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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

Page 12

by Daniel OConnell

  Carla jumps over fifty feet to the deck below landing right next to Kitanna. She hugs her and says, “I’m sorry for causing so much trouble Kitanna.”

  Abe looks down and says, “Ok, anyone wanna give me a hand down?”



  Two days later, the ship is repaired and on its way. On the Bridge, Captain Frasier is in command as most of the crew is asleep. Also on deck is Commander Ismail.

  Frasier looks over the daily reports and asks, “Ismail what’s our status?”

  Ismail looks up at Frasier answering, “We are still over three weeks away from our destination, and the closest T-Challa fleet is over a day away. Provided we don’t chose to turn and face them, we should be able to accelerate a few more hours away from them each day.”

  Frasier, who is still bear’s contempt towards Ismail, decides to provoke him, “So how's your pet doing down in her cage?”

  Ismail still looking up at the Captain smirks, replying, “Sir, if you are trying to goad me into a fight please be aware that I will make your time in med bay as long and as uncomfortable as possible.”

  Frasier mockingly comments, “Really, Commander, are you threatening a superior officer?”

  Ismail stares intently at Frasier and replies, “No sir, just an ass with a higher rank, and obviously no courage to stand behind his words without hiding behind his Captain’s bars.”

  Frasier now annoyed and noticing the stares of the Bridge crew replies, “Ok Commander, on the flight deck after our shift, we’ll finish our conversation. No rank involved.”

  Ismail smiles, as he succeeded in turning the Captains weakness against him says, “I’ll keep it brief.”

  Down in engineering, Abe continues to work on the device left behind by Caleb, which was nearly destroyed by Ismail to save Carla a month ago. As he struggles to repair it, he accidentally activates a previous recording that was left behind for Carla. It begins playing, “Hey Little Flower, sorry that some of these recordings don’t have any certain reason to activate, I set them up to just randomly go off. Well, I know I’ve been pushing your training pretty hard, and I’m sure you hate this thing, but I just want you to know just how much I miss you. It’s now been over five hundred years since I last saw you. I’ve been very busy setting up different things to prevent the T-Challa from ever becoming a threat to you, as well as all the other threats that may arise later in your life. I’m sure since you already have this device you have already learned about the Paladonian’s and the First Ones. Well, they’re a few other secrets’ I have been working on too, and my hope is that I can figure out how to live long enough to see you one more time. Well anyways Little Flower, I know you may feel lonely, but if my plans work you should be surrounded by people that love you, and if I’m truly lucky, maybe you’re with your mother right now.”

  Abe looks at the image as it fades away. He hears Carla behind him say, “Sorry Papa you’re wrong again. We both are very unlucky.”

  Abe surprised at Carla’s sudden appearance asks, “How long where you standing there?”

  Carla answers by asking a question, “Abe, why do you work so hard on that broken thing for?”

  Abe goes back to work on it, saying, “Because it’s something from your dad Carla, and despite the fact that you act like you don’t care about it, I know it’s important to you. So that makes it important to me.”

  Carla thinks to herself. I push him so far and so hard, and never once has he ever put himself before me. All he wants is for me to be happy.

  Above the Bridge, in the Captain’s private chamber, Kitanna sits in her ready room looking over the keepsakes her late husband Klaus had kept. She weeps in solitude, as she stares at them.

  Ronin interrupts her moment, asking, “Captain Kitanna, may I ask a question please?”

  Kitanna is not surprised by Ronin answering, “Ronin you know your father Paladin use to do the same thing when we were on our adventures. He would always pop in and talk to us at the oddest of times. At first I was very uncomfortable with it and it took me a long time to get used to but when we lost him and Caleb.” Kitanna pauses as she reflects for a moment. She continues, “You realize just how much little surprises really mean to you. So Ronin my friend, you may always ask me anything at any time.”

  Ronin states his reservations, “Captain you are very stressed, your blood pressure and heart rate are at times dangerously high and you compound your condition being pregnant. However, should we lose you, I fear the ship would fall under the control of Captain Frasier, and I have deep reservations about his ability to command, as well as his ability to work with me and Carla.”

