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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

Page 34

by Ryanne Anthony

  “It is,” Joshua agreed. “Very odd, indeed and only a complete dip would do such a thing.”

  “Or a person who wanted his own, was scared to make them so he figured treating others’ children would fulfill him enough to not miss what he never had.”

  I gasped at Matthew’s assessment. Was he right? Did Marcus become a pediatrician to be around children because he didn’t think he’d cave and have his own?


  Tsch. Where the hell have you been?

  “Talk this out with him, Mariah,” Tom urged. “I'm hoping you guys can work everything out, for the sake of my nephews as well as yourselves.”

  “I agree,” Mandy sighed. “He wants to love them, and you, Cookie.”

  Lisa stopped massaging and agreed, too, as well as several others.


  “Talk to him, Bug. Seriously. It's the least you guys can do for your sons.”

  “You think so? OWW,” I screamed.

  “Oh my God... I saw that, Cookie!” Lisa squealed and placed her hands on my belly again.

  “Believe me, it was not as exciting feeling it,” I whined, rubbing the spot where one of my sons kicked the shit out of me. “Guess someone else wants us to talk, too.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “We're gonna go to the hotel, Cookie,” Tom announced. “You need to think and get some rest. You have a long drive ahead of you when the doctor releases you.”

  “Yeah, and a warning,” Monica avowed. “Katherine and Rachel are planning a baby shower for you on the twenty-first.”

  “Katherine, Rachel and...?” Tom asked, smirking.

  “All right, I admit I've thrown my hat in the ring. But so has Mandy and Lisa!”

  “Hey, big mouth,” Lisa scolded. “You forgot Lil the Mother Hen, too!”

  We all laughed, me louder than all of them. I missed them and I wasn’t ready for them to leave so I held on to Matthew and Mandy. Suddenly, my stomach growled loudly.

  “All the time.” I giggled and glanced at the clock. “And I’ve slept through dinner. Maybe they’ll find me a snack or something.”

  Joshua grinned. “I'm going to show you a trick. What would you like?”

  “Um... steak burrito, extra sour cream. And watermelon. And a glazed donut. And lots of fries smothered in ketchup.”

  Everyone chuckled. “Jesus!” Mandy laughed.

  “I'm pregnant with Cannon twins! You all know how they eat, so leave me alone!”

  They all laughed as Joshua went to the door and opened it.

  “Sorry you missed dinner, Mariah... so you want a steak burrito, with extra sour cream, watermelon, a glazed donut and fries with lots of ketchup?”

  I frowned. “Yes. And pink lemonade.”

  “And pink lemonade,” Joshua yelled.

  “Got it,” a man yelled back.

  I pointed toward the door. “Was that Marcus?”

  “Yep. He's been sitting outside your room all day,” Monica informed.

  “I thought he left,” I whispered. The babies moved around again and I winced. “Mm! they are really going at it in there!”

  “Can I see? We see,” Lisa asked.

  I smiled. “Sure. Guys? A moment, please?”

  All the men moved to the window. I lowered the sheet and tucked a towel under my belly for extra coverage over my sex. Lisa helped tuck it around me and covered me with the sheet again.

  “Oh, wow! How do you stand up straight with all that belly,” Mandy giggled.

  “It was easy, but lately I’ve gotten a little clumsy so I move slower.” I raised my gown and rolled it under my breasts.

  “Jesus, Cookie! Your breasts are HUGE,” Monica loudly squealed.

  “Ooh, I have got to see this,” Matthew said with way too much glee.

  Joshua and Tom smacked the back of his head, making me giggle.

  “I will call your mother,” Joshua warned. “Behave!”

  “Damn! I was kidding,” Matthew snorted, rubbing his head.

  I laughed. I really did miss all of them and their antics.

  “Am I decent?”

  “Yes,” they all agreed. Just in time, since the inner fighting had picked up.

  “Okay... ready, guys.”

  Wows and giggles filled the room.

  “Holy hell,” Matthew uttered. “It's like Alien in there!”

