Book Read Free

Making Sense

Page 13

by Lila Rose

  Drew had disappeared from sight by the time I made it down the hallway to the doorway I’d last seen him in. When I stepped around into the room, my mouth once again dropped open.

  “Holy… wow!” I gasped.

  There was a ten-pin bowling lane, pinball machines, a pool table, a poker table, a bar, some old video games, and in the far corner, there was also an Xbox, PlayStation, and a Wii. No wonder my son had been so dang excited about seeing it all. The room was about the same size as Vice’s living room… just how big was Vice? No, I meant his house. How big was his house?

  Looking up at Vice, I said, “You do realize I’ll never get Drew to leave your house again?”

  He shrugged with a smirk on his lips.

  “Mom, I love this house,” Drew cried loudly.

  “It is amazing, Drew. Be careful with what you play with, okay?”

  “I will. Mr. Vice, do you want to play pool? I’ve never played before.”

  “You’re on, Drew. I’ll just show your Mom around quickly and come back.”

  “Awesome!” He ran over to the game area and plopped down on a beanbag.

  “Shall we?” Vice asked, his hand gestured out to the door. Nodding, I turned and walked out, only jolting once when Vice’s hand touched my lower back. “We’ll start down the end of the hall.”

  I wasn’t sure why it never really registered in my head, it should have, but it didn’t until Vice showed me his house. Then it slapped me in the face. Vice was rich. Very rich.

  The hall, Vice talked about, went around to the right. It explained why his house looked smaller on the outside. Of course, the room he picked first just happened to be his bedroom. I blushed. He chuckled as he showed me his space. My gaze landed on his king-size bed, my cheeks heating even more before I focused on the two armchairs which sat in front of another big TV. His room-size walk-in closet, and his en suite, which was another bedroom-sized room with a Jacuzzi, were something to be envious about.

  Flustered, I was glad when we walked out of his room. My hand had inched toward his bedside table to see if it would be his underwear drawer. We made our way back down the hall, my skin finally cooling. As we walked, he pointed out his study, and four spare bedrooms. Then there was the game room. I poked my head back in to see Drew’s attention was still on some car game, and he was driving like a maniac. Beside that were the swimming pool room and a gym. Then finally, we returned to the living room.

  “You’ve hardly said a word.” Vice came to a stop at my side and faced me.

  That was because I was still stuck back in his bedroom. His sheets had looked soft. Stroking them was high up on my thoughts still, which led me to think about stroking Vice in a very naughty way. Then of course when I saw his bathroom, it brought me back to the day I peed in front of him and saw him in all his naked glory.

  I was sure I was sweating from keeping my mouth shut and not shouting, “Take me, take me now,” before flinging myself on his bed, or vanity, or floor. I wasn’t too fussy where it was.

  “Sorry,” I muttered. “I’m loving your place. It’s very big.” His brows rose. Another blush took over my cheeks. “The house, your place, it’s…” I widened my hands out to my sides, “huge,” I finished.

  “It is, but I like it.”

  “Oh, I didn’t mean to sound like I don’t like it. I do.” I nodded.

  He laughed, and said, “Come on, I’ll show you the rest and then get back to Drew before starting dinner.”

  I gawked at him. “You’re cooking dinner?”

  His lips twitched. “Yes. I do know how.”

  “Um, okay.” I nodded, and once more blushed because I imagined Vice in the kitchen with nothing but an apron on. Jeepers, my lady bits needed some attention.

  “I really wish I could read your mind sometimes,” Vice commented, as he ushered me through the living room and toward the door.

  “That wouldn’t be good at all.”

  “Hmm, and why is that, Adalyn?” he asked, smirking down at me.

  “Because it’s kind of crazy up there.” I tapped my temple and nodded, then walked into the dining and kitchen area, only to come to an abrupt halt.

  If I could marry a house, I would pick Vice’s.

