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Saved By A Billionaire Brit

Page 9

by Sandra Dee

  After the shower I wrapped myself in a towel and found Robert in a small, but luxurious bedroom. He had a tray with exotic French salads and warm, cheese sandwiches.

  "I like the towel, but is that what you intended to wear?"

  "To be perfectly honest, most of my clothes are still in the Greek Islands. Adventures in law enforcement seem to require a quick exit." I suddenly realized I had worn a towel twice that day. I gave Robert a quick recitation of my limited wardrobe.

  "Well, if you are cold, there are thick dressing gowns in all the closets, even in the loo." He jumped off the bed and opened the closet door.

  "Gowns? Are those gowns?"

  "I think Americans call them 'robes.'"

  He quickly wrapped me in a cotton robe, and we had snacks in bed. I didn't know much about Parisian salads, but I had a delicious moment. I didn't ask about the ingredients until I'd finished. I hate tuna, and I'd never heard of bulgur wheat, but I loved the mild, white fish and crunchy, bulgur wheat salad.

  I was also falling deeply in love with Robert. He stroked my hair and kissed me lovingly.

  "I know you haven't had time to adjust to all this, but I need to clarify my situation as much as possible. I don't use this aeroplane all the time. John and I flew to Greece on a commercial airline. I also lease the plane out for charter flights. Don't misunderstand. I do use it for special occasions. And we can continue to do that when the charity isn't using it. Does that disappoint you?"

  "Are you kidding? I would have been thrilled if you drove to Paris in a car. I had no idea you would arrive in something like this. If we can use it from time to time, that would be incredible. I love to travel. Can we use it to do research for my writing?

  "We certainly can. And I want you to understand something important. I would have gotten on the plane to help you, no matter what else was happening anywhere in the world. It was just lucky the planes were already loaded for Africa. We had to leave straightaway, but that wasn't a problem. I was keen to make you safe. Now that we have everything sorted out, where would you like to go next?"

  "Well, I fell in love with Greece while we were there. I'd like to write a novel about Delphi next. I didn't get to go there while I was in Athens. It can be done on a short trip, a day tour from Athens. Did you know that the Delphi oracle was active for one thousand years? That is about five times longer than the United States has been an independent nation." I didn't mention my Santorini novel was still just a vague outline. At least I had some money coming from the government. I made a mental note to mail Rex's New York apartment key to a friend so she could attempt to save my belongings.

  "Alexa, do you realize you don't have to work anymore? Of course, if it is your passion, I want you to continue. It's up to you. I'll help any way I can."

  "Well, I won't be writing much for awhile. It's going to take time to get settled in a new country. And I want to be with you as much as possible. I'm sure you realize how difficult it was to be in Greece without you. I was miserable after you left."

  "I can hire people to help you get settled. My home has plenty of space, but it is a flat, not a posh estate. My mother has a country house just outside of London. She can open a wing on the main house so we can spend weekends in the country. She is lonely there since my father died."

  I laughed, "I think you have forgotten that my belongings are still in Greece. It will be weeks before I get anything from New York, if ever. I won't be needing much help. But don't worry about me. I plan to spend my government pay buying clothes and necessities." Living without clothing was somewhat weird, and I wanted to change the subject.

  "So tell me, darling. I need to know something. Why me? Why would a British philanthropist be attracted to a girl with a Texas twang, especially one who went mental right after he met her? I can't imagine what was appealing about a weeping woman."

  Robert laughed loudly. "Have you looked in the mirror lately? Even covered up on the beach, you were the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. The very next day you were like a broken butterfly. I was already mesmerized, so I couldn't leave you in that condition. Because of my interest I got to know a writer who works for the FBI, loves to travel, and speaks with a Southern accent. And I didn't even mention you are developing some really delicious, sexual talents. Is that enough? And now it's your turn. What would make a talented American woman leave her own country to experience life in England?

  "You must remember you were completely naked the first time I saw you? I thought you were a dream until that night at the hotel. Later I was impressed by your mission in life and your good heart. And what woman could resist a man who races to the rescue when she calls?"

  Chapter Eleven

  A few months later ...

  We stopped in Athens on our way back from Africa to do a quick tour of Delphi, but that's the subject of an entirely different book. In London, Robert's flat turned out to be a very large house with a yard front and back, though he calls them "gardens." The official description is semi-detached villa with garage and off street parking. It's in the Kensington area just blocks from the Kensington Gardens and Hyde Park. There is a live-in maid with her own room on the bottom floor. He wanted to hire a cook as well, but since we were often gone during the day, it seemed a waste for now. We eat out almost every day and sometimes pick up our evening meal on the way home.

  In some ways London is a lot like New York. Parking is almost impossible, so cars are somewhat useless unless you want to travel outside the city. That is especially true for me since Brits drive on the opposite side of the road, a terrifying prospect. Robert was so concerned he offered to hire a driver for me, but that seemed ridiculous because of the expense and the parking problem. London has great taxis, so I use the black cabs to go almost everywhere. I am taking art lessons in acrylics, and Robert is cleaning a store room at the charity to make an art studio for me. Robert's charity work is so important that I like to volunteer there when I can. I spend the rest of my time writing, exploring London, and shopping. So far I have seen Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, most of the art museums, and the British Museum. I particularly loved the Turner exhibit at the Tate. The museum has one large room filled with unfinished Turner paintings. These works clearly reveal the artistic methods of Impressionism's British ancestor. My other favorite place is the reading room in the British Museum. The great British author, Lawrence Durrell, was self-educated in that reading room. His name is engraved on the wall. Of course, I took a photo of it, along with Beatrice Potter's name.

  Though we often go to the country on weekends, I really love Sunday mornings in London. When the weather warms, I want to fix brunch for Robert on the rooftop terrace, but today it is cold and rainy. We are seldom totally alone, so staying home is a rare pleasure. I made quiche, hash browns, and toast to eat in the breakfast room.

  Robert leaned over my shoulder with the Sunday papers. "Here is another story about your FBI mission. I'm still not clear on how he embezzled all that money."

  I hadn't read much about Rex's arrest since the week it happened. "Have you read the article yet?"

  "Some of it. I was hoping you could explain what you think happened."

  "All I know is that Sharon was investigating Rex for several government agencies. When the investment firm ran into trouble with their finances, they illegally dipped into client accounts, trying to hide their financial problems. Rex used the investment company cover up to steal over a billion dollars and spirit it away to Swiss banks. Now thousands of clients have lost their personal investments."

  "Most of the article concerns how the government recovered a small part of the money and appointed someone to continue the recovery and return it to the clients who lost their money."

  "I'm sure they recovered the cash he had in his satchel. It was money for the trip and some living expenses for Brazil, over a million dollars. Payment for the plane was recovered because the plane was never purchased. It was only leased by law enforcement, so the money passed directly t
hrough the aviation sales company to the FBI. Sharon said some of the Swiss banks were negotiating the return of more stolen money. I hope everyone gets their money back."

  "Well, you certainly did your part. If it weren't for you, Rex might have gotten away. After his trial, perhaps the Swiss banks will be more likely to return the money. You are certainly the most courageous woman I've ever met, and I love you."

  The End.




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