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Shyra _ K1

Page 9

by Aline Riva

He laughed softly as he paused to dip his fingers into a jar next to the bed, the lid was off and the stuff looked like fat, but was shaded dark. She looked over her shoulder to see he was greasing his erection, running his hand up and down a solid shaft.

  “It's human fat,” he told her, “With a little something else in there...Remember, I'm the chef around here, I know how to spice things up, I used very hot chilli!”

  Then he grabbed her hips and without warning slid his erection deep inside her, penetrating her anally as she gave cry of alarm. A moment of pain was over and he was deep inside, thrusting as a heat became a burning sensation that stung at her entrance as his erection stretched it with his width and the movement of his short, sharp pounding against her.

  As she gasped and the burning and the thrusting became brutal, he slipped a hand between her legs and started to rub at her, faster as she grew wet.

  “No, no...” she said breathlessly.

  “Yes...” he whispered as he panted behind her and his hand worked between her legs, “You want this... you do want this!”

  As she came hard, now burning beneath his fingertips where there remained a trace of chilli, he thrust hard into her one more time, climaxing heavily and as she fell face down on the bed he slid down too, breathing hard against her shoulder.

  He swept her hair out of the way and kissed her cheek.

  “Thank you,” he said, “I'll leave you to recover. And before you ask, you certainly pass with me.”

  Then he got up, leaving her face down and naked and breathless, she heard him tug up his zip and adjust his clothing, then Zeke left the room and locked the door behind him.

  From the window she could see the dark, sleek shape of the Galaxy Princess over on the field, but she was locked in yet again, making this luxurious room simply a more comfortable cell than the cage. Janey was burning inside and her legs shook as she got off the bed, then she went through to the bathroom and turned on the shower, wondering how long the chilli would burn as she stepped under the water, wanting to feel clean again, with no trace left of the human fat he had used as lube, she just wanted the burning to stop...

  As the water ran and she grabbed shower gel and started to lather it over her skin, she closed her eyes, feeling stronger as she started to smile.

  "I passed... I passed!" she said joyfully, savouring the odd sense of elation that notion brought with it. It no longer seemed strange to be glad about any of this, her entire purpose had now become to pass the tests, it was making sense in a way she couldn't explain, but to pass gave her hope, a sense of safety and acceptance...As the water washed away the last of the soap, Janey was laughing.

  Harvey had been sitting alone in the cage with the dead body as the strips of flesh hung above him, the blood on the floor had dried out and stunk badly, the body was not yet stinking like death but the stench of blood was turning sour. Mack had returned to the room for a short while, reminded him to eat and then left again, locking the door behind him.

  Harvey was desperate. Here he was, in a cage with his dead best mate, after having followed orders to save his own life by slicing off chunks of his mate's flesh. Now Jinx still wasn't satisfied, the sick bastard wanted him to eat that flesh, raw:

  There was no way.

  He had gone as far as he could bear to go.

  This was the end of the line...

  Suddenly the sharp blade of that hunting knife, stained with blood and catching sunlight between the stains as morning light shone through into the cage, seemed like his only salvation. Death would be a way out. He didn't care if they ate him afterwards, he just wanted out...

  Harvey looked to the other cage, it was empty now. He was willing to bet Janey wouldn't be coming back. He didn't want to think about what they might have done to her but he was sure she was dead now – maybe all this about passing tests was just a sick game for these bastards to enjoy, to make them suffer to the max before they slaughtered them one by one...

  He looked up at the dried flesh. It was starting to smell like slices of bacon left out of the fridge for too long. There was no way he could eat it – he'd puke before he swallowed... His gaze fell on the knife again, that sharp blade was his only way out now. There would be no plan to work on Mack to get him to steal the ship, Janey was dead and he would be next and he didn't want to die at their hands...better by his own...

  That thought stayed solid and like a ray of strangely alluring hope as he picked up the knife, holding the handle firmly as he studied the sharpness of the blade. Then another thought came to mind, a crazy thought but his last hope of not giving up and turning the knife on himself. He glanced about the room and felt a spark of hope:

  No cameras...

