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A Crack in the Edge of the World

Page 43

by Simon Winchester

  European Macroseismic Intensity Scale (EMS), 391

  evacuations, post-earthquake, 312

  Ewing, James, 263

  Ewing seismographs, 263

  Examiner (newspaper), 19

  Exploration of the Colorado River and Its Gorges (book), 147

  explosives, creating firebreaks with, 300, 305, 311–13

  eyewitness accounts, Great San Francisco Earthquake

  in San Francisco, 12-22, 243–51, 253

  at sea, 20–22, 251–53

  in surrounding area, 253–61

  Face of the Earth, The (book), 74

  Fairbanks, Charles, 305

  fallen building insurance policy clause, 328

  Farallon Islands, 253

  Farallon Plate, 59, 154–56, 166

  Farquhar, Francis, 45

  fatalities. See casualties

  faults. See also earthquakes; plate tectonics; volcanoes

  grabens and horsts, 414

  Meers, Oklahoma, 105–8

  New England, 87–88

  New Madrid, 103–5

  northern California and San Andreas, 39–42 (see also San Andreas Fault)

  right-lateral strike-slip, 174, 180

  tectonic plates and, 60–61 (see also tectonic plates)

  zoning for, 411

  federal government. See government, federal; United States

  Federal Writers Project, 355

  feeding relief progams, 313

  felt area

  of New Madrid Sequence of 1811, 96

  of Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, 96, 258–61

  fence posts, displacement of, 174

  Ferry Building, 215

  Filben, Thomas, 330


  The Bells of St. Mary’s, 2

  Film Exchanges, 50–51

  San Francisco, 292, 351

  financial issues

  bank and U. S. Mint response, 316–17

  costs of Great San Franciscio Earthquake of 1906, 288

  costs of San Francisco earthquake of 1989, 361

  insurance companies and (see insurance companies)

