Book Read Free

Making Sense

Page 12

by Lila Rose

  Jesus, just the thought of her panties had my cock stirring. I’d lost count of the times I’d jacked off over her, imagining taking her in every way possible. Even when I’d picked her up from our date, not that she knew it was a true date, and she’d tripped where we ended up crushed together with her bent over the couch, I’d pictured slipping her black panties down and thrusting into her. That was until her mother walked through the front door. I knew neither woman looked, but if they would have glanced down, they would have seen my raging hard-on.

  I had to know everything there was to know about Adalyn and I wanted to share the same back.

  Stupid fucking rules.

  Hell, I was the boss. I could change them and then have other women think I was doing it for them. No, it was safer to wait. I had to keep it in my pants until she was no longer an employee.

  I smiled to myself, however. It didn’t mean I couldn’t start finding out things about her. E-mailing wasn’t the only way to communicate.

  Me: I just sent you an e-mail. Did you get it? I fired off to Adalyn. Dammit, I forgot she didn’t know I had her cell number, but I’d taken it down the day she started and filled out all the forms.

  Adalyn: Who is this?

  Me: Vice.

  Adalyn: Sorry, Mr. Salvatore, I didn’t realize you had my number. I did get the e-mail. Thank you for checking.

  Back to Mr. Salvatore. Then again, she was being professional. I was the only one who messaged for a different reason.

  All I had to work out was how to lead this into a different direction instead of anything about work. I couldn’t exactly ask what color her panties were, or tell her I wanted to see her naked. Or even ask for a boob shot.

  Ever since I was young, I was a boob and ass man, and Adalyn was perfect in both areas.

  Grinning, I typed in another message: What time is Drew’s game?

  Adalyn: Four PM. Again, you don’t have to go if you’re busy.

  Clenching my jaw, I released an annoyed breath. Why did she do that when I’d already said I was going? Didn’t she understand I wanted to be there for Drew, but also for her? I’d thought I’d made it clear. At least, I’d thought it was clear when I’d kissed her and showed my intentions of wanting her. Maybe I hadn’t, that or she just couldn’t understand I would be interested in her in the first place.

  What had the men in her past done to her to think she wouldn’t be worthy of attention?

  Me: I’ll be there. Looking forward to it actually.

  Adalyn: Really?

  Shaking my head, I smiled. Me: Yes, Addy, and for dinner that night. I was also looking forward to showing up and having a friendly chat to douche Den, telling him to back the hell off from Adalyn.

  Adalyn: Okay.

  Snorting, I stood and made my way to the door. I had another meeting I had to get to. Even though I wanted to just sit back and text Adalyn for the rest of the day, I couldn’t.

  Me: I have to go to a meeting now, Adalyn. Enjoy your day, and I’ll see you Saturday.

  Adalyn: Okay.

  Laughing, I walked out the door and down to the elevator. Just from her texts, I could tell she was nervous. I was uncertain which part she was nervous about: seeing me, having me at the game when Den would be there, or maybe she was worried I’d kiss her again, which was likely to happen. Only when Drew wasn’t around. Surely a kiss wasn’t breaking the clause. At least I wouldn’t be at work when it happened. Even if it was, I didn’t care. I couldn’t wait to have her mouth again.




  That was what I sent back, and I could have hit myself. I nearly pooped my pants when he texted back saying it was him. I didn’t know he even had my number, nor did I understand why he would text me in the first place when he hadn’t done it the day before when he e-mailed me.

  Unless… no, he wouldn’t know I went to dinner at Den’s. That was just stupid to even think he knew and was reaching out to remind me of him. I was already freaked out by going to another man’s house for dinner—even though Mom and Drew were there also—especially as I’d just kissed Vice the night before that. I was sure Vice was a man who wouldn’t understand it was a friendly dinner and was mainly a chance for the boys to play Minecraft.

  My stomach had already been full of humming bees even before his text, and after, it had ramped up its speed to where I was in a state of losing my breakfast.