  “That is awesome,” Alissa breathed. “May I feel?”

  I smiled, nodding. “Sure.”

  Alissa placed her hand on my huge belly and right on cue, she's rewarded with a hard kick and giggles. Everyone had a turn and got a kick or a movement, except Matthew.

  “They already don't like you, Toad,” Joshua grinned. “My nephews have excellent taste!”

  Matthew frowned at him. “Shut it, Twerp!”

  “Put your hands on either side and wiggle a little, Matthew,” I advised.


  He did it and was rewarded with two kicks.

  “I think you got one from each,” I laugh.

  “That is awesome. Has Marcus felt that,” Matthew asked, grinning at me.

  “Yeah, earlier... before I pissed him off. He slipped that ring back on my finger while I was sleeping. I took it off and gave it back,” I muttered, covering myself again.

  “You didn't,” Monica gasped.

  “Yes, I did.”

  There was a knock on the door then a pretty woman of color entered the room.

  “Hi, Ms. Hollander, I'm – Oh!” She chuckled at the mini crowd in my room. “You've got quite the entourage tonight.”

  “My siblings,” I said, proudly.

  She smiled as she handed me a little cup with a red pill in it. “I'm Charlee and I'll be your nurse tonight. These are your evening meds. How are you feeling?”

  My smile turned into a grin. “So much better, thanks,” I murmured as I looked at my family.

  “What is that,” Nathan and Tom asked, in unison. We laughed at them.

  “They're doctors, Charlee. It’s iron. I'm anemic,” I giggled then took the pill.

  Matthew started coughing. “Nurse, do you have something for this debilitating cough of mine?”

  Everyone groaned.

  “Soon as I'm done with Ms. Hollander's vitals, I'll get you some syrup of ipecac, sir,” Charlee deadpanned.

  Everybody laughed as Joshua shouted, “Steeerike One!”

  Matthew shook his head. This was far from over.

  “It's time to say good night, Ms. Hollander. I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over.”

  “Already,” I whined.

  “We should go anyway, you need your rest,” Lisa soothed. “We'll be back in the morning, Cookie. I promise.”

  Another knock. Joshua smiled knowingly as he went to the door. A voice whispered something to Joshua, sounding almost harsh.

  “All right... Okay! In a few minutes, I promise,” Joshua said with exasperation. He rejoined the group with a several bags and that blue cooler.

  I opened the bags and everything I asked for was in front of me. I took a big bite out of my donut as Charlee attempted to finish my vitals.

  “Want some,” I mumbled.

  “I wouldn't dare,” Mandy smiled.

  “I would,” Lisa declared, grabbing fries. I giggled at her.

  They each kissed me good night before going to the door.

  “Nathan,” I called, smiling. “You should take everybody to Morton's.”

  “Good idea.” He smiled and winked at me. “See you in the morning, Bug. Hey, who's hungry?”

  Charlee smiled. “All your vitals are in order tonight. Here are your fresh gown and towels. I'll send someone in to change your linens while you shower. Enjoy your buffet, Ms. Hollander.”

  “Thank you, Charlee,” I mumbled with a mouth full of food as she leaves.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  I’ll never stop loving you…

  The room felt lonely and too quiet since everyone left. I sighed as I packed up what's l
eft of my food and put it in the cooler, making sure the watermelon was on top. I planned to snack on that all night.

  What now? Oh, yeah! I needed to brush my teeth and shower. Hmm... could I do it by myself?

  Let's see. Stand, slowly. Okay. Now slowly walk all the way to that bathroom. Yay! Hardly a teeter.

  Carrying twins is hard!

  I finished my teeth, and was about to turn on the shower when I knocked the soap on the floor and I glared at the traitorous thing. Shit. This was going to be tricky.

  Think, Mariah... how are you going to get the soap?

  I tried several different ways and tired myself out.

  “SHIT,” I yelled, frustrated and breathing heavy. Almost immediately my room door opened and a second later, Marcus appeared in the bathroom doorway.

