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Moosehill Militia (Book 1): INFECTED

Page 15

by Paul Christian

  Mike didn’t know what to say at that, so he kept quiet. As they pulled into the Big Discount parking lot and followed the line of trucks around the back he told Stew anytime he’d like to talk Mike would listen. Stew nodded.

  Bravo Company led by Dave Maddox arrived ten minutes ahead of the Convoy and set up a perimeter, as one platoon cleared the building. No Infected were inside, twenty three survivors were found inside instead. All elected to go back to Moosehill. The perimeter started to get lively as sporadic gunfire erupted from different locations.

  The volunteers with the trucks and Second Platoon quickly and efficiently started loading dry good product, canned goods, Paper products, just about everything a small community needed. Some but not all the produce was ruined. The generators failed less then day ago so the freezers were still cold enough that the contents were still frozen. After two hours of loading at a frantic pace. Mike signaled to load up and move out.

  “Everyone onboard, we move out first with an escort, then the rest of Bravo Company will follow as soon as we leave so let’s move.” Mike Yelled to everyone loading the trucks.

  Mike’s radio came to life. “Mike the Infected are starting to pile up. They are coming up from the area to the south of Main Street from Elm Street and Mechanic Street. There’s a lot of houses and apartments down there, lots of potential victims. I’m appreciate it if we could get moving.” Dave Maddox informed Mike over the Radio.

  The firing picked up to a fuselage of shots, Mike wasn’t worried about them being overrun, he just didn’t want any casualty's.

  “Mike we have had a dozen or more people come through our lines that have been trapped in their houses for the last week or so. I’m sending them back to you.” Dave sent over the air.

  “Okay, will do. Give me five minutes and we are pulling out.” Mike sent back.

  Mike could see a skirmish line slowly pulling back across Main Street into the far side of the Big Discount parking lot. Almost there he thought. Just then the trucks started up there big diesels and the first started to move out accompanied by Bravo Company's Humvee’s. Mike got the new refugees settled in a half dozen SUV and Trucks. The Convoy moved out with another large catch of goods for the base. They went out the side entrance onto Route 31 and headed north for around five miles then they turned east onto Thompson Pond Road which turned into Marshall Street then south onto Paxton Street and into the back entrance of Moosehill by the airport.

  “Let’s get these truck unloaded quickly at the base, we need to turn these truck around in an hour and a half and back we go to the Big Y. Then a final and third trip to Klem's Department Store, which has a lot of gardening supplies. I want to get everyone back in by Six p.m. or so.” Mike called over the CB radios that the trucks were using.

  Two hours later all Ten Tractor Trailer units were pulling into the Big Y, and Master Sergeant Sean Thornton greeted Mike in the parking lot.

  “Good Morning Mike, wasn’t so bad here we had a few Infected in the parking lot and some more stragglers coming in. Where taking care of them easily enough. We found a dozen trailers parked up to the loading bays that haven't been unloaded yet. Most of it is dry goods, canned food, and other nonperishable supplies. We can hook the tractors up to them pull them out and put the empty units in their place to be filled. I think we got a windfall here for supplies.” Thornton told Mike.

  “Sounds like a plan Sean get it going I’m going over to Klem's, could you assign me a Humvee.” Mike told Sean.

  “Sure thing, take young Jake here, he’s a pretty good driver.” Sean said pointing to a Young recruit, who quickly stepped forward.

  “Yes sir,” Young Jake said with eagerness.

  “Okay Jake, meet out here in ten minutes with your gear and the Humvee. I want to take a look inside first.” Mike walked into the store with the Master Sergeant, retired.

  “Mike we found thirty people hiding in the store and living off the stock here. I assume we take them with us when we go.” Sean asked.

  “Of course we leave no one behind, if it can be helped. Although it is going to get crowded even with the new construction. What we need to do is set up some satellite bases. When we leave today I want to check out the Spencer Abby, see how they fared. That’s prime farming country, isolated, several hundred acres of cleared land. Very defensible on that hill.” He said.

