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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

Page 14

by Paul Christian

  Admiral Aki Rin already had the blessing of the British before losing communications and did not expect any opposition, including Infected. Bermuda had shut down before the epidemic could reach there shores. She considered this a great training opportunity for the Marines, seeing they would be in combat situations very soon. The Governor, Gerald Fergusson was in communication with the Admiral and was aware of the general situation and that U.S. Marines would be landing on beaches and from aircraft this day.

  The Admiral was in contact with the Commander of Norfolk Naval station and was aware that the situation in Virginia was getting worse by the hour.

  Captain Eugene Pitts C.O. of Naval Base Norfolk advised her that he expects the base to fall to the Infected within twenty four hours and he had been evacuating sailors, civilians and as much material as he can. Many ships are on their way to Bermuda, She held the list and besides what she already has in second fleet, ships in route to her location are:

  USS Abraham Lincoln CVN 72, USS Dwight D. Eisenhower CVN 69, USS Iwo Jim LHD 07, USS Mesa Verde LPD 19, USS Carter Hall LSD 50, USS Gunston Hall LSD 44, USS Whidbey Island LSD 41, Ticonderoga Class Cruisers USS Hue City, Leyte Gulf, Monterey, Vella Gulf. Arleigh Burke destroys to include, Arleigh Burke, Bainbridge, Bulkeley, Gonzalez, Laboon. Submarines in route are the SSBN’s, Alaska, Kentucky, Maryland, Wyoming and Fast Attack Los Angeles class, USS Hartford, Providence, the lead unit USS Virginia in the Virginia Class SSN. As Admiral Aki Rin looked at the list she was thankfully for the following supply ships. USNS Bob Hope, Fisher, Seay, Mendonca,Wright, and the USNS Millnocket a expeditionary fast transport of the Spearhead class. This lists doesn't include any civilian ships. She was sure there would be civilian ships showing up at some point. For now she had her hands full with what she had and heading her way. God help us she thought.

  Aki’s aid interrupted her thoughts, “Admiral we just got word that a British Task Force has been sighted and are about fifty miles out.


  HMS Ocean Task Force, cruised along at a comfortable 12 knots, fifty miles out from Bermuda. “Sir we’ve made contact with the American fleet and informed them of our ETA at Hamilton Bermuda. There Admiral, Aki Rin Newly promoted is acting Admiral, our files last had her at the rank of Commodore in command of CSG USS Bush.”

  Captain Chase Hanford was in Command of the Ocean Task force, so he was called Commodore as a temporary rank in charge of the task force. When he leaves this Command he will revert back to Captain.

  “Thank you Ted.” Chase replied. His Command had left England a week ago and after a period of workup, that was to take place here in Bermuda in conjunction with United States forces, he was ordered to the Middle East. That’s changed now. The last order he got was the Royal Navy was relocating to the Isle of Wight where they would conduct operations from a secure base. His updated orders were to assist the U.S. Forces until notified differently.

  “Well, we can use this for training, where going to need it, I’m assuming. Let’s plan a landing of a Company of Royal Marines at the Royal Naval Docks for 8 a.m. tomorrow morning. Notify the Americans and if the Admiral would receive me sometime after that for planning purposes. Ask nicely of course.” “Of course Sir” Lt. Commander Ted Brother said.

  The Next Morning four Royal Navy LCVP5’s each carrying three crew and Thirty five Royal Marines landed near the Royal Naval Dockyards, to be greeted by U.S. Marines. All things considered they got along splendidly.

  Two hours later Commodore Chase Hanford and his aid Lieutenant Commander Ted Brother were landing on the flight deck of the USS Bush a few miles off the coast of Bermuda in a Westland Sea King helicopter.

  Chase Hanford was greeted by Captain Donovan Sharp, the C.O. of the USS Bush. “Commodore Pleased to meet you.” Captain Sharp greeted the Commodore, after exchanging salutes.