  Kitanna smiles and says, “Ronin I’m well aware that I’m pushing myself. I’m also aware that Frasier is an ass that needs to get taken down a peg. Thankfully, my inquisitive friend, I also know that when traveling across the universe, there is a certain kind of magic that occurs onboard a ship. Different beliefs and fears become less important, and the wellbeing of your crewmates becomes your focus. I discovered this about twenty years ago, and I know that in this journey, much like the last one I was on that people find a way to make things work.”

  Ronin says, “Yes, Captain I’m fully aware of the history that took place on board Paladin, but you are forgetting that Caleb and General Jackson had a lot to do with that, as you say magic occurring, and Carla is not Caleb, and Abraham is a far cry from his father’s tenacity at such a young age.”

  Kitanna smiles and says, “No Ronin they are not, but they have their own kind of magic too, and by the end of this journey you will see just how it works. Just like your father Paladin did, you too will understand just how we humans manage to defy every obstacle that presents itself.”

  Ronin says, “Well then should I inform you of a planned fight between Captain Frasier and Commander Ismail on the deck in a few hours.”

  Kitanna calm as always smiles and says, “Ronin, now if I know about this fight I would have to stop it, so you will record that I was unable to be reached. I was never told of this fight. However, I want you to tell Abe about it, but only when your alter ego Carla isn’t around him.”

  Ronin now very confused, says, “Yes Captain. I don’t understand why, but I will do as you ask.”

  Kitanna smiles, as she relaxes and looks once again at the holoimages of herself with her husband Klaus.

  Five hours later on the flight deck a large crowd of people arrives to see the fight. Frasier is a large man himself, and an accomplished boxer, but Ismail much like his father is immense in size, towering over six feet seven inches, weighing in at the three hundred mark, and just as athletic as his legendary father.

  As the crowd grows, Ismail with his men gather in one area, as Frasier and his men group together at the other end of the circle.

  Frasier stands up and says, “Ok big man, I’m going to take you down a notch.”

  Ismail walks out slowly and asks, “Any rules Captain?”

  Just as Frasier is about to reply Abe pushes his way through the crowd and says, “Ismail this is my fight, please step aside.”

  Frasier laughs, saying, “Yeah, as if I’m going to hit the Generals kid.”

  Abe remains focused replying, “I’m not a kid here Captain, I’m a freak just like Carla. One whom you prefer to blame for everything wrong in your life, so I’m telling you as slowly and as clearly as your pea-sized brain can understand. Face me or shut up.”

  Ismail smiles and states, “I put my money on Abe taking you down in under thirty seconds Captain, would you care to bet on that?”

  Frasier smiles as the crowd and laughs, “Thirty seconds, Commander you’re kidding? The kid won’t last one punch, and then I’ll be up on charges.”

  Abe takes off his shirt exposing his muscular build and strength. He takes his stance and repeats himself, saying, “Captain, I will make it easy for you, if anyone asks you can say I attacked you first.”

  Ismail, still smiling says, Captain, I wil
l be more than happy to testify to that if it will make you fight young Abe here and now.”

  Frasier now annoyed, says, “Fine kid, I’ll take you on just to shut you up, and your freak girlfriend.”

  Frasier charges Abe. Abe, who has since birth been trained in the martial arts from his grandfather Wu Liu Chan as well as from Ismail, this added with his mother’s medical skills, he has learned the pressure point of human anatomy, add to all this is his amazing super human intelligence. Abe easily sees Frasier’s attack, and just like any problem that confronts him, his mind corrects that problem. Frasier takes a wild swing and Abe takes evasive maneuvers rolling on his back and kicking the Captain square in the jaw. Ismail now grinning from ear to ear says, “Captain, if I may suggest, I’d give up now. It will only get worse from here on.”

  One of Frasier’s men yells out, “Come on Captain he has twenty seconds! Kick his punk ass!”

