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The Ocoda Chronicles Book 3 Ronin

Page 13

by Daniel OConnell

  Abe states, “I’m picking up a lot of strange energy reading from the planet surface, but I can’t determine just what it is.”

  Ismail concerned asks, “Any potential threat evident Abe?”

  Abe confused replies, “Nothing as of yet, but it’s definitely not T-Challa energy.”

  Kitanna adjourns the meeting, saying, “We are two weeks from the fighters shifting so until then Abe I want you to focus on getting that device working again, as for everyone else. Just maintain the ship’s moral as best as you can. We have a long way to go with very few supplies.”



  With just one week until Ronin is in the shift range of the support fighters. The ship's personnel get ready. Sanchez is currently in command of the Bridge when the sensor officer yells out, “Commander! We have multiple bogeys closing on an intercept course.”

  Sanchez quickly looks at the tactical holoscreen and yells out, “Wake the Captain! Prepare for combat, set condition red.”

  A few moments later Kitanna comes down the lift yelling, “Commander! What do we have?”

  Sanchez responds, “We have two incoming fleets moving at an incredible velocity.” Sanchez pauses, and then continues, “We have six Dreadnought class ships that will intercept us shortly followed closely by a various sized fleet consisting of Dreadnoughts and several Super Dreadnoughts.” Sanchez pauses again as he intently reviews his data. Finishing his analysis, he says, “Captain, I’m going to make an assumption that these six are running on virtual overload to try and slow us down. This would only be so that their main fleet can finish us off.”

  Kitanna confused asks, “Why didn’t we see them earlier?”

  Ronin interjects, “Captain, this fleet was cloaked until just recently.”

  Frasier enters the Bridge followed closely by Ismail. Frasier quickly asks, “What have we got going on?”

  Sanchez replies, “We have six Dreadnought ships closing from port side.”

  Ismail asks, “Can’t we just outrun them?”

  Sanchez disappointed replies, “No Commander, they're running twice as fast as any others that we have encountered before. They will intercept us in under two hours.”

  Ronin reports, “I have analyzed the scans of the approaching T-Challa Dreadnoughts and have concluded that Commander Sanchez assumption is correct. These ships are indeed pushing their engines into an overload state, but the levels of energy they are using has damaged their engines. They will not be able to continue on much further, at least not after making contact with us.”

  Frasier looks up to Kitanna and asks, “Captain, permission to use our nukes and take these ships out?”

  Kitanna hesitant responds, “No Captain, we need to hold those back unless it’s the only option left.” Kitanna looks over the tactical display and says, “Captain Frasier, I want you to take all our support fighters and try and take these ships out before they can get any closer.”

  Frasier replies, “Yes, Captain. We’ll be ready to go in ten minutes.”

  Carla is exiting the main lift as Frasier is entering. They make contact as Frasier says, “Excuse me, Miss Ocoda.” Carla, uncomfortable nods her head and continues onto the Bridge, as Kitanna notices her entering asks, “Carla, I’m very reluctant to ask this, but we may need you to try and distract the T-Challa. If you think you can?”

  Carla replies, “I’ll try Kitanna.”

  Sanchez very concerned states his apprehension openly, “Captain when she does this we may have another energy spike, which may put us in a worse position, especially if she loses control of her power.”

  Carla anxious, says, “I’ll try my best to control the power Commander Sanchez. I won’t let you down.”

  Kitanna says, “Carla he’s right, we will wait unless there is no other choice.”

  Abe calls up to the Bridge via the holocom, asking, “Captain, I need you down in the engine room as soon as possible.”

  Kitanna says, “Commander Sanchez the Bridge is yours. Carla, come with me.” The two enter the lift and Carla asks, “Kitanna do you need something from me?”

  Kitanna says, “Carla I need you to focus on controlling your power, I know you can do it, and I know we are going to need you to do it.”

  Carla smiles, saying, “I promise Tita I won’t let you down.”

  Kitanna confidently responds, “Carla I believe in you.”