  “That does sound like a good idea.

  “Sean I heard, between Leicester High School and Spencer High School Which E Company cleared this morning, we have about five hundred high school students. They need to be put to work, any over seventeen year olds can volunteer for our military. The younger ones school in the morning and work in the afternoon. I’m sure we have some teachers among the refugees. They need to be working too. Everyone needs to be doing something. It’s good for them. No use sitting around in self-pity being depressed.” Mike talked on.

  Fifteen minutes later Jake was driving Mike Mohan a half mile up the road to Klem's department store. Klem's is a unique one of a kind store with, clothing, food, tools, hunting and fishing supplies, also gardening supplies and a large tractor supplier representing several brands. Mike was hoping to get a few dozen tractors and attachments between Klem's and Ahearn’s Tractor supply store today.

  They passed through the outer perimeter on Route 9 maned by two M113A2’s near the intersection of Main Street/Route 9 and Route 49 which is a long lonely single lane high way in each direction connecting Route 9 with Route 20 heading into Sturbridge a large town with lots of stores that he would like get around too in the not too distant future, but for now he was waved through by soldiers of Delta Company. Jake and Mike passed a dozen Infected dead on the side of the road near the entrance. It looked like Delta was busy when they first arrived.

  “Good afternoon Mike”, Larry Evans Commander of Delta Company greeting Mike. Larry was one of the State Police investigators who was in charge of the investigation when Mike shot the Active Shooter in Cumberland Farms almost three years ago. Mike thought he did a good job. There wasn’t much of a question, it was a good shoot. They never did find a decent motive for the shooting, just someone disturbed enough to do it. Larry Evans and Mike became friends after that, he even worked at the Last Chance Gun Store part time, and eventually became part of Mike’s inner circle, in the last year or so. He was also a former Marine with Combat experience in the Middle East, which was invaluable. I had every confidence in him running a company.

  “Hi Larry how’s it going here, we on time? Let’s walk around the store show me what we got.” Mike said to Larry as they entered the store.

  Larry showed him around they walked through the clothing section, tools, parts for just about anything, the Gardening section, odds and ends, then back outside where there were a least two dozen Tractors, including small to medium size back hoes with front end buckets.

  “I think as long as the trucks get here by five, five thirty we should be back at the base around 6:30 p.m. We ran into some Infected, but it’s a lot more rural out here, less population density. So not too bad. Perimeter is still locked down and the occasional Infected shows up. I’m pretty sure the noise and activity attracts them.” Larry told Mike while watching some of the volunteers work on getting the tractors up and running. No electronics on these machines they shouldn’t be too hard to get going Mike surmised.

  “Sounds good Larry. I’ll head back to the Big Y to make sure those trucks get here as soon as possible.”

  By six p.m. the last convoy from Klem's was rolling up Route 31 nearing the turnoff for Thompson Pond Road. Mike driven by young Jake again accompanied by two other hummers for a total of twelve Troops didn’t turn and went north, further north on Route 31.


  The Abby was off Route 31 on the west side amongst an expanse of fields and forest's. It had its own long approach road about a mile off long and the Abby with its dozen or so building all built in stone sat atop a large round hill surround by fields and fences.

ike and his escort drove up the last of the hill into the front parking lot. It was very quiet. The Troops got out and spread out forming a perimeter approaching the main building and church. The grounds looked like they always did to Mike. He hasn’t been here in a few years but always enjoyed his visits. He remembered Sunday Mass growing up. His parents took him and his siblings here on occasion. The Main Abby was reserved for the men back then. Mass was held in this great hall and the women had to go in a separate room that looked out onto the main Church Hall. It’s a beautiful building inside and out.

  Mike knocked on the main door and after a minute or two knocked again.

  The great wooden door opened after this and an elderly Monk stepped out, looked around and asked, “Good evening what can I do for you?”

