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Mariah: The M Series: Book Two

Page 35

by Ryanne Anthony

  “¿Por cuánto tiempo?”

  “Hasta el final del embarazo y después del período de seis semanas de recuperación.”

  “Damn it! That's three more months!”

  “What, baby?”

  “No sex until the six-week recovery is up. I still have five weeks to go!”

  Marcus laughed. “There are other ways, Mariah.”

  “Yes, there are,” Dr. Garza drawled. “Look into them.”

  I frowned. “I know and we’re great with other and all but I really, really enjoy doing that with you, as you can see.” I grinned as I rubbed my huge belly.

  Pete and Marcus laughed as Charlee entered with the straps for the baby monitor.

  “Out of the bed, Marcus,” Pete ordered, still chuckling. “Mariah, sit up for me, please, and raise your gown.”

  Charlee and Pete put the two blue straps behind me then Pete gently pushed me back onto them. The little discs were produced, gelled, and attached to the blue strips and on my big belly.

  Marcus held my hand as he watched it all with a big, goofy grin on his face.

  I grinned, too. At him. “You should see your face, Marcus.”

  He grinned wider and chuckled. “Shut up, baby.”

  “There's the first one,” Pete said, as the first heartbeat thumped through the machine. “Turn it down, Miss Freeman, while I pick up the other.”

  Charlee turned down the volume and we waited as Pete slides the monitor back and forth. He frowned then took out his fetoscope and sat on the bed. My hand tightened in Marcus’ grip.

  “What's the problem, Pete,” Marcus asked as the grin vanished.

  I watch Pete's face as he searched for the second beat. He closed his eyes and concentrated. The room was silent. He went to the other side of my belly. A slow smile spread over Pedro's face and I instantly relaxed.

  “He moved,” Pete finally informed, replacing his fetoscope with the machine's monitor. “Turn up two, please.”

  The second heart beat was just as strong as the first. When he heard it, Marcus’ grip on my hand laxed.

  “All right... this will be on for the night. I'll see you in the morning. Good to see you again, Marcus. Congratulations,” Pete said, patting Marcus on the back. “Good night, Mariah.”

  “Good night, Pete. Thanks,” I droned and yawned... big.

  “Get some rest, baby.”

  “What time are you coming back,” I mumbled as I turned on my right side. It was the most comfortable.

  He snorted, lowering the head of the bed. “I'm not leaving.”

  “Marcus, you need some sleep. Go get some rest and come back in the morning.”

  “No way am I letting you out of my sight again. Move over.”

  He laid beside me and I smiled as I laid my head on his chest. He pulled me in tighter and kissed my forehead. I fell asleep immediately.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  When Matthew met Madison…

  Dr. Sullivan and her husband Dave visited and tearfully wished us well. After they left, Dr. Garza… Pete… came in and told Marcus he could take me home, after a couple days at the hotel.

  “I'll release her from the hospital but I want her to stick around for a couple of days. I want to see her in my office Friday morning, first thing. She's going to be with doctors, Marcus. That's the only reason I'm consenting to such a long road trip. I'm counting on you to make sure she can stretch and eat well on the road, as well as take her meds. The iron, especially.”

  Marcus shook his hand. “Got it, Pete. I'll call you when we make it there.”

  “Good. I’ll look forward to that call. Mariah, buen viaje, relajarse y disfrutar del paisaje. Fue un placer conocerte. Buena suerte.”

  I smiled. “Gracias, Pedro. Si alguna vez en California, por favor, visítenos.”

  Dr. Garza laughed. “I'm going to hold you to that. I'll go sign the release forms and send the script down.”

  “What did you just say to him, baby,” Marcus asked, sitting on the bed after Pedro left us.

  “He wished me a safe trip. I told him he should look us up if he's ever in California.”

  He smiled at me. “I think I'm going to learn Spanish. I need to keep up with you.”

  “And where are you going to go to learn it?”

  “Mother's kitchen. It's where Maria taught me how to cook.”

  “Good idea, boo. Since our sons are always going to be either there or Mom's, anyway.”

  “That reminds me. We need to decide where we're going to live until the babies come. I can't go to work and leave you alone, so it's your mother's or mine.”