  They both exit on the engineering deck, and walk back to the engine room where they see Abe covered in sweat, saying, “We’re having major issues still with this damn power distribution. I can’t properly distribute the power flow. Nothing I can create works for very long.”

  Kitanna overly concerned asks, “Why is this happening Abe? More important, what can we expect with this upcoming battle?”

  Abe very exhausted replies, “Ever since Carla’s last energy spike, I’ve only been able at best to control the power flow for brief very periods of time. Unfortunately, I have no idea what to expect. We could be fine, or we could be underpowered or overpowered, at any given point during the battle.”

  Carla lowers her head and answers, “I know what the problem is.”

  Abe confused asks, “How can you know if Ronin doesn’t know?”

  Carla uncomfortable, says, “Because we don’t talk like my father and Paladin did. We haven’t found that connection as they had. We can’t find that rhythm that they shared. Hell, I’m afraid of what I am, and I don’t know if I can do this most of the time.”

  Kitanna gets serious and looks directly at Carla, saying, “Carla, I want you to know this. I wish I could trade places with you, I truly do, but I can’t. This was your father’s decision to let this happen to you in the first place, and for that I’m truly sorry that this is so difficult for you, but Carla you need to find yourself with Ronin, and you need to do it now!”

  Carla sighs and replies, “Kitanna I’m trying, and I have been trying every day. I just can’t figure out how to do it.”

  Ronin responds, “Captain Meyers this cannot be forced. Mistress Carla must lead the way, I cannot take control, and it must be done on her terms.”

  Abe says, “Carla you better come to terms sooner than later. I can’t keep jury rigging the buffers to compensate for these energy spikes.”

  Kitanna says, “Abe, just get us ready for battle. We have less than an hour before we are up against a half dozen Dreadnoughts.”

  Abe shakes his head, looking at all the power buffers, which he has just set up, saying, “Yeah, that’s going to be a lot of fun.”

  Back on the hangar deck, Frasier rallies his men around him, saying, “Ok, we have six Dreads on their way. We may be the only thing keeping them from getting to this ship, so I need everyone on their best game. Am I clear on this?”

  The flight deck gives a rally cry of, “HELL YEAH!” Frasier smiles as he continues, “All pilots to their ships. Let’s rock and roll.”

  The flight deck crew moves like a well-oiled machine, as the support crew load up all the fighters with multiple torpedoes and the pilots go through their flight checks

  On the Bridge, Sanchez and Ismail look over the scans of the approaching ships. Ismail says, “Commander this ship here.” Ismail stops and points out one of Dreadnoughts in the center of the formation. He continues, “They have dropped their shields on several occasions, which I'm guessing is to divert power to their engines. I'm thinking we can take a strike team shift over onto that ship and do some major havoc long before Frasier and his ships strike.”

  Sanchez looks over the telemetry and says, “That’s a tight window Commander which you’re shifting through. If you’re off by a fraction of a second, you’ll be bounced out into null space and lost forever. Besides, Commander, we aren't even aware of what kind of upgrades these T-Challa have enacted since the last time your father and Colonel Benton last boarded one of these ships."

  Ismail confidently says, “Extreme measures are needed, especially if we are to have any chance o
f victory.”

  Sanchez pauses as he says, “I'll recommend it to the Captain Commander. Go get your team ready.”

  Twenty minutes later, the support fighter’s launch as Ismail and his team prepare for a pinpoint shift. Ronin calculates the shift to optimize the team’s chances. The strike team has updated PCD's with improved shield generators and upgraded weapons.

  Kitanna approaches Ismail, saying, “Ismail you don’t have to do this.”

  Ismail smiling replies, “Yes, I do Captain, we need every advantage we can get and you know it.”

  Kitanna somberly says, “Just be careful, please Ismail, I need you too.”

  Ismail looks up and smiles, saying, “Don’t Worry Kitanna, someone has to keep the Little Flower in line.”

  Kitanna smiles and quickly salutes Ismail. Ronin announces, “Shift point opening in three two….”

  The strike team shifts in and within a fraction of a second the team of forty men successfully shift onto the Dreadnought. Ismail’s strike team remains cloaked as each member of the strike team can see each other while their PCD units are activated, but the T-Challa can’t see them. Ismail hand signals the team to follow him in a two by two formations. They quickly make their way to the Bridge.

