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Damaged (Bound & Tied Book 1)

Page 31

by Lucy Rinaldi

  ~ ~ ~

  Blake took the rest of the week off, which I was really glad about because we’ve spent long enough apart, my fault I know. He hasn’t let me out of his sight; I’m sure he thinks I’m going to run away again. He won’t even let me go to the store alone, that and I catch him watching me sleeping most mornings. The sex is out of this world! I’ve never been fucked like this before; he makes me feel so sexy, I can be anything I want to be because he loves me. No one’s ever made me feel the way he does, even just the touch of his hand makes me feel loved. Everything he does is with love and care and, God knows just how much I love him.

  ~ ~ ~

  Chapter Twenty Eight.

  By the time the twenty sixth came around, we were all back in a good routine. Blake and Alex went back at work, but Sam’s decided she no longer wants to work. According to Alex, Sam deserves to be taken care of, personally I think she’s a lazy cow who likes being a lady of leisure! She always said she’d find a man to take care of her one day, I guess she got her wish. I on the other hand love to work, but I was fired from my job at Jacques because of leaving them in the lurch the way I did to run off to England. I’ve done nothing but try to get an interview with Selby Thomson at B.T.B Enterprise Inc., which I might add is not going to plan, getting an interview with her is damn near impossible. I guess I’ll just keep trying. I know Blake owns B.T.B, and I could just ask him for a job, but I would rather slit my own throat than ask him to help me in that way. I don’t even need to work, but God knows I love to work! I could have applied to work somewhere else, but I guess somewhere in my crazy mind I figure if I get the job and he finds out he’ll have no choice but to tell me everything. Even though I have to wonder why he still hasn’t told me. I kind of think that maybe he hasn’t said anything because I still haven’t told him anything about how I got my money. How can he not know though? Especially when he knows who Roberto is? Such high powered businessmen are sure to have heard of each other, or maybe done business with each other, although I don’t believe Blake has ever done business of any kind with Roberto. It would be easy of me to ask Alex to help me get the interview, but I’ve never seen myself as the girl who would do something like that. If I do manage to get a job there I’d like to do it off my own back and not because Alex or Blake for that matter told someone to give me a job! Somewhere in my mind, I know working for Blake would be a disaster! But it’s my dream job, and I want it so badly. I’ve had interviews with other companies, but they didn’t seem right for me at the time. I’m too picky, that’s my problem!

  Tomorrow is the 30th of September and my best friend’s birthday, and I can’t wait to give her the present I’ve brought her. Blake’s got a late surgery tonight and I wish he hadn’t because I’m missing him like crazy, but come 11.30pm I just couldn’t keep my eyes open any longer. I dragged myself to bed and soon fell asleep, dreaming of my beautiful blue eyed Dr. and just how much I love him.

  After my shower the next morning, I got dressed into my black skinny jeans and one of my old band T-shirts. I rummaged through my bag, which I haven’t unpacked yet, and found Sam’s birthday present that I brought for her back in England. It’s not much just a white T-shirt that says “I Heart London” on the front. I always get her something pointless for her birthday, its just something we both and Clyde do for each other. I finally found her main present; I just hope she likes it. Walking out of my bedroom I found Blake, Sam and Alex at the dining table eating breakfast. Christ, the rooms so full of flowers. Roses of all colors absolutely everywhere, and balloons of all sizes and shapes, some saying “Happy Birthday” and lots saying “I Love You!” Wow! Alex has really gone all out for Sam, the room looks wonderful. I can’t help but smile to myself. “Happy Birthday, bestie” She smiles as I kiss her cheek, while handing her the paper bag that holds her T-shirt.

  “Look what Alex got me” She holds out her wrist to me, showing me the exquisite Platinum Diamond studded bracelet wrapped around it.

  “Wow! It’s beautiful” It really is beautiful, it must have cost him a fortune! She takes it off her wrist and hands it to me.

  “Read the inside” Her face is beaming, she looks so happy. I turn it over and read the engraved message.

  Happy Birthday, my one true Love

  You own my heart and soul, forever.

  Marry Me?