  It was a gross, disgusting idea. But any idea had to better than puking up his best mate's rotted flesh, failing the test and being carved up or shot to death by Jinx or Mack.

  "I'm a pilot..." he muttered as he turned to the body and rolled it on its side, trying to think of it as no more than a piece of dead meat now – to think of his best friend instead would make his plan impossible to carry out...

  "I'm a pilot, I can fly that bird, " he stated, slitting open the back of Tyler's flights suit, then tugging down his shorts and exposing his backside.

  Then he hesitated, taking a deep breath.

  "Every ship has flight simulation instructions. I can watch and learn, I can do that. I can fly that bird. I'm going to fly that bird."

  He spat in his hand then spat again, then looked away as he pushed his fingers into the backside of the corpse. He gagged for a moment, then withdrew his hand, plucked down a strip of the flesh from the top of the cage and rubbed the end of it with his wet hand.

  "I can fly that bird," he repeated under his breath, "I'm out of here, I'm out of this fucking lunatic asylum, I'm gone...I'm going home... back to earth..."

  As he spoke he stuffed the strip of flesh into the rectum of the corpse, then he gagged, turned away and grabbed the other slice, his mouth was dry and it took several attempts to spit again, but it was enough to make his hand wet enough to slide and he stuffed the other slice of flesh deep into the cavity, pushing it up high, then he pulled up the underwear and tugged the flight suit together, hiding the size of the tear in the fabric. Then he turned the body on its back and caught sight of his dead friend's face and looked away from him.

  "I hope you would have done the same if things were the other way around!" he said aloud, then he realised how crazy that sounded and laughed as tears ran down his face and the stink on his hands made him want to throw up. He noticed there was a bowl left in the cage on Tyler's side, it still had some stew in it.

  He did not think about Lola Voss or the fact that he was washing his hands with her cooked remains, but anything was better than the smell that clung to him at that moment. He wiped his hands on Tyler's flight suit and then sat at the back of the cage, breathing hard as he swallowed down panic and fought against the urge to vomit. Now he wanted Jinx to return, he had a surprise for him:

  Apparently the flesh was gone, so he must have eaten both slices... Surely, that meant he had passed the test at last...

  As Jinx entered the house Jody ran in after him, she had run from the ship and across the field, right after he had made a sudden decision to move Sin from the ship - as soon as that piercing had been sealed into place, he had wrapped her in the sheet and lifted her from the bed and carried her out.

  "This is a bad idea!" Jody had called after him, but Jinx had kept on walking.

  As he stood in the hallway of the mansion house he turned back to Jody, still holding the unconscious Sin in his arms.

  "She's mine. It's up to me what I do with her. I'm taking her upstairs."

  "You should have let me wipe her memory," Jody said again.

  "Oh, go and find Mack and bother him instead!" Jinx complained as he took to the stairs, "I want some time alone with Sin."

  Then he carried her up without a backwards glance.

  As Mack joined
her from a nearby corridor, he looked up the stairway to see a glimpse of Jinx on the upper level, carrying Sin off towards the bedroom.

  "What did he do to her in the end?"

  "Stripped her body hair, set the piercing in place and decided against the rest. He didn't even wipe her memories!"

  Mack smirked.

  "Maybe he fancies a challenge. I knew he wanted to modify a human female but I'm not surprised he changed his mind about that one – he must have liked her at first glance."

  "She bargained with him. She begged him, own her mind but not her body."

  "Maybe she's already broken. You have to break sometimes to adapt to new ways."

  Jody shook her head.

  "I'm not so sure," she replied, "This worries me – he says he loves her. He definitely feels something for her because she reminds him of Cora. We'll have to watch her closely - she's manipulative, she knows how he feels about her and she's using it to try and get her own way. I'm guessing the next step will be to try and escape."

  "What then?" Mack asked, "Will he kill her?"