  Frasier angrily swings a volley of punches, missing every time as Abe twists his body around his wild throws, and then striking a quick pinpoint blow onto the solar plexus temporarily stunning the Captain for a brief moment. Abe slowly stands up, he reaches for his shirt, and smiles, saying, “Goodnight Captain, enjoy your nap with all your fear-mongering and hate.”

  Frasier suddenly drops to his knees. Confused, he tries to speak, but realizes he is out of breath. He is unable to breathe in. He desperately gasps for air.

  Ismail smiling says, “Captain, at age eight this young man took me down seven out of seven matches, and I never gave him quarter. Now my poor Captain, what you are feeling is your lungs collapsing. You will soon be unconscious in just a few seconds. Afterwards, when you finally wake, and Captain you will wake. You will have a massive headache.” Ismail grinning from ear to ear continues, “You will also be disoriented for a few hours, so I want you remember the boy whom you call a freak, who is just an ordinary human, and who is just smarter than anyone on this ship is. He, just like the young girl Carla, whom you and your men ridicule are our responsibility to protect, because Captain Frasier they are our future. So Captain if that’s a future that you fear, please do us all a favor, don’t get back up.”

  Frasier falls flat on his face as he hits the ground unconscious. His men rush to him and try to wake him.

  Ismail annoyed replies, “He will be fine in a few hours. His lungs will refill in a few moments, but it will take a while for his pea-sized brain to recover.”

  Ismail smiles as he and his security team walk away.

  A few hours later in a holding cell on deck sixteen. Ella is peacefully meditating, focusing in on herself. Carla, feeling her psychic power heads out to visit her. Arriving at the holding cells in just a few minutes, she asks, “How are you feeling Ella?”

  Ella humbled, replies, “I feel much better Mistress Carla. I hope my meditation did not disturb you.”

  Carla feeling at ease states, “No, not at all, it’s not often that I encounter other telepaths. If you don’t mind me noticing, you seem very relaxed.”

  Ella humbled replies, “My people are blessed with the gift of inner sight, what you and your people call telepathy. We are powerful compared to the T-Challa but to their Queen, we are nothing. I would often meditate with my friend another slave just like me. She was much more gifted than most and one day they took her away. So when I do meditate, I often reflect on my time with her.”

  Carla saddened, says, “Your life seems so tragic. I truly feel sorrow at the life you must have endured.”

  Ella surprised, answers, “No, please do not feel sorrow for me. For now, I am free thanks to you. I just wished you could save the rest of our people.”

  Carla emotional says, “I’m told I have power beyond any other and yet I can barely use this power to keep us safe. However, when I ever learn to control this power I promise you Ella, I will save your people, and destroy the Queen.”

  Ella smiles and nods her head answering telepathically, “Thank you.”

  Later in the day, a command staff meeting takes place with Kitanna, Sanchez, Frasier, Cabral, Ismail, and Abe. This takes place in Kitanna’s ready room.

  Sanchez calls the meeting to order starting, “Captain we need to know just what we are dealing with in regards to working on this ship. We have had far too many inconsistencies in the ships daily operations.”

  Abe interrupts answering, “Well, the ship is directly connected to Carla and I can tell you with all do certainty we have not realized their full power. Moreover, no matter what I do to regulate the power systems.” Abe pauses as he places his thoughts, finishing, “I just can’t get the full power that this ship should have functioning. I do however know that the ships power issues are unquestionably connected to Carla and her ability to access those powers. Perhaps, if I could get that stupid device working.” Abe glares over at Ismail, “It may be able to help her to learn to control her power, and if we can do that. Well, she could definitely increase the power levels on this ship to unimaginable levels.”

  Frasier says, “Well, based on what I’ve seen with those new fighters I wouldn’t doubt that. They’re faster, stronger, and twice as agile as anything we have ever used on the Paladonian systems.”

  Kitanna concerned asks, “Sanchez, how far are we from the pursuing T-Challa fleet, and how does our current path ahead look?”

