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Virgin On Vacation

Page 2

by Emily Vincent

  The girls got up and we got our luggage. I was glad that we had packed lightly like Jasmine had suggested. I had a feeling we were going to be early, I didn’t think that we were going to be that early though.

  Jasmine led the way to the hotel and as we got closer to it, I could only imagine what our room looked like as I looked over my shoulder to see the sun that was now orange, it was going down slowly but hitting it’s light off the calm water of the beach and it was breath taking.

  The hotel lobby was spacious with its skylight ceiling. I stared up at it, instead of watching where I was going. The blue sky was getting slightly darker and I could imagine the stars and seeing the moon through the skylight that they had.

  “If you don’t pay attention to where you’re going you’re going to bump into someone else.” Jasmine snickered.

  I felt a smile come to my face, thinking about the airport and the gentlemen that I had bumped into. It was embarrassing but she was right. I didn’t want another mishap like that.

  Alice walked us into the bar and we sat down in front of the bartender. The room was quiet, there weren’t many people sitting down to eat or drink.

  “Is it always this quiet?” Alice asked, eying the bartender. I could tell right away that she liked him.

  He was Hawaiian, and we could see that he was born and raised here.

  He had black hair and dark brown eyes. Wearing a white button up shirt we could see his muscles in his arms. He was wearing black pants and he held a white towel in his hand drying off a glass.

  “No, it will start filling up soon.” He grinned at Alice. I could see that he liked her too.

  Jasmine and I glanced at each other. It was hard not to laugh.

  “I guess romance is in the air tonight.” Jennifer commented, she was the one who always made everything so obvious when we were trying to keep it under wraps for the most part.

  Alice turned and gawked at her, Alice’s face was red. She typically didn’t find men interesting. Thinking that they were only after one thing and most of the time she was right. It was out of the norm for Alice, but we chalked it up to vacationing and probably never seeing the man again.

  I took out my phone and began taking pictures of her. Knowing that she wouldn’t remember the night depending on how much we drank.

  We were all there to have a great time, there were no exceptions to the rule and there were hardly any rules now that we were going out of our comfort zone as a group.

  “Make sure you get the best side view that you can. I don’t think that we’re ever going to get another shot of Alice flirting.” Jasmine whispered as I began taking picture after picture of her.

  Alice wasn’t paying any attention to us, she was almost leaning over the bar to get closer to the bartender.

  On his name tag it said that his name was Scott. And Scott seemed to be enjoying the playfulness that was coming from Alice.

  “Are we going to drink or are we going to try to take the man home?” Jennifer asked, getting an annoyed look from Alice making the three of us laugh.

  I couldn’t remember a time that I had laughed so hard in my life. It was like something inside of me had let loose and I was enjoying every second of it.

  Chapter 4


  The sun was almost done setting, it was getting darker on the beach. Looking down at my shirt, I had put on a black tank top that showed off my abs, that showed off the muscles in my arms and wore a pair of faded blue jeans so that I would be comfortable.

  Wearing my black and white sneakers that I had just purchased I wanted to make sure that I looked every bit as sexy as I had when I had bumped into Shelly at the airport.

  I was going on chance, fate, that I would see her again. That I would just merely bump into her.

  Acting like a school boy I walked into the front of the hotel. The lobby, the hanging lights brightened up the room.

  I could see that the lobby was almost empty. Everyone either checking in or going out for a late evening. I went to the desk to see if Shelly had checked in yet.

  “No sir, she should be shortly.” The receptionist gave me an awkward smile.

  She had seen me a few times and I could see that she thought I was acting strange.

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, giving her the best smile that I could and nodded my head at her I turned away and scanned the room.

  That’s when I noticed her, I knew it was her by the way she laughed, by the way she threw her head back.

  I watched her as she leaned into her friend, the one that had pulled her away from me so that they could catch their flight. So that they wouldn’t be late.

  The smile on my face grew wider. I could feel it, I could feel my lips parting as I watched her.

  She was relaxed and having a good time. She was being herself without knowing she was being watched. Without knowing that someone was admiring her, and I admired everything about her without even knowing her, the only thing I knew was her name and I wanted to know more of her. I wanted to know the depth of her, a piece of her.

  Scott caught my eye and I nodded at him. The second bartender that was coming on shift that night took over while Scott came over to see me.

  “Is there something that I can do for you sir?” Scott asked, readily to make me happy.

  “Yes, I want you to start a tab. Let the girls have as many drinks as they want. I will pick the tab up later.” I stated, watching him as he hurriedly did as I asked him to do.

  I knew that I couldn’t stand there much longer without looking like a stalker. I had to go over and speak with her, for the first time in a long time my tongue was tied. I didn’t know how I was going to approach her or what to talk to her about.

  Scott made it easy for me though. He made their drinks and nodded his head towards me. The women turned and looked at me as I was already walking towards them.

  I could see that Shelly was shocked to see me. I knew how she felt, just the way I felt when I saw her name on the list of guests for the evening.