  post-earthquake financial relief, 313–14

  post-earthquake public relations compaign to encourage investors, 319–24

  stock market decline, 321–22

  suicide and financial troubles, 324

  firebreaks, creation of, with dynamite, 300, 305, 311–13

  fire department, San Francisco. See also fires

  efforts of, during Great San Francisco Earthquake, 300

  establishment of, 212

  firefighting system of, 228–29

  Fire Horse, 1906 as Chinese Year of, 23

  Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company, 329

  fires. See also fire department, San Francisco

  anti-Chinese riots and, 222

  creating firebreaks with dynamite by military, 300, 305, 311–13

  early San Francisco and, 211–13, 292–93

  effect of, after Great San Francisco Earthquake, 274, 281, 290–302

  insurance against, 324, 326

  iron safes and, 286

  post-earthquake public-relations campaign focus on, 319–24

  pre-earthquake, 239–40

  Flamsteed, John, 79

  Flaugergues, Honoré, 99

  Flood, James, 225

  flying seal (term), 318

  food relief, 310, 313

  Forel, François, 389–90

  foreshocks, 88–90, 93

  Formosa earthquake of 1906, 26

  Fort Tejon, 192–93

  fossils, 150, 417

  France, Oklahoma attitudes toward, 106

  Francis (terrier dog), 314

  Franciscans, Spanish missionary work of, 203

  freedom fries, 106

  Fremstad, Olive, 234

  French restaurant (term), 224

  Freud, Sigmund, 50

  Frisco (term), 227

  Funston, Brigadier General Frederick, 304–7, 310

  furniture, California decorative, 353–55

  gabbro (term), 150, 413

  Gable, Clark, 292, 351

  Gadsden Purchase of 1854, 115

  Gaia theory, 4–5, 413–14

  Galápagos Islands, 165

  Galitzin-Wilip seismograph, 266

  Garbo, Greta, 299

  Garnet Hill Fault, 196

  gaslights, 210

  gas pipes, damage to, 290, 310, 361

  gas stations, 134

  gem swindle, Colorado, 141–42

  General Slocum steamship fire, 326

  Genthe, Arnold, 215, 221, 297–300, 352

  Geological Society of America, 151–52

  geological surveys. See also U. S. Geological Survey

  Great Western Surveys, 138–49

  William Brewer and Mount Diablo, 44

  Geological Survey of California, 44, 136–37, 140, 161

  Geological Survey of Oklahoma, 106

  by Ferdinand Hayden, 138–39

  by Clarence King, 139–43

  by John Wesley Powell, 144–49

  by George Wheeler and Grove Karl Gilbert, 143–44

  geological time scale, 401–3

  Geologic and Geographic Survey of the Fortieth Parallel, The, 140–43

  Geologic and Geographic Survey of the Rocky Mountain Area, 1870–78, The, 144–48

  Geologic and Geographic Survey of the Territories, The, 138–39

  Geologic and Geographic Survey West of the 100th Meridian, The, 143

  geology. See also rocks; science

  Arizona meteor crater, 133–36

  cordilleran, 148–49

  geological surveys (see geological surveys)

  geological time scale, 401–3

  glossary, 411–17

  Eldridge Moores, ophiolite sequences, and plate tectonics, 149–56

  of Mount Diablo and San Andreas Fault, 37–42

  of Palmdale, California, road cutting, 191–92

  plate tectonics and, 6–11, 63–64 (see also plate tectonics)

  political boundaries and geological boundaries, 39

  response of geologists to Great San Francisco Earthquake, 56, 320–21

  Skaergaard Layered Igneous Intrusion, 71–73

  space exploration, Gaia theory, and revolution in, 1–5 (see also New Geology)

  geothermal energy plant, 198

  German insurance companies, 301, 327, 329–30

  geysers, Yellowstone National Park, 139, 382–85

  Gieseke, Christy, 157–58

  Gilbert, Grove Karl, 14, 18–19, 135, 143–44, 145, 172–74, 246–47

  Girard House Fire, 292

  Glenallen, Yukon, 377

  glossary, 411–17

  glossolalia (term), 337

  gneiss, 414

  Goerlitz, Ernest, 250


  as California state mineral, 35

  discovery of, in California (see Gold Rush)

  fraudulent, in Oklahoma, 105–6

  geological surveys and, 137–38

  in Iceland, 72

  Golden Gate Park, 217

  Golden State (term), 35

  Gold Rush

  California growth and, 121–26

  Chinatown, Chinese immigrants, and, 217–18

  creation of California and, 35–36

  Great Western Surveys and, 137

  San Francisco growth and, 206–11

  Goldstein and Co., 296–97

  Gonds people, 74

  Gondwana, 83–84

  Gondwanaland, 74

  Good Friday Earthquake of 1964, 370–72

  Gorda Plate, 59, 169

  government, California

  capital cities, 128

  Earthquake Commission, 171, 182, 195, 256, 267, 269–71

  Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972, 411

  Geological Survey of California, 136–37, 140, 161

  governors, 128–31

  Spanish and Mexican, 115–17

rnment, democratic Icelandic, 67–68

  government, federal

  acquisition of California, 113–15

  Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, 222–23, 344

  Congress, President James Polk, and Great Western Surveys, 137–38

  EarthScope, SAFOD project, and, 185–87

  San Francisco’s supremacy and President Teddy Roosevelt, 53–54

  government, San Francisco

  Chinese regulations and, 222

  City Hall (see City Hall)

  corruption of pre-earthquake, 223–25, 280

  establishment of, 208–10

  fire department, 212–13, 228–29

  municipal report about damages, 317

  response of, to Great San Francisco Earthquake, 307–13

  graben (term), 414

  Grace Church, 283

  Gracie S. (ship), 252

  Grady, Michael, 245

  Grand Banks Earthquake of 1929, 109

  Grand Opera House, 233

  granites (term), 77, 81, 85, 414

  Grant, Ulysses S., 139, 234

  granular dynamite, 312

  graywacke (term), 414

  Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886, 17, 86–96

  Great Comet of 1811, 99

  Great Fire of London of 1666, 292

  Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906

  Alaska earthquakes and, 369–80

  California history prior to, 113–31 (see also California)

  casualties and physical damage caused by subsequent fire, 290–302

  casualties and physical damage directly caused by, 274–87 (see also casualties; costs; physical damage)