  My eyes shoot to her face. I have that open mouthed smile on my face. “What the... And?”

  “She said yes” Alex’s face is set to splitting.

  “Oh My God!” She jumps up out of her seat and hugs me so tightly I think my ribs might break! “I’m so happy for you both!” I really am happy for them, but I can’t help feeling a little jealous at the same time, which is completely ridiculous to say the least! I hug Alex and kiss his cheek. “Congrats”

  “Thanks, Sadie” I let go of him quickly as I realize Blake’s probably about to kill us both! Turning round I give Sam another kiss, and then take my seat at the table next to Blake, who incidentally looks hot as hell in gray suit pants, white shirt and matching gray tie. The color really brings out the blue of his eyes! I note his dark hair neat for a change all slicked back. God, he’s sexy! He doesn’t look angry; he’s smiling at Alex and Sam as they kiss each other. I lean over and plant a soft kiss on his cheek. He looks at me and smiles and his eyes sparkle. God, I could get lost in those eyes!

  “What was that for?”

  “Just because I love you” He brushes my bangs out of my eyes with his index finger, making me smile wider.

  “You have the most beautiful smile,” I smile even wider and he winks at me. “I love you, baby” He kisses my lips, and right now I feel so happy.

  “And I love you, Blake” What the fuck?! Since when did she love him? God, I hate that I’m such a jealous person, because I feel like she wants him in some way, when I know that’s just fucking stupid! But it wouldn’t be the first time my best friend has wanted a man I was with. She never acted on it, of course, but it always had my mind racing on “What if?”

  “Do you?” Blake’s just smiling at her with a questioning look on his face, as he puts his coffee cup on the table. Why the fuck, am I so angry, she’s only being nice... For a change!

  “Yes, because of how happy you’re making my best friend” Oh, now I feel stupid! “I’ve never seen her smile the way she smiles at you, so happy and carefree. It makes me happy” I watch a tear slip from her eye, and she wipes it away just as quickly as it came. I lean my hand over the table and take her hand in mine, squeezing it gently, that was so sweet of her to say. Both Alex and Blake are smiling at us. I love this happy feeling inside me. I’ve never felt anything like this, such genuine happiness.

  “Open your present you emotional cow” We both giggle, breaking the emotional moment. She shouldn’t cry, not today, it’s her birthday.

  She opens the T-shirt I brought her with a smile on her pretty face. “Oh, babes, thank you. I love it” I watch as she holds it against herself. “Hey, did you see what Blake got me” She holds out her earlobe, showing me the gorgeous platinum, diamond teardrop earrings.

  “You have been spoiled. Here you best have this then”

  She looks at me then at the rectangular box I’ve just handed her. “What’s this?”

  “A box”

  “I can see that, you sarcastic bitch!”

  “Hey, cow...! Open it” I watch in anticipation as she opens the box to find the platinum oval shaped locket, engraved on the front with a cherub complete with its harp.

  “Sadie, it’s beautiful”

  “Open it”

  “Huh?” She looks at me in wonder.

  “Open the locket. The locket has three sections where you can add pictures. I’ve added one of you and one of Alex,” I walk around the table and stand behind her. I lean down so my mouth is next to her ear. “There’s one more space for whatever you want to add to it”

  “Oh, Sadie. I love it” I take it from her hands and turn it over. I watch as she sc
ans the inscription and then reads it out loud.

  My dearest best friend.

  Thank you for all that you've brought me.

  For all the times you've been there for me.

  And for the times we’ve yet to share.

  I Love You with all of my heart.

  Mercedes xx

  “For what I’ve brought you?” I smile and point at Blake. Because it was her that brought him to me, her that sent him to me in London, and she’s the one who made me realize that I loved him. She pulls me into a tight hug. “I love you, Sadie”

  “I love you more, bestie”

  ~ ~ ~

  I’ve been alone in the apartment for most of the day. Blake’s at work and Alex has taken Sam into town for more birthday treats. They asked me to go, but I think they’d rather spend time alone, besides I don’t like playing gooseberry. Sam had spent the morning with her family before Alex took her on her shopping trip. There was no way I was going to her parents with her! Not that I really ever went there even when we were kids. But I couldn’t risk bumping into Elijah, not for anything. That being said, Blake forbade me from going. I didn’t tell Sam that though! She would have just gone on about how every man I’ve ever been with has controlled me. I didn’t see that as him being controlling, I saw that as a man taking care of his woman. I think I would have worried more if he told me to go!