  What would Saturday bring? I didn’t know, and I wasn’t in the right space of mind to even think about it. What I did know was that I would have to let Den know I wouldn’t agree to another date, even if it would be a friendly one. At least, not until Vice and I had spoken.

  I considered booking myself into a mental hospital before the weekend. I already had the stress of John calling, like he’d promised, and then telling Drew I was thinking about us flying over to see his dad on the holidays. I wanted to kill John for even mentioning it to our son in the first place when it wasn’t set in stone. Drew’s excitement was off-the-charts high. It made saying no all the more impossible. How could I break his heart or stop him from seeing his absent father? I knew my son would eventually understand, but I didn’t want to disappoint Drew by not giving him a chance to spend some time with his dad at the beach.

  So the upcoming weekend stress just added to the amount I already had, causing me to seriously consider a mental hospital, that or I’d suddenly come down with an illness and have Mom take Drew instead.

  Though that’d just make me a chicken, and I wasn’t one.




  My heart was about to beat out of my chest to scurry off into hiding as I made my way into the basketball stadium beside a peppy Drew. He didn’t know his mother was about to lose it, I hid it well, so he was bouncing beside me and asking a million questions per second.

  “What time will Mr. Vice show? Will he be here from the start? Where are we going to dinner? I can’t believe he wants to take us to dinner. When are the school holidays? Maybe Vice can come with us. I know it’s only a week, but it’d be fun. Do you think I should ask him?”

  “Drew,” I called, and with a hand to his shoulder, I turned him to face me. “Please don’t say anything to Mr. Salvatore about the holiday with your dad. I need to ask for time off first, and I’m not sure if I can get it. Though, no matter what, you’ll be going. I’ve already spoken to both Molly and your nana. They said they could take you on the plane if I can’t get the time off.”

  “’Kay.” He smiled, then skipped off toward the double doors.

  Slowly, I followed him. My gaze kept flittering around to see if I could spot Den before Vice showed. I wanted to let him know about Vice coming. I should have said something the night we’d been to his place for dinner, but I hadn’t. Actually, I was surprised he didn’t already know via Drew and Rick.

  Stepping through the doors, I spotted Den sitting in the second row of the seats. I made my way over and caught his smile when he spotted me. Waving, I kept going until an arm came around my waist and halted my progress. Den lost his smile, and he got up, heading down the stairs.

  Shit, shit, shit.

  I already knew who was at my back; his scent was a tell-tale sign. More of his heat hit my back as he leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Addy. Good to see you.” My body quivered.

  “Adalyn, everything okay?” Den asked, stopping in front of Vice and me.

  “Um, yes?” I tried to shift to the side, but the arm around me wouldn’t move. So I thumbed behind me, and said, “Den, this is my boss, Vice Salvatore.”

  Vice’s body stiffened. “Den, was it?” His free hand came out to shake Den’s.

  “That’s right. Vice, was it?”


  “And boss?” Den added, his gaze sliding down to Vice’s arm.

  “Yes,” Vice clipped.

  “Mr. Vice!” was yelled from Drew over the other side of the court before he took off on a run tow
ard us. It was then Vice took a step to the side, dropping his arm from around me.

  I had shifted enough to see Vice smile at Drew, who came to a stop in front of Vice and beamed up at him. “You made it.”

  “I sure did.” He ruffled Drew’s hair, and added, “I’m excited to see the game.”

  “Cool. You can sit with Mom.”

  “I will.”

  “’Kay.” He grinned. I watched Drew flash a quick glance to Den and then back again to Vice before he asked, “Where we going for dinner tonight?”

  Vice’s smile matched my son’s. Then he chuckled. “That’s a surprise.”

  “I like surprises.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Drew’s name was yelled. “Gotta go.”

  “Have fun,” Vice called.

  “I will,” Drew yelled over his shoulder.

  Vice moved back to face Den, and to my utter shock, Vice said, “We need to talk.”

  “What why?” I asked, my tone reaching fearful.

  “I think we do,” Den replied. Both men ignored me.

  “And I think the game’s starting soon, so we’d better sit down,” I snapped.