  casualties and physical damage indirectly caused by, 288–90

  current lack of preparation for earthquakes like, 360–64

  early estimates of effects of, 317–19, 331–33

  effects of, on Chinatown, 330–31

  effects of fires after, 290–302

  epicenter of, 171–79

  evening before, in San Francisco, 231–41

  eyewitness accounts of (see eyewitness accounts, Great San Francisco Earthquake)

  felt area of, 96, 258–61

  glossary, 411–17

  Great Western Surveys prior to, 133–49

  human response to, 54–56, 302–17 (see also human response)

  inaccurate accounts of, 419–21

  insurance company response to, 324–30

  loss of cultural creativity after, 351–56

  magnitude of, 397

  measurements of, 261–73, 387–403 (see also intensity, earthquake; magnitude, earthquake; seismographs; scales)

  New Geology, plate tectonics, and, 1–11 (see also earthquakes; geology; Mount Diablo; New Geology; plate tectonics; San Andreas Fault)

  paper people Chinese immigration after, 343–50 (see also Chinese immigrants)

  Pentecostal Movement after, 335–42

  pictures of, 287, 295–301 (see also photography)

  public-relations campaign to minimize effects of, 319–24

  rejection of urban planning after, 356–59

  San Francisco and (see San Francisco, California)

  San Francisco’s loss of supremacy to Los Angeles due to, 331–33

  science, technology, politics, and culture of United States in 1906, 49–56

  seismic events of 1906 and, 23–28

  this book about, 4–5

  timing of, 12–18, 253, 267–71

  view of, from space, 11–13

  Yellowstone National Park geysers and, 380–85

  Great Western Surveys, 138–49. See also geological surveys

  cordilleran geology as legacy of, 148–49

  by Ferdinand Hayden, 138–39

  by Clarence King, 139–43

  by John Wesley Powell, 144–48

  by Wheeler and Grove Karl Gilbert, 143–44

  Great Yokohama Earthquake of 1880, 263

  greed, Gold Rush, 125–26

  Greely, Major General Adolphus Washington, 304, 306, 309

  Greenland, North American Plate rocks in, 69–73, 79–81, 85

  Green River, 145

  Greenwich meridian and Greenwich Mean Time, 79, 177

  Gregori-Hosgri Fault, 167

  ground displacement

  by aseismic creep, 182–84

  by Chiayi or Meishan Earthquake of 1906, 26

  by Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, 171–74

  by San Francisco earthquake of 1989, 360–61

  ground waves, 399

  Gunn, Mrs. Lewis, 126–27

  Haines Junction, Yukon, 376

  Hall of Justice Building, 285, 307, 311

  Ham and Eggs Fire, 292

  Hamburg-Bremen Company, 329–30

  handbills, anti-looting, 308–9

  Hansen, Gladys, 323

  Harbor View Camp, 313

  Harding, President Warren G., 234

  Harte, Bret, 34, 36, 351

  Havasupai Indians, 147

  Hay, John, 142

  Hayden, Ferdinand, 138–39

  Hayes Valley Fire, 292–93

  Hayward, California, 232

  Hayward Fault, 200, 232, 363

  health, post-earthquake, 313

  Hearst, William Randolph, 236

  Heath, Cuthbert Eden, 326

  Hecker, Dr., 264

  Hekla volcano, 66

  Helena, Montana, 314

  hematite, 70

  Heng, Zhang, 261

  Herbert, Victor, 238

  Hermann Safe Company, 285–86

  Hertz, Alfred, 250

  Hewitt, Fred, 14, 20

  highbinders (term), 222


  Alaska Highway, 369, 372–77

  displacement of Sir Francis Drake Highway, 173–74

  first official California state, 128

  Gold Rush routes and, 124

  Holiness churches, 335–42

  homeless, 302, 313. See also refugees

  Hong Kong, 361

  hoodlum (term), 214

  Hopkins, Mark, 128–29, 225–27

  Hopper, James Marie, 240

  horizontal cut, insurance companies and, 328–29

  horses, 240, 249

  horsts (term), 414

  hospital patients, 280

  Hotaling, A. P., 286

  Hotel Nymphomania, 224

  hotels, San Francisco, 225

  housing, refugee, 313, 315–16, 330

  Hudson Bay, Canada, 73, 79–82

  Hudsonland, 83

  Hulbert, Archer Butler, 125

  human response, 302–33. See also fire department, San Francisco; military; police