  “Oh, I don't know!” I groaned. “How do we choose and not hurt the other's feelings?”

  “Good point.” He thought a moment while I gobbled the last of the watermelon. “Coin toss?”

  I sighed as I swallowed the last bite. “All right.”

  Marcus pulled out a quarter. “Heads, mine. Tails, yours. Agreed?”

  “Agreed,” I murmured.

  Marcus flipped the coin and it landed on my thigh. “Rachel's it is,” Marcus said and kissed me. “You call her and I'll break the news to mine.”

  “Okay.” I reached for the phone. “Promise Katherine she's welcome anytime, Marcus.”

  He smiled. “I will, baby.”

  * * *

  “Um, Marcus,” I called when I hung up with an excited Mom.

  “What, Baby?”

  I smiled sweetly. “Will you go get me some more watermelon, please?”

  He grinned and reached down, pulling up the blue cooler.

  “I knew that was coming. I sent for more before I showered.”

  I clapped and pulled out the watermelon.

  “Looks good. Are you sharing?” Marcus asked, smiling.

  “Ask the twins,” I teased and dived in. He laughed and took a piece.

  As I laughed, a small knock sounded on my door. Monica and Matthew entered with flowers and a box of Snickers. I shoved the watermelon in Marcus' direction and reach greedily for the candy bars. I ripped open a bar, had a large bite then closed my eyes and moaned.

  “Well, good morning to you, too, Cookie,” Monica laughed.

  “Huh,” I mumbled with a mouth full of candy. I opened my eyes and saw the three of them looking at me, stunned. “What?”

  Marcus laughed. “Do you need a few minutes alone with your candy?”

  “Jealous,” I asked taking back my watermelon and popping a piece in my mouth.

  “Always,” he whispered and kissed my neck.

  I giggled and bit my candy.

  “Cookie! Jesus,” Monica gasped. “Watermelon and chocolate, together?”

  “Not to mention the caramel and nuts.”

  “Shut it, Toad,” Marcus glared. “Don't make me throw you out of here.”

  Matthew laughed, trying to appear confused. “What? I'm just saying what's in the candy.”

  “Yeah, right. Where are the others?”

  “Downstairs. We just stopped to drop these things off. We're going to talk to a company about the bus rental, maybe look through them,” a smiling Monica reported. “Gotta make sure Cookie will be very comfortable.”

  Marcus smiled at me. “Good. She's being released in a little while and we're taking a cab to the hotel. We should be ready to leave Saturday morning.”

  Another knock sounded on my door then it opened halfway. A woman sung Ironic smoothly from behind the door, still hidden. I gasped and my treats were forgotten. I sang back then her grinning face popped around the door.

  “Avenue,” I screamed and scrambled off the bed, grabbing Matthew's arms for support.

  “Carey,” she screamed back and ran toward me, holding her arms wide.

  I hugged her tightly and cried my eyes out. I missed my best friend from high school and seeing her there was overwhelming.

  “Aw, Carey, don't cry. I didn't mean to make you cry,” she purred as she wiped my face. She laughed as she touched my belly. “You owe me a hundred b

  “Avenue, you'll be a hundred before you see it,” I drawled as I grabbed her hand and had her sit next to me on the bed.

  She beamed at me. “How are you, Carey? Huge for one thing. How many do you have in there?”

  “Two. Boys,” I informed, staring as I tried to convince myself she was really there with me, again. “How did you find me?”

  She gripped my hand tighter. “I heard you moved to California but Bex said you were back and working at Tillman’s Coffee Shop. Sarah from there told me you were here when I popped in this morning. I'm so happy for you, Carey. God, can you believe Bex has six kids already? I am completely jealous of you guys.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, she saw me in the shop and had them all with her. I don't know how she does it. I thought you were still in New York.”

  “I am. I'm here for an interview at a local station but I'm moving back to the Windy City whether I get the job or not.”

  “Good. You belong here, Avenue. I have missed you so much since you abandoned me and went to college.”

  “Oh, don't say that,” she groaned. “I missed you, too, Carey. Have you been keeping my secrets?”

  I winked. “Most of them. Marcus really enjoys a few of them,” I stage whispered.