  My eyes flicked from the large bay windows to the door beside it that led to the deck, to the large wooden table and chairs, and then to the monster of a kitchen opposite the windows. So many cupboards, so much space, just so much to take in and drool over.

  Vice’s hands on my shoulders caused me to jump. He leaned in and said right in my ear, “I take it you like it?” His breath tickled, and I shuddered as need pulsed through me.

  Clearing my throat, I said, “Like does not compute. Love would be a better word.” I bit my bottom lip when his hands rubbed my shoulders, only to then thin them tightly when his thumbs dug into my muscles. Like a hussy, I wanted to scream and moan.

  “I’m glad you love it, Addy.” Over my shoulder, he pointed further into the room to another door. “Through there and to the right is the cinema room. To the left is the utility room that runs into the garage.”

  “A movie room?” I loved watching movies.

  “Yes, with recliner seats and all,” he teased wickedly into my ear.

  “Oh, my,” I breathed. Lick my ear, suck it, bite it, and I’ll scream I’m yours.

  Bloody hell, I needed a cool cloth.

  His chuckle was low. “Do you want to see it?”

  What? What did he want to show me? His penis?

  “The movie room, Addy?”

  Oh, movie room, that was just as exciting. I looked up at him with wide eyes, and asked, “Can I?”

  Grinning, he started to lean in as he said, “You can look anywhere you like.”

  “Your dick?” I gasped. “I mean deck? I wanted to look at your deck also.” His eyes lit with hilarity right before his lips touched mine.

  “Mr. Vice, you coming?” Drew called loudly.

  Vice pulled back. His warm eyes met mine before they dipped to my lips and then back up. “I’ll have more of that later. But for now, I’m going to play pool with Drew while you look at my deck.” He tapped my nose and spun, exiting the room, only to come back to poke his head around, and with a teasing smile, he added, “Though, if you still want to look at my dick, I’ll see if we can fit it in later.” He boomed with laughter when my jaw dropped. His laughter followed him as he walked off to play a game with my son.

  That man was going to give me a heart attack.

  The movie room was ginormous. The large wall-to-wall and ceiling-high screen caused me to gasp, and the reclining seats had me giggling in glee. I skipped over to the left side of the wall where all the DVDs were. At first, I thought he might have had some movies he’d produced displayed. He didn’t. Instead, there was a wide range of films, from horror to sci-fi and suspense, and to my surprise, he even had some romance. Some were old, a lot new, and all I wanted to do was rest back in a recliner and eat popcorn. However, I didn’t. Instead, I went from the dining room door right onto the deck, and what I saw stole my breath away.

  There would have to be at least ten acres I stared at in awe beyond the deck, which was the length of the house, and in the middle was an outdoor setting. Just near the deck, there was an outdoor pool. Further on, a play area with swings, slides, and a climbing frame. Then there was a fence, but over that fence were horses.

  Horses! I cried internally like a little child.

  I loved horses—not that I knew how to ride—but I loved them all the same. The sun was just setting, and even though a chill started, I sat myself down onto one of the deck chairs and watched the sun disappear altogether.

  The door being opened, and the bright light flashing over the yard pulled me out of my daze. I glanced there to see Drew run out, nearly tripping over the blanket he was carrying as he came my way.

  “Mom, Vice won, but he showed me some cool moves. Here.” He thrust the blanket at me. “Vice said you need to wrap up because it’s
getting cold. Can I go and play on the playground for a bit while you watch? Vice is inside cooking. He said I could, but I had to check with you first. Isn’t this place awesome, Mom?”

  I would have laughed at my very excited son if I wasn’t touched by Vice telling Drew to bring a blanket out for me, one I wrapped around my arms. It didn’t go unnoticed that Drew was calling Vice by his name instead of Mr. in front of it.

  “Can I?” Drew asked again. I was about to tell him he needed his jacket, but it fell from my lips when I took in Drew. My face softened as my heart warmed, then melted.

  “I guess you’re all set with that sweater,” I commented.