  I’ve sat and painted both my finger and toe nails, a sweet baby pink color just to pass the time. But I’m so bored it’s unreal. Finally! 4.40pm and someone’s home, I can hear voices coming from the living room. Oh! They must have company, I can hear more than just them talking. I’m nosy so I go to the living room to see who’s there. When I get there my fucking heart stops at the sight of him. What. The. Fuck, is he doing here?! “Hello Mercedes”

  “Hunter” Fucking hell, I want the ground to swallow me whole! Bastard! How dare he fucking smile at me!

  “Sadie, look what I got” Sam holds a gorgeous floor length, navy blue satin strapless dress with diamanté around the waist, against her.

  “Wow, that’s amazing, babe”

  “It fits, I tried it on” I smile at her. She’s insane, she always tries everything on before she buys is because she always swears blind that nothing will fit her. She looks even happier now than she did this morning; she must have had a really good time with Alex. “I brought you something to wear tonight. But I’ll show you that later” She winks at me, then goes on to explain how she and Alex met up with Hunter at her parents and asked him to join them shopping. Once they’d been shopping they had coffee, and how he’s come back with them to say hi to me and to meet Alex’s brother, as now Sam and Alex are getting married Blake will be part of their family. I just nodded in a non-interested kind of way, even though the thought of Blake being part of that family made me physically sick to my stomach. I can’t believe I’m stuck in a room with this fucking animal! Does he really think I want to talk to him? God, he’s so fucking ugly, with his vile body and dark eyes. I fucking hate him! I just want to scream! Where the fuck is Blake? Jesus, if he ever finds out what this pig did to me he’d kill him... Twice! And then some!

  “Sam tells me you’re dating Alex’s big brother. He’s a lucky man”

  “I’m the lucky one,” I say under my breath. I can’t even look at him, I just sit staring at the clock, it’s 5.45pm, where the fuck is Blake? I feel sick and agitated being in the same room as this pig. I didn’t have to wait long before my man walked through the door, dropping his briefcase on the dining table. I jump up out of my seat and run to him, throwing my arms around his neck as tightly as I can, taking him aback.

  “Hey, what’s this, you missed me that much?”

  “Please, don’t make me stay in this room with him any longer” I whisper in his ear. He stiffens against me. He’s confused, I can tell, but he pulls me into his arms and holds me tightly for a moment.

  “Blake, this is my big brother, Hunter. Hunter, this is Blake, Alex’s big brother” I let go of Blake’s neck and stand beside him, grabbing his waist; I don’t want to let go. He takes Hunters outstretched hand and shakes it, his other hand remains tightly around me, keeping me close to him. I’m shaking horribly and I feel sick!

  “Nice to meet you, Blake. I finally get to meet the man who stole Sadie from our big brother”

  I watch Blake’s eyes narrow and I feel his chest heave. I put my hand on his chest as to say calm-down. I feel his hand over mine holding it tightly against him. “She came willingly, and just in time if you ask me!” Jesus Christ! I’m literally begging inside my head for him to keep his cool, even though I can tell right now all he wants to do is beat the fuck out of Hunter. Hunter’s eyes narrow at Blake, and I think he’s gonna say something but he’s stopped by Sam.

  “Hunter! Shut the fuck up, it wasn’t like that; Sadie and Elijah broke up because he didn’t know how to treat her right. Blake and Sadie got together ages after she left our brother”

  “My apologies, I meant no offense”

  “And I mean none by taking MY girlfriend to OUR room” I love the emphasis on the MY and OUR! “We have important things to discuss. Alex the tables booked for 8pm. Please be ready to leave at 7.30pm... Hunter” He nods at Alex and Hunter then kisses Sam’s cheek, before leading me by the hand to our room. As soon as the doors closed I sag on my bed, breathing deep, shaking hard and trying to hold back the tears. “What the fuck was that all about?”