  “What happened? What's wrong,” he asked, worry on his face. He looked so damn handsome. Wait a minute... he shaved off the beard!

  I bit my lip to stop my smile. “N-nothing, I dropped the soap and got winded trying to pick it up.”

  He exhaled in frustration. “What are you trying to do, Mariah?

  “I wanted a shower.”

  “Why didn't you ask for help,” he asked, bending gracefully and swooping up the soap.

  “I wanted to do it on my own.”

  He walked around me and turned on the shower, then stretched to test the water temperature.

  “Need anything else?”


  I reached to undo the gown and couldn't. It's knotted. Marcus sighed in frustration again and loosened it for me. It was hanging off me and now I had to take the little footies off. I got the right one off but the left one was giving me trouble. Marcus stood over me, watching with narrowed eyes and his arms crossed.

  “You have to be the stubbornest person in the planet,” he murmured as he squatted and lifted my left leg. Suddenly he froze. Damn it, he saw the anklet. I tried to pull my leg away from him, but his grip tightened.

  He looked up at me with hope in his eyes. “You kept this on? This whole time?”

  I stayed silent and looked away. Sparks were flying as he held my leg. Nothing had changed between us. I still loved and wanted him.

  “Mariah, please answer me.”

  “Yes, I did.”


  I quietly looked at the sink. I couldn't do this, could I? What should I do?

  “Why, Mariah?”

  I took a deep breath. Here we go. “Because I still love you. I never stopped.”

  He looked down. “Are you sure,” he asked quietly and slid off the footie.

  “Yes,” I whispered. He stood and we stared at each other for a moment, then Marcus placed his hand on my belly.

  “Why didn't you tell me?”

  “You don't want children. I didn't want to force this on you when you made it crystal clear you didn't want it. I felt really bad I got pregnant and I didn't want you think I did this on purpose to trap you.”

  “Did you ever think I had a right to know and try to wrap my mind around this?”

  “I asked you; you said no.”

  “The day you were supposed to get your shot. That's when you found out, right?”


  “Jesus, Mariah! It was over a month after that day before you left!”

  I didn't know what to say to that. He finally blew an exhaustive breath.

  “Take your shower and we will talk after.”

  “Okay.” I removed my gown and placed it on the rail.

  “Damn. Even as pregnant as you are...”

  “What, Marcus?”

  “You're so fucking sexy. More so.”

  I blushed fire and smiled. “Stop it. I look like I swallowed a beach ball.”

  “Somehow, you manage to pull it off. And your breasts! Jesus!”

  “Marcus!” I crossed my arms around my breasts. “Stop it! Wait for me outside!”

  “When the water goes off, I'm coming right back in to help you.”

  “All right,” I sighed. “Stop looking at me like that.”

  “Like what?”

  I smirked. “Like you are about to attack me.”

  “Mariah... I haven't had sex in almost six months, so yes, when I see you all naked and sexy, I'm going to respond to it.”

  I looked at him, stunned. Was he kidding me with this?

  I frowned. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, you are very sexy.”


  “I'm leaving now,” he laughed. “I'll be right here when you're done.” He left the room but kept the door cracked.

  Six months, no sex? I couldn't believe it. Ooh, the water felt so good. I spent many showers those six months wondering who Marcus was holding, kissing, giving mind blowing orgasms to… and he says no one? Not a man like that; a man who can fuck and wait, controlling himself enough to give me at least two orgasms... could he control himself for six months? Unbelievable. Adina was right: he was very virile and lethal and no matter how controlled he was in the throws and when he’d been between relationships, even he had to cave in to a willing body at least once.

  As the last of the shampoo rinsed out of my hair, I marveled at how much better I felt. I really needed that. I turned the water off and almost immediately the door opened.

  “Better,” Marcus asked, as he walked toward me with towels.


  He wrapped a towel around me then gently dried my hair with another.

  “I missed you. So much,” he whispered. “Too much.”

  “I missed you, too. Ouch! Jesus,” I groaned, gripping the sink.

  “What? One of them kicking,” Marcus excitedly asked.