  She frowned. “Marcus?”

  “My fiancé.” I grinned and pointed at Marcus. “That one. Marcus Cannon, this is Madison King, my best friend from high school.”

  She stood and shook his hand. “Oh, my. You aren't attractive at all are you, Marcus? I guess it's still it's a pleasure to meet you.”

  He laughed with her. “You, as well, Madison.”

  “And this is my sister-in-law, Monica Harvey.”

  Madison shook her hand. “Monica, great to meet you. Sister-in-law? You're Marcus' sister?”

  “No, she's Tom's wife.”

  She tilted her head and frowned. “Tom?”

  “Oh! That's right, you don't know! Mom got married. I have two brothers and a sister now.”

  Madison's eyebrows shot up. “Rachel got married? Wow. Wait ‘til I tell Mommy! Remember those dates she set her up on?”

  I wrinkled my nose. “I do. Poor Mom and those lousy dates. But she knew Vonnie meant well.”

  I looked over at Matthew who was staring intently at Madison. I snapped my fingers twice to get his attention and shook my head vigorously when he finally looked my way.

  “Madison, this is Marcus' brother, Matthew Cannon.”

  Matthew woke out of his coma and hugged Madison; I mean literally walked right up to her and gave her a bear hug. She gasped at first then returned the embrace.

  “I'm very single,” he crooned. “I'd love for you to tell me the secrets Marcus enjoys.”

  “So am I; single that is,” she murmured back. “Play your cards right and you just might, Guapo.”

  Matthew pulled back and gave Madison a megawatt grin. I looked at Marcus and scowled. I didn’t want him playing with my friend.

  “It's time for you to check out that bus, isn't it, Toad,” Marcus asked him sternly.

  “We've got time, Cramp. Can I interest you in a bus tour of America, Madison? At least from here to California.”

  “And then what?” She smiled. “I go back home and nurse my wounds?”

  He leaned in and whispered something in her ear and it made her smirk. She whispered back and for the first time since I've met him, Matthew was speechless and had gone completely red. That's my girl. If anyone can keep up with Matthew, it was definitely Madison Yvonne King. I had nothing to worry about.

  “You think about that, single-boy,” Madison murmured as she untangled herself from Matthew. She sat next to me and smiled. “You're taking a bus back to California,” Madison asked, ignoring Matthew's intense stare at her.

  “Yeah, I can't fly and I hate trains, so they're all going to ride with me on a bus.”

  She took out her cell. “You need a bus for four people?”

  “No, eleven.”

  Madison giggled. “Eleven?”

  I nodded. “My and Marcus' siblings are here as well, with their partners. We're all going together.”

  “Let me see what I can do,” she scrolled her phone and hit send. “Let's never lose contact again, Carey,” she murmured as she held my hand tightly.

  “Never again,” I agreed.

  She beamed again. “Hi, Darby. It's Madison... Just great. You? ... Good ... I need a bus ... No, a deluxe carrying some very precious cargo ... Eleven, from here to California ... No, that's not good enough ... No ... Sounds perfect. They should all be comfortable in that ... Hang on. When are you leaving,” she asked Marcus.

  “Saturday morning.”

  “Saturday morning, Darby... Eight a.m.?”

  Marcus nodded.

  “That's fine, Darby ... Let me ask. A rep is coming to meet with you to get your requests for your bus. Should they come here?”

  “No, Mariah's being released shortly. Send them to the hotel. Which one did we get into, Monica?”

  “We're at the Peninsula.”

  “Darby? The Peninsula, under Cannon ... No, five... Great... Charge my account. Who's free to drive? ... Okay, we'll take Tim, Sean and Laurie ... Fine, give them a corporate card and send me that bill, too ... Are you guys in a rush? Or would you like the scenic route? Would you like a doctor for Mariah, just in case?”

  “No more doctors,” I said, sternly. “There’ll already be three of them and a nurse hovering over me.”

  Madison laughed.

  “We're not in a rush and I would like to stop a few times so Mariah can sleep in a real bed,” Marcus answered.

