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Truly, Madly, Deeply

Page 23

by Karen Kingsbury

“It’s true.” She laughed louder this time. Yes, she would have follow-up appointments—probably for the rest of her life. And she still had to take it easy until her strength fully returned. But she was healed. That’s all that mattered. She put her hands on his shoulders. “Can you believe it, Tommy? God did it. He healed me.” She raised both hands. “I beat cancer!”

  Tommy stepped back and dropped to his knees. Right there on the frozen ground. “God, thank You. I’ll never have enough words. Thank You for this.” He scrambled back to his feet, then he pulled her close and picked her up. “Annalee Miller!” He shouted her name across the empty park. “You’re cancer-free!”

  As he set her down something happened that took Annalee’s breath.

  It began to snow.

  Big chunky white snowflakes drifted down around them, landing in their hair and on their eyelashes. Annalee had worn her wig with the blond hair down today. It kept her neck warmer. Already a bit of fuzz had grown back on her head. But it would be a while before she had actual hair.

  The snow was sticking to Tommy’s cheeks and eyebrows. He had never looked more handsome. She framed his face with her hands. “I missed the winter dance.” She was so close she could feel his breath against her skin. “You know that, right?”

  He pressed the side of his face against hers. “Yes…” His voice was soft and marked by the miracle of the moment. “I seem to remember missing that.”

  She looked at him. “Would you dance with me now, Tommy? Could you?”

  The smile on his face had never wavered, not since she told him the news. “Why yes, my princess.” He stepped back and twirled her, just once slow and steady. As if he knew not to push the limits. Then he linked his hands at the back of her waist and swayed with her. “Do you hear the music?”

  Her senses filled with the presence of him. “Yes.” She blinked the snowflakes from her eyelashes. Mixed in the melody of the slight wind in the evergreen branches was a song of hope and praise and love… because they were here and she was whole and it was snowing. And Tommy Baxter was dancing with her. She looped her arms around his neck and moved just a little closer.

  Tommy’s eyes locked on hers and the world fell away. “Is it okay”—his voice was a whisper—“if I kiss you?”

  Another quiet laugh came from deep in her heart. “That’s all I want. In all the world.”

  And as the snow fell harder, as they danced on the basketball court at White River Park, Tommy kissed her. “Mmm, love. You’re healed.”

  “And I’m going to make that app, Tommy.” She looked deep at him. “I’m going to help those kids.”

  “I know. You will.”

  His body was warm against hers and Annalee savored the feeling. Everything about him, his kiss and his presence, his kindness… all of it was intoxicating. Tommy was whole and strong and he was hers. That alone gave her hope. “I’ve dreamed of this day.” She drew her head back and smiled at him. “I can’t believe it.”

  “Not me.” He chuckled, and his eyes saw straight through her. “I believed the whole time.” They both knew that wasn’t true. But she appreciated his positivity. Always showing her his bravest face throughout her fight.

  “I love you, Annie.” With a feather-soft touch, he worked his fingers along the sides of her neck to the back of her head and he kissed her again. A kiss that told Annalee the depth of his feelings.

  And how important this hour was in the story of their lives.

  Annalee closed her eyes as they kissed once more. “I love you, Frank.” Neither of them knew what tomorrow held. Not for Tommy after he got his badge or for her at those future scans. But they had this beautiful day, shining like a diamond. So she would thank God for every minute. For the answers this morning and the hope the news would breathe into her every tomorrow.

  And she would ask God that one day in the not too distant future, the dance might be indoors in front of everyone they loved. And she wouldn’t be wearing a winter coat.

  But a wedding dress.

  * * *

  IF SOMEONE WOULD’VE woken him up, Tommy wouldn’t have been surprised. Everything about this moment felt like a dream. He pulled her close and swayed with her, his cheek against hers.

  He had dreamed of this day, but he had been terrified of it, also. Putting one foot in front of the other. Always seeking God. Always believing. Like Mary and Joseph. He ran his hand over her hair. And yes… Annalee had told him to think of the wig as her hair. “It’s mine,” she had told him. And so it was.