  “Good evening Brother, I’m Mike Mohan, are you aware what has been going on in the world recently?” he asked, not knowing if the Monks kept up on current events or if they were even disturbed in the last week or so.

  “Yes, Mr. Mohan, we are aware and have taken in a hundred or so displaced persons. We even have two Infected that are locked in rooms right now. We are not capable of killing as you know.”

  “I’m the leader of a large refugee base on Moosehill and we have many people coming to us for help. I was hoping that the Monetary would be open to taking in more refugees. We would provide supplies and protection. Also the growing season is almost upon us and we would like to grow crops in some of your fields, again we would provide the man power from the people settled here. Where trying to help as many as we can. The human species is about to become endangered, with the way things are going. What do you think brother?”

  The Monk invited him in along with his Troops. Mike instructed eight to stay on guard outside and took three with him.

  “Sir, I don’t see how we can refuse you and still be considered men of faith. Of course we will assist you. I fear though, that with increased activity around the Monastery that you will attract more Infected or worse the kind of people who prey on their fellow man in bad times. By the way I’m the Abbot of this Monastery and you may call me Brother Mathew.

  “Thank you Brother Mathew. All I can say is that we will make every attempt to safe guard this place and the people in it. Don’t underestimate our organization until you’ve seen it. Soon I’ll send and escort so you and whoever can come and take a tour of our facilities and speak with as many people as you feel you need too, to feel like you’re doing the right thing.” Mike told Brother Mathew. Mike and the Troops took there leave and headed back to Moosehill, it was just starting to get dark. On the way back, twice they actually hit Infected that had wondered out into the road. Luckily the Hummers were durable vehicles and kept on going. It was too dangerous to stop at night he directed Jake to keep driving. Mike was very impressed with Jake throughout the day and told Mac he wanted him as his regular driver and aide. Mac was fine with that and agreed he had a good head on his shoulders for such a young man.


  Day +5

  Mike woke today with feelings of accomplishment having raided those three stores and adding substantially to their supplies they’ll continue to do that with other stores in the future. Today was going to be a clearing day.

  He made his way back to the command center after wishing his daughter and Charly a good day. Charly expressed interest in learning to fly helicopters. Plus she had a teaching degree and volunteered in their school system that was being set up. In the afternoon she would start flying lessons with a new class starting up.

  Mac was in the command center early planning what companies were going where and talking to their company commanders. Mike walked in greeting Mac and a dozen others there.

  “Morning Mac, everyone. We ready for today. Mac who’s on tap for today?”

  “Morning Mike. Bravo, Charlie, Delta and Echo Company are notified and gearing up as we speak. Bravo Company is working around Leicester Center, Pleasant Street south, Paxton Street North and Main Street east toward the Valley and Worcester. Each platoon will take a section and work from there.

  Charlie Company will be in the valley section of Leicester blocking route 9 and clearing Main Street back toward Leicester center.

  Echo Company will work the Spencer area and Delta will work the Paxton Center area expanding out from there. Huey’s will be available for fire support from the air.

  Mike stayed at Moosehill base today, he needed a break too. He wanted to check up on the flight school and air operation, also on the new mechanized companies to see how there training was coming along. He told Mac he was in charge today unless an emergency came up. Mike spent the day touring the base at a leisurely pace, talking to people finding out how there doing. A lot were grateful to him and his organization for helping and having the foresight to prepare. Most wanted something to do. The Base between the underground complex, the airport, farming and other assorted jobs around the base provided around fifteen hundred jobs. Another five hundred entered the abbreviated Boot camp that they were running. About a third of the six thousand were either children or elderly over sixty. That left approximately four thousand able bodied adults, twelve hundred either active in the Moosehill Military or in Boot Camp, plus the fifteen hundred legitimate jobs on the base leaving approximately thirteen hundred adults with nothing to do. Mike thought he could get a few hundred more into the military, and figuring moving around a thousand to set up a satellite base at the monastery would have everyone working or at least doing something worthwhile. Mary and Charly had lunch with Mike at the Dome Cafeteria which was a welcome relief from the frantic pace of the last week, talking about all Mary and Charly had done in the last few days.

