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Were All Animals

Page 7

by Mima

  Pulling his eyes away, Chase knew he had to get a grip and stop acting like a horny perve who couldn’t get his mind out of the gutter. He decided to text his confession to Maggie. He would maybe clean it up a bit. Maybe she would reveal some sexual confessions to him too.


  So, how’s your night going Mags?

  He waited a few minutes.

  So boring. You?

  Glancing toward the lady across the room, her breasts bouncing beneath the loose fitting tank top, he quickly looked away.

  I have a client. I can’t stop staring at her tits, does that make me a perve?

  He waited for the longest moment, immediately regretting his comment.

  Yeah, but maybe she wants you too;-)

  Intrigue captured Chase at the possibility. Considering the lady was wearing a loose top, he somehow doubted it, especially since she didn’t even look his way since arriving. Then again, did that mean that Maggie sometimes-

  His phone buzzed and alerted his attention. It was a text from Audrey.

  Can we talk? Your mom said you were at work. Can we meet after?

  He deleted the message, just as another one came in from Maggie.

  I think the heat is getting to you.

  He wanted to ask if the heat was getting to her too, but decided against it. That might be pushing things too far. But he wasn’t about to lie.

  You have no idea how much it’s getting to me right now.

  His throat went dry as he sent the text and reaching for his water bottle, he looked up in time to catch the lady across the room looking at him. She quickly looked away. Maybe she thought it was inappropriate to be checking his phone while at work. Knowing his boss wouldn’t care, Chase didn’t really think anything of it, but considered maybe he should check on her, just in case?

  Then again, she didn’t appear to need help and maybe would be annoyed if he interrupted her. He felt his phone vibrate and he looked down.

  I think it’s getting to us all.

  He suddenly had a fantasy about Maggie, lying in her bed, wearing a sheer nightgown, unable to sleep cause of the heat, fidgeting uncomfortably while her breasts rose and fell under the thin material. Wiggling her hips around, moaning softly as she fought off the warm caresses of the warmth that ran over her body.

  He was getting hard. At least he was behind the desk and as much as he knew it was time to change his thoughts, he couldn’t help himself.

  It’s so hard to sleep at night when it’s this hot.

  He bit his lip and waited. His heart was pounding a little faster, as the thin material of his boxers suddenly felt restrictive. A quick glance across the room, he saw that the lady was staring at the television, but appeared to be lost in her own world. His phone buzzed.

  Tell me about it.

  Slightly let down, he wondered how he could get her on the same page as his own sexual thoughts. Maybe if he revealed some more about himself, she would too? But he had to be careful, women didn’t tend to appreciate such honesty when it came to sex.

  I keep having dreams and when I wake up, it’s too hard to get back to sleep. I think it’s the heat affecting me.

  Her response kind of stole away some of his desire.

  Maybe you are thinking of Audrey and all this shit going on.

  Glancing back up at the lady, she continued to run, staring into space as if in a meditative state.

  Nah not nightmares ha..

  Then, his fingers feverishly tapped a little more than he thought might be acceptable.

  I’m having a lot of sex dreams.

  He waited and swallowed hard.

  Maybe you need to get laid.


  Taking a deep breath, his fingers tapped on the phone.


  You should do it then.

  Chase felt his desire building up and decided it was time to cool off. Pushing the phone away, he quickly changed his thoughts, although it wasn’t easy. Was Maggie thinking the same thing as him? She did once say that pleasure was pleasure, would she consider maybe, just once, hooking up with him? She often commented on how hot his body was now that he was working out.

  The reality seemed unlikely. They were hanging out all summer and she never did anything that suggested that she wanted to be with any man, including him. She talked about girls a lot but it was usually in a crushing on them kind of way, rather than in a lustful manner. She did have a boyfriend once and was clear on the fact that they had a sex life.

  When they were drinking…

  But he had drinks with Maggie on a few occasions and nothing changed.

  Glancing up at the lady across the room, she was easing off the machine as if she were afraid of falling and removed her earbuds. Pushing them in the bag she had sitting beside her, she glanced toward the lady’s room then up at the clock behind him.

  “Is there time for a quick shower before you close?”

  Following her eyes, Chase was surprised to realize that it was almost closing time. “Oh yeah, sure,” He stuttered and glanced toward the parking lot. It was empty. “I actually might lock the doors now, if that doesn’t…bother you?”

  She let out an amused laugh and shook her head. “I know you aren’t going to hold me hostage, Chase.”

  He grinned, wondering how she knew his name and also a little ashamed that he didn’t know hers, even though he saw her around all the time. Deciding not to respond, he rose from the chair - relieved that his earlier lust wasn’t quite so evident now - and walked toward the door, which he gently locked. When he turned back, she was gone. He could hear the shower starting in the lady’s room and was about to start wiping down the machines and cleaning up when he heard her calling his name.

