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A Crack in the Edge of the World

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by Simon Winchester

  Lincoln, President Abraham, 97

  Lisbon Earthquake of 1755, 55–56

  lithosphere, 76

  Livermore, Jesse, 321

  Liverpool London (company), 329

  Lloyd, B. E., 220

  Lloyd’s (company), 324–27

  Lobos Square Camp, 313

  Loma Prieta Earthquake of 1989, 360–62

  London, Jack, 294, 351

  looting, 307–10

  López de Cárdenas, García, 147

  Lopez y Arballo, Francisco, 121

  Los Angeles, California

  early population of, 127

  rise of Pentecostal Movement in, 335–42

  supremacy of, after Great San Francisco Earthquake, 331–33

  Vesuvius eruption, Great San Francisco Earthquake, and, 229–30

  Los Angeles River, 193

  Los Gatos, California, 255

  Louisiana Purchase, 114

  Lovelock, James, 4–5, 413–14

  Love Waves, 175

  Ma (million years before present), 78

  McAdie, Alexander George, 14, 16–18

  MacDonald, Jeanette, 292, 351

  McKinley, Carl, 91–92

  McKinley, William, 53

  McPhee, John, 152–53

  made-ground areas, 361, 417

  magnetism, 70–71

  magnitude, earthquake. See also seismographs

  Bam and Sumatran earthquakes and, 90

  Chilean earthquake of 1906 and, 27

  Ecuadoran-Columbian Earthquake of 1906 and, 24–25

  Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 and, 397

  intraplate earthquakes, 95

  Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, 360

  Prince William Sound Earthquake of 1964, 370

  Charles Richter and development of Richter Magnitude Scale, 391, 396–401

  St. Lucia earthquake of 1906, 391

  San Miguel earthquake of 2004 and, 159

  Tejon Pass earthquake of 1857 and, 191–92

  mail delivery, post-earthquake, 314–16

  Main Post Office building, 314–15

  mainshocks, 159

  Majestic Theater, 286

  Mallet, Robert, 265, 388–89

  Manchu queue, 222

  Manhattan, New York, 361

  Manifest Destiny, 117

  Manigault, Gabriel, 94

  Mann, James R., 53

  manslaughter-by-chance-medley (term), 249

  mantle, earth’s, 57, 76


  Francis Beaufort’s nautical charts, 387

  John Wesley Powell’s, 148

  Marconi, 51

  Mare Island Naval Observatory, 269

  Marina District, San Francisco, 361

  Market Street, San Francisco, 245, 293–94, 301

  Mark Hopkins Institute of Art, 352

  Marshall, James Wilson, 35, 121

  martial law, 308

  Martinique, 25

  Massachusetts earthquakes, 87–88, 109

  Mathews, Arthur and Lucia, 353–55

  Matthes, F. E., 171

  Maxwell, Elsa, 236

  medical relief, 310

  Medvedev-Sponheuer-Karnik Scale (MSK64), 25, 391

  Meers (Oklahoma) Fault, 105–9

  Meishan Earthquake of 1906, 26

  melodeon (term), 213

  Memphis, Tennessee, 105

  Mendocino Triple Junction, 169, 252, 372

  Mercalli, Giuseppe, 390–91

  Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg Scale (MCS), 390

  Merchants’ Exchange, 357

  Mesozoic Period, 402

  meteor craters

  Arizona, 134–36

  Crater Lake, 372–73

  Yucatán Chicxulub, 415

  Methodism, 336–37

  Metropolitan Life building, 51–52

  Metropolitan Opera of New York, 233–38, 250


  Mexican War and U. S. acquisition of California from, 114–15, 205–6

  rule over California by, 115–16

  Yucatán Chicxulub meteor crater in, 415

  microearthquakes, 364

  Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 66, 85

  Mid-Pacific Ridge, 165–66

  Milepost, The (book), 375


  creation of firebreaks with dynamite by, 300, 305, 311–312

  creation of Alaska Highway by, 374

  establishment of, in San Francisco, 209

  execution of looters by, 307–10

  response of, to Great San Francisco Earthquake, 304–13

  Miller, Harry, 158–59

  Mills Building, 357

  Milne, John, 263

  Milne seismographs, 263

  mineral resources, 137–38. See also coal; geological surveys; gold; Great Western Surveys; silver


