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One of the Guys

Page 26

by Dawn Doyle

  God I loved her so much, and I was never going to do anything to jeopardize our relationship again.

  “It’s you and me now, Chase. Always.”

  “Always.” She repeated, pulling me down to kiss her again.

  I could taste her sweet lips all day long, and now that we were together, I planned on tasting her as often as I could.

  Also, getting her into bed as often as I could too.

  I grinned at the thought.

  “What?” She asked, narrowing her eyes slightly.

  “I’m just thinking about how I’m going to kiss you as much as I can, and…” I lowered my voice. “…Getting you in this position as often as I can.” I said, stroking down her side, cupping her ass.

  “You better.” She replied, biting her lip.

  Lying next to Chase, holding each other, we confessed everything from when we’d first met.

  From my borrowing her pen, and opening it with my teeth. I laughed when she said it drove her crazy.

  I felt bad when she explained how she felt when I would get close to her, but she confessed everything I’d told her when I was wasted. She’d understood.

  I also told Chase that I was about to kiss her when the guys walked into my room. She swore she was going to beat Matt with her shoe for that, but decided against it after telling me what he’d said before she left my house after bringing me home.

  Cleaning up, and getting dressed, my phone beeped for an incoming text.

  Checking, I saw it was Lex.

  L: Hey, dude. Is everything ok? What happened with Chase? We’re all going to the diner. You coming?

  I already have. I thought, with a grin.

  Showing Chase my message, she nodded her agreement. I answered back.

  Lo: Sure. See you soon.

  “How do you feel about telling them we’re together?” I asked, completely assuming we were now a couple. I mean, we’d been in love with each other for years and just given our virginities to each other. I think it was safe to say we were.

  The smile that spread across Chase’s face told me she was.

  “I love you.” She said, wrapping her arms around me.

  “I love you too, babe.” I replied, kissing the tip of her nose. “Are you ready to go?”

  Chase nodded.

  Unlocking her door, we left her bedroom, and the house, hand-in-hand. I spotted Larry glaring at me. His eyes telling me I was in serious trouble if I hurt Chase again.

  There wasn’t a chance of that happening again.

  Chapter 18


  I felt as if I were in a dream after what had just happened. The uncomfortable ache between my thighs reminding me that is was very, very real.

  It was hard to believe that just this morning, Logan and I weren’t talking properly; then after home time we were getting naked in my bedroom. With my parents downstairs!

  It had all happened so fast, but I wouldn’t have had it happen any other way.

  Our first time together hadn’t been a series of awkward movements, or disappointments. It had been the greatest time of my life.

  As we got out of the car and walked into the diner, Logan holding the door open for me; I felt his hand on my ass as I stepped through.

  I quickly looked back to see him wink at me, a cheeky grin on his face.

  Seeing the other guys sitting down, chatting, I saw Liam had joined them, looking very comfortable next to Stu.

  Carl looked to me, with an apologetic smile, and Lex turned when he noticed Carl’s attention on us.

  “Hey! Look who it is!” He said, looking over me.

  “Hi guys.” I greeted them.

  “Good to see you back, Chase.” Said Pike.

  Logan stepped round me to sit in the booth first, pulling me to him as he lowered.

  All eyes were on us as I sat on Logan’s lap, my arm around his broad, muscular shoulders.

  I could feel his reaction to our connection pressing against me through his jeans. I turned to look at him, eyebrow raising, in question.

  “Sorry.” He mouthed, but he wasn’t. I could tell by the glint in his eye.

  “Well, well, I guess you two worked things out a lot better than we thought.” Chuckled Lex.

  “You could say that.” Logan replied, cupping my jaw and pulling my lips to his in a knee trembling kiss.

  “Wooo!” The guys chorused. They grinned when Logan wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me tight. It was clear he wasn’t letting me go anytime soon, and I wasn’t complaining in the slightest.

  “So, are you together now? Like a couple?” Asked Lex.

  “Yes.” Logan replied, before I could. “Chase is my girlfriend.”

  His voice sounded proud as he confirmed our relationship. I felt it too, even though it was too simple for how I felt about him.

  “So, what happened?” asked Lex, shifting round in is seat, preparing to listen to how we made up.

  “Um… He confessed his undying love for me when he was drunk.” I said, deadly serious, trying to hide my smile.

  The guys’ eyes all bugged.

  “It’s actually true.” Logan laughed. “Apparently I spilled my guts last night. I hadn’t intended to tell her everything whilst I was drunk. But hey… it worked.”

  “It looks that way.” Chuckled Pike.

  “Sorry I’m late.” Sian said as she walked over. A big smile spread across her face when she saw me sitting on Logan’s lap. “Hi there!”

  “Hi!” I replied, watching as Sian took her seat next to Lex.

  I’d texted Sian when we were on our way to the diner. I knew she was coming.