  Soon he had to get her home. She was cancer-free, but she needed to be careful. Take her time regaining her strength. He faced her. “This is real… right?”

  “Yes.” Her eyes sparkled brighter than the snow. “As real as us.”

  Again he held her close and this time he closed his eyes. How differently this day could’ve gone? He hadn’t wanted to think about it, but sometimes—in the dark of night—his fears would wake him. Leave him gasping for air, his heart racing.

  Like the night when the ice broke and Annalee disappeared in the freezing water.

  He shuddered and let the image go. That wasn’t happening. The ground beneath their feet was solid and she was dancing in his arms. She had no evidence of disease! And to celebrate the fact, God had given them this gentle snow. Falling all around them, landing on their faces and reminding them of His power.

  His beauty.

  His morning.

  No matter how dark the night had been.

  Tommy breathed in the sweet smell of her. He never wanted to let go, but in these last minutes before he took her back to her house, he etched the memory of this time forever in his heart. So he could remember it some far-off day when he was wearing a badge and the worst call came in and he was running toward the bad guys.

  And when he would take her to the hospital for yet another scan and he would sit in the waiting room, praying and pacing and wishing with all his heart she’d finish, already. So they could get another clean report and go on with their lives.

  So that when the hard times came—whatever they were—he could remember to keep walking… keep seeking… keep believing. So that this moment with Annalee would get him through whatever was ahead… every time.

  He smiled and kissed her once more. Then he led her to his Jeep again.

  Somewhere in time not yet lived, he would remember today. On a very special tomorrow that he believed would come in the next few years. A moment he knew would happen because he would pray it would happen. And whenever he was afraid of the future, he would just keep walking. God was in the lead, after all. They were just following Him.

  And in that beautiful once upon a time still to come, before their first dance, he would remember this one. Here at White River Park at the end of January.

  The day God gave him Annalee Miller back.

  It would be the best day of his life. Their wedding day. And they would live and love and laugh till the end of time. Because their life together would never be ordinary. Rather the years would be unforgettable. The way the two of them already were.

  Tommy and Annalee.

  A love story for the ages.

  Forever and ever, amen.


  A book doesn’t appear in your hands without an entire team taking part in the process. A team of passionate, determined people working behind the scenes on a dozen levels. On that note, I can’t leave this novel and the deeply emotional journey it’s been without thanking the people who made it possible.

  First, a special thanks to my amazing Simon & Schuster publishing team, including the keenly talented Libby McGuire, Trish Todd, Suzanne Donahue, , Lisa Sciambra, Paula Amendolara, and Dana Trocker, along with the rest of my gifted S&S team! I think often of our times together in New York and the way your collective creative brilliance always becomes a game changer. And to Carolyn Reidy, I miss you dearly. Your passing came far too soon, but I will do as you asked. I will keep writing the best possible book God places on my hear
t. To everyone at Simon & Schuster, you clearly desire to raise the bar at every turn. Thank you for that. It’s an honor to work with you!

  Also thanks to Rose Garden Creative, my design team—Kyle and Kelsey Kupecky—whose unmatched talent in the industry is recognized from Los Angeles to New York. Very simply you are the best in the business! My website, social media, video trailers and newsletter—along with so many other aspects of my touring and writing—are top of the book business because of you two. Thank you for working your own dreams around mine. I love you and I thank God for you every single day.

  A huge thanks to my sisters, Tricia and Susan, along with my mom, Anne. You give your whole hearts to helping me love my readers. Tricia, as my executive assistant for twelve years; and Susan, as the president of my Facebook Online Book Club and Team KK. And, Mom, thank you for being Queen of the Readers. Anyone who has ever sent me an email and received a response from “Karen’s mom” is blessed indeed. The three of you are making a tremendous impact in changing this world for the better. Love you and I thank God for you always!

  Thanks also to Tyler for joining with me to write screenplays and books like Best Family Ever and Finding Home—the Baxter Family Children books. You are a gifted writer, Ty. I can’t wait to see more of your work on the shelves and on the screen. Maybe one day soon! Love you so much!

