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Making Sense

Page 11

by Lila Rose

  “Talk soon. Get inside now, Adalyn.”

  “Okay,” I whispered. With a trembling body, I turned and unlocked the door, stepping inside. I didn’t close it because I looked back once. He was still standing there, waiting until I was all the way shut inside. It was another sweet moment of my life because no one had done that for me. Waving, his smile turned into a grin, and he tipped his chin up to me before I closed the door and leaned against it.



  “I would have asked how it went, but I can tell it went well,” Mom said, as I looked up to see her sitting in the living room with Puss-it on her lap. She was smiling so big it kind of looked scary, adding to it was how she stroked the cat like she was some evil genius.

  “I don’t know what just happened,” I admitted, because that kiss confused me even more. Maybe I’d been right, and Vice did like me. Well, he wouldn’t kiss me if he didn’t, right?

  “I think what happened was your handsome man made a play for my daughter.”

  “Hmm.” I nodded.

  “Oh, sweetheart. Don’t think too hard about it and just let things happen.”

  “But I have Drew to consider.”

  “Adalyn, it’s plain to see Drew adores Vice.”

  “He’s only met him a couple of times.” How could my son like a man already? Why would he want me to date? Did I look lonely even to a nine-year-old? If that was the case, I was kind of pathetic.

  “That was the first time I’ve met him, and I already like the man.”

  Throwing my hands up in the air. I made my way to the couch and asked, “How? Why?” As soon as I was close, I slumped down onto the cushion, leaning my head back, eyes to the ceiling.

  “Because the way he looked at you.”

  I slanted my head to the side so I could see her. “What way?”

  “Like you were his dinner and he wanted to gobble you up.”


  She laughed. “It’s true. John never looked at you like that.”

  I wasn’t sure if I knew the look she was talking about. To me, Vice glared, scowled, and maybe looked at me with humor in his eyes, but other than that, I hadn’t seen what Mom was talking about on his face. Yes, he checked me out a few times, but he quickly stopped it, and I honestly thought he didn’t realize he was doing it himself.

  “I just don’t know, Mom.”

  “Well, I do, and I say stop stressing over it and go with whatever happens. What did he say when he left?”

  “That we’d talk soon about, well, um, he kissed me and said he was out of town for a couple of days.”

  “Talking is good. Did he plan to see you again?”

  “He’s coming to Drew’s basketball game, and he wants to take Drew and me out after it.”

  Mom’s smile was huge.

  “Don’t.” I held my hand up and sat straighter. “I-I can’t think too much into it until we’ve spoken.”


  “Because… I don’t know what he wants. He may only want a fling of passing passion.” Mom snorted, but I went on, “Which means I honestly shouldn’t have agreed to this dinner Saturday night because it could also get Drew’s hopes up. Not that I understand why Drew has taken such a liking to Vice.” I sighed. “It’s all confusing.”

  “I don’t think you have anything to worry about, but I understand, and I’ll keep my glee for when he takes you as his.”

  I scoffed. “I’m not sure—”

  “Adalyn. Go to bed. I know you won’t get much sleep, but try and think of something else and not worry about your man.”

  “He’s not—”

  Her hand came up, and she rolled her eyes. “Not another word of fear out of you.”


  “Bed, young lady.”

  “Geesh, Mom, I’m thirty-seven not ten.”

  She winked. “When you still live under my roof, I get to boss you around.”

  Snorting, I stood and kissed her on the cheek. “Night, Mom. Love you.” I gave a quick pat to Puss-it, which he yowled at, and then started down the hall.

  “You too, sweetheart. Oh, by the way. He has a nice tush.”

  Stopping still, I groaned, “Mom.”

  “Well, he does.”

  Shaking my head, I left her to her show. She loved watching the late-night programs. It was probably where I got my liking of late hours from. I bypassed my workroom and snuck a look in on Drew, who had somehow managed to shift his whole body sideways and was sleeping with his head and feet off the bed. Tiptoeing in, not that I really had to—he slept like the dead—I maneuvered him back around to lay on it properly.