  by banks and U. S. Mint, 316–17

  by city government and Mayor Eugene Schmitz, 307–13

  coping strategies, 295–96

  disaster recovery of cities, 302–4

  financial relief, 314

  to fire, 299–300

  firefighters, 300

  food and medicine relief, 310

  military response, 300, 304–13

  modern culture, science, and rational, 54–56

  by U. S. Post Office, 314–16

  human scale, earthquake intensity scales as, 391

  Hunter’s Point, California, 330

  Huntington, Collis, 128–29, 225

  hydraulic elevators, 233

  hydraulic mining, 18, 36–37

  hydrogaphy, 387

  hypocenters, earthquake, 159

  Iceland, 63–73

  igneous geologists, 72


  Chinese (see Chinese immigrants)

  Civil War, Reconstruction Era, and, 127–28

  European, 346

  Gold Rush and, 35, 121–27

  Indian Plate, 39

  Indians. See Native Americans

  Indio, California, 197

  indirect earthquake effects, 288–90

  instruments, earthquake-detecting, 161–62. See also seismographs

insurance companies

  earthquake damage and, 274–75, 288, 301

  fire danger and, 229, 239

  response of, to earthquake damage claims, 324–30

  stock market decline and, 321–22

  intensity, earthquake, 25, 192, 388–96, 401

  International Commission on Stratigraphy, 403

  International Latitude Station, 270

  intraplate earthquakes, North American Plate, 108–12

  intrusions (term), 414–13

  Inyo earthquake of 1872, 19

  Iranian earthquake of 2004, 28

  Iraq War, 106

  iridium, 415

  iron safes, 285–86

  Iroquois Theater fire, 326

  Irwin, Will, 227

  Islamic movement, 342

  Isla Robinson Crusoe, 165

  Isthmus of Panama route to California, 124

  Isua Formation, 73

  Italy, Vesuvius eruption in, 26–27, 234

  Ives, Joseph, 147

  Jackson, William Henry, 139

  Jackson Brewing Company, 285

  jails, 317

  James, William, 295–96, 310

  Jefferson, Thomas, 114

  Jesuits, seismographs and, 265–67

  Jet Propulsion Lab, 161

  John A. Campbell (ship), 252

  Juan de Fuca Plate, 59, 169

  Juan Fernandez Islands, 165

  Judson, Clarence, 20–22, 247

  Jurassic Period, 39–42, 415

  Kalakaua, King of Hawaii, 234

  Keith, William, 352

  Kenora, Canada, 81–82

  Kenoran Orogeny, 81

  Kenorland, 81–82

  Kern River, 193

  King, Clarence, 139–43

  Kingston, Maxine Hong, 345

  Klamath Mountains, 169

  Kluane Fault, 376

  Kluane National Park, 376

  Krakatoa eruption

  elephants and, 240

  Islamic movement after, 342

  Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded–August 27, 1883 (book), 71

  K-T boundary event, 7, 415

  Kula Plate, 59

  Lafayette Park, San Francisco, 15, 270

  Lake Tahoe Wagon Road, 128

  Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, 176

  lamp-shells (term), 412

  landfills, 361, 417

  Land’s End, San Francisco, 226

  La Pérouse, Jean-François, 116

  Larkin Street, San Francisco, 14, 19–20

  latitude stations, 270

  latrine-emptying wagons, 313

  Laurasia, 74

  Laurentia, 83–84

  lavas, 150, 154. See also basalt rock

  law, martial, 308

  Lawrence Livermore Laboratories, 364

  Lawson, Andrew, 164, 182, 195, 256, 267, 269–71

  leadership, 303–4. See also human response

  Lee, Owen, 338–39

  Leese, Jacob, 204–5

  Leese, Rosalie, 205

  Legler, Mr., 253

  Lengfeld’s Pharmacy, 296–97

  letter mail delivery, post-earthquake, 314–16

  library damage report, 317

  Lick Observatory, 257, 270


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