  Drew picked up the too-big-for-him sweater and dropped it again. “Yeah, Vice gave me one of his because I think we left mine in the car.”

  Vice dressed my son to keep him warm.

  Oh, wow!

  “Go play, but only for a short time. I should see if Vice needs some help.”

  “’Kay.” He grinned and bolted off, holding the warm sweater up as he ran.

  I smiled, with tears in my eyes. Never would I have thought Vice to be such a sweet, caring man, especially when at first all I saw him being was gruff and mean. I liked how he could be all of that. Although, looking around, I couldn’t help but think I was out of his league. If something happened between us, I would need him to know I wasn’t in it for his money. I’d sign anything I had to for him to understand that.



  Drew sprinted back over when I called him. He was great like that. I’d seen kids throw tantrums over not wanting to leave a place or not getting what they wanted. I was lucky Drew had never been like that. He might pout and glare, but never had he thrown his body down to kick or scream. It could be because he knew he’d be in more trouble if he even tried it.

  Without saying a word to me, he went right to the dining room door and opened it. I quickly followed, seeing he’d left it open for me, and I didn’t want the cold to get in. I found Drew at the kitchen counter, on a stool opposite Vice who was cutting something up, and again, Drew was talking a mile a minute. Vice was smiling down at him and answering in his gruff, hot voice.

  Then he glanced up. My lungs seized.

  Everything in front of me I wanted.

  Vice standing in a kitchen.

  Vice grinning at my son and me.

  Vice talking with Drew.

  Vice advising and taking care of Drew.

  I wanted it all, but most of all, I wanted him as mine.

  It all slammed into me, and I stumbled forward. If the table hadn’t been there, I would have fallen.

  “You okay?” Vice called.

  Nodding, heat hit my cheeks as I straightened. Placing the blanket over a chair, I made my way over to sit next to Drew. “D-do you need a hand with anything?” I asked, while my heart thumped in my chest.

  “I’ve got it all organized. Hope you like pork chops with salad?”

  “I do.” I smiled, only I couldn’t look at him and stared at his chin instead. He chuckled. I wanted to know what was so funny but didn’t ask.

  “Drew, what’s your favorite meal?” Vice asked as he diced some tomatoes.


  “I should have guessed,” Vice deadpanned. “What about you, Adalyn?”


  Vice and Drew laughed, but Drew voiced, “That’s not a meal, Mom.”

  “Okay then, um…” I tapped my chin, thinking. “I’m not sure. I like a lot of things. What’s some things you like, Vice?”

  “Let’s see. I love a roast, any type of meat.” I snorted. Typical man. “Pizza is a must.”

  “Yes!” Drew shouted.

  “And what about hobbies? What do you do when you’re not working?” Since my nerves about my epiphany had calmed somewhat, I glanced up.

  His brows shot up. “You mean I could be doing things besides work?”

  Drew cackled. I smiled.

  “I like to work out and box. I enjoy watching movies and reading. I do dine out a lot since I’m not a fan of cooking for one, but I do enjoy cooking.”

  “You don’t have to eat alone. Mom and I can come here every day if you want,” Drew said, his tone serious.

  Reaching over, I tickled him. He wiggled and giggled. “You only want to come to play with all the games.”

  “And swim in the pool.” He nodded. “And play outside. But I also want to spend time with Vice.”

  Vice cleared his throat, and if I had a guess from his expression of shock, then warmth, he liked Drew had said that.

  “I’d like to have you here anytime you want, Drew.” His stare turned to me. “You also, Addy.” I opened and closed my mouth like a dying fish. I couldn’t form a sentence. He smirked. “Let’s head to the table, and I’ll dish up dinner.”

  Once we all had our meals and started eating, Drew asked, “Do you have any family, Vice?” It seemed my son wanted to know things about Vice as much as I did. It was sweet and brought a happy smile to my lips.

  “I do. Did you know Molly is my sister?”