  Also, thank you to my office assistant, Aurora Galvin. You create space for me to write! My storytelling wouldn’t be possible without you.

  I’m also grateful to my Team KK members, who step in at the final stage in writing a book. The galley pages come to me, and I send them to several of my most dedicated reader friends. My nieces Shannon Fairley, Melissa Viernes and Kristen Kane. Also Hope Burke, Donna Keene, Renette Steele, Zac Weikal and Sheila Holman. You are my volunteer test team! It always amazes me, the typos you catch at the final hour. Thank you for loving my work, and thanks for your availability to read my novels first and fast.

  Also, my books only happen with the help of my family, especially my amazing husband, Donald. Honey, thank you for your spiritual wisdom and leadership in our home, and thanks for talking through books like this one from outline to the editing. The countless ways you help me when I’m on deadline make all the difference. I love you!

  And over all this, thanks to a man who has believed in my career for two decades, my amazing agent, Rick Christian of Alive Literary Agency. From the beginning, Rick, you’ve told me to dream big, set my sights high. Movies, TV series, worldwide reach. All for God and through Him. You imagined it, believed it and prayed for it alongside me and my family. You saw it. You still do! While I write, you work behind the scenes on film projects and my future books, the Baxter family TV series, and details regarding every word I’ve ever written. You are brilliant and driven, compassionate and dedicated. I used to dream of having you as my agent. Now Tyler and I are the only authors who do. God is amazing. Thank you, Rick, and thank you for praying for me and my family. That most of all.

  Finally, my greatest thanks to God Almighty, who is First and Last and all things in between. I write for You, through You and because of You. Thank you with my whole being.

  Dear Reader Friend,

  It seems so often when I write a book, real life is turning similar pages in the story of my life. That was the case with Truly, Madly, Deeply. As I was breathing the story of Tommy onto the pages, my youngest son, Austin, was talking more seriously about being a police officer.

  Yes, I watched a thousand episodes of Cops with that boy and yes, I do think high school kids should have to watch a full season before they graduate. If for nothing more than to help them make good choices and appreciate the role of law enforcement in our cities and towns. So they can see that police officers have one of the toughest jobs around.

  Also as in the book you just read, Austin was told by our local department that he should finish college before applying. If he applies.

  People often ask me how I get my ideas. Well, there you have it! Life has a way of making some novels a little easier to write. Which is why Truly, Madly, Deeply is as much about love as it is about something we all battle.


  Each of us knows all too well the late nights worrying about a loved one, or the fallout after that fateful phone call. Anxiety creeps in and we sometimes become paralyzed. Yes, I loved the story of Tommy and Annalee. I laughed with them and cried with them.

  But given my situation in life with Austin, my favorite part was this: It let me work through my fears and let them go. Jesus told us to think about today. That’s all we’re promised, and of course we all know that. But it’s so easy to borrow trouble from tomorrow. Most often that trouble never materializes, and we have wasted a perfectly good today being afraid for nothing.

  I feel more at peace for the journey of Truly, Madly, Deeply, and I hope you do, too.

  As you close the cover on this book, do me a favor. Think about who you can share it with. A friend or a sister. Your mother or a coworker. The librarian at your child’s school. Someone struggling to make sense of a loss or someone who needs encouragement, hope or simply a good love story. Maybe just a person who loves to read.

  Remember, a story dies if it is left on the shelf. So please pass this one on.

  By now you may have heard about the TV series—The Baxters. This was something I only dreamed about back when God gave me those very special characters. The series has the material to go on for a very long time, so look for it soon. I know you’ll love it like the rest of us do.

  To find out more about The Baxters on TV or any of my other books, television series, or movies, visit my website, There you can enter your email address to sign up for my free weekly newsletter. I make my big announcements on my newsletter first! These emails come straight to you and with my blogs and devotions, event updates and a little something to encourage you.

  Like I said, the biggest news will always be on my newsletter first, so sign up today!

  At my website, you can also find out how to stay encouraged with me on social media or at one of my events.