  “Outside,” Vice ordered.

  “Right,” Den supplied before he walked past me.

  When Vice went to follow, I grabbed his arm, and hissed, “What are you doing?”

  He grinned. “Just having a word with your friend.”

  My eyes narrowed even though I was about to hyperventilate. “Why?”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said, and then, then, he leaned in and kissed the tip of my nose. My arm fell away as he walked off.

  Would it be best if I followed, so I knew what Vice wanted to talk to Den about? However, I didn’t. Living in a bubble of denial about them talking was better for my sanity. Instead, I stalked to the seats and sat down.

  It didn’t stop my eyes from hovering over the door waiting for them both to enter back in though. Or the fact I couldn’t keep still; my brain, body, and heart were fighting a war. A part of me told me to go out there, another told me to stay put, and then another, anyone could guess which part, was swooning over Vice wanting to talk to Den and letting me believe Vice was warning Den away from me.

  Both men entered just as the game started, and both wore frowns. My knees bounced up and down as they made their way toward me. What did they talk about? Of course I didn’t know, and when they sat, one on each side of me, I didn’t want to ask. If anything, I thought about sliding to the floor to be away from them.

  “Drew plays a good game,” Vice commented.

  “Uh-huh.” I nodded, keeping my eyes on the game. The other team made for a shoot, missed, and my baby, my boy stole the ball. “Go, Drew,” I cheered, clapping.

  Drew made it down the end of the court and then passed it to Rick, who shot the ball to the hoop. I held my breath, watched it hit the back of the board, and then slide through the net. “Woohoo!” I yelled, standing and throwing my hands in the air. Drew looked our way, his smile the biggest I’d seen, and then he rolled his eyes at me. Next, his thumb came up, with his arm in the air. I glanced beside me to see Vice grinning and doing the same back to Drew.


  Shaking my head, I sat back down. Den leaned in to say, “They work well together.”

  “They were amazing.”

  Den chuckled, bumping his shoulder into mine, which knocked me into Vice because we were all sitting close. Out the corner of my eyes, I saw Vice clench his jaw, his nostrils flare, and then, it was as if in slow motion, he reached out to lay a hand on my thigh before turning to me and saying, “So I thought we could head back to my place for dinner.”


  Den leaned around me. “They came to dinner at my place the other night. It was a good time. Right, Adalyn?”


  “Of course, I remember Adalyn couldn’t make it to the friendly dinner on Wednesday you’d planned because she was with me. So glad you could reschedule it.”


  “It was. I even got a chance to get to know Jenny, her mother.”

  “Jenny’s such a nice lady. Baby, do you remember what she called me Wednesday night?” Vice laughed, and I wanted to crawl up into a ball to die.

  Den made a sound in the back of his throat. “Drew and Rick had a great time that night too. It’s great they’re close.”

  “Speaking of close, do you know Molly? She’s Addy’s close friend and also my sister.”

  Please, please, please someone kill me.

  “Will both of you stop whatever this is? We’re here to watch the game, and that’s it.”

  “You’re right, sorry,” Vice agreed with a glare toward Den.

  “Yes, sorry, Adalyn.”

  Were they seriously going back and forth for me? Why?

  My nerves had me biting my fingernail. I hated they were acting like possessive idiots because I also despised the fact I would have to let Den down. No one was in competition against Vice-freaking-Salvatore, and the jerk probably knew it.

  Thankfully, they stayed quiet throughout the game, except to comment on how it played out with Drew and his team winning. I quickly made my way onto the court just as Drew was flying my way. He was crushed in my arms in seconds.

  “I’m so proud of you and your team. What an amazing job. You all worked well together like that.” As Rick came up, and after he hugged his dad, I added, “Great job, Rick.” I held out my hand which he high-fived.

  “Thanks, Miss Sage.”

  I caught Vice’s brows dipping together. I hadn’t yet told him I’d changed my last name back to my maiden name. It had finally been completed two weeks ago.

  When Drew’s body detached from mine, I glanced down to see him fly at Vice and hug him tightly, then pull back to look up. “Did you see, Mr. Vice?”