  “Nothing. I-I just don’t like him, he gives me the creeps, has since I was a child”

  “Seems like more than… Did he hurt you?” Oh crap!

  “No, of course not,” I swallow hard because my mouths gone dry.

  “Mercy, don’t lie to me right now!” Fuck, how do I make him see that Hunter didn’t hurt me, even though he did? I just can’t risk Blake going crazy and doing something that will no doubt end in either Hunter being seriously hurt or worse. All I really want is for Blake to go out there and beat the living hell out of him, but I can’t let Sam know what that monster did to me, she’d blame me and it would end our friendship. I can’t let that happen, I wouldn’t know what to do without her in my life.

  “I’m not lying to you, Blake” I stand up and pull his arms around me. “He tried to kiss me once that’s all, and I’ve always felt awkward around him since” The sound of Blake’s racing heart pounds in my ears. “Where are we going tonight?” I need to steer him away from this thought because if I don’t I’m afraid of what will happen next.

  “I hate it when you change the subject. I know there’s more to this than what you’re telling me, and I will find out what it is, Mercy. Whether it’s you who tells me or him, I will find out”

  “Please,” I whisper against him, pulling him closer to me. “Please, don’t do this” He doesn’t get the chance to answer me, Sam bursts in telling Blake how Hunter’s left and now he has to leave our room, and take what he’s wearing tonight with him into her room and get ready with Alex. Apparently we have lots of girlie things we need to do if we’re to be ready in time.

  “This conversation isn’t over with, Mercedes,” I was afraid he’d say that. I nod and smile weakly as he kisses me then leaves the room, closing the door behind him.

  “Did I interrupt an argument?”

  “No babes, Blake and I don’t argue, we disagree” I smile at her letting her know everything’s fine. Truth is, we don’t argue, at least not yet anyway, but I guess time will tell if I have the courage to argue with him for real...

  ~ ~ ~

  Chapter Twenty Nine.

  “Sam, I look stupid” I protest as I stand looking at myself in the mirror.

  “No you don’t, you look amazing”

  “I don’t feel comfortable”

  “Mercedes Helena Sophia Moretti! You’re wearing that damn dress end of story!” My face sags as I look at myself in the mirror. I look stupid and ugly, my hairs loose with light curls running through it, my makeup is light almost natural. I don’t really need
much foundation; my natural olive color is a blessing. She’s got me in a black silk Corset with baby pink silk strips running around the breast area and around the bottom, and matching baby doll panties and silk stockings. The dress she picked for me is a figure hugging, tight black on the knee, strapless number, with matching simple black satin high heels. If I was anyone else right now, I’d say how stunning they look, but as it’s me I can’t. Sam looks beautiful with her hair scraped back into a neat bun, she looks amazing in that dress, and her shoes are a navy blue satin pair of flats, matching her dress. Apparently she can’t wear heals, God only knows why, maybe Alex doesn’t like her wearing them, maybe he’s a little Dominant, lucky bitch! She’s wearing all the jewelery we bought her for her birthday. I put my tear drop earrings in and don my necklace my mother brought me, grab the shawl that matches my dress and wrap it around my shoulders. I guess I’m ready.

  “Sam, I feel uncomfortable. What if someone sees my scars?”

  “They won’t”

  “But they might” I sigh to myself.

  She smiles at me and kisses my cheek. “Sadie, you look beautiful. No one will see anything, I promise. I can’t wait until Blake sees you in this dress” Her smile is infectious, but I’m nervous of what Blake will think of me dressed like this. It’s been a long time since I could wear anything like this, a dress that didn’t touch the floor, without being beaten half to death for it. God, I’m so nervous in case Blake doesn’t like me dressing like this either. I’m scared that it will make him angry like it used to Elijah.

  “Peek out and tell me what he’s wearing”

  “Sadie! Ugh, fine” I giggle to myself as she peeks around the door. “He’s wearing a black dress suit, white shirt, baby pink tie and scruffy hair. Damn pig, could have combed it”


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