  Finally, if you are seeking a faith like that of the Baxter family, find a Bible-believing church and get connected. There is a reason you came across this book. Remember, the Baxters are not just my family. They are yours. And because of that, we are all connected. Until next time… I’m praying for you.

  Thanks for being part of the family.

  Love you all!


  For some of you, this is your first time with the Baxter family. Please know you don’t have to read any other Baxter books to read this one. Like my other recent titles, Truly, Madly, Deeply stands alone! But if you read this and want to start at the beginning, the starting place is my book Redemption.

  That’s where the adventure of the Baxters begins.

  Whether you’ve known the Baxters for years or are just meeting them now, here’s a quick summary of the family, their kids and their ages. Also, because these characters are fictional, I’ve taken some liberty with their ages. Let’s just assume these are their current ages.

  Now, let me introduce you to—or remind you of—the Baxter family:

  * * *

  THE BAXTERS BEGAN in Bloomington, Indiana, and most of the family still lives there today.

  The Baxter house is on ten acres outside of town, with a winding creek that runs through the backyard. It has a wraparound porch, a pretty view and memories of a lifetime of love and laughter. John and Elizabeth Baxter moved into when their children were young. They raised their family here. Today it is owned by one of their daughters—Ashley—and her husband, Landon Blake. It is still the place where the extended Baxter family gathers for special celebrations.

  * * *

  DR. JOHN BAXTER: John is the patriarch of the Baxter family. Formerly an emergency room doctor and professor of medicine at Indiana University, he’s now retired. John’s first wife, Elizabeth, died long
ago from a recurrence of cancer. Years later, John married Elaine, and the two live in Bloomington.

  * * *

  DAYNE MATTHEWS: Dayne is the oldest son of John and Elizabeth. Dayne was born out of wedlock and given up for adoption at birth. His adoptive parents died in a small plane crash when he was 18. Years later, Dayne became a very visible and popular movie star. At age 30, he hired an attorney to find his birth parents—John and Elizabeth Baxter. He had a moment with Elizabeth in the hospital before she died, and years later he connected with the rest of his biological family. Dayne is married to Katy. The couple has three children: Sophie, 10; Egan, 8; and Blaise, 6. They are very much part of the Baxter family, and they split time between Los Angeles and Bloomington.

  * * *

  DR. BROOKE BAXTER WEST: Brooke is a pediatrician in Bloomington, married to Peter West, also a doctor. The couple has two daughters: Maddie, 22, and Hayley, 19. The family experienced a tragedy when Hayley suffered a near-drowning at age 3. She recovered miraculously, but still has disabilities caused by the incident.

  * * *

  KARI BAXTER TAYLOR: Kari is a designer, married to Ryan Taylor, football coach at Clear Creek High School. The couple has three children: Jessie, 19; RJ, 13; and Annie, 10. Kari had a crush on Ryan when the two were in middle school. They dated through college, and then broke up over a misunderstanding. Kari married a man she met in college, Tim Jacobs, but some years into their marriage he had an affair. The infidelity resulted in his murder at the hands of a stalker. The tragedy devastated Kari, who was pregnant at the time with their first child, Jessie. Ryan came back into her life around the same time, and years later he and Kari married. They live in Bloomington.

  * * *

  ASHLEY BAXTER BLAKE: Ashley is the former black sheep of the Baxter family, married to Landon Blake, who works for the Bloomington Fire Department. The couple has four children: Cole, 19; Amy, 14; Devin, 12; and Janessa, 8. As a young single mom, Ashley was jaded against God and her family until she reconnected with her firefighter friend Landon, who had secretly always loved her. Eventually Ashley and Landon married and Landon adopted Cole. Together, the couple had two children—Devin and Janessa. Between those children, they lost a baby girl, Sarah Marie, at birth to anencephaly. Amy, Ashley’s niece, came to live with them a few years ago after Amy’s parents, Erin Baxter Hogan and Sam Hogan, and Amy’s three sisters, were killed in a horrific car accident. Amy was the only survivor. Ashley and Landon and their family live in Bloomington, in the old Baxter house, where Ashley and her siblings were raised. Ashley still paints and is successful in selling her work in local boutiques.


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