  coal, 35–37, 137

  early California, 130

  hydraulic, 18

  Mint, U. S., 207, 286–87, 311, 315, 316

  mint, yerba buena, 201–3

  Miocene Period, 42

  Misión San Francisco, 203

  missions, Spanish, 33, 158, 203

  Mission San Miguel, 158

  Mississippi River, 102

  Missouri, New Madrid Sequence of 1811 in, 96–105, 108, 110–11

  Miwok Indians, 33–34, 46, 202

  modern culture, pre-earthquake, 49–56

  Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI), 390–91

  Modified Mercalli Scale of 1956 (MM56), 391

  Mohorovicic, Dr., 264

  Mohorovicic discontinuity, 186

  Mojave Desert, 118–19

  Moller, John, 248–49

  money. See financial issues

  Monkey Block, San Francisco, 225, 286

  monte (term), 34

  Monterey, California, 114, 122, 128

  Montgomery, John, 206

  Moore, Jennie, 339

  Moores, Eldridge, 149–56

  morality, early California miners and, 125–26

  Moran, Thomas, 148

  Morgan, George, 98–99, 336

  Morris, Charles, 419–21

  Morrow, W. W., 229

  Morse Code, 51

  mortality. See casualties

  motion pictures. See films


  California, 35

  San Francisco, 213

  mountain formation (orogeny), 59, 81, 416

  Mount Brewer, 45

  Mount Diablo, 30–48

  author’s first view of San Francisco from, 29–32, 43–48

  coal mining on, 35–38

  naming of, 32–35

  picture of, 31

  San Andreas Fault and geology of, 37–43

  Mount Ida, 343

  Mount Olympus, 372

  Mount Rainier, 372

  Mount St. Helens, 169, 372

  Mount Shasta, 45, 372

  Mount Whitney, 45, 140

  muckraking (term), 52, 358

  Muggeridge, Edward (Eadweard Muybridge), 215, 226–27

  Muir, John, 45, 129, 148

  Municipal Report of the City of San Francisco, 274, 317

  murals, 354–55

  murders, 213. See also crime

  muscle scars, 10

  music halls, San Francisco, 213

  Mussel Rock, California, as Great San Francisco Earthquake epicenter, 178–79, 259, 271–72

  Mutual Bank Building, 245

  Muybridge, Eadweard (Edward Muggeridge), 215, 226–27

  Naglee and Sinton’s Exchange and Deposit Office, 208

  Names, insurance underwriting, 325–26

  names, place. See place names

  Napa Valley, 256–57

  Naples, Vesuvius eruption in, 26–27, 234

  National Board of Fire Underwriters, 229, 239

  National City (ship), 252–53

  National Geographic Society, 139, 143

  National Guard, 311–12

  National Science Foundation, 185

Native Americans, 33–34, 46, 147–48, 202

  nautical charts, 387

  Naval Training Station, 254

  Navy, U. S., 312

  Nazca Plate, 59

  NC (Northern California Regional Seismic Network) code, 159

  near field, 181

  Needham, Joseph, 262

  Nena (supercontinent), 83

  Nepal, 39

  Newberry, John, 147

  New England earthquakes, 87–88

  New Geology

  Eldridge Moores and plate tectonics, 149–56

  plate tectonics and, 7–11, 63–64, 416 (see also plate tectonics)

  SAFOD project and, 182–87

  space exploration and, 1–6

  New Hampshire earthquakes, 109

  New Helvetia colony, 119–20

  New Madrid (Missouri) Sequence of 1811, 96–105, 108, 110–11

  New Orleans (ship), 102–3


  on Daniel Burnham’s rebuilding plan, 358

  Call, 225

  Walter Colton’s, and Gold Rush, 126

  Examiner, 19

  muckraking, 52, 358

  Socialist Voice, 308

  New York earthquakes, 87–88, 95, 108–9

  Niantic Hotel, 211

  Nichols, Mrs., 254

  Nichols, William, 283

  1906 (year)

  science, technology, politics, and culture of United States during, 49–56

  seismic events during, 23–28 (see also Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906)