  “Mike the school will be up and running in a few days where using a few of the barracks that have been completed and as best we can figure where going to have about a thousand students from Kindergarten to twelve grade. This should free up plenty of parent time to work in whatever field for that time frame. Figure five hours of school in the morning starting at 0730 a.m. and done at 12:30 p.m. In the afternoon the older kids can either provide daycare or work in the fields and other jobs.” Charly told Mike.

  “Sounds great Charly, What’s Chuck your Cameraman up too?”

  “He’s going around filming a documentary about everything happening here, I’ll help him with sound bites later. He checked with Mr. McDermott and was given the Okay, he told Chuck someone should be recording this.” She expressed.

  “I should have thought of that, this need to be recorded for posterity. Let me know if you or Chuck need help.” Mike told Charly.

  “What do you expect out of this meeting tomorrow with this Admiral from the Navy Mike?” Charly asked.

  “Honestly I’m not sure, some help from them would be great, but I’m not sure what kind of condition the military is in. From our experience around here. I’d say not well.” He muttered.

  “Mary and I have to go over to flight school, you know. See you at dinner time?” Charly asked.

  “Sure thing, I’ll cook at our place tonight.” Mike replied.

  Mary and Charly left for their classes. Both with big smiles for Mike.

  Later that evening after a pleasant dinner with his two favorite Lady's. Mike walked over to the Command Center to check in with Mac and see how the day went.

  “Evening Mac. How did everything go today?” Mike asked Mac who was sitting at a computer terminal typing away.

  “Hi Mike, You recharged for tomorrow?” Mac asked.

  “I think so, thanks for letting me play hooky today.” Mike replied with a laugh.

  “The men did well today gaining a lot of experience, except for Echo Company who lost two men in an ambush I guess you could call it. They were clearing a house and were jumped by a dozen Infected in one house. They didn’t have a chance and were bitten and killed by those shits before help could arrive. The platoon wasn't happy and lit that house up with everything they had killing the Infected and destroying the house. N
obody wanted to go in there through that mess so Paul Epps Commander of Echo Company decided to burn the place. They used gas and soaked the place and lit it up. Can’t say I blame them. I wouldn't want to go back in there either and wade through that crap.” Mac told him.

  “Neither would I Mac. Epps Company can hold a service in the chapel and anyone can attend. How about the rest?”

  “All three of the other companies did a bang up job clearing a good amount in each assigned area, No casualty's other than a sprained ankle and a dehydrated Troop.” Mac said.

  “Good, tomorrow we need to push some security out to the Monastery and once that’s established place around a thousand to two thousand people out there. They’re going to need more housing out there. Get with my cousin Bob Aucoin and Oddie Gussdorf from Opus Shelters, they work good together and can probably come up with a plan a lot quicker then we can, I’m also thinking of a third base settlement at Becker College, it’s in a good location they have facility's and dorms for around a thousand people, and I’m sure we can fit more. It’s on a high point and I think we could build some decent defenses around it. Bravo Company should have cleared that out. Before anyone goes in another sweep needs to be done. I’m sure a lot of the Leicester residents would be happy returning to that area.


  Day +5 Falmouth, Cape Cod

  This morning, Private Ray Temple found himself exiting a CH-46 Sea Knight helicopter, the navy’s version of a Chinook helicopter, on Surf drive in Falmouth Massachusetts along with two hundred other Marines from the Wasp Expeditionary Strike Group. A thousand Marines were landing between Falmouth and Woods Hole. Another thousand were going in up around the Canal, the two bridges, the Sagamore Bridge and the Bourne Bridge. Four hundred or so Marines were still on Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard for mopping up operations.


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