  He was almost to the door when it opened and the lovely brunette, who was quiet and sweet since her arrival stood before him, completely naked. Her large breasts were definitely natural, pulled down slightly by gravity, her nipples were large and inviting. Her stomach was quite flat for a woman who was a bit older and her hips were full, round and perfect. Her pubic area was hairless, pink folds of skin were a deep shade of crimson, while he felt his dick swelling as he stood in shock, unable to talk.

  Without saying a word, she pulled him close, her lips quickly finding his while she pulled him back into the bathroom. His hand immediately reached for her breast but she quickly pulled it away and instead placed it on her clit. Following her lead, as she moved his fingers in the motion that she apparently liked, he continued to work as she ran her hands first up, over his chest, then down into his shorts, grasping his dick and he let out a moan. Her fingers let go and ran over his balls, cupping them for a short moment, while her tongue tore through his mouth. She suddenly stopped, stepped back and on cue, Chase removed his T-shirt, threw it on the ground and dropped his shorts. She stared at his erection, he noted that her nipples were hard now as she took his hand, to lead him into the shower.

  “Wait,” He could barely find his voice. “Are you on the pill?”

  She let out a short laugh. “Do you seriously think I want to get pregnant for an 18-year-old? My youngest son is two years younger than you.” She reached into her bag and pulled out a used pack of birth control pills. She dropped them and they got in the shower.

  The sex was fast and furious, apparently, she didn’t require that much foreplay and before he knew it, she pulled him inside her and ordering him to move faster. He had no issue doing exactly what she wanted until she was panting in pleasure, one of her hands on his hips, pulling him in deeper, as her thick breasts squeezed against him as he felt himself coming fast and hard as the hot water poured down their bodies.

  His legs briefly felt weak, as she turned off the water and grabbed a towel, her breath still heavy as her breasts rose and fell as she wiped herself off quickly and he found another towel and did th
e same. Slowly getting out of the shower, he didn’t know what to say. Pleasure and relief flowed through his body and he felt like some of the tension from the past week had run down the drain.

  She was now pulling on her clothes in silence and he did the same. Their eyes met and she gave him a sheepish grin.

  “Do you work every night?”


  He felt light, invigorated as they walked out of the door together. There was a hint that this affair might continue and that promise created an excitement in him that Chase hadn’t felt in weeks. In a life that gave him little to look forward to, this was it for him. A slight diversion from his real life, which proved to be a pleasurable experience already, he could tell there was a silent understanding between them that they mutually had something to benefit from this secret arrangement.

  They exchanged numbers before leaving the building. In what he hoped wasn’t an obvious trick, he handed her his phone and asked her to add herself to his directory. She silently did so and it was only at that time that he would learn that her named was Claire Shelley.

  Holy shit, I just had sex with Dan Shelley’s mother.

  Thinking back to a particular high school football incident where Dan Shelley had purposely tripped him on the field while running with the ball, Chase couldn’t help but to grin.

  Dan fucking Shelley; you’re an asshole and I just fucked your mother.

  If Claire knew what he was thinking, she certainly hid it well as he walked through the parking lot and toward her SUV. It wasn’t something he did only because he was leaving, but because Chase usually walked women to their cars at night. It wasn’t part of the job description, just something he thought was a smart thing to do. Regardless of all the bullshit, the female persuasion had put him through in the last few months, he really did feel protective of them. He always had. In fact, this wasn’t the first time he had walked Claire to her vehicle. Of course, she never seduced him before that night.

  “I will be in touch,” She said as she climbed inside her red, late model Honda. It was only as the light shone down from a nearby streetlight that he noticed her eyes were a pretty shade of green; odd that he hadn’t noticed before that moment. She was attractive, but her skin looked tired with a dark cast over it. Glancing at the cigarette package on her dash and empty coffee cups in the vehicle, he suspected her lifestyle probably contributed to that factor.

  “Have a good night, Chase,” Her voice was soft, seductive, once again create an urge inside of him that almost caused him to invite her in the gym for round two - because he was certainly ready for another round - but the headlights of a vehicle alerted both their attentions, as a small car pulled in and Chase felt his desire fall flat; it was Audrey. See you soon.” She continued and started her car.

  Just as she backed up and turned out of the parking lot, Audrey pulled up beside him and gave a quick wave. Sighing so loudly that Chase was sure the entire town could’ve heard it, he turned in her direction and approached the car. Opening the door, he immediately shook his head.

  “I don’t have time for this shit tonight, Audrey,” His voice was full of rebellion, his eyes scanning over her pale, unattractive face and wondered how he ever allowed his dick to get him into this mess. Women really did rule the show; she got him to fuck her when he didn’t really want to, now she was pregnant and held all the power in her hands. Meanwhile, along comes Claire and the minute she strips down, she had him right where she wanted him; not that this was a bad thing, but the point was that women were very powerful, underneath their innocent eyes, soft voices and intoxicating scent.

  “I need to talk to you,” She suddenly seemed unusually demure and he decided to get in the car. He barely glanced at her but did long enough to notice that she was wearing a maternity top; something she could’ve worn before the pregnancy because the shape of her body and a pair of yoga pants that didn’t look flattering on her thick legs. “I wanted to talk about our living arrangements.”