  Sanchez quickly replies, “Captain, we have been able to sustain a slow increase from our pursuers by a few hours every day. Unfortunately, these new T-Challa ships are exceedingly faster than what we knew, as for the path ahead, Captain.” Sanchez frowns, stating, “We have not been able to determine any T-Challa activity so far, but I feel they may be there.”

  Frasier curious, asks, “What about these new T-Challa ships? Have we got any more details on them?”

  Ismail activates the tactical holodisplay pulling up the different class T-Challa ships. He begins his report, “We have been able to reclassify the T-Challa ships starting with their new fighter class ship.” The holoscreen pulls up a detail image of the ship as Ismail continues, “This is a variant of their scout ship and is piloted by two T-Challa’s warriors, it carries four torpedoes and six light plasma cannons. This is more than a match for our standard support fighters. However, with our upgraded support fighters on Ronin we are able to maintain our superiority.”

  Ismail pauses, as he pulls up another ship. Continuing he says, “Next we have the Cruiser class, and as you can easily see the Cruiser class, just like all the other new designed T-Challa warships have movable turrets now. These new Cruisers are much faster and far more maneuverable. They have also increased the hull plating while increasing power to their shields and weapons. Each of these ships is also capable of holding several fighters. Correspondingly different which is comparable to the ship's size. The Light Cruiser can carry two fighters. The Medium Cruiser can carry four, and the Heavy class Cruiser can carry six fighters. Now this leaves our last two ships the Dreadnought class Standard, and Super class.”

  The tactical holodisplay pulls up both Dreadnoughts as Ismail begins anew, “The Dreadnought is covered from bow to stern in movable turrets. It has multiple torpedo and missile ports throughout the hull and just as the Cruiser class. Its armor and weapons have been augmented since our last encounter. Now for the really bad news, the new designed Super Dreadnought’s are more than a match for anything in either Earth or Paladonian fleets. From what I can gather so far, only Ronin has any chance of handling this new class Super Dreadnought, and if we don’t get home they will decimate anything they come across.”

  Frasier curious, asks, “How many fighters do these Dreadnoughts carry?”

  Ismail replies, “The standard Dreadnought carries ten, while the Super Dreadnought carries twenty.”

  Cabral curious, asks, “Why don’t the T-Challa ever use nuclear or anti-matter weapons on us?”

  Abe interjects replying, “Before they encountered us, they only used them in planetary bombing. However, we have recently detected the use of new nuclear an
d anti-matter torpedoes as well missiles, but for some unknown reason they haven’t used them on us yet.”

  Carla enters the room, saying, “They won’t either. They want me alive, and it’s the only reason they have been so reserved in attacking us.”

  Kitanna surprised at Carla’s entry asks, “Well Little Flower, I didn’t know you were interested in these meetings.”

  Carla humbly smiles and says, “The Condara had lots of information and she allowed me to look deep into her mind. It appears the Queen wants me alive and since she knows we are well within their empire; she will keep coming after me with everything she can.”

  Abe curious, asks, “Why would she still be interested in keeping you alive? I’d think she would consider you a major threat and want you destroyed?”

  Carla smiles rolling her eyes and replies, “Thanks Abe, you always know how to make a girl feel so safe and wanted. Anyways, I guess she wants Ronin, and if she can take control of me. Well, she can gain control of Ronin.”

  Sanchez reflecting on the past encounters states, “It would explain a lot of tactical advantages that were missed upon by them during our recent encounters.”

  Kitanna confused asks, “Ronin would never follow the Queens orders.”

  Ronin replies, “I am created to follow Mistress Carla’s orders without question. Should she fall under the control of the Queen? Then so would I.”

  Kitanna sits back in her chair uncomfortable and asks, “Let’s refocus on our current situation for now. So do we have any suggestions for recovering supplies on the planet we’re approaching?”

  Frasier says, “I can have Alpha and beta squads ready to launch the moment we get close enough to the planet. We can make an extreme shift, and we can begin gathering supplies.”


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