  “I didn’t get the chance to introduce myself when we bumped into each other. It was crazy. My name is Jackson Miller.” I stated, sticking out my hand to Shelly.

  “Shelly Lynn.” Her voice was so soft, I could barely hear her as she took my hand I felt how soft and warm it was in mine and shook it gently.

  “You’re thee Jackson Miller?” Jasmine asked, her eyes almost popping out of her head.

  “I am.” I chuckled, it never got old seeing the look on people’s faces when they put two and two together.

  “He’s the millionaire. He’s a model that travels all over the place. These hotels are his, I read up on them before we came here. I didn’t notice it until now.” Jasmine explained to her friends.

  She was overly excited about explaining who I was that I was feeling slightly uncomfortable.

  I noticed the look of awe on Shelly’s face and I didn’t want to scare her off. It was why I was hoping that no one would recognize me, but I knew that it was beyond my control of that happening. Everyone knew who I was.

  “Are you ladies enjoying your vacation so far?” I asked, putting my hands behind my back and leaning forward. Getting closer to Shelly.

  “We are, the beach is wonderful.” Shelly was the one to speak this time, though her face was getting red.

  “If you think that the beach is a great sight to see you should let me take you around and show you all the other things that Hawaii has to offer you while you’re staying here.” It was my chance to chime in, to ask her to spend the next day with me.

  The look on her face made me feel nervous. It was almost as if she was trying to decide whether she should go or not. I could understand that completely. I just didn’t know if her friend had scared her off because of who I was.

  I watched as she bit down on her lip a little nervously, seeing that she didn’t know what to say and the silence was killing me.

  That was one thing that I could never get used to - sil
ence whenever it filled the room. I was hoping that she was going to say something soon. Something, anything, even if it was no just to fill that silence that had fallen around us.

  Chapter 5


  I was completely surprised. One, I had never expected to see the man again. Two, I didn’t know that he was a millionaire and it was something that pushed me off guard.

  When I had first saw him he just looked like a regular well-dressed man, even in the rush that I was in I could see that he was dressed for business. Never had I thought that he was a man of money as well as good looks.

  I felt the answer coming to the tip of my tongue. Getting ready to roll off, I was there to spend time with my friends not with a man.

  Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jasmine was staring at me. She was giving me that crazy look that if I didn’t say yes, she was going to. She was never selfish of my time, always a caring friend and wanting me to be happy.

  “Yes, that would be great. I would love to take a good look around.” I felt my face growing hotter.

  The words coming out of my mouth were strange to my own ears.

  I was sure that I sounded like a complete idiot but the smile on his face grew wider. His eyes opened more when he got my answer.

  “That’s great, I will come looking for you in the morning in the lobby around ten?” He asked, looking at his watch as if he was making a note on it right that second.

  “That would be wonderful.” I laughed slightly, knowing that was going to be too early depending on how much we had to drink that night but that it would be worth it.

  Jackson Miller turned away from us at that point and walked out of the bar. I kept my eyes on him, it had to be fate. That was the only thing that I could think of. To see him not only at the airport thinking that I would never see him again to him inviting me out to tour Hawaii with him. It was something that only happened in books, in fairytales where women that weren’t me were looking for prince charming.

  “This vacation might’ve just gotten a little more interesting.” Jasmine stated, ordering us another round of drinks.

  I heard her talking to me, I heard her talking to Alice and Jennifer but for a moment it was as if she was off in the distance as I watched Jackson Miller until he was out of sight.

  “Earth to Shelly Lynn, come in, Shelly Lynn.” Jasmine said louder, this time in my ear and I faced the bar again with the biggest smile I have ever managed to have.

  “You’re already in love, aren’t you?” Alice asked, shaking her head but she had a grin on her face.

  “No, we are just going out. Probably for a couple of hours. A man like him, I am sure is quite busy. I will be lucky if I don’t come back within the hour.” I rolled my eyes, trying not to make it sound like a big deal.

  Looking at my friends they could see that I was lying through my teeth.

  They could see it in my eyes. Whenever they wanted to know what I was feeling or if I was telling the truth. My eyes always gave me away. It was something that couldn’t be helped.

  The girls already could tell that I was lying by my tone of voice because they knew me so well.

  “You deserve to have the time of your life. Even if it doesn’t go anywhere. Just be yourself and everything will work out.” Alice assured me, putting her hand on my shoulder.

  “Right, how do you do that being around a millionaire? How do you just be yourself?” I asked her, shaking my head.

  I felt my heart thumping hard in my chest, I knew that it was something that would never happen to me again. Something that came along once in a life time and never with a man that had a lot of money.

  Not that it mattered, to me I didn’t care if the man had money or if he was completely broke. What mattered was the heart that the man had and so far, I haven’t found a man that was good enough to keep my interest.

  I wasn’t going to hold my breath though. It didn’t matter if he was god’s gift to women. I would be able to tell if he was rude or not. If he was just like all the other men out there that I’ve come across. If he was rude than it meant nothing about looks and what he did for a career.