  "No," Jody replied, "If she steps out of line he's going ahead with his original plans, he'll force the modifications on her as a punishment. He's going to explain that to her when she wakes."

  "I hope it's enough to control her," Mack said, "She could be a liability."

  "My thoughts exactly," Jody agreed, then they headed down the corridor together to check on the prisoner in the cage room.

  Harvey stood up with confidence as the door opened. It had been more than an hour since his revolting task to hide the flesh had been completed, now as he looked to Mack and Jody, he felt no fear.

  "Jinx asked me to eat the flesh. I ate both strips. I've kept them down, I feel good for it too!"

  As he lied convincingly, his head was aching and he felt mildly sick and longed for the chance to wash his hands with soap and water and keep washing them until the stench was gone, but as he saw the look of surprise on Mack's face, he felt a sense of approaching victory... Every small success would bring him closer to being let out of the cage, bringing him closer to the ship and his only chance of escape...

  "Do I pass?" he asked.

  Jody exchanged a glance with Mack.

  "Yes, you do," Jody said, "Now take your clothes off and you can leave the cage."

  Harvey didn't bother to ask why, he stripped off his flight suit and took off his boots and stood there in his underwear, watching as the key slid in the lock and breathing a relieved sigh as the cage door opened and he was allowed to step out of it at last, he was away from the body and the knife and he suddenly realised he ought to have taken the knife with him – but then he guessed he had no where to hide it. Unless he shoved the hunting knife up his arse, that would end badly...

  The thought sent him into a spiral of horror dancing with hysteria as he laughed, looking to Jody then to Mack, who did not share his amusement.

  "Try not to go insane," Mack told him, "Not like that. You need to be able to function or one of us will have to put a bullet in you."

  Then he pulled cuffs from his pocket and snapped them tightly on to his wrists. Harvey felt a brief moment of panic as he realised he had been in such a state of shock he had not recalled when they had been taken off before – his hands had been free in the cage, the cuffs must have been removed before he went in, but he had been numb, had little memory of anything after seeing Lola's throat cut. The shock had barely worn off when Tyler had been gunned down...

  "This way," Mack said, indicating towards the door with his rifle, then he was taken from the room at gun point, his hands cuffed in front of him, as they headed for the hallway that led to the open door of the mansion house where across the field, he saw his goal: There was the ship... they were taking him right where he needed to be! He felt a spark of hope rising, silently making a vow that whatever happened next, he would take it, he would suffer, he would do what ever he had to do to become trusted – his next goal was access to the flight simulation program...

  Then as they reached the open doorway, he heard Zeke speak up.

  "Where are you taking the prisoner?" he asked.

  "Over to the ship," Jody said, "I like the look of him...I thought it might be time for some fun."

  Mack laughed.

  "We're both going to enjoy this!" he exclaimed and Harvey shivered as fear shot his blood to ice.

  "I'm going to take the body from the cage and see if it's still edible," said Zeke, as he made the announcement Harvey felt a jolt of fear as he wondered if Zeke, who enjoyed the corpses in every way, would find the hidden strips of flesh... If he did, he knew it was over, they would know he had cheated the test and that would mean a bullet to the head or a knife across his throat...

  "By the way, Jody," said Zeke, "I'll stop by your little torture chamber later on – I've got something a bit special for you."

  He winked and she smiled sweetly.

  "Is it in a tall glass?"

  "It might be!" he said teasingly, then he darted off down the hallway, heading for the cage room.

  "What's wrong now?" Mack asked as he jabbed his back with the rifle.

  "Nothing...." Harvey said quietly, breaking into a sweat as he was led out on to the field where the ship stood with the hatch open. He had worked it out now, they were going to torture him... The only thought that kept him going was that he was finally reaching the ship – whatever was about to happen next, he had to pass this test because the ship was his only hope.

  "I'm a pilot..." he whispered as he kept his sights set on the destination and walked towards the open hatch, resigned to suffer every shade of hell if that was the price of escaping this planet and the lunatics who lived on it...