  The guys looked between us as though they’d just walked into the twilight zone. After what had happened between us, the last time we were there, it was a little strange. Even though we’d been hanging out quite a lot, due to cheer practice.

  “Kate’s coming soon.” Sian said with a smile. The other girls will shortly be along too.

  Just then, Kate walked in. Sian moved over so that she could sit between her and Lex. Again, the guys looked at them like something strange was happening.

  “Hey all.” Kate said, turning to me and smiling.

  After the greetings went round the table, Poppy, Charlotte and Gretchen arrived. The guys moved closer together, making room for them.

  Carl’s eyes lit up when poppy sat next to me, directly opposite him, but Poppy didn’t even look his way. He had a lot of making up to do before she would talk to him properly.

  “So, what’s happening? Apart from Logan and Chase getting it on.” Said Lex, and I started to choke on my drink.

  “What?” Logan said in shock.

  “I just meant getting together.” Lex laughed. “I didn’t think you guys would be ‘getting it on’ for real just yet.” He said, laughing harder.

  I was glad that the others thought the same, and they didn’t suspect anything. Apart from Sian who raised her eyebrow at me, knowingly.

  I couldn’t help the blush that spread across my cheeks, and I fought to sit still when I felt Logan’s hand brushing my thighs under the table.

  He kissed my cheek, turning his head towards my ear, to whisper.

  “I want to take your clothes off.”

  My eyes widened, and I let my hand lower to grip Logan’s leg. I couldn’t believe he’d just said that whilst everyone was there!

  He chuckled, and I couldn’t help smiling. He knew exactly what he was doing.

  “Well, you’ll have to just remember what you saw earlier… for now.” I whispered in reply.

  Logan’s hands gripped my hips tight, and he licked his lips.

  “Lucky for me, I have an excellent memory.” He said.

  “OK, you two, enough of that. We need to be able to eat our pizza without gagging.” Pike joked.

  Our pizzas arrived, and we all took our slices.

  Sian took hers without complaining about the lack of cutlery or plates. In fact, she ate without even looking at us in disdain
. Something she’d learned to overcome during the last few weeks.

  We all ate and talked like we used to. Even with the extra guests at our table.

  Poppy got up from her seat, and leant over to whisper in my ear.

  “You’ll like this.” She said, then winked at me.

  I watched as she walked over to the jukebox, looking through the lists until she found what she wanted.

  As she walked back, ‘Low’, the song from our cheer came on over the speakers.

  The guys stopped eating, their eyes looking between us girls, before landing on me. I had to stifle a laugh, but my smile grew wide.

  When the beat kicked in, the girls and I broke into song, doing a smaller version of our arm movements, at the table, the guys laughing and attempting to join in.

  “You looked sexy as fuck out there, you know.” Logan growled into my ear, sending heat flooding through me. “I was in actual pain watching you.”

  “That was the idea.” I replied.

  Logan gripped my waist and pushed his hips upwards, pressing into me.

  “Do you still have the uniform?”

  “I do. I’m staying with the squad.”

  “Well, maybe they’ll need to order another for you. I want to rip that one off the next time you wear it.”

  I must say, I really liked the side of Logan I was seeing. So sexy and demanding. I bit my lip, imagining him tearing the uniform from my body, seeing the shreds of fabric flying about.

  “I think I’ll order a few, then.” I whispered.



  Talking that way with Chase, as she sat on my lap, wasn’t a good idea. I was rock hard in my pants, and wanting to take her home to have a repeat of earlier.

  I knew we needed to wait a little while, so she could recover, but as soon as she gave me the go-ahead, I was so there.

  Watching her, and the girls, repeat a little of their cheer, right at the table, was funny. I could see that Chase had had fun with the girls, and I was grateful how things worked out between us.

  The only thing, now, was that she would be spending time with them for practice, and along with her gym and coaching, I wondered when I’d get to spend time with her myself.

  “How often will you be at cheer practice?” That wasn’t a question I thought I’d ever be asking Chase.

  “In school during phys. Ed. Probably a couple of times after school when the games get closer.” Chase replied, and I smiled. “Worried you won’t get to see me?” She giggled. The movements causing my pants to strain.

  “Yes. I want to see you as much as possible.”

  “You could always watch.” She winked. I licked my lips thinking about watching Chase in her uniform again. “We don’t wear our uniforms until just before the game.” She said, reading my mind.

  “That’s ok. I have my imagination.” I said, nuzzling her neck.

  Leaving the diner, we headed back to my house, holding hands as I drove my car.

  Matt’s car was in the driveway, as usual, and so were my parents.

  Obviously, they didn’t know what had happened at school today, but I couldn’t wait to go inside so they could see Chase and I together.

  “Mom!” I yelled as we walked into the house.

  “In here!” She yelled in reply, from the kitchen.

  Hand-in-hand, we walked through the doorway.

  Going in, my Mom, Dad, and Matt were all clearing up after their dinner.