  “Thank you Captain, It’s a pleasure to be aboard your ship. The circumstances could be better though.” Hanford replied grimly.

  “Yes indeed it could, if you’d follow me to the Admiral’s quarters.” Sharp directed Hanford to follow him.

  Commodore Hanford followed Captain Sharp and two Marines as escort into the Island and down two levels and soon they were entering the Admirals quarters.

  “Commodore Hanford, thank you for coming right over.” Admiral Aki Rin said as she shook Commodore Hanford hand and indicated for him to sit in one of the chairs with a coffee table between them and to the side was a couch also. The Admirals Steward poured tea all around and nothing was said until the Steward left.

  “Again, thank you for coming right over. I don’t know what orders you have from your Admiralty. Mine were to occupy Bermuda with your government’s permission and use it as a base of operations.” Does that sound about right to you Commodore?”

  “It does Admiral, we were on route here for workup Operations with your Navy when this all broke out. My orders are to stay in this theater of operations until notified. Just so we are clear, to me that means full cooperation. I have around twelve hundred Royal Marines between the HMS Ocean and the HMS Bulwark. My other ships are escort ship.” He pointed out. “Don’t worry Commodore your men will be used. Under my command right now I believe I have around 13,000 Marines. We hold Bermuda, Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard. Norfolk Navy base is holding out for now, but not for much longer. I have about fifty combat vessels and ten supply ships that I know about, the situation is very fluid and communications is spotty. Our intelligence brief this morning didn’t have much good news. The Infected have overrun Washington and every major city, we are finding that any communication is coming from rural area. Except here in Central Massachusetts. Admiral Rin pointed to a map on the table showing New England with a circle just west of the City of Worcester. We have picked up several style radio transmissions that appear to be military in nature. The funny thing is we don’t have anything in that area. I’ll leave enough forces in Bermuda to keep it secure, The rest of Second Fleet with your task force can be deployed to New England first as it seems we have some kind of forces in interior Massachusetts to assist us. The rest of the Eastern seaboard is gone as of right now.” A few military bases are holding out. Hopefully they can take care of themselves for a while.

  “Admiral how true is it that the virus was delivered in a vaccine for the flu?” Commodore Hanford asked.

  Aki looked down then back up. “It’s true as far as our doctors can tell. The initial virus was introduced into the flu vaccine and injected into hundreds of thousands of patience, we think. Since then the virus has been traveling the United States mostly by bites, saliva that is. I’m sure other bodily fluids will spread it also. All our Troops are instructed to wear goggles while dealing with Infected and to stay out of bite range.

  What I’m thinking is for your force to accompany part of Second Fleet north back to New England. Boston is gone as far as we know, we will be conducting Helicopter rescuer operations from roof tops as soon as we have units in the area. I’m sure we are going to find plenty of uninfected on roof tops and such.”

  I’d like you to lead your Task force further north to the City of Portland Maine. Where still receiving radio broadcasts from that city, much of the city is on a peninsula and there are several large islands. I need you to go up and evaluate the situation up there. The more secure locations we have and population we can rescue the better. Right now the biggest population density is Bermuda with around Sixty five thousand, then Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket with around twenty two thousand. We intend to add another twenty thousand in civilians and dependents within the next week or two, so you see why it’s important to find more secure living space for civilians and to connect with any surviving military units.” Admiral Rin finished.

  “Admiral consider it done. My forces are placed under your command until notified differently by my Admiralty. When can we expect to leave?” He said.

  “Tomorrow will be soon enough Commodore.” Rin finished.

  Commodore Hanford made his excuse
s and left to get back to his command to organize their departure. He was informed that the USS Gonzalez DDG-66 and the USS Whidbey Island-LSD41 would be placed under his command for this operation.

  Chase started thinking what he could do with his twelve hundred Royal Marines and another four hundred U.S. Marines. He wasn’t worried about them working together, if any two units could get along as they have proven in the past it was the Royal Marines and the U.S. Marines, as his Sea King helicopter ferried him back out to his flag ship the HMS Ocean.