  Janey was sleeping deeply. Exhaustion had set in and the bed was so soft and comfortable, this room was the height of luxury and even as she woke, naked and fresh from the shower, she ached a little from all that Zeke had done to her, but she smiled as she opened her eyes:

  Yes, the door was locked. Yes, the window was wide enough to climb through, but there was nothing but a long, sheer drop below it. No escape was possible, but if this was to be her life, it was not such a bad one after all – the cage was gone. She had passed the test...

  Again that thought gave her a warm glow as she turned over, gave a sigh and then sat up. She got off the bed and walked to the window, saw Harvey being taken into the ship at gun point by Jody and Mack, then she turned away from the sight, wondering why the thought that he was on the ship and closer to the escape plan bothered her so much. Of course she wanted out of here, didn't she? Suddenly she wasn't sure... Why she was not sure confused her a little, all she had wanted to do was escape, yet all of a sudden, it had felt more like a game that she passionately wanted to win, to pass all the tests...

  "Maybe I'm going crazy," she murmured, and wondered why that didn't bother her, either.

  She tried the door, found it to be locked and no longer cared because she still felt tired and that bed was too soft and warm to abandon. She got back on the bed, turned on her side and closed her eyes feeling thankful for comfort and warmth and this respite from fear. So sweet was the contrast that sex with Zeke – even with the burning pain he had inflicted – had seemed like a reward. She wasn't sure what was happening to her mind, maybe she could only take so much before the normal part of her brain folded up forever, but she didn't even care to give that much thought to the matter. She just relaxed, then slid into a deep and dreamless sleep, happy to be allowed to rest in comfort at last.

  "Wake up, beautiful."

  She heard his voice and it pulled her from the last of the drowsy slumber that had held her down to heavy sleep. Sin opened her eyes slowly, looked up and saw Jinx next to her on the bed, and he was naked.

  Her eyes widened in horror as she recalled how he had told her right before the sedative that she would be modified...

  "It's okay!" he said kindly, running his fingers through her hair to reassure her it was still there
, "I changed my mind. I did it for you. I had your body hair removed and the piercing put in place. That's all – I haven't messed with your beautiful face. I'm going to leave you exactly as you are – but I'm warning you..." his tone darkened, "If you betray me, I will drag you over to the ship myself and watch as Jody strips away your hair and slits your tongue and covers your face with sharp metal studs. There will be no sedative, no pain relief and nothing to speed healing. You will scream until your throat hurts and you can't scream any more. I'll watch you cry and beg and I'll stand back and watch you suffer. Then I will seal a collar around your neck and lead you about naked on a chain for the rest of your days! Do you understand me?"

  She nodded, fear tightening her throat as words failed her and fear made her flesh prickle.

  At once his dark mood was gone and he smiled.

  "Good," he said sweetly, "I'm so glad we have an understanding. Now tell me, how does it feel?"

  As he spoke he ran his hand down her body, fingertips sliding feather light over her bare mound. Then he slipped a finger into soft folds of warmth where she was wet and a pleasant state of arousal was starting to grow heavy along with a weight between her legs that caused mild sensations of pleasure as she tried to move. He stroked her gently and she gave a gasp, thrusting her hips upward willingly, welcoming the sensation.

  "Take a look," he told her.

  She raised her head, looked down at her bare pubic mound, saw everything was so much more visible now, a small but heavy ring of zestion metal had been set in place, the clitoral piercing dragging the flesh away from its usually hidden place, but the feeling was incredible and every time Jinx touched her there, she felt on the edge of climax.

  "It's tied to my DNA," he reminded her, "I'm the only one who can give you the ultimate in pleasure, that's forever, too – that thing can't be removed. On introduction to the skin, the fibres grow into the flesh, tiny microscopic fibres that connect with all the necessary nerve endings. You'll have mind blowing orgasms for the rest of your life, every single time I stimulate you."


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