  I am the type that goes for the heart. What’s inside of it and I can usually tell if I’m wasting my time. It didn’t stop me from getting excited at the thought of seeing him in the morning. I was over the moon just thinking about all the things that we could do the next day.

  “Are we going to drink or go up to the room?” Jasmine asked, stifling a yawn behind the back of her hand.

  “We can always go up to the room and drink too. We don’t have to stay down here.” Alice pointed out.

  Now that Scott was gone for the night Alice saw no reason to be down there at the bar. She had lost interest five minutes after Scott had left.

  “Sounds like a plan to me.” I nodded my head firmly.

  Glad to see that someone was with me. I gave her a wink and the four of us headed towards the desk of the lobby with our luggage behind us.

  The woman was friendly at the desk, I could tell that her smile wasn’t fake and that she wasn’t doing it just for her job.

  “I would like to check in.” I leaned across the counter top.

  “What’s the name?” She asked.

  “Shelly Lynn.” I stated, watching her as she typed away on the computer for a second.

  “Yes, you are on the top floor. One of the luxurious rooms that we have.” The Receptionist stated.

  “There must be some mistake…Kelly.” I squinted and looked at her name tag.

  “No, there’s no mistake. It looks like that there’s been an upgrade to your room.” She checked again.

  “I have already paid in advance for the room for a week that I had originally got.” I tried to explain to her.

  I began to panic, hoping that she wasn’t going to ask me for any more money. I had already spent what I thought was too much on the room to begin with.

  “You don’t have to worry Ms. Lynn. Mr. Miller was the one who had upgraded you. It’s all paid for.” Kelly smiled, seeing the worried look on my face as she slid two keys across the counter.

  I took one and Jasmine took the other one. I couldn’t believe that he had done such a thing. Not that it bothered me, I thought it was sweet, but he could’ve told me that he had done something like that before he left for the evening.

  “Thank you.” It was the only thing that I could think to say as we moved away from the desk and started for the elevator.

  “Well, I guess there’s no doubt that he’s the one that’s pursuing you.” Alice giggled as we waited for the elevator doors to open.

  I didn’t say anything, still in shock from the kind gesture that he had shown. I was at a loss for words.

  “You open your mouth any wider and you’re going to be catching flies.” Jasmine nudged me and giggled as the elevator doors opened and closed shut behind us.

  I smirked at her, seeing that the walls were mirrored, it was something different.

  I’d never seen the inside of an elevator that was mirrored. It meant that he was the type to ‘Wow’ his guests in hopes that they would come again.

  “I have to say that I’m impressed.” I murmured, holding onto the railing.

  Never liking elevators since I was a kid and I didn’t like them now but as the floors kept going up and up I realized that I wouldn’t have been able to walk up almost ten flights without having to stop a few times.

  When the doors opened I could breathe. My legs were shaking but we made it out the door and across the hall was our room. I was thankful it wasn’t too far away from the elevator.

  “You good?” Alice asked, almost laughing at me.

  “Yeah, I’ve just never been in an elevator that long.” I laughed, shrugging off the anxiety that I was having.

  We were on vacation, I wasn’t going to ruin it now. Not when there were so many good things going for us and we hadn’t been there that long.

  “Do you want to open the door?” I asked, wonde
ring what was taking Jasmine so long. She was just standing there.

  “It was your boyfriend that upgraded us. I thought that you’d do the honors.” Jasmine teased me, though she was teasing she made no move to unlock the door.

  I rolled my eyes at her, knowing that she was just playing. Putting my luggage down and putting the key in the lock. I turned it and opened the door.

  The four of us stood there, our mouths gapped open in disbelief.

  Chapter 6


  The room was huge, it was bigger than any room I’d ever seen before.

  There were windows that covered the back wall that we were staring at. There was a mini bar off to the right of the room. A large flat screen hanging on the wall and there were four beds. Two on the left side of the room and another two on the right.

  “He must’ve known that you were having a party?” Alice asked, being the first one to speak.

  “I have all of our names down on the room. He would know how many people if he took the time to look. Which he did.” I pointed out, smiling.

  He was showing how kind he was already, that he was a sweet man. I wasn’t going to let myself get caught up in it though. Gestures were one thing, treating someone when they were together was something completely different.

  I was the first one to grab my luggage and head into the room. I picked the bed that was closest to the windows.

  The girls followed in behind me, almost as if making sure that the room was safe to be in after a few minutes.

  “This man has got it bad.” Jennifer giggled choosing the bed that was across the room from mine.

  I took my shoes off and felt my feet instantly go into the rug. It was nice and soft on my bare feet as if it was a piece of heaven that I didn’t know existed.

  “He sure knows how to treat a woman.” Alice murmured, looking at the full bar and heading towards the window.

  I was already looking out the window. Even with the lights from the hotel I could see the moon glistening off the calm water of the beach and it was breathtaking to me.


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