  “Darby, definitely scenic and include a few stops in there for overnight stays... That's fine ...Okay ... I'll let them know. Thanks, Darby. Bye.” She smiled at Marcus. “You guys have what is called a sleeper coach made available for as long as you need it, with three drivers who are also EMTs. It'll be fully stocked with whatever you ask for when Jordan Fuller comes to finalize the details at your hotel at five. You are scheduled to leave at eight a.m., Saturday morning.”

  Marcus smiled and nodded. “That's great, Madison. Thank you.”

  “Anything for Carey. She never so much as let me buy her a can of soda in high school. She was my one true friend and I have missed her so, so much,” Madison said then kissed my cheek.

  I smiled at her. “I've missed you too, Avenue. Please tell me you will come to California and visit when my babies come.”

  “Try and keep me away. Besides, I may have a date with single-boy over there. That is if he can fit me into his, I'm assuming, very active social calendar.” She winked at me.

  Matthew's eyes widened but he stayed silent and ran his hand over his face.

  “Madison...” Monica chuckled, dialing on her cell. “I really wish you could go on the bus ride with us. I’ve never seen Matthew speechless; not once, since meeting him. Tommy, you want to witness a small miracle? ... Matthew speechless in the presence of a beautiful woman ... No, I am not ... I'm not!” She laughed. “You guys come on up, we don't need to see the bus anymore ... No, Cookie's friend took care of it ... Okay, see you in a minute. He doesn't believe me,” Monica laughed again.

  I laughed then looked at my friend. “You want to meet my siblings and Marcus' other brother and his wife?”

  “Absolutely, but then I have to go. I have that interview in an hour. I'm staying at the Allenton, call me later.”

  “Can you move to the Peninsula, Madison?” Marcus asked. “It'll give you and Mariah more time together and get to know us, as well.”

  “I could do that. I'll book a room when I leave here. I'll stay until Saturday, also. I'll stop by your room before Jordan comes and maybe dinner, after?”

  “I'd love that, Avenue. A two-day slumber party,” I gushed. “Ours were legendary in high school, especially senior year. And now, we have a lot to catch up on.”

  “Yes, I have loads to tell you and I know you've got plenty to spill, too, Carey.” Madison smi
led as she rubbed my belly.

  “What is with the nicknames, you two,” Monica asked, smiling. “Why does Cookie call you 'Avenue'?”

  Madison raised an eyebrow. “Cookie?”

  “My step-dad started it. He says I remind him of a Pecan Sandie.”

  Madison looked at me, then nodded. “Yeah, I see that. You're sweet and nutty.”

  We loudly laughed.

  That Madison, I swear I have missed her.

  Me, too. So much.

  Madison turned to Monica. “She calls me Avenue to offset me calling her Carey, after Mariah Carey, since they sing as well as one another. There's a notorious street in Chicago called Madison Avenue.”

  Matthew finally spoke. “Are you notorious, Madison?”

  “Ask Marcus.” Madison looked at me and we giggled.

  “What,” Marcus asked, frowning. “How would I know?”

  “Which secret did you use?” Madison asked me with glittering eyes.

  I licked my lip and smiled.

  Madison grinned and nodded at my confused fiancé. “That’s how, Marcus.”

  Yes, Madison taught me how to do… fellatio. Her first lover was much older and an excellent teacher. Marcus was the first man I'd done it to, and the way he responded, I'd say Madison taught me well.

  Coaching me through a bathroom door, she also taught me to locate my ‘hot spots’ and a few ways to get myself off, which I’d only tried once. I failed at it. I didn’t see the point. I’d much rather get off from the touch of a man, so I never self-serviced.

  “All of them, really.” I leaned over, whispering, “I got three the first time with him. In a bathtub.”

  Madison's head shot up. She giggled while saying, “I just fell in love with you, Marcus, and you're welcome.”

  Marcus grinned and shook his head.

  “When's the wedding,” Madison asked. “God, I'm glad you got over that asshole Brent. He works out of the building next to mine and I see him almost every damn day. I could be having the best day ever then I’ll see that face and it just shoots it to hell.”

  All the joy I felt instantly left me. “I'm still sorry you got suspended for that.”

  “I'm still not. It was almost the best two weeks of my life. After I told my parents why I did it, they bought me that car. I loved that car.”


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