  Day +4

  Waking up slowly Mike turned over looking at his bedside clock, 0730 a.m., time to get up he groaned. He could hear someone in there little kitchen. Mike got up went into the bathroom and took a quick shower, hot water never felt so good, he thought. He couldn’t believe how sore he was from yesterday. After dressing in a clean set of BDU’s he walked out into the common area and found Mary his daughter sitting with Charly the Channel 3 news reporter, she stayed in his shelter after yesterday, in Mary’s room that had two single bunks.

  “Good morning Dad, sleep well?” Mary asked.

  “Yes Sweetie, how about you, and you also Charly?” Mike replied.

  “Like a log Dad.” Mary said with a mouthful of cereal.

  “It took a while but I did fall asleep eventually Mike. Thanks for asking.” Charly replied.

  “What are your plans today?” Mike directed the question to both Mary and Charly.

  When Mary finished chewing, “I’m giving Charly the five dollar tour then I have an advanced flight lesson with Norman Ellerman.” She turned to Charly. He’s one of our original instructor pilots and a really nice man, you should come and sit in, maybe we can convince him to take us for a ride or I could pilot us. What do you think Dad?”

  “If he’s willing sure, but don’t pester him, he’s busy with all the pilots we have in training. You’re not the only one!” Mike said.

  “Okay” Mary looked down with a grin as she replied.

  “I’d like that Mary. If that’s fine with you Mike.” Charly said.

  “Sure no problem, maybe you’ll want to take pilot lessons, who knows? I have to go, morning brief and all.” Mike said as he got up grabbed his gear and walked out the hatch.

  Mike made his way through the labyrinth of tunnels and shelters to the Command Shelter near the Dome which sat in the middle of Moose Hill Base Complex fifty feet underground. He entered the Command Shelter and greeted everyone already present including Mac his X.O., his Company Commanders Jack Majors, Dave Maddox, Sean Thornton, Larry Evans and Paul Epps. They Commanded Company’s Alpha through Echo. Each company roughly consisted of 13 or 14 APC’s and at least a half dozen hummers and or SUV’s and trucks. There are around one hundred men per company Most have had prior military training of some form or other. Mike and Mac also have an ongoing training program, basically boot camp, less the bull shit.

  “Morning everyone. We have a lot planned for today. Yesterday Charlie Company extracted our platoon from Walmart in Leicester along with two dozen trailers of consumable goods and other products that are now in our storage. They sealed the building up good. It will be safe to return in the future. Today we are going to do the same for three stores, Big Discount grocery store in down town Spencer. That will be the trickiest, we expect a lot of Infected in the area. So Bravo Company will take that store down, Charlie Company will take the Big Y Grocery store on the west side of Spencer along with the other stores in that plaza. Where taking everything immediately useful. Make sure you leave the store sealed up good with no Infected inside or out, when you leave. And Finally Delta Company will take Clem's department store on the Spencer East Brookfield line. I want at least a dozen of those tractors they have parked outside. There too big to load up, so drive them home.

  Echo Company will be hitting Ahearn’s tractor store on Main Street where Donnelly Road comes out onto Route 9, the area’s been mostly cleared so you shouldn’t have much trouble Paul, this is your first time outside the wire, you’ve been pulling guard duty and training up, but I think you’re ready now. It’s all OJT, on the job training from here on out. Besides Foxtrot Company is taking over perimeter duty and training, then Golf Company. After we will continue training leg infantry, until we get more transportation and weapons. Alpha Company will be on a down day today.”

  “Mac what do you have this morning?”