  “I live at home, you live wherever you want,” Chase was abrupt and to the point. Regardless of all the times, she attempted to encourage him to move into her great-grandmother’s house, he simply wasn’t interested.

  “You know that can’t be the case when we get married.”

  “I don’t want to marry you!” Chase snapped and ignored the look of hurt in her eyes, followed by a quick tear that was probably meant to manipulate him, but it didn’t work. Pointing at her belly, he continued, “This entire situation is a big mistake.”

  She didn’t reply. Her face was pale, her large eyes searched his face with such a hint of innocence, that he almost felt sorry for her.

  “Fine,” Her reply was sharp as she pursed her lips. “If you really think this is how things are going to work, then fine. Go home, go talk to your mom.”

  “What?” Chase was caught off guard by her reaction. “Why would I talk to her about anything? You’ve already got her in your corner.”

  “I think you might be in for a surprise when you get home tonight, that’s all I’m saying.” Audrey’s reply was curt, causing his stomach to twist up in a knot. Clearly, something had taken place, a conversation he assumed, while he was at work.

  While I was getting off with Claire, she was talking to mom, trying to figure out how to make my life miserable again.

  “What the fuck Audrey?” He snapped and sighed loudly. “You do realize that no matter what happens between us, I’ll never love you. I’ll never be your loyal boyfriend or husband. There are some things you can’t control.”

  Her eyes were full of fury and for a moment, he was expecting to be slapped. There was a desperation in them that made him nervous, it reminded him of the look his mother had after waking from one of her particularly bad night terrors that sent her into fits of screaming and crying, grasping for salvation or an ounce of hope. Tears formed in her eyes and her breathing became heavy, almost hysterical as she dramatically pointed toward the door.

  “Get out of my car!” She screamed, suddenly completely manic and Chase was only too happy to oblige. He was tempted to tell her that he never wanted to get in the first place, but decided against it. He merely raised an eyebrow and got out. She backed up quickly and stopped. For a brief moment, sheer terror ran through him when Audrey hesitated, the car pointed directly at him and intense fury flowed through the atmosphere and he felt a chill run through his body. Then, just as quickly she jerked the wheel in the other direction and flew down the parking lot, only stalling for a moment before squealing her tires as she pulled out onto the highway.

  His heart raced and beads of sweat were running down his forehead. His body felt weightless as he walked to the truck and climbed inside. His fingers were shaking when he grabbed his iPhone and sent a text to Maggie. In fact, the message wasn’t even legible.

  Ace t-shirt Hogg me

  A text from Maggie quickly followed. It was question marks and he managed to calm himself down enough to get the words right.

  She tried to hit me.


  With her car.

  The truth was she hadn’t technically tried to hit him and that realization came to him right away, but there was definitely a moment when he thought it was his fate. There was a moment, he knew that she was absolutely thinking about it.

  WTF??????? Where are you?

  Work parking lot.

  Stay there!

  It was only a few minutes before Maggie was pulling up beside him. He was so stunned, he hadn’t even noticed her arrive. Glancing at his phone, he realized it was almost 10. She must’ve left work early.

  Jumping out of the driver’s side of her car and into his truck, Maggie’s face was drained of all color. “What the fuck? Are you serious, Chase? What happened?”

  He suddenly felt clueless, not even sure how to put his words together. His lips were moving, but his voice wasn’t working. Wit
hout even realizing what was going on, he suddenly realized that Maggie was hugging him. Moving away from him, he felt calmness relax his body.

  “We have to call the cops on that crazy bitch.”

  “I can’t,” Chase finally managed to talk. “She’ll deny it. I don’t have any witnesses and she, I mean, I don’t know how to explain it.”

  “Okay, calm down,” Maggie said, her voice suddenly soothing and controlled, she reached out and touched his arm. “Tell me what happened.

  “Audrey showed up and wanted to talk. I got in her car and told her that I would never marry her, that I didn’t love her and I would never be loyal to her,” He blurted out everything and for a moment, feared that Maggie would think less of him, but she only nodded in agreement, her hand soft and warm on his forearm. “I just had it Mags, she insisted that I move in and all this shit and I couldn’t handle it. I think maybe she talked to mom, I don’t know, she made some comment about I would have to talk to my mom when I got home.”

  “Why is your mom on her side, I don’t get it?” Maggie briefly looked away, her eyes scanning the area as if to see who could’ve been a witness in this situation, but she quickly looked back in his face. “So, then what?”

  “She yelled at me to get out of the car and I did. She backed up really fast and pointed in my direction,” Chase felt his body calming down and was surprised to find himself slightly aroused, even though there was nothing about possibly getting killed that was a turn on. “I have no proof, but I could feel it, Maggie. I know she was thinking about hitting me with the car. I’m certain.”

  “Always trust your instincts,” She quietly replied, her fingers gently caressing his arm, her eyes searching his and he felt such a strong urge to kiss her that he actually started to move forward, she moved away and pulled her hand back. He was instantly embarrassed. Apparently, he couldn’t always trust his instincts.


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