  Suddenly he sat up. “Mom, did you check the kitchen?”

  “What for?” I asked, knowing he was sleep talking. He’d always done it from a young age.

  “The cat ate my cereal.”

  “Well, I’ll get you some more.”

  “’Kay.” He nodded and flopped back down. Giggling, I walked out of his room and into mine, which was opposite my son’s.

  I threw my bag on the bed. It was then I realized I’d forgotten my jacket in the back of Vice’s car, I knew I hadn’t needed one, but Vice was still sweet enough to get it for me.


  His lips were… heavenly against mine.

  Reaching up, I trailed my finger across my grinning mouth. Vice had been there.

  My phone in my bag rang. I quickly grabbed it out, and without looking at the caller ID, I answered, “Hello?”

  “Hi, Adalyn.”


  “Of course.” I could hear a smile in his voice.

  “It’s late, John. Why are you ringing now and not when your son is awake to talk to him?”

  “I know, I’m sorry, but I actually wanted to catch you, and I promise to ring Drew in the morning.”

  My stomach bottomed out. He wanted something; it was the only time he wished to speak to me. What I wanted to do was hang up, but I didn’t because that would lead to John turning into a jerk and name calling, so I asked, “What do you need?”

  “School holidays are coming up. I know I’d said I’d be home for them, but I don’t think I can get away.”

  I ground my teeth together. “John—”

  “Wait. Before you start yelling, just hear me out. I was hoping Drew could come here for a week of the holidays. I stay right on the beach, and you know how much he loves the beach.”

  “I’m not sending our son on a plane alone, John.”

  “No, I wouldn’t suggest that. I thought you could fly over with him. I’ll pay for your flight also. You could stay and enjoy the time in the sun. I know it’s starting to get cold there.”

  “I don’t think—”

  “Please, Adalyn. Just think about it. Drew would love it, and I really want to spend time with him, I miss him a lot.”

  God, it was his choice to move so flipping far away in the first place.


  “Please. Just think about it.”

  Sighing, I ran a hand through my hair. “Fine.”

  “Thank you.”

  “The holidays aren’t for another couple of months, so I’ll let you know in the next few weeks.”

  He cleared his throat. “I kind of need to know by the end of next week. The deals on the flights end by then.”

  Darn him.


  “I appreciate it, Adalyn, and I’m sure you’ll both love it here. It’s so peaceful and beautiful. Everyone is always relaxed. I get so much more work done, so I’m really busy all the time, and if you fly him over, it will help a great deal.”

  “I do have a new job, John.”

  “That’s fantastic, Adalyn. I never liked you working in that store. What are you doing now?”

  “I’m an assistant, which means I’ll also have to check with my boss about the time off, that’s if I can do this. But since I’m new, I’m not sure it will be possible.”

  Really, I should
n’t have said that because I didn’t even want to spend any time in the same place as him and his tart. Honestly, it should be John flying out to pick up Drew and then flying back with him instead of me.

  “Talk to your boss at least and see. I’m sure she won’t mind.” I didn’t correct him about my boss being a he and not a she.

  “Maybe you should fly here to get Drew, and then—”

  “I wish I could, Adds babe, but I seriously can’t. I want to get all my work out of the way before Drew arrives so I can spend all my time with him.”

  Adds babe?

  I cringed. He used to call me that when we were married, so why would he call me it then when his woman could be there? Not unless she was out. Thinking of her had me wondering if she knew John’s plan in the first place.

  Drew. He was the most important person in this decision. I would think everything over good and proper for Drew’s sake.

  “I’ll see what I can do, John, and get back to you. Does Dorothy know you want Drew there and that you’ve asked me to bring him?”

  “She does. It’ll be fine.”

  Strange. I wouldn’t have expected her to be. From the two times I’d seen her, she’d glared daggers at me.

  “Right. So you’ll call Drew in the morning?”

  “Sure will.”

