilding of Chinatown and, 331

  China Men (book), 345

  Chinatown. See also Chinese immigrants

  in California cities, 128

  controversy over rebuilding, 330–31

  destruction of, by Great San Francisco Earthquake, 294–95, 344

  eyewitness accounts in, 245–46

  Gold Rush and creation of, 217–23

  photographs of, 215, 297

  Portsmouth Square in, 210

  Washington Street and, 243

  Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, 222–23, 344

  Chinese immigrants. See also Chinatown

  Angel Island and, 254

  in Canada, 373

  as Celestials, 214, 220

  immigration of, 128, 209, 214

  as laborers on Central Pacific Railroad, 219

  post-earthquake immigration of paper people, 343–50

  racial discrimination against, 129, 209, 218–23, 344

  Chinese Laundry Fire, 292

  Chinese Six Companies, 222

  cholera, 210

  Christianity. See Pentecostal Movement

  chromium, 71, 72

  Chronicle building, 357

  Chronicle newspaper, 358

  chronology. See time

  Chutes Amusement Park, 240–41

  cities, disaster recovery of, 302–3, 332.

  See also disaster recovery

  City Auditor report, 317

  City Gardens, 216

  City Hall. See also government, San Francisco

  Central Emergency Hospital in, 246–47

  Great San Francisco Earthquake and collapse of, 279–80, 284, 294, 305, 307

  pre-earthquake status of, 225

  rebuilding of, 357, 359

  San Francisco earthquake of 1868 and, 233

  shoddy construction of, 280–81, 284–85

  City Lights bookshop, 356

  city planning, rejection of, 229–30, 356–59

  City Weather Bureau, 14, 16–17

  Civilian Conservation Corps, 43

  Civil War, 127

  claims, insurance. See insurance companies

  classifying numbers, earthquake, 159

  Claus Spreckels Building, 225, 245, 420

  Clemens, Samuel (Mark Twain), 34

  Clemens Well-Fenner-San Francisquito Fault, 195

  clinker (term), 412

  Clinopodium douglasii (yerba buena), 201–2

  coaches, hackney, 215

  Coal Hill name for Mount Diablo, 34–35

  coal mining, 35–37, 41, 137

  Coast Guard, 312

  Cocos Plate, 59

  Colima volcano, 169

  Collins, Paul, 419

  Colorado gem swindle, 141–42

  Colorado River, 145–48

  Colton, Walter, 116–17, 122, 126

  Columbia (supercontinent), 83

  Colombian Earthquake of 1906, 23–25

  Columbia Theater, 238

  Columbia University, 176

  Comstock Lode silver discovery, 137, 214

  comet of 1811, 99

  Committee of Fifty, 311

  concrete buildings, 282

  Conestoga wagons, 118, 413

  construction vulnerability, 392–96. See also buildings

  Contact Creek, 374–75

  Continental Divide, 375

  continental drift, 69–70, 73–86. See also plate tectonics

  Continental of New York (company), 329

  continents, super, 73–86

  convergent boundaries, 60–61

  Cook, Jesse B., 244–45

  Copeland, Ada, 142

  coping strategies, William James on, 295–96

  Coquille, Oregon, 258

  cordilleran geoscientists, 148–49

  core, earth’s, 76

  coroner’s reports, 294, 309–10, 323–24. See also casualties

  costs. See also financial issues

  of Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, 288

  of San Francisco earthquake of 1989, 361

  cottages, earthquake, 313

  County Clerk report, 317

  covenants, race-based, 222. See also racial issues

  Cowell, Harry, 353

  Cowell, Henry, 353

  cowyards (term), 224

  Crater Lake, 372–73

  craton (term), 413

  creativity, post-earthquake loss of, 351–56

  creep, aseismic, 182–84. See also displacement, earth

  creep-meters, 161

  Crespi, Juan, 196

  Cretaceous Period, 7, 73, 415

  crib (term), 214


  Gold Rush, 125–26, 213

  post-earthquake, 313

  crimp (term), 214

  Crocker, Charles, 128–29, 225

  crust, earth’s, 58, 76–78


  post-earthquake loss of San Francisco, 351–56

  of United States in 1906,

  curfew, 310

  cwm (term), 413

  Daisy Geyser, 382–85

  Daly, John, 179

  Daly City, California, as Great San Francisco Earthquake epicenter, 173, 175–79, 259

