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Virgin On Vacation

Page 3

by Emily Vincent

  I could see the stars high in the sky. I couldn’t help but smile and I felt my body relax, I felt a soothing sensation that was running over my body just from the sight of the beauty that was out the window.

  “Very nice, it’s a completely stocked bar. You want to have a drink?” Jennifer asked, getting ready to play bartender.

  “I have to go to sleep and get up early in the morning. I don’t want to be late.” I pointed out to her, grinning from ear to ear.

  She laughed at me knowing that I was going to have a drink regardless.

  “I’m going to go and take a shower and just relax my body for right now.” I answered, letting her know that I wasn’t ready for one right that second.

  I got my night clothes and headed towards the bathroom. When I opened the door, I got another surprise.

  There was a hot tub in one of the corners, a stand-up shower in the other corner and around the corner from that there was a full tub that I could just sink into if I really wanted to.

  “I’ve never seen a bathroom so big before.” I gasped, putting my hand to my throat.

  There was even a wooden bench in the bathroom that lined the wall so that we could sit down if we wanted to chat or just wanted to sit there just because.

  “I bet.” Jasmine laughed coming up behind me.

  I heard her suck her own breath in and let it out slowly.

  “You always get the good ones.” She pushed me playfully.

  “IF I got any good ones I wouldn’t be single right now.” I laughed at her, shaking my head.

  “I don’t think there are any good ones out there. If there are than they are hiding from us. You though, you’re going to find the right one in this man. I can feel it.” She stated firmly.

  “I’m not going to rush it. I don’t even know what he’s like on a date. All I know is that he wanted to impress us, and I have to say I am impressed.” I looked over my shoulder.

  There was no denying that, the four of us were in awe and who wouldn’t be? You’d have to be a nutcase to want anything more.

  “There’s enough room for the four of us in this hot tub if you guys want to join me. I must get my bathing suit.” Turning around to walk out of the bathroom to get the bathing suit that was in my suitcase.

  Jennifer was too busy making herself a drink and Alice was just sitting on the bed taking her clothes out and folding them neatly. Shaking my head, I knew she was a neat freak it didn’t matter where we were.

  “Don’t forget that you don’t have to jump right out of bed and make it first thing in the morning.” I pointed a finger at her.

  “I know.” Jennifer blushed, bringing her clothes to the closet and setting them on the top shelf.

  I laughed at her, knowing that it was habit I was going to have to remind her during the vacation a few more times before she just stopped doing it.

  Jasmine followed me into the bathroom, leaving the door open I started the hot tub and waited for it to heat up. Jasmine changed in the shower closing the door behind her.

  When she came out she was wearing her favorite black bikini that she looked great in she had lost a few pounds before we came on vacation. Reaching her goal. I was proud of her, even though I didn’t say it I knew how hard she had worked to get where she wanted to be.

  “So, what are you thinking about Mr. Millionaire?” Jasmine asked.

  “I don’t really know, I mean I want to be excited and I am. I can’t lie about that, but I don’t know how it’s going to go so I’m not going to hope for much.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  I was down to earth about it; how could I not be. He was a man who was in a higher class. I couldn’t think that he would just want me and only me. For all I knew he could’ve just been wanting a few dates and calling it quits, moving on to the next one.

  “Are you going to tell him?” Jasmine’s eyes grew wide.

  I felt my face grow red. I knew what she was asking me. It wasn’t something that I was ashamed of. It wasn’t anything to be ashamed of, but I didn’t go around advertising it.

  “Tell him what?” I played dumb and she gave me that look.

  That matter of fact look that told me I knew what she was talking about.

  “That you’re a virgin.” Jasmine huffed, when I shook my head at her.

  “I don’t know why that would even come up.” I tried laughing it off but it by far the fakest laugh that I had.

  “You know it’s going to come up. Men want it all the time. You can’t think that he’s not going to take you on a couple of dates and not have that piece come up.” Jasmine gave me the best smile she could.

  I was still a virgin. Like I said, that was nothing to be ashamed of, but she had a point. The only thing that I could think of was that if I wasn’t ready than he would have to respect that.

  “I’m not going to bring it up. I don’t think that it’s anything to bring up. He would be rude if he did.” I stated, frowning and feeling my eyebrows shoot downwards.

  There was a pause between us. A comfortable silence.

  Jasmine was my best friend she knew exactly what I was thinking and neither of us had to speak to know that I was slightly uncomfortable and hoped that it wasn’t brought up between him and I.

  Chapter 7


  I groaned when I heard the alarm going off. I wasn’t ready to get out of bed just yet.

  Opening one eye I saw that it was eight in the morning. I had two hours to get ready but knew that if I didn’t get out of bed I was going to be late.

  “Come on, shut that off.” I heard Alice grunt and felt a pillow being thrown at me.

  I wanted to hit the snooze button but knew if I did it would just go off in another five minutes. Five minutes wasn’t going to give me any time at all.