  “What? No way. That’s totally cool. She’s like my mom’s bestest friend.” I was sure I’d mentioned it to Drew, but I mustn’t have.

  Vice nodded. “I know. I also have her mother and my mother in my life.”

  Drew looked confused. “Two moms? Is that like if my dad was to get married, I’d have another mom?”

  “Ah.” Vice glanced at me with an apologetic frown and then turned back to Drew. “Yes, in a way. But she’ll be your stepmom. Though, no one could be as amazing as your mom.”

  “I know. She’s really cool.” Drew grinned at me.

  I winked. “So are you, kiddo.”

  “What subjects did you like most at school?”

  What was my son doing? Giving him twenty questions to see if we were suited?

  “Math and history.”

  “We don’t really do history yet, but I like math. Mom said she used to like art and English.”

  “Did she?” Vice glanced at me, smirking.

  “She did, but that’s okay. We can’t all like things everyone else does.”

  “This is very true.” Vice nodded.

  “Drew honey. Eat up.”

  “Then maybe we could watch a movie?” he asked.

  “I’m sure Vice has other—”

  “No,” Vice interrupted. “I really don’t, and since it’s the weekend, I’m sure you’ll be okay if Drew stayed up to watch just one movie here?”

  “Please, Mom. Please?” Drew used his hands to pray in front of him.

  There was no way I could say no. “Okay.” I grinned.

  “Cool!” Drew cried and then started eating with more gusto.

  “Slow down, kiddo, before you get heartburn,” Vice said.

  My eyes slammed into his. He raised a brow, and I knew he was asking if it was okay he called Drew kiddo like I had. Biting my bottom lip, I nodded. I thought it sweet and would have sobbed over it if I hadn’t stopped myself. However, I saw Vice’s brows dip and I wondered why he suddenly looked concerned.

  We finished dinner with a few more questions Drew drilled Vice with. I told Drew to wait for us in the movie room while we cleared the table. I took mine and Drew’s plate up and placed them on the counter, ready for rinsing. When Vice’s hand grabbed my wrist, I looked at him.

  “Did I cross a line before?” he whispered, his eyes flicking to the movie room and back again.

  “No.” I shook my head.

  “You looked upset over it.”

  Dang, I must have, and I didn’t want Vice to think it was because I wasn’t happy he called Drew kiddo. So I said, with a small smile, “I thought it was sweet. Sometimes I become emotional when things touch my… heart.”

  He reared back, his eyes open in shock. “It touched your heart?” My gaze was drawn to his Adam’s apple as he swallowed.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Good.” He nodded, his eyes low
ering to my lips. “I’d really like to take your mouth about now.”

  My heart did a summersault in my chest, and I licked my lips, but I said, “You can’t.”


  “Drew. In the other room.”

  “I think he’d be fine if he caught us kissing.” Then he shook his head, let go of my wrist he’d been caressing, and said, “However, you’re right, we can’t.”

  “Why?” I stupidly blurted.

  He smirked. “We’ll talk about it soon.”

  “When soon?”

  His hand came into my view, and he ran his thumb over my bottom lip. I shivered. “Soon,” he stated, and then went back to stacking the dishwasher.

  The thought of kicking myself for saying we couldn’t in the first place was high. Maybe if I hadn’t said no, he’d be in my arms and his lips would be on mine. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder why he’d put a stop to it as well. What did we have to talk about? Why would he want to hold back?

  We seriously needed to sort things out. I was so mixed up. What I did know, at least I thought I did, was Vice Salvatore liked me. He wouldn’t come to a basketball game for my son or invite us to dinner to his place otherwise.

  Maybe the hesitation had something to do with work? Or the fact I was friends with his sister. It could also be he didn’t want anything serious in case things went sour and caused a problem in their family. Although, that couldn’t be it because he wouldn’t have involved Drew if that were the issue.

  So it had to be with work… right?

  “Adalyn,” Vice called for my attention. “I’m not trying to send you mixed signals or anything. I’d like to see where this goes between us.”


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