  “Okay. Well, I’m heading to bed.”

  “Great, thanks again for thinking about it. Night, Adalyn.”

  “Good night,” I said, and then hung up the phone. God, was I being too nice? He was the one who screwed Drew and me over for another woman. I didn’t know what I should have done. Said no and tell him to flock off? To deal with his own time with Drew without me being involved in any way?

  It wasn’t in me to do that because if I did, Drew would miss out or he’d sense something else had happened between his father and me. I didn’t want any animosity with John when it was Drew we both had to put first and think of.

  At least one thing about having a phone call from my ex, it stopped me thinking about Vice and worrying what would happen next.

  I was his assistant, and he’d kissed me.

  Great, I’m yet again thinking about Vice.

  Groaning, I slipped out of my dress and put on flannel pajamas. After a quick bathroom visit, I went back into my room, turned off the light, and slipped into bed.

  Then lay there.

  Blinking up at the ceiling in the pitch black.

  Vice Salvatore had kissed me.

  Heck, what would Molly think? Should I tell her? She knew I kind of liked him, but would she be shocked and disgusted her brother kissed me and how it could lead to more… like both of us naked?

  My clit spasmed at that thought. Maybe a quick flick of the bean would make me tired, and I’d find sleep. Only it felt wrong doing it in the same bedroom from when I was young.

  Mom’s just down the hall.

  But I’m so wide awake.

  Mom down the hall.

  But Vice kissed me.

  Childhood home.

  But Vice’s penis.

  Screw it, go for it.

  Slipping my hand into my pj pants and panties, I closed my eyes, and a picture of Vice naked was already in my mind. We were in the bathroom, only I was sitting on the vanity with my legs spread, Vice was getting to his knees in front of me, his eyes heated like they had been after our kiss. He leaned in and kissed my thigh, telling me how beautiful I was and then…

  “Goddamn it,” I whispered through the room as my orgasm burst out of me.

  That went too darn fast.

  God, imagine if Vice did get his hands on me. I’d be a screamer in seconds, and that would be embarrassing. So it would be wise to keep my skirts down, my pants up, and not let Vice near my privates or I’d be a blushing, fumbling fool running from the room after coming from one touch.

  I hoped I could stay true to my word and stay away from Vice Salvatore.

  But if he kissed me again like he had on the doorstep….

  Bloody heck, I was totally screwed.

  At least, after a quick wash, I did go back to bed and slept the whole night through.




  “I’m sorry, say that again?” I demanded, slamming my near empty coffee mug on the table in the living room of the hotel.

  Molly giggled. “She went to dinner with this Den guy, but Vice, it wasn’t her idea. He called Jenny up and invited them all around for a friendly dinner so the kids could play.”

  Friendly my fucking ass.

  Douche Den wanted in Adalyn’s pants.

  I’d been gone a day, and he’d moved in. Maybe he found out Adalyn had been out with me instead. Kids talked, and Drew seemed keen to have me around so he could have shared that with his friend, then his friends would have told his dad.

  However it went down, I didn’t care.

  Adalyn was mine.

  It was sly going through Jenny the way he did. He wanted to play dirty, I could too.

  “Doesn’t matter what way it went down, Molly. He’ll soon get the picture.” Again she laughed. “Now, tell me, did Kenzie get in touch with Evelyn?” She was a popular country singer and married to Ethan, another country singer, and both were clients of Grayson’s.

  “She sure did. Kenzie’s going to see her today and show her Adalyn’s site.”

  “Again, be sure I only want Evelyn to buy something if she truly likes it and is willing to spread the word about how much she likes it.”

  “I just texted Kenzie before to make sure that message was passed on.”

  “Thanks. Has Adalyn talked to you about our date?”

  She snorted. “No. She’s still calling it a business dinner, and she never mentioned anything happened between the two of you. I’m only guessing something did if you’re moving to get her business noticed more.”