  Slowly I brought myself up into a sitting position and hit the button to make the noise stop. Somehow, I still heard it in my head though.

  I heard the door open and shut and that’s when I opened my eyes all the way.

  “What are you doing up so early?” I asked, seeing that Jasmine had a smile on her face.

  “I just got back from walking the beach. It’s so beautiful and peaceful. There’s not too many people out there.” She puffed, a bright smile on her face.

  “That’s because they’re all sleeping.” Alice muttered, getting up herself now that there were two people already up and talking.

  I looked over at Jennifer, she could sleep through anything and she was still sleeping with us complaining about how early it was.

  Jasmine was in a white sports bra and jogging shorts. Her hair was up in a ponytail and it looked like she had been running instead of walking.

  “You’re going to have to come with me one of these mornings before we leave here so that you can see the sunrise.” Jasmine looked my way.

  “I don’t know about all that, I don’t even want to be up this early.” I smirked at her, shaking my head as I got off the bed.

  “Just think once you’re fully awake you’re going to enjoy your day. I just know it.” Jasmine nodded her head.

  Her head was moving so quickly I laughed slightly picturing her as a bobble head doll. I couldn’t help it she was so full of spunk.

  “Yeah, I keep reminding myself of that.” I smiled at her and took the dress I wanted to wear into the bathroom.

  “You’re going to want to put your hair up. It’s hot outside already. You’re going to love the warmth here. I thought that I was going to need a thin zip up but that wasn’t the case.” Jasmine called after me.

  I nodded my head and closed the bathroom door behind me.

  I threw the dress on, it was red and tied in the back.

  Looking at myself in the mirror I thought I looked cute even before I brushed my hair and pulled it back.

  It was a nice sundress that I had picked up before our flight and I fell in love with it even more.

  It showed off my body in all the right places. My body filled it out as if it was hand
made just for me.

  “Are you almost done in there? I need to take a shower before I eat something.” Jasmine called through the door.

  “Yeah, be right out.” I called to her, taking another quick look before I turned and waltzed towards the door.

  I opened the door and walked out with a big smile on my face.

  “Wow, he’s going to see just how hot you are. He’s going to have a hard time keeping his hands off you.” Jasmine’s eyes lit up when she saw me come out of the bathroom.

  “You think that I look that tempting?” I bit down on my lip.

  The last thing I wanted was for him to think that I was easy. That was far from what I wanted him to think.

  “You look beautiful and nothing but. I want you to have a good time and remember you’re on vacation forget about everything and just let it happen. Just go with the flow, you’ll be better if you can relax.” Jasmine pointed a finger at me.

  I loved the speeches she gave me. She made me feel like I was important. She made me feel like I was top priority in a friendly way. I was glad that I had her for support. I didn’t know where I’d be without her.

  I noticed that Alice had gone back to bed, Jennifer had never stirred from her sleep. She was still laying on her stomach when I stared at her.

  I didn’t know how they could sleep the morning away. I know that I had, but I was tossing and turning most of the night. I had a reason.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed and reaching for my sandals I looked over at the clock. It had only taken me a half hour to get dressed and now I was going to sit around and wait.

  I walked over to the window and looked out, a smile on my face when I saw the view in the daylight.

  I could see the beach for miles. The white sand, I remembered under my feet I didn’t have to squint to see. The sun shimmering across the water like there were tiny diamonds on top of water. I saw it as the sun boasted about how beautiful it was that morning.

  “It does look amazing out there.” I murmured to myself.

  I couldn’t wait to start my day, I couldn’t wait to go out there and walk the beach line in hopes that I would find treasures along the way.

  I couldn’t help myself. I opened the window and let the fresh air in.

  The breeze was warm, and I could hear the birds chirping and whistling to me as if they were singing me a song. The smile on my face growing bigger.

  “I told you that it was nice out there. What, you didn’t believe me?” Jasmine giggled.

  I looked over my shoulder and saw that she was making a pot of coffee. Something that I was dying for.

  “I believed you, I just wanted to let some fresh air in. Real air instead of this A/C they have pumping through here.” I rolled my eyes.

  “I’m glad you’re still here. It means that we can have coffee together before you go on your date.” Jasmine rolled her eyes at me.

  “You’re the one who told me to go, don’t make me feel bad about it now.” I pouted at her, going over to the small table to sit with her.

  “I’m not, I don’t want you to feel bad. You landed some rich guy. Alice is going to be talking more with Scott. I don’t think that Jennifer and I will find anyone.” She huffed, shaking her head as she watched the coffee fill the pot slowly.

  “You’ll find someone. It may not be here, but you’re going to find someone I just know it. Soon, someone that is meant only for you.” I put my hand on her shoulder.

  “Thanks for trying to make me feel better.” Jasmine laughed, shrugging my hand off.

  Jasmine didn’t like it when the attention was focused on her, she didn’t like to admit when anything was wrong, but I could see through her smile.

  She wasn’t picky when it came to men, they were picky when it came to her and I didn’t see why because she was a great person, she was pretty, talkative, and very understanding when someone needed her advice she gave it without hesitation.