  The team avoids several T-Challa as they easily make their way to the lift. Ismail calculates their location to be directly under the Bridge by five decks. He signals his team to prepare for a shift to the Bridge. They all signal ok as Ismail activates the shift. The team reappears on the T-Challa Bridge. The Bridge is completely filled with over a dozen T-Challa. Ismail immediately opens fire and shoots the closest T-Challa. His team follows his lead and opens fire. They kill the entire Bridge crew in a single strike.

  Ismail barks out multiple orders, “Ok, someone get on their holocom channels and lock em all down. I need weapons up, and shields ready to go. Prep all weapons to fire on my mark. I need that lift secured permanently. We fire in two minutes.”

  After a brief minute, one of Ismail’s strike force says, “Commander, we have control of all systems now. We are targeting the other Dreads, and have our shields ready."

  Ismail stays focused on everything he asks, “Do we have access to the com systems?”

  Another officer replies, “Yes, sir, I’m accessing their com logs now and downloading all their ship logs. I’ve also accessed their computer systems and started a download on their current database as well.”

  Another officer interrupts, “We are ready sir. Just give the word and we’ll toast em’.

  Ismail smiles as he steps up and over a dead T-Challa and says, “Ok let them have it.”

  The captured Dreadnought unleashes a massive barrage on the nearest Dreadnought, destroying it in the surprise volley.

  Just then, Frasier and his assault wings shift in and start their attack on the fleet.

  One of Ismail's men yells out, “Sir, we have activity on the lift. Looks like they're trying to make a run at us.”

  The man throws down several grenades, saying, “They don’t seem to be very hospitable sir.”

  Ismail annoyed, says, Ok, that’s enough of the games lock this ship on a collision course with one of the other Dreadnoughts and prepare to drop shields on my order.”

  They lock the controls on a nearby Dreadnought and prepare to shift out. The other Dreadnought fires relentlessly on the fast approaching Dreadnought and just as the two ships are about to collide Ismail and his men drop the shields and shift back to Ronin.

  Frasier and his fighter wings attack the remaining three Dreadnoughts doing moderate damage, but are unable to stop the rest of the approaching fleet. Frasier loses six ships while his own ship and several others take moderate damage.

  Kitanna calls out of the holocom, “Frasier, bring your fighters back and re-arm.”

  Frasier replies, “Returning to re-arm Captain. I'm sorry but these new Dreadnoughts are pretty tough. We were able to take one of their shields down, but only did minor damage to its hull.”

  Ronin states, “Captain Frasier, I studied your attack and you will need to focus all your fighters on a single Dreadnought instead of attacking all of them at once. As for now, they will be in our effective firing range in fifteen minutes.”

  Frasier and his fighters shift away and return to reload. Sanchez powers up weapons as Ismail enters the Bridge and says, “Captain, if we can knock down one of their ship’s shields my team and I can take another Bridge.”

  Kitanna replies, “Ok Ismail, get your men ready.”

  Ismail drops off a data crystal, saying, “We downloaded all the communication logs and computer data that we could. Maybe Ronin can analyze this.”

  Carla enters the Bridge very focused as she says to Kitanna, “I can feel the increase build up in power. I think I can keep everything under control.”

  Kitanna cautious, says, “Ok Carla, but be careful in there. We don’t need you to get hurt.”

  Sanchez announces, “We have a twenty-two percent increase in shields and weapons now Captain with Abe’s help. Perhaps we should wait before using Miss Ocoda.”

  Kitanna looks to Carla and says, “I believe in Carla.”

  Carla closes her eyes as Ronin says to her telepathically, “Mistress I will do my very best to assist you as I can.”

  Carla telepathically replies, “Thanks Ronnie.”

  Carla enters the psychic plane with her armor up and weapons ready. She is surprised to find the plane is virtually empty. Ronin also surprised, says, “Mistress, I'm sensing no T-Challa nearby.”