  “Moosehill is now home to approximately six thousand people with still more coming in every hour. Some are bravely making their way here on their own. I’ve had at least one chopper dropping leaflets along the roads with houses and using loud speakers rigged up underneath directing people where to go, or if they can hold out longer stay in place until we can clear the neighborhood. Tomorrow I’d like to use at least four companies for neighborhood clearing duties. One company in each town boarding us, Leicester, Spencer and Paxton. The last company I’d like to put on the east side of Leicester in the valley, bordering Worcester and see what we can do in that direction. The air wing has conducted operations in all the surrounding towns rescuing a few hundred off roofs and killing dozens of Infected that were threatening to overrun houses that people were looking to be rescued from.”

  “Mike, communications has also picked up military comms in the east possibly off the east coast or down by the Cape. We’ve talked to them in the clear, since we don’t have their equipment or codes. Admiral Rin of the United States Navy would like to come in the day after tomorrow for a visit to coordinate.” Mac Said.

  “Really, how interesting. Well, invite this Admiral Rin for Lunch then.

  Robert, Oddie, how goes our building program?” he asked his construction management team.

  “Pretty Good Mike. Oddie is leading the team putting in those extra Opus factory shelters you purchased. It was a good thing you did. I’ve been leading the team building barracks with all that wood we cut up two years ago and with what you purchased. I think we can build about twenty, hundred man barracks. Where also starting on four more hangers along the access road. We believe we can tie it all in to our present water and sewage. After that we have to think about setting up other enclaves. Oddie and I have been thinking about that and we have some idea’s we can talk about later.”

  “Great guys, how’s the farming situation going Mac?” Mike asked.

  “Well, I spoke to Mr. Anderson the other day, he has more workers from our refuges then he actually needs, I told him to find something for them to do, it’s good for morale. If we get those tractors we can start clearing the fields that haven’t been used in years, he also has about sixty cows, and forty of them milk cows. We can send security out with several groups to work other farms and find any livestock left, during the day and bring everyone back in the evening. I figure we could have several hundred acres under cultivation this summer. Mr. Anderson agrees with me. It should help out food supply situation.” Mac told him.

  “Sounds Good.”. First after visiting with this Admiral, I want to take a flight of Huey’s and a Blackhawk to Westover Air Force Base near Springfield. If I recall correctly the base which is one of the largest Military bases in the United States is home to a large group of Mothballed aircraft including three squadrons of Marine UH-1N Twin Huey’s just like we have, these craft have been mothballed since 2012 when the Marines switched over to the UH-1Y Venom. I want two of the C-130 in the air with as many helicopter mechanics as we have or can find, plus the Troops to protect them on a mission that could last a few days. This would be our biggest operation to date. Let’s plan on executing this in three days.” Any questions Mike asked.

  “Okay then, the next thing is I want a helicopter team hitting every national guard in the area concentrating on military communication equipment and make sure you empty there armory’s. Okay, enough talking today. Let’s get the company's moving to those grocery stores pronto.” Mike said as he walked out.

  Mike Mohan decided to go with the most at risk, Bravo Company at the Big
Discount Grocery Store in down town Spencer.


  Mike rode along in one of the ten tractor trailer truck units maned by a former truck driver Stew, who fled the Infected. As they drove, Mike asked him about what happened to him. At first Stew was very quiet, after sharing some stories he finally told Mike that two days before the Solar Flare he went to visit his son and his family. Stew lived alone and tried calling his son and his family with no luck. His son Paul lived with his wife Elizabeth and Sean his twelve year old son and Abigale his seven year old daughter.

  Stew drove to Spencer to check on them.

  “Mike, I can’t speak of the horrors I found, I knew these things in the house were not my family. Whatever they were they needed ending. So I went to the shed where I knew my Son kept a can of gas for the lawn mower or snow blower. I took that gas and poured over the front and back of the house. I lit the gas stood across the street and watched the house burn. I thought I heard a scream I’m not sure. No Fire Department or Police showed up. Knowing now what was going on, I don’t wonder why. I dream about them every night. I have a daughter with two children who made it to your Moosehill refuge. So I thank you for that and I do what I can to help, and pray every day for salvation from my sins.” Stew told Mike with as much humility as he ever saw in a human being.


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