  Nob Hill, 225–27

  Nojima Fault, 186

  North America, 84

  North American Plate. See also plate tectonics

  Alaska earthquakes and, 371

  author’s exploration of, 59–62, 111–12

  boundaries of, 62–64

  continental drift and, 73–86

  creation of San Andreas Fault and, 39–42, 166–71 (see also San Andreas Fault; Pacific Plate)

  eastern boundary of, in Iceland, 64–73

  Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886 and, 86–96

  intraplate earthquakes and, 108–12

  Meers Fault and, 105–8

  name of, 62

  New Madrid Sequence of 1811 and, 96–105

  ophiolite sequences and, 154–56

  Temblor Range and, 188

  western edge of, 162–63

  North Beach, San Francisco, 228, 229, 294

  Northern California Regional Seismic Network (NC) code, 159

  Norton, Joshua Abraham, 226–2 7

  Nuna (supercontinent), 83

  nunatak (term), 415

  Nyada (ship), 252

  Oakland, California, 360–61

  Oberon Building, 245

  observatories, 257, 270


  creation of, 77

  eyewitness accounts of Great San Francisco Earthquake at sea, 20–21, 251–53

  ophiolite sequences and, 154

  routes to California by, 123–24

  Ocean Beach, 20–21

  Odorless Excavators, Inc., 313

  official seal, San Francisco, 212

  oil pipeline, Alaska, 372, 377–80

  oil well, Pennsylvania, 137

  Oklahoma, Meers Fault in, 105–9

  Older, Fremont, 224

  Old Faithful geyser, 139, 382

  Old Geology, 140. See also geology; New Geology; plate tectonics

  Olema, California, 171–74, 271–73

  Olmsted, Frederick Law, 216

  Omori Scale, 390, 391

  Omori seismograph, 264–65, 266

  ooliths, 10, 415

  opera, Enrico Caruso and, 233–38

  ophiolite rock sequences, 151–56

  Ordóñez de Montalvo, García, 32–33

  Oregon Territory, 114

  orogeny (term), 81, 416

  Otis, Elisha, 51

  Overland Monthly (magazine), 351, 353

  overland routes to California, 124–25

  Oxford University Explorers’ Club, 64–65, 70–71

  Ozman, Agnes, 337

  Pacific Ocean, eyewitness accounts of Great San Francisco Earthquake in, 20–22, 251–53

  Pacific Plate, 59, 62, 65, 154–56, 162–63, 166–71, 186, 188, 199, 272, 371, 372. See also North American Plate; San Andreas Fault

  painters, post-earthquake, 352, 354–54

  Palace Hotel, 215, 233, 249–50

  paleoseismology, 104

  Paleozoic Period, 402

  Palisades Sill, 415

  palladium, 72

  Palmdale, California, 191–92

  Palm Springs, California, 196

  Panama route to California, 124

  Pangaea, 74–76, 84–85

  Pannotia, 83

  Pan-Pacific Exposition of 1915, 355

  Panthalassa, 74

  paper people, 343–50. See also Chinese immigrants

  Paricutín volcano, 169

  Paradise, Kansas, 120

  Pardee, George, 129–31, 310, 312

  Parham, Charles, 337, 342

  Parkfield, California, 160–63, 182–87, 192

  Parquette, Edmond, 246, 279–80

  Partridge, John, 330

  Paso Robles, California, 158

  Pathfinder (ship), 252

  Pearl Harbor memorial, Mount Diablo, 43

  Peking Astronomical Observatory, 265

  Penrose Conferences, 151–52

  Pentecostal Movement, 335–42

  people. See human response

  Petrolia, California, 160–61

  Phanerozoic Period, 402

  Phelan Building, 245

  Philopolis Society, Philopolis Press, and Philopolis magazine, 355

  phoenix seal of San Francisco, 212


  by Ansel Adams, 45, 287–88, 289, 294–95

  of earthquake damage, 287

  of fire, 295–300

  by Arnold Genthe, 215, 221, 297–300, 352

  studios of, 215

  physical damage. See also buildings area of, 259

  of Alaska earthquake of 1964, 371–72

  of Chiayi or Meishan Earthquake of 1906, 26

  costs of, 288, 361

  of Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886, 92–94

  of Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, 245, 247, 257, 259, 274–90, 301, 317, 330