  “It's the both of them, I think. Like they're fighting.”

  He moved a hand toward me and froze it, mid-air. “You mind?” His face was nervous, maybe a little anxious.

  “No.” I turned to him. Right on cue, as soon as he placed his hands on my naked belly he got a double kick. He laughed heartily.

  “I love that,” he exclaimed.

  “You do,” I asked quietly as I looked at him.

  “Yes, Mariah. I was an ass. Of course I want my sons. Our sons.”

  “Are you sure? You were very adamant about not going down this road.”

  “I am sure, more than sure. I told you before, meeting you made me want to change my thinking. It happened sooner than I would like, but here you are, pregnant and beautiful and I feel so... giddy! I almost fainted when that detective told me you were pregnant. That was the last piece of information I expected to hear. And again when Evelyn said twins.”

  “You hired a detective to find me?”

  “Damn right. I was destroyed, devastated. I needed to find you. Matthew volunteered but Mother wanted him close, needed the entire family close.”



  “He's a private detective, as well as a security expert. A good one, but Mom was right, he needed to be close. So he recommended Richards. It took him five months, but finally...”

  “Why five months?”

  “Because you are good at hiding. Too good. You left no trails and you never called. Even your email address was lax. You never used the money Thomas put in your account, never a credit card... you never even used your social security number. Very elusive, Miss Hollander.”

  “I considered you coming after me. And after a couple months, I thought you would give up and move on. That was when I relaxed a little. I didn't want to give you up, I just felt I had to, to protect you and the babies.”

  “I appreciate you wanting to protect my feelings but only I can know how I feel about something. I was an ass. A complete and total ass... and I am so very sorry.”

  “So am I. I promise to talk to you about everything, no matter how good or bad I think you may react to it. No more secrets?”

  “No more secrets. Now, let's get you back in a gown. I'm flesh and bone, and I can't stand here much longer with you naked and wet
like this.”

  “Marcus...” I blushed. “Really no sex in six months?”

  “None. Have you?”

  “No! I don't want anyone else to touch me. Besides look at me.”

  “I am looking at you. You're beautiful.”

  I blushed again and we went back to my room. Marcus helped me in my gown and back in the freshly made bed.

  “Move closer to the rail, baby.”

  I scooted over and Marcus slid in next to me, his head on my shoulder and his hand on my protruding belly, circling slowly.

  “Have you thought about names?”

  “I chose but if you want something else...”

  He raised his head and looked at me. “What did you choose?”

  “Donald Harvey and Stephen Alexander.”

  He smiled. “Perfect. Don't change anything.”

  “What about their last name?”

  “I think they should have my last name.”

  That stung. I looked down. “Okay.”

  “And you too,” he murmured, pulling the ring out of his pocket.

  “Yes, please,” I whispered. “I shouldn't have given it back to you this morning.”

  He grinned as he slid the ring on my finger. “I love you, Mariah.”

  I threw my arms around his neck and held him tightly.

  “I love you, Marcus.” I grinned then wrinkled my nose. “Giddy? Really?”

  “Yes! I can't wait until they get here. I wish I would’ve been available from the beginning, baby. I want to spend forever making it up to you.”

  Marcus gave me one of his patented kisses that begged me to listen to what he was trying to tell me.

  “Ahem.” We broke away and turned toward the intruder. Dr. Garza smiled, cocking a brow. “¿Esta significa que está bien hablar inglés ahora?”

  I looked at Marcus and giggled. “Yes, Pete, you can speak in English now.”

  “Good. I'd like to monitor the babies tonight and do some more blood work in the morning. If all is as it should be, I'll release you tomorrow. Sound good?”

  “Very good, Pete. Thanks,” Marcus murmured. “Now get out.”

  I laughed.

  “Lo siento, pero usted tiene que abstenerse de tener relaciones sexuales.”

  “¿Hablas en serio? ¡Acabamos de regresar juntos!”

  “Sí, muy grave.”

  “Just pretend I'm not here,” Marcus muttered. I put my hand over his mouth.


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