  “I’m just not going to settle is all. When I find the right one I will know.” Jasmine gave me the biggest smile she had.

  Just before I could open my mouth the timer on the coffee pot went off and she was saved by the bell.

  Getting the paper cups as quickly as she could she filled them both and handed me one.

  I wrinkled my nose because there was only powdered creamer and not liquid.

  “I guess he didn’t think of everything.” Jasmine threw her head back and laughed loudly. A little too loudly.

  “What time is it?” Jennifer grumbled, refusing to open her eyes to check.

  “Sorry, it’s late in the morning you should be getting up so that we can go on adventures.” Jasmine told her, frowning slightly.

  “It’s the first day, if we do everything in one day than we’re going to be bored before the end of the week is out.” She moaned at her, pulling the covers up over her head so that the sunlight wouldn’t hurt her eyes.

  “Eventually you’re going to have to get up. I’m going to drag you out myself.” Jasmine warned, taking a few sips of her coffee.

  Chapter 8


  I kept checking the time on my watch. Another five minutes and I would see her. I couldn’t wait to start our day together.

  I was beginning to worry that she was going to be late, that maybe she had overslept or that she was going to change her mind. There were different scenario’s going through my head and I began to sweat.

  I was pacing back and forth across the lobby floor, something that I’d never done before. I always kept my cool, never fretted about anything. That was until I met her.

  “I’m not late, am I?” I heard her beautiful voice coming from across the room.

  I turned and gave her the best smile that I had and shook my head.

  “No, I was just checking things around the hotel making sure that everything is the way it should be. Do you like your suite?” I wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for her.

  “I love it, the view is breathtaking at night and in the morning. The room is just gorgeous. There’s no other way to explain it.” She giggled, and I just about swallowed my tongue.

  I loved the sundress that she was wearing, the way her hair was pulled back and she had her sandals on her feet.

  “Where do you want to go first?” I asked, rubbing my hands together.

  “Wherever you want to take me. I thought that I was on your time today, after all you are the one who offered to take me out, right?” She asked, raising her eyebrows.

  Her blue eyes were teasing me, watching me to see if I was going to be off balance.

  “Of course, I was just wondering if maybe you looked up any places that you wanted to go. Most people do that when they are planning on going on a vacation.” I winked at her.

  I watched her as her face got red, I knew that I could get her going.

  “It’s alright, I don’t do that either. I don’t know who does. Old people. The ones that have to go by a schedule.” I rolled my eyes and heard her laugh.

  The sound was music to my ears, it made my hands sweat and my heart pump faster than it already was.

  We walked out of the hotel lobby and headed for the strip.

  We walked in silence for a little while, window shopping and I saw that she had glanced off at the dress in the window.

  It was a light blue, it was a little longer than what I would’ve thought for a woman her size to be wearing but I knew the color would match her eyes. I saw the way that she was looking at it.

  “That is a nice dress.” I pointed out since she wasn’t going to say anything about it.

  “It’s okay.” She gave me that look out of the corner of her eye and it made my heart melt.

  I loved the way Shelly looked at me, I had seen plenty of women look at me before. They were looking at me because of the money that I possessed and not for who I was.

  I felt that Shelly was someone different, she was someone very special. Not the type that cared about money at all. She was better than al
l the rest that I had set eyes on knowing that there was curiosity in her, not lust after the money that I had in my pocket or in my bank account.

  The more we walked around and the more we talked the more I began falling for her.

  “You know, you were supposed to show me the sights today. Right now, all I’m feeling is my feet growing tired of all this walking.” Shelly laughed, winking at me to let me know she was playing with me.

  “We can sit down if you want. There’s an outside diner right down the street.” I pointed out to her and watched her gawk.

  There were circular tables with umbrella’s in the middle of them. There were great sandwiches made there. I was hoping she’d want to eat something because I was starving but even if she just wanted to sit I could maybe eat.

  “It looks very inviting.” Shelly nodded her head.

  “Good, come on.” I took her hand without hesitating.

  She laughed at me and pulled back slightly. I thought it was because she didn’t want me holding her hand, but I could see that she wanted to walk a little slower.

  “Sorry, I just like their food and to see that they have a table open is surprising.” I explained, feeling my face grow red this time.

  “It’s okay.” She gave me a smirk. Everything about her made me smile.

  “I’m going to order us some squid. Have you had squid before?” I asked, not even bothering to look at the menu.

  “Um, no…” Her voice trailed off and she made a face.

  “You’re going to like it.” I chuckled, shaking my head at her.

  Though her face didn’t want to agree with me her eyes did. I could see the look of the unknown. The look of wanting to be adventurous.

  “We only live once right?” Shelly asked, shrugging her shoulders.

  “Exactly what I was thinking.” I agreed, raising my hand to get a waiter over to us before she changed her mind.

  Shelly looked like the type that would change her mind in a heartbeat if she thought that something wasn’t going to go as planned.


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