  A smiling Vice was an amazing Vice. He looked down to Drew with affection written all over his face. “I did. Fantastic job, all of you.”


  It was then I happened to glance at Den. He was watching Drew with Vice, and something flashed across his face before he hid it, met my gaze, and nodded with a small smile on his lips. I wasn’t sure I understood that look, nod, or smile. However, Den then turned to Vice and held out his hand.

  “It was… good to meet you, Vice. I’m sure I’ll see you here next time.”

  Vice studied Den for a moment, then grinned and nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it.” Another male looked past between them before they stepped away. It was then I realized Drew was still at Vice’s side with his arm slung around Vice’s waist, and Vice had his arm over Drew’s shoulders, his hand resting on the opposite one.

  “You two ready to go?” Vice asked.

  “Sure am.” Drew nodded. After a goodbye to Rick and Den, we made our way out into the car park.

  “Mom, can I ride with Mr. Vice in his sweet car?” Drew asked.

  “Why don’t we all go in mine, I can drop you back after dinner?” Vice suggested.

  “Ah, no, thank you. I’ll take mine and follow you.”

  He smirked, probably knowing my nerves were once again present or how the kiss we shared kept rolling around in my mind. My body wanted a replay, and if I was in close proximity to Vice, even with Drew about, I wasn’t sure I could trust myself. I wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch him, which was why throughout the game I kept my hands under my thighs.

  “Drive safe,” I called on my way to my car.

  “Always, precious cargo on board.”

  Oh, wow.

  That was sweet.

  The man was winning more and more points with me. It unnerved the heck out of me because I still couldn’t understand why he would show any type of interest in me. Heck, I drove the man insane most days.

  Unless… was he a masochist?

  Grumbling under my breath as I climbed into my car, I realized all the wondering wasn’t doing me any good. I needed to talk to Vice. It would have to be
when Drew wasn’t around, though. So all I had to do was get through the night and maybe ask him to lunch one day so we could clear the air, and I could find out where we stood.



  “This place is the bomb!” Drew yelled as he ran off. When Vice pulled up to a large ranch-style house, just on the outskirts of town, I was pleasantly surprised by his pick of home. Despite the fact it was my dream home, one I’d always wanted since I was a little girl, it was also close to town so it wouldn’t take me long to get back to Mom’s.

  Maybe he’d want to sell it to me. Although, once I walked in, I knew it would be way out of my price range. My mouth dropped open, my eyes popping out of my head, and it was only when Vice said, “Breathe, Addy,” that I took in a lungful of air.

  “Ah.” I blinked slowly. Shook my head and asked, “Where’s Drew going?”

  Vice chuckled. “I told him about the game room I have down the hall.”

  “I better see he doesn’t—”

  “Adalyn, can I show you around first?”

  Alone with Vice in his house…? No, that wouldn’t be good.

  I licked my dry lips when the thought of seeing his bedroom conjured in my mind. A giggle just about fell from my mouth, but I clamped my lips together. I’d pictured myself touching his sheets, maybe even smelling them.

  That’s wrong on so many levels, Adalyn.

  “Mom, Mom, Mom. You have to see this,” Drew popped his head out from a doorway down the long hall to the left.

  Smiling, I looked at Vice. “I guess I have to look at something. Then, um, you can show me around.” Would asking to avoid his bedroom seem suspicious? How many women had been in his house, his room, his bed? God, the thought churned my stomach.

  Shaking my head, I made my way down the hall. I didn’t look around too much, well besides when we’d first entered. Which had been straight into a living room the size of Grayson and Kenzie’s formal lounge, only Vice’s was more homely. The living room held two couches, one to the left of the room and the other just inside the front door. The ginormous TV was to the right and hung on the wall, while to the back of the room was a panty-wetting bookcase, floor-to-ceiling high, and on each side of that were windows. Since it was dusk outside, I was able to see decking and a lot of land. There was a doorway to the right of the living room, and I was certain it would lead to the dining and kitchen area. I’d wait until the official tour to see it.


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