  damage. See physical damage

  Dana, Richard Henry, 116, 123, 204

  Darwin, Charles, 10

  Davidson, George, 14–16, 270

  Davis, Richard Harding, 237

  Dawson City, Yukon, 376

  deaths. See casualties

  Death Valley, 143

  Defoe, Daniel, 165

  De Forest, Lee, 51

  Delano, Alonzo, 124

  Delmonico’s restaurant, 237–38

  de Melo, Sebastião, 55–56

  democracy, Icelandic, 67–68

  Denali Fault, 372, 378–80, 383

  Denny, James, 252–53

  Department of Alta California, 46, 114–16, 201–6. See also California

  Department of Elections report, 317

  de Portolá, Gaspar, 196

  detection, earthquake, 261–73. See also seismographs

  Devil’s Mountain. See Mount Diablo

  De Young, Michael, 358

  Diablo Beacon, 43


  Colorado gem swindle, 141–42

  Yukon deposits of, 85

  Dickinson, Bill, 152

  Dictator, The (play), 237

  diesel engine, 51

  dikes (term), 414

  dinosaur extinctions, 7

  dip (term), 413

  dirigible service, 123

  disaster recovery

  of cities, 302–3, 332

  doubts about San Francisco, 317–19

  rejection of San Francisco rebuilding plan, 229–30, 356–59

  displacement, ground. See ground displacement

  Dixon, Maynard, 352

  dolerites, 414

  Domengine Formation, 36, 41

  Douglas, David, 201

  Dow Jones Industrial Average, 322

  Downtown Business Men’s Association, 358

  Drake, Sir Francis, 115

  dueling, 346

  dust, brick, 279

  dynamite, creation of firebreaks with, 300, 305, 311–13


  formation of, 76–78 (see also continental drift; plate tectonics)

  geological time scale for, 401–3

  size of, 58
/>   earth movement. See ground displacement

  Earthquake Commission, California State, 171, 182, 195, 256, 267, 269–71. See also Lawson, Andrew

  Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972, 411

  earthquakes. See also faults

  Alaska, 369–80

  Alaska, and Yellowstone National Park geysers, 382–85

  animals and, 240–41

  building codes for, 88, 212–13, 319, 360–62, 411

  casualties (see casualties)

  costs (see costs)

  detection devices, 261–73 (see also seisomgraphs)

  East Pacific Rise, subduction, and, 167

  Ecuadoran-Colombian Earthquake of 1906, 23–25

  epicenters of, 172, 175–79

  financial issues (see financial issues)

  geology of California and, 41

  glossary, 411–17

  Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886, 17, 86–96

  Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 (see Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906)

  Great Yokohama Earthquake of 1880, 263

  ground displacement and (see ground displacement)

  intensity, 25, 192, 388–96, 401

  intraplate, 108–12

  Lisbon Earthquake of 1755, 55–56

  Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989, 360–62

  magnitude (see magnitude, earthquake; Richter Magnitude Scale)

  New England, 87–88

  physical damage (see physical damage)

  plate tectonics and, 59–61, 85–86 (see also plate tectonics)

  prediction of, 107–8, 364–67

  SAFOD project to monitor, 182–87

  San Miguel, California, 157–63

  San Francisco earthquake of 1868, 231–33

  San Francisco preparedness for, 360–67

  seismic events of 1906, 23–28 (see also seismic events)

  southern San Andreas Fault, 196

  Sumatran earthquake of 2004, 28, 85

  Tejon Pass, 191–94

  volcanic, 25

  EarthScope, 185–86

  Easter Island, 165

  East Greenland, North American Plate rocks in, 69–73, 79–81, 85

  East Pacific Rise, 165

  Ecuadoran-Columbian Earthquake of 1906, 23–25

  Edison Company, 50

  Ehlert Triples, 264

  1881 (year), disasters of, 99

  Einstein, Albert, 49–50, 269

  elastic rebound theory, 182, 272–73

  electrical lines, damage to, 290

  elephants, earthquakes and, 240–41

  elevators, 51, 233

  Embarcadero, San Francisco, 243, 294

  Empire Restaurant, 232–33

  EMS-98 Intensity Scale, 391–96

  epicenters, earthquake

  calculating, 398–99

  as earthquake origination point, 172

  of Great San Francisco Earthquake, 171–79, 259

  intensity and, 388

  of San Miguel earthquake of 2004, 159

  of Tejon Pass earthquake, 192

  eq (term), 159

  Euphemia (ship), 211

  Eurasian Plate, 59, 65

  Eureka (California state motto), 35

  Eureka, California, 259

  Europe, 84


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