  Matt turned to us, his eyes glancing down at our linked fingers, and smiled. He actually smiled!

  “Chase! It’s so lovely to see you again!” My Mom said, coming over to us and pulling Chase into a hug.

  “Thanks, Libby. It’s nice to see you too.”

  “Um… I have something to tell you.” I said, nervously, but I didn’t know why. It wasn’t like Chase was a stranger to my family.

  “What is it honey?” She asked.

  I glanced to Matt and saw him lean against the counter, still smiling.

  “Chase… and I… we’re together.” I managed to say, turning to Chase. “She’s my girlfriend.”

  “That’s great!” My Mom squealed like a teenage girl, throwing her arms around the pair of us. “It was only a matter of time.” She beamed.

  “So, we’re gonna head up to my room…” I said, turning to walk away.

  “Ahem.” My Dad said, raising his eyebrows.

  I turned back to see his expression, immediately turning beet red. He thought we were going up to get up to stuff. He wasn’t wrong, but still.

  “Don’t worry, Dad. We’re just going to play games.”

  I regretted the words instantly when Matt burst out laughing.

  “I think that’s what Dad’s worried about.” He said.

  “Matt!” I said, shaking my head. “Come on, Chase.” I said, steering her in the direction of the stairs.

  “I can’t believe he said that.” Chase giggled as we got to my room.

  “Me neither. Even though it’s true.” I said, backing her into the door like I had in her room.

  Locking the door, I pressed my body into Chases, watching as her pupils dilated.

  “So, I guess we’re not playing on the Xbox?” Her voice came out in an almost whisper.

  I shook my head, keeping eye contact with her.

  “Not the kind of games I had in mind.” I said in a low tone.


  Chase wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled my mouth to hers, licking into my mouth; our tongues gliding over each others.

  If this was what our relationship consisted of, in the forseeable future, I was more than happy to oblige.

  Having my girl in my arms, kissing her, and loving her like I dreamed of since I first saw her, was the most perfect life I could have asked for.



  “Chase! Logan’s here!” My Mom shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

  Since Logan and I had, finally, gotten together, there was no need for her to tell me anymore. In fact, he regularly snuck up on me, trying to catch me in my underwear. A lot of the time, I waited for him without my clothes on, just to tease him. But… then we wouldn’t get out of my room for a long time.

  Today, though. Today was a day that he had to be announced.

  Today was the first time we would be going to a dance together and it was a big deal.

  Senior prom.

  Opening my bedroom door, I stepped out onto the landing, trying carefully not to catch my foot on the bottom of my dress.

  Yes. A dress.

  After taking Bren out shopping, we’d spotted a beautiful sky blue strapless gown, with a plain bodice that fitted perfectly into my waist. The sparkling waistband had embroidered flowers cascading from it, down the skirts. Tapering off before the bottom.

  She’d pestered me to try it on, so giving in, I did. I liked it.

  Now, I was standing on the landing, about to show my new ‘girly’ side to Logan.

  Slowly, I took the steps. Walking down with swarms of butterflies flying around inside of me.

  I got to the point where Logan would be able to see the bottom of the dress, and I heard him take in a sharp breath.

  As I neared, his eyes were wide and his mouth was open.

  “Oh, honey, you look beautiful!” My Mom gushed, holding her hands over her mouth.

  “Thanks, Mom.” I said, blushing.

  “You’re hair looks so pretty!” She squeaked, full of emotion.

  My hair was in a half-up style, with soft curls falling down my back.

  Logan hadn’t spoken. He was still staring at me like he was trying to catch flies with his mouth.

  “Wow.” He finally said, his eyes roaming over me. Making me feel beautiful and, like he’d done a lot lately, sexy as hell. “You look amazing.” His voice was so quiet I barely heard him.

  “Thank you. You look hot… I mean, handsome too.” I said, my face heating at my slip up in front of my Mom.
br />   He really did, too.

  Logan wore a Black suit with a dark grey shirt, no tie, with two buttons open at the top. Together with his dark hair, his eyes really stood out.

  I let my eyes travel down his body, and I saw the evidence of how much he liked seeing me in a dress.

  He shifted, looking uncomfortable.

  “Let me take a picture!” My Dad said, lifting his camera.

  “Hang on.” Logan said, holding out a beautiful light blue and purple corsage out.

  I held out my hand so he could fasten it around my wrist, alongside the bracelet he’d made for my eighteenth birthday.

  He’d made me a similar one to the bracelet I’d bought for him, but this one was better.

  It had three leather style bands. One twisted, on flat with stars attached to it, and one with different colored string and beads, with a treble clef charm. It had taken him a couple of weeks to make.

  I loved it.

  Once the corsage was on my wrist, Logan pulled me close to him, his hands around my waist, and I took a deep breath, smelling his aftershave. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and we turned to smile at my Dad who was click happy with the camera.

  I swear I saw tears in his eyes.


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