  Carla confused, says, “Ok, let’s go find them."

  Carla closes her eyes, and focuses on the plane. She finds a single T-Challa waiting in the plane by himself. Ronin alerts Carla, “Mistress I feel this could be a similar trap as before.”

  Carla replies, “I know Ronnie.” Carla stays as far away as she dares saying to the T-Challa, “Ok slimy, I'm not going to fall into your trap again. What do you want?”

  The T-Challa replies, “Do not worry Hybrid, I am here to relay a message. Surrender yourself to us, and we promise free passage for your crew. In addition, we will leave your people alone for the remainder of your life.”

  Ronin alerts Carla, “Mistress, I'm detecting multiple T-Challa now entering the plane.”

  Carla focuses her thoughts on the T-Challa and is surprised at the resistance she feels against her probe. She says, “That’s pretty good resistance you have for a T-Challa, but I think I have a better way to answer your question.” Carla focuses a tight beam of her psychic energy against the T-Challa and destroys his avatar. As if on cue, thousands of T-Challa flood the plane again. Carla begins her psychic whirlwind striking out at all that dare approach her.

  Back in the real world Sanchez states, “Captain, power levels are under control and rising at moderate levels. I will have lock on the first of the Dreadnoughts in one minute.”

  Frasier comes over the com, “Kitanna we're ready to go. We’ll focus our attack on a single Dread and hopefully we can get its shields down and then Ismail can take the advantage as he did before.”

  Frasier launches with over two hundred fighters. Abe calls up, saying, “Captain we’re building up power but its moderate. She’s in control, but I actually think she’s still restricting full power.”

  Sanchez confused asks, “Abe we are currently at fifty-one percent over previous power levels, are you saying she can create more power?”

  Abe replies, “A hundred fold more power Commander.”

  Sanchez gets a green light on the lock. He gives the order to fire. The weapons officer fires a full volley of plasma charges with hundreds of torpedoes, all directed at the first Dreadnought, stopping it cold. The result also decimates most of its forward deck guns and armor plating rendering it utterly useless.

  Sanchez surprised yells, “Holy cow! It’s still in one piece.”

  The last two Dreadnoughts break away and try to flank Ronin.

  Kitanna yells out on the com, “Frasier you go
port. We’ll go starboard.”

  Frasier and his flight wing focus hard on their target as Ronin closes on theirs.

  Frasier calls out, “All fighters focus all your attacks on the Bridge. The moment we shift in launch all sixteen torpedoes and immediately shift out, we do this in a single fluid motion, am I clear?”

  The com replies, “All wings acknowledge.”

  Frasier locks his system on the Bridge of the approaching Dreadnought and the four wings of over two hundred and fifty fighters shift directly around the Bridge of the Dreadnought and fire. They immediately shift back out not waiting to see the result. All wings successfully complete the risky maneuver without a single loss. They succeed as the Dreadnought is successfully crippled in the attack. The Bridge is decimated by over a thousand torpedoes as well as most of the bow of the ship but the ship is still intact. Just as the other ship.

  Frasier amazed comments, “Damn, these ships are a hell of a lot stronger.”

  One of the wing commanders comes over the com, saying, “Captain Frasier, they still have engines and most of their port and starboard weapons. I recommend we try and cripple their engines.”

  Frasier pauses, as he looks over the tactical information and says, “Agreed, but all we have left is Medium plasma cannons, and we’ll have to go in live. Ok all ships line up in epsilon six formation and let’s finish this ship off.”

  Back on Ronin, the massive Super Carrier closes on the last Dreadnought at full speed, Sanchez announces, “They have all their torpedoes loaded and are ready. We will only have a split second advantage on them, and by coming in on this angle and I won’t have a full weapons arc.”

  Kitanna responds, “Don’t worry about it Sanchez, just do the best you can. Ismail, as soon as we breach its shields be ready to shift on my command.”

  A Bridge officer yells out, “Captain! The first Dreadnought we disabled is powering up its remaining weapons and is now closing in on us.”

  Kitanna surprised says, “Damn, they’re like friggin roaches. They just don’t want to die.”


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