  of Great San Francisco Fire of 1906, 274

  of San Francisco earthquake of 1868, 232

  of San Francisco earthquake of 1989, 361

  pictures. See photography

  Pictures of Old Chinatown (book), 297

  pigtail, Chinese, 222

  Pinckney, Paul, 86, 90, 92

  Pinto Mountain Fault, 196

  pipeline, Alaska oil, 372, 377–80

  place names

  on Alaska Highway, 373

  Amarillo, Texas, 133

  California, 32–33

  Carquinez Strait, 34–35, 46

  Chinatown, 220

  Colorado River, 147

  Kenora, Canada, 82

  Kenorland, 81–82

  Mount Brewer, 45

  Mount Diablo, 32–35

  Mount Whitney, 45

  North American Plate, 62

  Nuna and Nunavut, 83

  Rocky Mountains, 111

  Rodinia, 83

  San Andreas Fault, 164

  San Francisco, California, 46

  Stockton, California, 46

  Tejon Pass, 191

  Ur, 79

  Yerba Buena, 201–6

  planetesimals, 58


  earthquake response, 363

  rebuilding, 229–30, 356–59

  plate tectonics, 57–112. See also tectonic plates

  continental drift and, 73–86

  geological and political boundaries, 39

  glossary, 411–17

  Great Charleston Earthquake of 1886, 86–96

  Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1906 and, 86 (see also Gre
at San Francisco Earthquake of 1906)

  intraplate events, 108–12

  Jesuits and, 266

  Meers Fault, 105–8

  Eldridge Moores, ophiolite sequences, and, 149–56

  Mount Diablo, northern California, San Andreas Fault and, 37–42 (see also Mount Diablo; San Andreas Fault)

  New Madrid Sequence of 1811, 96–105

  North American Plate boundaries, 62–73 (see also North American Plate; Pacific Plate)

  plates and fault lines and, 57–62 (see also faults; plates, tectonic)

  Lewis Thomas on, 3–4

  volcanic earthquakes and, 25

  J. Tuzo Wilson and theory of, 8–11, 416

  platinum, 72

  Plume, Edward, 246–47

  pluton, 71, 416

  poetry, 144, 286, 348–50, 353, 356

  Point Reyes, California, 173–74


  eyewitness accounts by, 244–49

  execution of looters by, 307–10

  execution of victims by, 294

  hiring of, 209

  Sheriff’s report, 317

  politics of United States in 1906, 52–54. See also government, California; government, federal; government, San Francisco

  Polk, President James, 36, 115, 137–38, 205–6, 208

  pollution, 228, 279

  Pony Express routes, 124


  of early Los Angeles, 127

  of early San Francisco, 127–28, 129, 215

  Porter, Rufus, 123

  Portola Valley, 365–67

  Portsmouth Square, 210, 216

  Portuguese earthquake of 1755, 55–56

  Post Office, U. S., 209, 286, 311, 314–16

  Powell, John Wesley, 144–48

  prairie schooners, 118, 413

  Precambrian Period, 83

  prediction, earthquake, 107–8, 364–67

  preparedness, earthquake, 360–67

  Presidio, San Francisco, 33, 203, 304

  pressure waves (P-waves), 175–76, 398

  Prince William Sound Earthquake of 1964, 370–72

  Priolo, Paul, 411

  prisons, 211

  property loss. See buildings; physical damage

  Proterozoic Period, 402

  psychoanalysis, 50

  Public Library report, 317

  public-relations campaign, post-earthquake, 319–24

  Pure Food and Drug Act, 53

  P-waves (pressure waves), 175–76, 398

  Queen (company), 329

  “Queen of the Cow Counties,” Los Angeles as, 127

  queue, Chinese Manchu, 222

  racial issues

  controversy over rebuilding Chinatown, 330–31

  detention of Chinese paper people immigrants, 343–50

  discrimination against Chinese, 129, 209, 218–23, 344

  discrimination against Mexicans, 117

  Gold Rush and immigration, 217–18

  John Wesley Powell on Native Americans, 148

  radiolarians, 150

  railroads and railroad companies cable cars and, 216

  Gadsden Purchase of 1854 and, 115 post-earthquake public relations campaign by, 321

  transcontinental, 124, 128

  Ramapo Fault System, 87–88, 95, 108


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