  “Never should have put that clause in the contract at work.” Then again, if I hadn’t stated a strict no dating policy, I knew Kylie and a few other women would have been gunning for me. I wasn’t blind to the looks they gave me. I just wasn’t stupid to think they were my type. A lot of women I dated only did it for the money and a step toward the people I associated with. Which was why the only serious woman I had was ten years ago and, since then, the rest had all been hook-ups.

  Until Adalyn.

  Christ. That woman, that kiss, her blushes, mutterings, and anything about her really was made for me. There was something deep in me that knew she was it. She was my forever. Even if I sounded like a complete pussy for thinking it, I didn’t care. Never felt it before, even after one sight of a woman, but I did for Adalyn, and I was probably an ass because… well, I was an ass most times, but she was annoying me by not looking at me when all I wanted to do was stare at her and her stunning blue eyes.

  Each time I saw her, spent time with her, I found it wasn’t enough. I wanted to be around her every chance I got, and even Drew. He was a cute, smart kid, and spending time with him, I knew was going to be fun.

  “At least, if things go well, and Evelyn shares about Adalyn’s work, her business will boom, and she’ll leave your employment.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  It was either that or fire her, and somehow, I knew firing her wouldn’t go down well. Besides, her work on jewelry was superb. After I’d gotten home from our dinner, I’d looked up her items and checked everything out. She was underpricing herself, but I knew she was doing it so she’d get noticed. She’d have to leave it for a while longer, even after things progressed with the business. A price increase wouldn’t look good right after everything took off.

  All I had to do was hope Adalyn didn’t see this as me taking control of her life. Instead, I wanted her to realize it was me seeing to taking matters into my own hand so we could be together.

  At least if she didn’t, I’d eventually wear her down to see sense, because we’d be good for each other. I also knew I had people backing us. Grayson and his family, Molly a
nd her man, and I was sure I even had Jenny and Drew gunning for Adalyn and me to be an us.

  “Things will work out in the end and, when they do, I’m going to stop sharing shit with you because she’s my girl. But for now, and until she sees the light with you, I’ll help. You’ll be good for my girl, and she’ll keep you grounded.”

  “Can only hope, Molly.”

  “So do I or else I’ll have to hurt you.”

  “How many times you going to threaten your brother?”

  “As many as I want so he knows not to screw my friend over.”

  “Won’t happen,” I said with a determined tone.

  “You’re serious.”


  “Good.” I could hear the smile in her voice.

  “I’ve got to go, Molly, but know I’ll handle this Den guy when I get back.”


  “He’ll get she’s taken when I attend the basketball game.”

  “Can I come and watch?”


  “Party pooper. I’ll let you go. Talk soon, brother.”

  “You will and, Molly, thanks for everything.”

  “I’m just happy to help you both and to have my brother sort his life out where work isn’t everything for him. Bye.”

  “Later,” I said and then ended the call. I would have liked to have called the office and talked to Adalyn, actually barked down the phone with how pissed it made me to find out she was in the company of another man who wanted to fuck her. But I couldn’t since she wasn’t the one who told me. She was too damn sexy for her own good, and the shit part about that was how she didn’t see it. To my shock, she was oblivious to the men in the office blatantly checking her out, and if it wasn’t for the clause in their contracts, they would be up in her grill wanting to take her out. I was sure she thought they were just being nice to the new person, but they weren’t. Kylie could see it, which was the main reason Kylie was such a bitch to Adalyn.

  Running a hand through my hair, frustrated, I sighed and sent off a similar e-mail to yesterday’s to Adalyn stating what I needed done at work. There was no mention of the kiss or her friendly dinner date. I kept it professional. I had to because I had my tech guy going through all employee e-mails and such to know there wasn’t anything untoward going on. Since I was the boss, I couldn’t exactly send an e-mail to Adalyn saying I wanted her. Even though I was exempt from Chad, the tech guy, going through my computer, I had to hold to my own standards. Didn’t I? I did, I admitted reluctantly. It wouldn’t be right to e-mail Adalyn wanting to know what color her panties were.


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